Rylae's Storm

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Rylae's Storm Page 37

by S T Xavier


  The plan was absolutely executed perfectly. The problem, of course, is that I still missed some details which turned out to be somewhat important.

  Missed Detail of Importance, The First: Captain Grovr Darkmuck slept through the High Admiral Council meeting.

  The sleep darts were the perfect weapon for the situation. The sneak attack was performed flawlessly. The poison did what it was supposed to do. What I may have forgotten about was that the poison put him to sleep for two entire days. So, four hours after the capture, when the High Admiral Council came together and started to question everything, Captain Darkmuck was drooling on the floor of a holding cell, which made him slightly unavailable to add any insight into the meeting.

  I did get lucky here, though. Because Darkmuck had to manage so much of the Black Tongues business long-term through remote messages, he was meticulous about his record keeping. When the High Admiral Council checked his office, they found all sorts of nicely-organized evidence to sift through.

  Darkmuck had tapped the communications of the Admiralty completely. They found my report on his terminal, along with a transcript of my conversation with Ground Control and the report from the science specialists on our docking procedure. Intelligence Office or not, he wasn’t supposed to have any of those things. That was a quick point to help the meeting along, even if he wasn’t there to explain himself. I’m sure he’ll get his own personal trial after he wakes.

  Missed Detail of Importance, The Second: The rest of us were not allowed to sleep through the High Admiral Council meeting.

  Four hours after the capture, I was, of course, still awake. So were Cap and the Admiral. At that point, we’d been awake for easily 35 or 40 hours between preparing for the mission and executing it. They might have been able to catch a nap while they were hiding in a quarters room pretending to be ‘missing in action’, but a certain elf commander who was the baited trap certainly didn’t get to sleep.

  By the time the High Admiral Council stopped talking, it was dark again in Admiralty City. We had to sit through the entire meeting. I think it was about 12 hours long, but I honestly don’t know. I’m not entirely certain I was actually awake through the whole thing. I’m not entirely certain Cap and Admiral Shockpaw stayed awake through the whole thing, either. But none of us were snoring, so if none of us were caught, then I guess it all worked out.

  The bad news is that I really don’t remember much of it. Twelve hours is a lot of talking. I remember Admiral Longbow did most of the talking – complaining about misuse of emergency docking protocol, complaining about falsifying a report, complaining about allowing the use of untested Stenchstone mana, complaining about our inability to properly catalog the illegal weapons shipment to verify if we had indeed recovered all of them, complaining about many aspects of how I handled the investigation, complaining about using myself as bait… So much complaining from Admiral Longbow.

  There are two things I do remember happening during his complaining, however.

  Admiral Longbow was in the middle of a tirade about the fight where Calgonnel was lost, and started complaining that our Master Sergeant was obviously not trained well enough to be a proper bodyguard and should be demoted or removed entirely. Admiral Shockpaw interrupted him with a comment.

  “Khiiral. If you doubt the ability of the Master Sergeant, I will set up a training exercise between him and yourself so you can prove to him where his failures lie. You can have a fireball spellshooter and a fully-loaded repeating crossbow at one hundred meters, while he has only a short sword and a blindfold. I will also submit it as a budget improvement idea, as I plan to sell tickets to any folk in the city who want to watch a talkative Admiral get thoroughly pounded by one of the most dangerous fighters I’ve ever seen in action. I’m sure we’ll earn a lot of money through that venture.”

  Two or three of the other admirals had absolutely no problem with laughing out loud at that remark. Longbow was offended, and dropped that particular line of complaining, but he still had many more.

  The second thing I remember was when he finally stopped complaining. He wasn’t going to stop. In fact, I’m sure he had at least three or four days of complaining to go. Admiral Mom, however, had grown tired of listening to it. She logged into the terminal at her Council seat and tapped a few commands.

  Longbow saw her and turned his attention. “Maeralya, that is very rude and unprofessional. What are you doing that’s so important that it cannot wait until I finish speaking?”

  She shrugged. “Updating personnel records, Captain Longbow. Your pay should be restarted in six to eight weeks. Oh, and I think you need to leave this room. Only Admirals are allowed to be on the Council during official meetings.”

  The room went immediately into a stunned silence. For a second or two, no one reacted. Then Longbow brought up his terminal and tapped a command which stopped him cold. Looking from his terminal to the personnel Admiral and back to his terminal, he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He logged out of the terminal, stood up, and walked from the room.

  For a number of minutes, no one said anything. I’m sure some of the admirals were debating in their heads whether she had the authority to do something like that. Some of us were in amazement that she would have that kind of power at all. Some dwarven Captains were so stunned they didn’t even have a joke for the moment.

  Finally, Admiral Mom tapped a few more commands into her terminal and logged out. “That silence sure is nice, isn’t it? Admiral Longbow is reinstated, so he can come back any time if someone wants to call him back in.” No one called him, but the meeting resumed and was completed within the hour.

  As she escorted us from the Council Chamber, Admiral Mom chuckled softly. I looked at her, and she shrugged. “I’ve been holding that trick for a long time. There were a lot of times I wanted to use it, but I always held myself back. Today, with you in there, and not getting a full night’s rest myself… I just wanted him to shut up. I’m sad I won’t be able to use that particular surprise attack again, but I have more.” All I could do was hug her and laugh.

  Thinking about it now that I’m fully rested and able to fully consider things, I’m going to have to set aside time to talk to her about that trick and what kind of consequences she’ll receive from it. I haven’t really thought too much about how the Admiralty works, so I don’t know what the hierarchy is between the admirals. As far as I’m concerned, all admirals are in charge, but I don’t really know which admirals have more power than others. I wonder now if Mom’s powerful enough to avoid any kind of repercussions from that trick, or if Admiral Shockpaw is powerful enough to help shield her. I’ll need to find out so I don’t worry.

  For now, there are a lot of things to do for the ship, which is good because none of the senior officers are allowed to leave it until we get word back from the Council. I fill out the report about Senior Chief Ironhammer, who is currently awaiting trial in a cell in the Admiralty. I find a note that says they’re going to bring in his contacts from Hallowforge for trial as well to stop the entire smuggling operation. That’s going to take at least two months, and they would like us to stay for it.

  I look at the detailed reports from Engineering which, with notes from Zaxn, tell me we’re going to have to fully drain the main battery before we can remove the stint that Zaxn placed on the mana flow, then recharge the battery from zero. That’s going to take three-to-four months, minimum. I’m sure some of the adepts will have fun using the mana to play with, though.

  One of the things that I’m not officially supposed to know they can do is burn battery power by playing ‘light tag’, where they create balls of sticky light to throw at each other. Children play it all the time with large, soft balls. Adults, however, tend to shoot the light faster, use harder balls of different sizes, and infuse the balls with lightning to shock their targets. I’ll recommend other spells they can u
se to burn battery power, but I expect a light tag tournament bracket to be developed.

  I send in a request to Admiral Mom about Kesn, and about my soon-to-be-vacant Chief Science position. She sends a reply informing me that the Corsari will have to remain on-world until the new Ambassador is ready, which will take six months. We can replace the Chief Science Officer in less time, but the transfer process for someone at that level, if I don’t have anyone on-ship to promote, will still take time. I’ve thought about it, and I don’t think Vanwen is ready for the position, so we’ll spend the time to bring in someone proper. It sounds like I have lots of time available anyway.

  I send the update to Cap about how long we’re going to be on Terra, but he doesn’t send me a reply. I’m sure he has his own piles of dragon droppings to deal with, so I’ll ask him about it in person in a few days. He’s probably helping Admiral Shockpaw plan things for his envoy to Stenchstone. Of all the things I need to worry about, I know Cap’s not one of them.

  Calgonnel’s memorial service is scheduled. A fair number of local folk are expected to attend, along with Cap and I. I’m a bit disappointed to learn he won’t have any family in attendance, but then I look through his personnel file and realize he doesn’t actually have any family. He’s from Terra, but he never married, has no brothers or sisters, and his parents have been gone for awhile. I’m disappointed in myself for not knowing that about him, but even though we were on the same team for a few years, we never really worked together. It never came up.

  However, I’m not surprised that he wasn’t married. Working on a starship makes finding a relationship difficult, especially when you’re in a higher position. That’s why folk like Tanna and Aelon end up connected, or Sen and Zaxn, or Lada and Gimmir. Folk find whatever they can find in their situation, whether it’s good or bad. Most of those won’t last, but they’re convenient for our jobs.

  Sadly, folk like Cap, Calgonnel and I are in leadership positions over too many others. Relationships on-ship are impossible for us. That’s why Tanna spends so much time trying to find me a boyfriend. But she doesn’t understand that our jobs are important enough to us to make the sacrifice acceptable. Although it does become a little depressing when there’s no family to show up at your memorial.

  I attempt to check on the results of my captain test, but they’re locked because of the Council meeting. I’m curious how one will affect the other, but I’m not very anxious about it right now. I have a lot of other things to worry about, and recognize a few more skills I need to work on before I’ll truly be ready for my own chair. Besides, I’m already Captain Rylae Westiel of the Stenchstone Palace Guard. It’s not a starship, but it does fulfill the requirements of the spellsand on the gazebo floor all those years ago.

  I start a message exchange with Mother and Father. Since Tir Tairngire is so close, and Mother’s hospital is so important to the Admiralty, a message ship leaves here and is back in three days. I let them know that I’ll be on Terra for at least the next six months while we refit, and I plan to request time off to visit home and bring Tanna.

  I tell them about my new friends Kesn and Rosa, which leads into telling them about Calgonnel. I relay the story of his reaction to Mother’s newest agreement with the dwarves, and how one of the last things he told me was to “try not to start another interstellar incident”.

  I can’t give them any mission details, but I tell them I met a goblin King, and a goblin Overseer was spending incredible amounts of effort to flirt with me, and that I may or may not have broken into the Palace while it was on lockdown. I also inform them that the King himself forgave me for it, but that’s much later in the message, so Father spends some time worrying about what ‘That Rebellious Daughter’ has done this time. I do sign the message as Captain Rylae Westiel of the Stenchstone Palace Guard, so I’m hoping they notice and comment on it.

  I just like saying it! I’ve had “Captain Rylae Westiel” in my mind for over a hundred years, and busted my elf butt trying to make it come true, and it has. I still want a starship as a UCST captain, but I can be very happy with what I have now. After the Council comes to its decision about us, I should discuss with them about how often I can visit Stenchstone, since I am a Captain of their Palace Guard. Maybe I’ll send a message to Admiral Shockpaw about it, since it does fit with his envoy plans.

  Three or four work-filled days pass before we receive word from the Admiral Council. The Council isn’t happy with the way we perverted protocols and sent falsified information upon return to Terra, but the evidence was obvious that communications were compromised, so it was determined to be a justifiable action. They absolutely did not like the fact that an executive officer was used as bait for an assassination attempt to capture a criminal, and they were very unhappy about using a non-official crew member for the sneak-attack, but Admiral Shockpaw and Cap shared the blame for the creation of the plan and will have censures placed on their records. Knowing those two, I’m sure neither of them even has the tiniest amount of caring for those censures.

  I’m sure I would have received an official censure for breaking into the Palace, but since the King forgave me and gave me a leadership position in the Guard, I may have considered it a fact too trivial to mention to the Admirals.

  On the reverse side of the coin, we did receive official praise and notification for the main points of the mission. Cap and Admiral Shockpaw received commendations for reopening official channels with Stenchstone and resolving the ‘war’ situation. I received multiple commendations for my actions, including revealing the smuggling operation, finding and terminating the enemy plot to attack the folk of Stenchstone, and capturing-without-killing a major intelligence leak in the Admiralty. Those of us who led the assault on the Black Tongue locations also received commendations for that. Zaxn even received a commendation for his spying work and collection of vital intelligence.

  Overall, the Admiralty is very happy with what we accomplished. I’m glad for that, because I know we’re very happy with our accomplishments. This mission was nothing at all like we originally planned, but we not only got through it, we excelled at it. I need to spend a few days evaluating individual members of the crew for their actions over the course of the mission so we can make recommendations for promotions and reassignment.

  While thinking about promotions, I check my message box again. There are three new messages. The first two are from VA Railmaker, and I tear into the first one quickly. Let’s see… “apologizes for the delay in sending my results”… blah blah locked blah blah Council blah blah resolved… “Information from the resolution of my most recent mission caused a reevaluation of the initial results”…

  “Congratulations. Commander Rylae Westiel has been approved as a captain candidate and will be added to the Official List for Future Starship Command.”

  I’m giggling so hard I can’t read the rest of the words. I need to read the rest of the words, but I can’t see them! Deep breaths, Rylae! Okay. I think I’m good. Where was I?

  “As new candidates are added, location and placement on the list may change. A current list can be accessed at any time through your terminal while connected to the Admiralty. As of the 19th day of the 9th month of Terra Year 7401, the list contains 292 candidates. Commander Rylae Westiel has been added to the list at position number 6.”

  Wait. I need to read that line again. The 19th day of the 9th month in 7401 is today. With 292 candidates, the top third of the list would be about 100 folk. So I’d be perfectly fine with anywhere up to 99. Right. But… this says 6. Position number 6. That has to be a mistake. Doesn’t it?

  I tap a command in my terminal and search for the current Official List. It appears after a second, and I look at it. I don’t even have to go to the second page. It’s right there, near the top. “6. Commander Rylae Westiel.”

  I stare at it for a very long time. I’m not only on the list, but I’m number six. If
I was number 99, I’d likely get a ship in 30 years. If I was number 50, I’d likely get a ship in 20 years. At 25, I’d probably only have a 10-year wait. At 6… I could have a ship in less than five years, unless something happens to my position on the list.

  Just then I remember there was a second message from VA Railmaker, and I switch to open that. It’s a short message that isn’t a form letter like the last one.

  “Congratulations on your placement. You were originally at position 27, but your current mission accomplishments changed that. You made quite an impression on a number of Admirals. Well done.

  “As you know, the list changes based on what positions candidates accept. If you’re interested in a message ship, I can get you placed in one tomorrow. If you’re interested in a diplomatic ship like the Corsari, that will take a bit longer. Candidates on the list below you may take positions you pass up.

  “However, aside from the Starship List, I have been asked to forward you another opportunity. A Captain’s position has just opened at the Admiralty, in the Intelligence office. VA Goldencloak has asked me to offer it to you directly, for a few reasons I’m sure are obvious to you.

  “If you choose the Intelligence position, you’ll be moved back to your initial list position of 27, but you can be a Captain in the Intelligence office after four months of training. The decision is up to you, but please let me know soon. We will hold the position for a time while the trials are commencing, but will need to fill it eventually.

  “Kindest Regards, Vice Admiral Gorin Railmaker”

  Dragons be damned! They’re offering me Captain Darkmuck’s position? I don’t even know what to say! I’ll have to spend some time thinking about that.

  In the meantime, I’ll open the third message. It’s from Mother! That was fast! Well, it’s very short…

  …oh. Saeralyn is staying with Mother and Father. Dragons be damned. She must be hiding out on Tir Tairngire, which means she’s in trouble again. I need to get home as soon as possible.

  End – Rylae’s Storm, Ugly Dirt Box Universe Book 1

  About the Author

  S T Xavier is a new writer whose desire to combine his favorite things - stories, magic, spaceships, and the voices in his head - has coalesced into his first novel in the sci-fi/fantasy realm. His characters have a story to tell, and he’s obligated to tell it until that contract with the red horned guy expires. He is a practicing computer geek, avid collector of fantasy art, amateur player of decent video games, and voracious devourer of stories. He currently lives in Charleston, SC with his two cats and the numerous voices that occasionally let him sleep.

  You can learn more about the Ugly Dirt Box Universe at www.uglydirtbox.com


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