Holiday Homecoming (Nashville Nights Next Generation)

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Holiday Homecoming (Nashville Nights Next Generation) Page 8

by Cheryl Douglas

  “You’re still part of our family, Val. I hope you know that.”

  “I do.”

  “Then why won’t you come home?” Alisa didn’t care if she was being selfish. She loved Valerie and so did her parents. If Valerie only had a few years of life left, Alisa wanted her to spend them here, with her family.

  “Your husband asked me the same question when he called to ask me about making the trip.”

  “And? What did you tell him?”

  “I told him I didn’t know anymore.” Valerie sighed. “At first, I wanted to stay in Florida because I’d made some good friends there, but most of them have passed on or moved into nursing homes. It’s not the same anymore.”

  “Does that mean…?” Alisa held her breath, waiting and praying.

  “Your husband is quite the philanthropist, isn’t he?”

  Liam donated a fortune to various charities every year, but Alisa couldn’t imagine how that would impact Valerie’s decision to move. “What do you mean?”

  “He told me about the assisted living facility he’s funding… said it’s right between your house and your parents’. He also said the first suites were all ready to go.”

  Alisa had trouble imagining Val, who was always so active and vital, needing someone to take care of her, but if that’s what it would take to get her back here, Alisa was all for it. “Are you sure that’s what you want? I mean, maybe a nice little condo would be better?”

  “Honey, when you get to be my age, the last thing you want is to be holed up in some condo staring at the same four walls all day. Liam sent me some information about this place. They have lovely suites, a beautiful restaurant and dining room, games rooms, exercise facilities. He said it’s as nice as one of his hotels.”

  “It is. I’ve been there. In fact, Liam’s mother is thinking of taking a suite there. She’s not that old, but she thought it would be nice to live in…” Alisa blushed when she realized she may have offended Val. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

  “Don’t apologize.” She laughed. “Hell, I know I’m old. No sense beating around the bush about it.”

  “Anyways, Liam’s mother’s a lovely lady. I think you two would really hit it off.”

  “I met her downstairs.” Valerie winked. “She seems to enjoy getting your husband all riled up.”

  Alisa winced. “Yes, they have a bit of an antagonistic relationship.” She held her hand up. “But he loves her very much. Trust me, he would do anything for her.”

  “I could see that.” Valerie smiled, looking wistful. “Now that I’m getting older, I really wish I’d been able to have children.” She glanced at the sleeping baby beside Alisa. “Your grandparents sure are lucky to have lived long enough to meet this little one.”

  “Val,” Alisa said, reaching for her hand, “it’s not the blood running through your veins that makes you a family. We couldn’t love you any more if you were born to this family. You must know that.”

  “I do, honey.” She held Alisa’s hand. “I just needed someone to remind me.” Blinking back the tears, she said, “Thank you for convincing me to come home.”

  Later that evening, with the Turners, Coopers, Spencers, McCalls, and Brysons all gathered around the enormous dining table, Liam raised his glass. “To family.” He smiled at his mother. “Sometimes they’re your best friends and your worst enemies, but you love them every day, no matter what. Here’s to another year… with our family.”

  Trey smiled at his son-in-law as he touched his glass of sparkling water against Liam’s. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  “The food looks incredible, Sierra,” Marisa said. “But I’ve gotta tell you, I’ve been salivating over your apple crumble all day.”

  Alisa smiled. Her mother and Aunt Marisa had been best friends since her parents met, and their relationship renewed Alisa’s faith that some relationships may fade, but others were built to endure life’s trials.

  Alisa reached for her best friend’s hand. She knew that no matter what life threw at them, she and Lena would always be as close as sisters.

  It would soon be Lena’s turn to get the happy ending she so deserved when she and her fiancé, Dominic, took their vows on a Caribbean beach next year. Alisa didn’t know who was more excited about the wedding, Lena or her. Watching her best friend fall in love with Evan Spencer’s college roommate was bittersweet. She wanted Lena to find the love of her life, but before she met Liam, Alisa questioned whether she would ever find a man who looked at her the way Dom looked at Lena.

  Lena squeezed her hand and her eyes filled with tears. “Who ever thought we’d sit here like this one day?”

  She said it loud enough for Sierra, who was seated next to her, to hear. “I knew the first day I met you that you were going to be an important part of our lives, Lena.”

  Lena sniffled as she reached for the cloth napkin in her lap. “I was in such a bad place back then. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t met y’all.”

  Alisa touched Lena’s arm as the large group fell silent. “There’s something I’ve wanted to ask you for a while, Lena.”

  Lena dabbed at her eyes, careful not to smudge her make-up. “What is it?”

  “My business wouldn’t be the success it is without you. Your ideas are so creative, so innovative, yet you’ve got this incredible head for business and marketing.”

  Lena grinned at Trey. “See, I told you that expensive M.B.A. would come in handy one day.”

  He chuckled. “I had no doubt it would, darlin’.”

  “We all know my life’s about to change in ways I can’t even begin to imagine.” She looked across the table and smiled when she met her husband’s eyes. “And I’m looking forward to a whole new set of challenges. I’m so excited about being a mother, I can’t even tell you.”

  Lena rubbed her back. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

  Liam winked at his wife’s best friend. “It won’t be long before we’re helping you and Dom celebrate your big day.”

  Lena and Dominic had planned a long engagement, so she could finish school and find a job. They were supposed to marry last year, but when his father was diagnosed with a terminal illness, they put their plans on hold.

  “It can’t come soon enough for me,” Dom said, smiling.

  Evan Spencer stole a glance at Dominic before looking at his girlfriend, Erika. She quickly turned her attention back to the food on her plate without acknowledging him.

  Alisa couldn’t help but wonder what that was about. Evan was like a brother to her growing up, their fathers had been best friends since long before they were born, and she thought he found the woman he’d been looking for in Erika, but if the tension between them this weekend was any indication, their relationship may be at a crossroads.

  The platters of food made their way around the table amid soft chatter and intermittent laughter as Alisa tried to find the words to express her wishes. There was no question in her mind that she was making the right decision, but she wished she had talked to her husband about it first. They agreed early on to discuss all major decisions and that was her plan, but she thought she would have a bit more time before the baby was born. She could wait, but this seemed like the perfect time to make her announcement, with all of their friends and family around them.

  “You okay?” Liam mouthed from across the table, frowning at her empty plate.

  Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile. It felt a little like giving away a part of herself, but she knew in her heart she would gain so much more than she lost. “I, uh, want to stay home with the baby,” she said, gaining the attention of everyone seated around the table.

  “No one could fault you for that, honey,” Nana Turner said. “Every new mama wants to be there to care for her baby.”

  Liam set his utensils down on his plate and looked at her, almost as though he was trying to read her mind. “What about your business… your expansion plans?”

  “I still want to gr
ow the business—”

  “Darlin’,” Trey said, “it’s not easy to have it all. Take it from someone who knows. Balancin’ a career and a family is never easy.”

  “I know. That’s why I’ve decided to ask for help.” Alisa stole a glance at Lena, who looked a little hurt and confused. She undoubtedly assumed Alisa was on the verge of making a major decision that affected her livelihood without discussing it with her first.

  “You know I’ll do anything I can to help out at work,” Lena said.

  “And we can hire a nanny to help out at home,” Liam said. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’ll find a way to make it work.”

  “I think I already have, that is, if Lena agrees.”

  “Whatever you need, you know I’ll be there for you,” Lena said quickly.

  “Good, because I want you to be my partner in the business.”

  Everyone digested the news for a minute before an excited murmur stirred the table.

  Lena covered her mouth with her hand as tears filled her eyes. “You can’t be serious,” she said, finally. “That business is your baby…”

  “It was,” Alisa said, smiling as she reached for her friend’s hand. “And it’s given me so much satisfaction. I love what I do, and I’m proud of the business we’ve built, but I’ve had to sacrifice a lot of time at home to make that happen. I don’t want to do that anymore.”

  “So what are you suggesting?” Lena asked.

  “Fifty-fifty partners. I’ll still handle the buying and merchandising. I’ll scope out new locations, and you manage the day-to-day operations.”

  Lena shook her head as tears spilled down her cheeks. “You can’t just give me fifty percent of your business, Alisa. That’s crazy.”

  “I’m not giving it to you. You earned it.” Alisa drew her into a hug. “You were there for me every step of the way when I started the business. You’re as responsible for its success as I am. It’s about time you started to reap some of the reward.”

  “I can’t believe this,” Lena said, swiping at the tears sliding down her cheeks. “This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

  “I told you a long time ago,” Trey said. “Families take care of each other and you’re one of us now. Hell, I can’t even remember a time when you weren’t a part of this family.”

  Lena covered her face with her hands and cried softly. “I never imagined I’d have all this. Sometimes, it just doesn’t seem real. To go from growing up without enough to eat to having people who love me, a home to call my own…” She looked at Trey, Sierra, and Alisa before turning her attention to Jay, Victoria, and their daughter. “Y’all changed my life in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. You taught me how to believe in myself, to work hard and take pride in my accomplishments. If I hadn’t learned to love myself, I never could’ve believed that a man like Dom could love me.”

  Dominic got out of his chair and came around to Lena’s side of the table. Crouching down in front of her, he said, “You deserve everything you have, baby. If you hadn’t struggled, you wouldn’t have appreciated this as much as you do.”

  Alisa knew Dom was right. She’d been born to wealth and she and her husband were blessed with an embarrassment of riches, but it wasn’t until they almost lost each other that she realized money and material possessions didn’t matter if she had to live without him.

  Lena hugged Dominic, whispering, “I still can’t believe this.”

  Jay and Victoria got up and rounded the table. “Congratulations,” they said, drawing her into a group hug.

  Their daughter, Ava, stood just behind them, waiting her turn to speak to Lena, the woman who gave birth to her and gave her up for adoption on the day she was born.

  Lena reached out her hands and Ava took them.

  Watching their relationship evolve over the years was so gratifying for Alisa. Ava was a little girl when she learned that Jay and Victoria weren’t her birth parents, but instead of being bitter and resentful, she’d been curious. Lena was already a part of her life because she remained so close to the Coopers over the years. At first, Lena was terrified Ava would resent her for the choice she made, but she invited the little girl to ask her the tough questions so they could build a solid friendship.

  “You said something earlier,” Ava said, looking her birth mother in the eye.

  “What’s that?” Lena asked quietly.

  “You said you don’t know where you would have ended up without this family. I feel the same way.”

  Lena hugged her and whispered, “I’m so glad to hear you say that.”

  With her arm around Lena’s waist, she turned to the people seated around the table. “I wake up every day feeling so lucky that I get to be a part of this family. You may not all be related by blood, but you’re closer than any family I’ve ever known.”

  Lena kissed her cheek and smiled. “You’re so right.”

  “We all get so busy. Sometimes we forget about the people we love, so we use the holidays as an excuse to catch up.” Ava made quotation marks in the air with her fingers. “I don’t have to do that with you guys, ’cause you’re always with me. No matter what, I know you’ll be there to cheer me on or pick me up when I need help. That’s what family’s all about, right?”

  Trey looked at Liam, a smirk on his face. “I’d like to see ya top that.”

  Liam held his hand up and smiled at Ava. “You win, kid. From now on, you can propose the toasts.”

  Nashville Nights Next Generation

  Book Two – Trade Off

  Professional hockey player, Aiden Cooper, should be happy. He’s been traded to Nashville. But going home also means he has to face the truth. The love of his life is married to his former best friend and new teammate, and there’s not a damn thing he can do about it.

  When Sela Clarke finds out her former boyfriend, Aiden Cooper, is finally coming home, she panics. How can she pretend she’s still in love with her husband when the only man she’s ever loved is bound to uncover the lie that tore them apart?

  Release Date – November 2012

  Special Edition – Holiday Homecoming

  Trey Turner and his wife, Sierra, are hosting a Christmas gathering for their closest friends and family when an expected event forces them to pull together and help one of their own through a crisis. Will tragedy strike, forcing Trey to face his worst nightmare, or will this holiday be the one that helps them all to heal?

  Release Date – November 2012

  Book Three – Game On

  When Brianna Cooper accepts a position with the legal team at Titan Records, she knows what to expect. She’s been friends with V.P. of Operations, Ryan Spencer, since they were kids. He’ll try and talk her into skipping out early and taking long lunches… it’s a good thing she’s immune to his charm.

  Ryan Spencer has earned his reputation as a ladies man. He loves everything about them, so much so that he’s never been able to limit himself to just one. But when every guy in the office starts talking about the gorgeous new lawyer with the killer smile, it makes Ryan wonder how he can convince Brianna his days of playing the field are over.

  Release Date – December 2012

  Book Four – Burn Out

  As the President of Titan Records, Evan Spencer knew he had big shoes to fill when his father, Luc, retired and awarded him the top spot. Fifty hour work weeks turned into eighty hours and his girlfriend, Erika, gave him an ultimatum… either he make their relationship a priority or she’s leaving him. He doesn’t expect her to follow through on her threat, until she does.

  Erika Carlton knew his ex-boyfriend, Evan, would be at their friend’s wedding in the Bahamas. One week in a tropical paradise with her ex could be torture. It’s a good thing her new boyfriend is there to act as a buffer.

  Evan has a plan. He has seven days and seven nights to prove to Erika that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to salvage their relationship. But when she shows up with a new man, Evan realizes he’s going to have t
o step up his plan or risk losing her forever.

  Book Five – Fast Track

  Teacher and part-time artist, Anna McCall, is sweet, shy, and reserved. Living in her famous father’s shadow is exhausting, which is why she decides to get away from it all for a while. She retreats to their family beach house for the summer, intent on painting, reflecting, and regrouping after a messy break-up. She’s revelling in the peace and tranquility until a famous race car driver moves in next door intent on invading her sanctuary.

  Justin Hunt has one goal this summer, to forget the past year of his life ever happened and if it takes a group of rowdy jocks, loud music, kegs of beer, and bikini-clad women to help him forget, so be it. Too bad his new neighbor seems intent on spoiling his fun by distracting him from his mission.

  Book Six – Time Out

  Rancher, Nick McCall, loves the simple life. Wide open spaces, clean country air, and sweet down-home girls. But when his mother asks him to entertain their new house guest, a TV personality with a penchant for bad boys, he’s wondering if it might be time to add a little spice to his life.

  Megan Moore moved from Los Angeles to Nashville to accept a job on a country music network, but she misses dating movie stars and riding around in limousines. She promises her new agent, Avery McCall, she’ll stick it out for the remainder of her one year contract, but she intends to be on the first plane back home a minute after her contract expires.

  Nick knows Megan’s only in Nashville for a short time, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a good time.

  Book Seven – Face Value

  Real estate developer, Lauren McCall, needs a new contractor yesterday. Someone who’s good, fast, and reliable, but her only option seems to be her friend’s deadbeat ex-husband. According to her friend, he’s a skirt chasing, beer drinking, loser who’d rather play pool than play with his kids, but desperate times call for desperate measures, so Lauren gives him the job. She just hopes she doesn’t live to regret it.


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