Light of the Radiant (The Reckoning Book 2)

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Light of the Radiant (The Reckoning Book 2) Page 55

by Matthew Ward

  "Before we part ways," I announced. "Something needs to be said. We all know there's a war on the horizon, a war like we've never seen. When the Reckoning comes, the Great Powers will fight, and we'll be caught in the middle." I took a deep breath. No one had laughed or run away screaming yet, but the danger lay in what came next. "I'm not going to sit back and let that happen. If I've learnt one thing this last year, it's that the Great Powers and their servants are no more divine than we are. They're mighty, they wield magics we don't understand, but they're just as selfish as we are. More importantly, they can be fought, and they can be beaten."

  Torev grinned. Jamar was impassive. Arianwyn looked thoughtful. Only Emmeline looked aghast. Probably she was the only sane one there.

  "I can't do this alone," I went on. "I need your help. I'll need everybody's help. It'll only work if Tressia and the Empire stand united with Thrakkia, and even with the Ith'najim. Together, we have a chance. Otherwise..." I shrugged.

  Torev raised a hand. He was still grinning. "I don't see the Empress agreeing to any of this."

  "I know. But Calda can't be allowed to keep the throne she's stolen. I mean to take it back. For now, I just need to know if you're with me in this. I don't know where to start, and I don't know how long we've got before the Reckoning is upon us. I'm hoping some of the Great Powers will side with us against the others, but there are no guarantees." I paused. No one said anything. "Well?"

  Torev let out a roar of laughter. "You're mad, Edric Saran, but that's what I've always liked about you. We're with you, aren't we Emmeline?"

  The squire shot her master a long-suffering look, but to me she offered a smile. "It seems so."

  "Jamar?" I asked.

  The havildar nodded slowly, but said nothing. His mind was still on Tregard, I think.

  And at last I turned to Arianwyn. I'd said nothing of this to her, though the idea had grown in my mind for weeks. For a long moment, she just stood there, her expression unreadable. Had the Radiant resurfaced? It would have been a damned awkward moment for that, but it was too late to worry about it now. Then, at last, her lips cracked into a smile.

  "My love, did you just declare war on the gods?" she asked, her eyes bright with amusement and, I think, pride.

  "Those that give us no other choice, yes."

  "Good," she said. "Where do we start?"


  Frequently accused of living in worlds of his own, Matthew now spends his days writing most of them down so others can visit. He lives near Nottingham with his extremely patient wife, and three attention-seeking cats.

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