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Floaters Page 11

by Bernette Forde

  Chapter 9

  Floaters Exposed

  Samantha was still trying to come to terms with what was going on. Not that she didn't believe it, but more amazed as to why now.

  “Why is this happening? I am still trying to come to terms with all this and the sudden decision we took to come to this Island.”

  Mason walked towards her, “I realize this all sounds crazy, but something is happening and we are very lucky to be here.”

  “It's the 'something is happening' that's worrying me. Is this going to wipe out man or what?”

  “It's not a virus you know.”

  “I know it is not airborne or chemical weapons. It's just that there has to be a logical explanation.”

  “So far, the only thing I can think of is the star theory.

  “It's definitely alien if you ask me,” said Adele.

  “Aliens! As in little green men?” shouts Rusty.

  Adele gasps, “Don't be absurd. Alien means weird or strange to us, not space men. Why is it that's the first thing people think when they hear that word 'Alien'?”

  “I don't think its spacemen either, but I do think it did arrive here from outer space.” said Mason.

  “Aliens don't exist, surely you don't think they do.”

  Walking into the room, Pamela said. “Depends on the alien. It's like you said, the alien doesn't necessarily mean little green men. However, I do know for a fact there are things out there yet to be identified or to find out its origin.”

  “If anyone can find out what's going on is Pamela.”

  “I did find out you are correct about the electricity. I zapped the Floater with nine volts and it reacted. The shine disappeared, and it literally turned to mush. However, it seemed to have revived itself, so I zapped it again with doubled the voltage. I am just waiting to see if it revives again.”

  “Then that's the answer. Shouldn't we call someone to let them know.” Asked Andrew.

  “Let me make double sure first by inflicting the other Floaters as well. We have three up in the lab. I want to do the same thing to the others and give it about an hour to see if it remains mush.”

  “Ok, then I'll do a report but wait for you to let me know if it works out, then I'll put the report on YouTube.”

  Just then his phone rang and it was the President's Press Secretary. Pamela waited for him to get off the phone. She wanted any latest development on the anomalies and she didn't have to wait long.

  “Ok, I have just been informed it's confirmed worldwide. People are dying by the thousands. These things are washing up on the beaches, lakes, rivers everywhere. Even on an oil rig, there has been a report of an incident.”

  “Ok, I am going to check on the Floater up at the house. When I come back, I will be bringing Bob and his family. I want everyone to prepare to lock down.”

  As they sat in the communal room waiting for Pamela to get back, someone had put the television on. They watched the news and was informed of the horrors plaguing the country and the world. People were running the streets looking for assistance with the dilemma they were facing. Each person had their own trauma to bear.

  They watched the story of Reid Darrell, a robber who had gotten caught stealing red-handed. The police had been chasing him through the streets of London and Reid made the decision to jump in the River Thames. Unfortunately, when he got out of the water, the police was there waiting for him. He was covered in Floaters. His legs and arms and head each had a floater gripped to him. He suffered a horrible death witnessed by the police and caught on the dash-cam. The Floater ended up four times its normal size and weird probes were sticking out of it. Looked like it was evolving again into something else.

  They decided to watch what's happening on YouTube as that's the only place to get actual footage of what's happening. There they saw the videos of people being absorbed by these Floaters. Each Floater was getting bigger and it appeared to be taking a whole different shape. They may have come from the water, but they didn't need to remain there to survive. They thrived on land better than they had in the water.

  In the meantime, Pamela returned to the house just in time to see the Floater reviving itself again. 'Hmm, so 18 volts of electricity didn't work' she thinks. She decided to place a rod in the center of the Floater by cutting it again with her Damascus knife. Rubbing her hands on a piece of metal she intended to use as a rod, she made sure it was covered in her skin cells.

  Putting on her gloves, she placed the rod inside the cut Floater and held it there as it began to fuse itself back together. The rod was securely held in place by the Floater making it able for her to let go of it. Using her clamps and cables, she attached it to a large battery that was also attached to an electrical outlet.

  Turning the power on the battery, she increased the electrons. As a result, the magnetic force electrons moved through the cable and onto the top of the rod. The charge distribution produces an electric field in the rod and that moved down into the Floater. She could see sparks emitting from the Floater and could hear the sound of zapping. The strength of this electric field increased by the electrostatic force died completely.

  Pamela waited a few minutes to see what would happen. But the Floater literally turned to slush and there was absolutely no chance of its revival this time. She decided to retrieve the other two Floaters and do the same thing to them. But upon looking at them, they were larger and taking on a whole new shape. They were evolving into something else. The shine was gone and it looked more like clay, but definitely bigger. Something was happening right in front of her eyes. She called out to Tyrone so he could see this as well.

  They both watched in horror as the Floater got bigger and some kind of long probe was poking out from it. It wasn't long before they saw long whips growing out and flailing around in the air as in search of something.

  She ran and called out Bob's name and he came running. “Bob Quick, get your family out of here and into the bunker. Make it snappy,” she shouted at him. Rushing back to Tyrone, she asked him, “How on earth will we ever be able to electrocute it with these whips all over the place?”

  “Let's make sure everything in here is locked up tight. Get anything that's important for your research and let us get the hell out of here.” was his reply. Obviously, Tyrone didn't want to be there any more than she did. Grabbing up all her materials she had been working with, she headed towards the door. Turning back, she saw Tyrone trying to attempt to get the rod into the other Floater that had no whips but obviously it will. He was having a difficult time trying to cut it, so he just rested the rod on top of the Floater and turned up the battery.

  Electricity flowed down into the floater, but not enough to kill it. It had to be on the inside and Pam shouted out to him to leave it. Tyrone turned to leave, but the Floater using one of its tentacles had jabbed him on the shoulder. He stopped short with a look of fright on his face as he looked down and seen the whip come out through his chest. Pamela screamed at the top of her lungs and Tyrone could do nothing as the other whips wrapped their long arms around him.

  Mason had come running to the aid of his sister when he heard her scream. He was on his way to see Pam after Bob had told him that she insisted they evacuate the house. She was standing in the doorway of her makeshift lab watching this thing eat up Tyrone. Mason joined as they both watched in horror. It was absolutely nothing they could do for him.

  Mason pulled his sister out the room and closed the door. “Pamela, we have to contain it in that room. We cannot allow it to get out.”

  Between tears and guilt, she nodded in agreement. “Oh Mason, what have I done by bringing him here.” She said between sobs.

  “It's not your fault Pamela. Get it together and let us get the hell out of here!”

  “But it was I who talked him into coming to the island.”

  “From the look of things, coming here is the best decision ever made.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I'll tell you on the way down
to the bunker. Let's go.”

  They were back at the bunker in the communal area accessing their situation. Everyone was quiet in their own thoughts. The boys and Tessa were fast asleep and had no idea what was going on. It was Rusty, who broke the silence.

  “So Aunt Pam. Tell me, do you still believe your star theory? Are the stars coming alive and attacking us?” Asked Rusty.

  “Rusty, be more sensitive. Your aunt just lost an assistant tonight.”

  “Dad, I am only asking about the stars because stars do not have whips. From what you described what happened up at the house, I'd say it was an Alien.”

  “Maybe, just maybe it is Rusty. Whatever it is, we cannot go up to the house,” said Pamela.

  “Ok everybody, let's all go get some rest, it's getting late. Tomorrow will be a full day and we have to prepare ourselves.”

  Early the next morning, they met in the kitchen and had breakfast. Mason knew exactly what they needed to do.

  “Morning everyone. Here is what we are going to do today.”

  “Rusty, you take the boys down to the pier and the beach and search for any more Floaters.”

  “Right, we can do that.”

  “If you find a Floater, please don't touch it. Just call on the radio and we will come to you immediately.”

  “Isn't that dangerous for the boys. Those things have tentacles.” Randy said. “I am not sure I want my boy out there.”

  “Aww dad,” said Jimmy. “We will be extra careful.”

  “Hamilton, I'd feel a lot better if you go with the guys.”

  “Ok, I will go with the guys. Beats sitting here trying not to have a drink.”

  “Good, that's resolved. Bob, you take the boat out and patrol the whole island. Maybe even go over to the other islands and check things out. I will take the three wheeler and check all the camera's and security equipment.” Mason instructed them.

  “I think Tippy and I will go with Bob and check out the island from a different angle. Maybe take some video and pictures,” said Andrew.

  “I will go with Mason if there is a second three wheeler.” Said Randy.

  “Yes, there is. Ok, it's sorted then. Clyde, Samantha and Pamela, you three can check the monitors and make sure everything is working. Make sure you can view the whole island and keep on checking the guys down at the beach. Let us know if you have problems with viewing and we will go check the camera's.”

  The ladies and Tessa were confined to the bunker which was fine by them. Selena didn't want to let Tessa out of her sight after what happened before. Adele and Teresa took charge of the kitchen and made sure hot coffee and tea were available. Adele always enjoyed her grandmother's company so they just busied themselves, talking and fixing food.

  Mason had taken charge in the security of the Island and the bunker. He had ordered Bob to keep touch with him and inform them if anything looked different from the boat view. The solar panels on the roof of the house and on the hills had to be checked. All the cameras scattered about the island had to be checked and rechecked.

  Mason and Randy rode the three-wheeled bikes around the island checking everything.

  The solar energy kept the main house running but mostly used for the operation of the security equipment inside the bunker. Mason had a generator system in place, just in case, but it was rarely used because of the solar panels. The generator room was in new tip top shape and only visited for cleaning and upgrading.

  Architects had designed the bunker and the house so as to capture and distribute the solar energy to save on heating and air conditioning costs as well as reduce environmental pollution.

  Once Mason and Randy had finished checking all they needed to check, they were on their way back, when Bob called them on the radio.

  “You're not going to believe this Mason, but we can see large whips or arms coming out the windows of the house!”


  “Yes, that thing has gotten big as all hell!”

  “We are going to drive towards there now. Keep an eye on it and keep me informed on what you see.”

  Mason and Randy could see the whips as the reached the house.

  “Holy crap!” shouted Randy. “What are we going to do?”

  “We have some guns and ammo down in the bunker. Let's go get them and see if we can kill this thing!”

  “Guns?” Are you sure that's wise? I mean, we already know this thing spits out what it don't like as well as fuses back together.”

  “What else can we do? You have any ideas?”

  “How about we get everyone inside and then surround the bunker with live electrical wire.”

  “What a fantastic idea!” said Mason. Turning towards the bunker, he could see the women and Tessa at the entrance of the bunker looking towards the house.

  “Ok, we have to call the boat back and get the guys on the beach to come back. Can you go make sure they go back inside?” Pointing towards the women.

  Randy got on the bike and rode towards the bunker. He could see the frightened looks on their faces.

  “Come on ladies, you shouldn't be out here. Let's get inside, Mason is about to call a lock down.”

  Speaking into his radio, Mason called everyone to come back. “Hey everyone, please come back to the bunker immediately. You hear me, Bob? Turn the boat around and come in, asap. That goes for you guys on the beach too.”

  “Copy, On my way back now.”

  “Hamilton, do you hear me? Return to the bunker now!”

  “We hear you, on our way back now. What's going on?”

  “You'll find out when you get here. It's very important so I suggest you run as fast as you can.”

  “Will do.”

  Looking at the boys, “Hey guys, you hear that, we need to run back. Something is going on. We don't want to be caught out here. Let's go.

  When they reached the bunker, they could see Mason placing large cables outside the bunker door.

  “What's going on they asked him?” clearly out of breath.

  “Take a look at the house.”

  They all looked towards the house and when it registered that the Floater was no longer a shiny cute object, but instead, an outrageous giant monster locked inside a house.

  Rusty rubbed his eyes in disbelief and sat on a log. He could feel the blood drain from his body as his eyes took in the scene in front of him.

  Jimmy was mesmerized by the animal and couldn't take his glance away. Voicing his shock, he asked, “Oh My God! What is that?”

  “That, my dear young man, is the Floater you fished out the water,” Mason informed him.

  “Jimmy Crickets” Dad, you see what I am seeing?” he asked bewildered.

  “Yes son, I see it. Now you have to go into the Bunker. You can watch it on the monitors down there.”

  Rusty, Jimmy, and Brett rushed downstairs into the bunker. Hamilton asked Mason what he was doing.

  “We are going to surround the bunker with live electrical wires. We have to make sure a radius of thirty to fifty yards around the area.”

  “Ok, let me help. Where do you want me to start?”

  “Take this whole roll of wire and walk out to about fifty yards. I will take another roll and do the same. We will then join our wires and we both walk in opposite directions until we meet back at the bunker entrance.”

  “Got it.”

  “Randy you can run some wire from the entrance and down into the bunker so we are able to control it from there.”

  The men got to work on their project, and connected their ends together and sealing it with black electrical tape. They rolled out the wire in a circular formation surrounding the bunker. They were almost at the entrance when they noticed Bob, Andrew and Tippy returning. They had secured the boat as best as they could and walked inland.

  Andrew and Tippy busied themselves with their new news footage, while Bob kept watch, looking at the house with his binoculars.

  Tippy position the camera so the creature could be visible in t
he background. Andrew spoke clearly and precise into the lens.

  “Sorry to have to bring you these sad reports. Today we took a boat ride around the islands and discovered these Floaters are evolving into some kind of creature. As you can see behind me, this is the largest one caught on tape so far. Since I last reported, we have discovered these things don't like electricity. A small amount of electricity won't kill it so please don't try. That may just aggravate it. Let the experts handle that. The best thing to do is not to touch them and stay away. Lock yourself inside your homes and don't go near the water. The Floater turned creature behind me is extremely dangerous and we are about to go inside to avoid it. All the other Floaters we have found are still small but are growing. We believe they originate from cosmic dust and mirroring a star. Yes, folks, I said a star. It gives off a brilliant shine like a star and mimics a star, but it is evolving into something far more dangerous. Now a star up in space is far larger than when we are seeing here. This appears to be remnants of space dust that has settled far below the ocean. We are not sure what has revived this dust, but we do believe it has something to with pollution in the ocean. Our scientist informs us it starts out exactly the same as bacteria. Bacteria that perhaps already in the polluted ocean, gotten hold of the space dust, mimicked it and then evolved into what we are seeing. Whatever it is, we are hopeful it can be destroyed so we can get our lives back to normal. Remember folks, we are in a State of Emergency, so please stay indoors and stay tuned for my next update. This is Andrew Damaree, from TOLD.”

  Whispering to Tippy, he told him to zoom into the house and let it run for a few moments.

  “Sure will,” he replied just as he heard Bob shout out to them.

  “It's tearing apart the house!”

  The tentacles in the house somehow were able to knock the walls apart at the seams and squeeze the ceiling.

  “What the hell?”

  “Hurry with the wires mates, I don't think we have much time.”

  Pamela walked outside to check on the guy's project when she also noticed the creature in the house.


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