Forbidden Desire (Lee County Wolves) Book #3

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Forbidden Desire (Lee County Wolves) Book #3 Page 2

by Teresa Gabelman

  “How did you know?” Roxy whispered, horrified. “No one should know.”

  “The man who claims you should know.” Marcus tilted her chin up when her eyes shied away from him. “And I’m the man who will right your world once and for all.”

  Chapter 2

  Marcus had to keep his anger in check as he led Roxy toward Garrett’s. He felt the tremble in her hand, and it pissed him off that he couldn’t do anything at the moment to ease her fear. It was getting cooler out, but today was one of those days that it was warmer. Mother Nature always liked to tease them with warm days before the bitter cold hit.

  He gave her hand a squeeze as they stepped up to the porch and then into the house. Emily had decided it was going to be a boy/girl shower. Most of the town was invited, and thankfully, it was a nice day out so most of the party could happen outdoors. He knew Garrett already had the grill burning because he could smell it.

  Before they made their way into the kitchen, Roxy hesitated. Stopping, he stared down at her. “You’re part of this town, Roxy. You’re a part of all of this.” He kept his voice low so only she could hear. “Enjoy yourself.”

  When she didn’t say anything, he pulled her into the kitchen, which was activity central.

  “It’s about damn time,” Hunter said to Marcus, but smiled at Roxy. “He’s always trying to get out of work.”

  “No, I’m always picking up your slack.” Marcus corrected him, walking over to hug Janna. “And how are you today?”

  “Fat.” Janna hugged him back.

  “You’re gorgeous.” Marcus patted her stomach.

  “Get your hands off my woman.” Garrett walked in, threatening him with the spatula he held.

  Janna grinned then reached out to Roxy. “I was so disappointed when Leda said you weren’t coming. I’m glad you changed your mind.”

  “So am I,” Roxy admitted with a smile. “Now, what can I do to help?”

  Emily walked in at that moment. “Can you whip up your deviled eggs?” Emily asked with pleading eyes. “We already have the eggs boiled.”

  “Absolutely.” Roxy nodded, heading straight toward where the eggs lay cooling.

  “Is there a recipe for those that you can add chocolate syrup to?” Janna asked with a hopeful frown.

  “Oh God, no!” Hunter vehemently shook his head. “Please say no, Roxy.”

  “Guess there is a way,” Roxy said thoughtfully, ignoring Hunter’s gagging.

  “Dammit.” Hunter went to grab the chocolate syrup that wasn’t far from Janna, but Janna was too quick and snatched it.

  “Touch my chocolate and die.” She growled at him, even showed some teeth.

  “I’ll make some special for you, Janna.” Roxy laughed at the relief on Hunter’s face.

  “And the rest normal for us ordinary unpregnant people?” Hunter’s voice whispered, but was loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Janna can have whatever the hell she wants,” Garrett warned, his eyes narrowing. “If she wants chocolate deviled eggs, she will get chocolate deviled eggs.”

  “Dude, are you listening to yourself?” Hunter grouched at his brother who walked outside. “Seriously, have you witnessed the grossness of her pouring that chocolate syrup on shit that chocolate syrup doesn’t belong on and eating it? She damn near made me puke when she poured that shit on her scrambled eggs. I ran out of the house like a little bitch.”

  Janna grinned. “You did look like a bitch.”

  Marcus heard everything that was said, but the smile on his face was from the satisfaction of watching Roxy relax and laugh at his dumbass brother. She was beautiful. She was sweet, cared for people and their feelings. She had a quiet strength that drew him to her. She was the kind of woman a man could walk in the door after a long day, and the weight of the world would drop from his shoulders because she was waiting. He had never been attracted to women with red hair. He had always been a blonde kind of guy, but Roxy Patel had changed that the day she had come into town.

  From the moment he saw her, he’d known she was his mate. When his brother had told him about how he’d witnessed her humiliation at the hands of her husband, it had sent Marcus into a killing rage. It took Garrett tackling him to get his rage under control. That alone told him she was his mate. And he knew his brother had held back a lot of the story, though he’d heard enough to know she had been treated badly. Hell, he had seen her bruised face, something he would never forget. Roxy had been a stranger to him, yet learning about the danger she’d been in had his wolf tearing to break free.

  “You’re starting to creep people out.” Hunter’s voice broke through his thoughts.

  “What?” Marcus took his eyes off Roxy to look at Hunter.

  “Seriously, you had a crazy stalker look in your eyes.” Hunter shivered, trying to hide a grin.

  “You love pissing me off, don’t you?” Marcus growled, not really caring he’d been caught staring at Roxy. Maybe it was stalkerish, but he didn’t give a shit.

  “Yes.” Hunter thought for a minute. “Yes, I do.”

  “You’re an asshole,” Marcus shot back then headed toward the back door.

  “Yes.” Hunter followed him. “Yes, I am.”

  Marcus ignored him as he looked over the yard. People were arriving, enjoying the unusually warm day and catching up with neighbors and friends. This town needed a party after what had happened weeks earlier. Since a rival pack had arrived looking for trouble and trying to take control, no one else had shown up to challenge their alpha, Garrett. After killing Darnell Waters, their pack had left a young wolf alive to spread the word, and no one fucked with the Lee County Wolves; they were here to stay.

  The town was still on edge, never letting their guard down. Everyone could sense it, but until the town was rebuilt from the fires, it would be that way. Marcus headed toward Garrett who manned the grill, his eyes landing on the rebuilding of the feed mill before traveling toward where Rocky’s Bar and Grill had stood.

  “Guess they’re ready to start rebuilding,” Marcus said, seeing a new construction crew setting up as trucks with supplies rolled into town.

  “Yeah, I sent Dell over to help Liz.” Garrett slapped some more hamburgers on the grill. “I talked her into rebuilding. She just wanted to let it go, said without Rocky, it wasn’t worth it.”

  Marcus nodded, his eyes still staring toward the empty lot that had been bulldozed clean. Liz and Rocky were wonderful people, but with Rocky’s death a year earlier, Liz seemed to be going downhill fast. He understood Garrett’s reasoning of having her keep busy. She was only in her early sixties, but Rocky’s death had aged her.

  “You’re a good alpha, Garrett.” Marcus gave him a nod.

  “And one hell of a griller.” Hunter came over, grabbing a hot dog. “Is this shit ready yet? I’m starving.”

  “Will you stop eating and help me?” Emily pinched Hunter on the ribs. “I swear you eat more than anyone I’ve ever known.”

  “I’m insatiable.” He gave her a wink. She blushed then rolled her eyes.

  “Set up more chairs please.” Emily sighed but gave him a hug before a loud bang made her jump.

  Everyone looked toward Rocky’s to see them unloading lumber.

  “I’m so glad Liz is rebuilding.” Emily smiled excitedly.

  “So am I.” Hunter grinned before grabbing another hot dog. “Rocky’s has the best chili in Kentucky.”

  Marcus shook his head as he headed to get more chairs. Hunter was a good man, but he could drive a saint insane.

  “Hey, Marcus.” Linda Cadel stepped up and walked with him.

  “Linda.” Marcus smiled down at her. He knew she felt something for him, but he had never encouraged her and couldn’t find it in himself to be mean. He just wasn’t interested. “Glad you could come.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed it,” Linda replied. Her stare was an invitation, and he knew it. “Maybe you could walk me home afterward.”

  And that was exactly why he was put off
by most women. He didn’t like to be chased. Some men might like it, but not him. He was the chaser. Roxy had just walked outside, her hands full with deviled eggs. Okay, maybe he needed to rethink that. If Roxy Patel was the woman chasing him, he could and most definitely would tolerate that.

  “I’ll make sure someone gets you home, Linda.” Marcus really tried not to hurt the woman’s feelings, but he wasn’t into playing games either. “Enjoy the party.”

  He headed toward Roxy and took the heavy plate from her. “Please tell me you kept the chocolate ones separate.” He grinned, then grimaced. Hunter was right; that was some disgusting shit.

  “I did.” She laughed with a nod. “Janna has already eaten most of them.”

  “Glad I missed that.” Marcus sat the plate on the table filled with food. The wind picked up, her scent filling his senses. Damn, she smelled good.

  “Actually, it wasn’t that bad.” Roxy grinned at his expression of disgust.

  “You ate one?”

  “I always taste what I cook before serving it to anyone.” Roxy shrugged. “And it wasn’t bad.”

  Marcus stared at her for a long second. “You’re lying.”

  “I am not.” Roxy’s shocked expression was obviously fake. “I saved one for you and Hunter.”

  “Saved me one what?” Hunter asked as he walked up, eyeing the deviled eggs, his arm wrapped around Emily.

  “A deviled egg,” Roxy replied, setting the smaller plate down in front of him. “Go ahead and try one. Make sure they taste okay.”

  Marcus tried to keep a straight face because he knew what Roxy was doing, and he loved this side of her, a side he’d rarely seen. He watched Hunter pick one up, looking at it with narrowed eyes.

  “It looks different.” Hunter stared at it, then glanced at the bigger plate of deviled eggs. “The color is off.”

  “What the hell are you, a food critic?” Marcus rolled his eyes, really wanting Hunter to plop the chocolate deviled egg he was bitching about into his mouth. “Eat the damn thing already.”

  Hunter started to put it in his mouth, his eyes glancing at Roxy. “Ah hell no!” He pulled it away quickly. “This has chocolate in it.”

  Roxy chuckled. “It’s not that bad.”

  “And you’re lying.” Hunter pointed the deviled egg at her. “You eat it.”

  “Chicken.” Roxy dared him further, but Hunter was having none of it.

  Emily laughed, her gaze on Hunter. “I can’t believe you’re afraid of a deviled egg.”

  “I’m not putting that nasty shit in my mouth.” He shook his head. “Nothing against you or your cooking, Roxy, but there are things that don’t belong together, and this is definitely one of them. Janna’s little prego concoctions are nasty as hell.”

  “I’ll eat the damn thing.” Marcus grabbed it from Hunter and plopped it in his mouth, chewed and swallowed. “Not bad,” he said with a nod.

  Hunter watched him closely, then snorted. “Yeah, well whatever.” Hunter grabbed one of the other deviled eggs and plopped it in his mouth. “You and Janna enjoy that nasty shit. I’ll stick with the normal shit.”

  Hunter walked away with Emily giving Marcus the freedom to gag. “Goddamn, Roxy.” He looked around, needing something to drink.

  Roxy laughed. “I know, but Janna loves it.”

  Taking her hand, he pulled her toward a cooler. Reaching in, he grabbed a beer, opened it and filled his mouth, swished it around then spat it in the weeds before taking another drink, swallowing this time. “You could have warned me.”

  “Hey, don’t blame me.” Roxy grinned. “You took that and put it in your mouth so fast I didn’t have time.”

  “Did you really try one?” Marcus pulled her closer to him, glaring down at her.

  “No.” Roxy shook her head. Her eyes were bright and filled with humor. “I lied.”

  “Prepare to be paid back for that,” Marcus whispered with a wink.

  Chapter 3

  Roxy had to calm her frantically beating heart as he held her. She wanted him to pull away, but she didn’t. Her emotions were so confused that all she could do was stare up at him. Her hand was still in his, and she tightened her grip. In turn, he tightened his.

  “Come on, guys.” Leda hurried past them. “Grab some food.”

  Marcus finally stepped away from her and Roxy noticed Hunter trying to get Dell to eat one of her chocolate deviled eggs, who was looking at them suspiciously. Heading toward them, her breathing a little steady, she took the plate with a glare at Hunter. “Those are for Janna.”

  “What’s in it?” Dell frowned down at the plate.

  “Chocolate.” Roxy laughed at the face Dell made, then took the plate to where Janna sat. “Here you go, Janna. Hunter’s trying to give away your deviled eggs.”

  Janna picked one up and took a bite. “Oh my God, Roxy.” She moaned, taking another bite. “These are freaking amazing.”

  “What is it?” Leda asked, looking at them. “I mean I know they’re deviled eggs, but why are they dark like that?”

  “Because they have chocolate in them.” Janna took another one.

  “Yuck!” Leda’s face scrunched up in disgust.

  “Just wait, Leda.” Janna finished off another one. “When you’re older and are having a baby, you’re going to be eating all kinds of things that you never thought you’d eat. I’ve been having cravings like crazy. Poor Garrett doesn’t know what to think.”

  Memories flooded Roxy’s mind, her stomach knotting painfully. She’d had a similar craving in her past also, but that had ended abruptly.

  “Hey, Roxy.” Janna frowned up at her. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She nodded, needing to walk away for a minute. “I think I’ll get myself a plate.”

  With everything going on and keeping her busy, her memories of the past had stayed buried just below the surface. But Janna’s cravings had brought them back to the forefront, and she hated remembering. She sighed… like she could ever forget. Not really wanting anything to eat, she still picked up a paper plate and began filling it, staying away from the deviled eggs. She then headed toward the grill.

  “Dog or burger?” Garrett smiled.

  “A small hamburger, please,” she replied, always feeling a little embarrassed with Garrett. She knew he probably thought she was or had been in love with him. But that was furthest from the truth. She may have had a hero worship thing going, but that was it. She appreciated what he did for her, what he was still doing for her, but nothing more. When she had made him dinner the night he showed up with Janna, it had made her feel terrible. Janna had been so sweet. Just thinking about it made her feel queasy with uncomfortable feelings.

  “There you go.” Garrett placed a small patty on her bun.

  “Thanks,” Roxy said, then stayed, her eyes plastered to her plate. She felt she should say something, but her mouth wouldn’t work.

  “You okay, Roxy?” Garrett asked, turning the hamburgers as he spoke.

  God, she was a pathetic fool. “I’m really happy for you and Janna,” she finally said before looking up at him. “I never, you know… it’s just what you did for me….”

  “You don’t have to explain anything to me, Roxy.” Garrett frowned down at her. She suspected he understood more about her than anyone else. He’d seen firsthand how she had been treated. He had saved her life. “And I do know, so never worry about that. Okay?”

  Roxy nodded, never feeling so embarrassed in all her life, yet relief settled in her chest. She believed him. He may have at first thought she had some crazy infatuation with him, but not anymore. Walking away she felt somewhat better. She didn’t want to always be on edge when around him and Janna. In truth, she and Janna had become good friends.

  Seeing an empty table, she walked over and sat down. As she forced the food down, she looked around, realizing that Janna was her only real friend, other than Clare and Emily among the people in the town, but she was okay with that. She preferred it that way. Sh
e didn’t trust easily, so it was the best situation for her. She was pulled from her thoughts when a certain voice stood out from the rest, and she looked that way.

  Sadie Johnson stood talking with Linda and Deb, Emily’s sister. Deb was another one she didn’t care for. Even though she wanted to be alone, she was thankful when Clare spotted her and with a smile headed her way.

  “Why are you sitting here all by yourself?” Clare plopped down next to her.

  “What, you want me to go stand with Sadie and Deb?” Roxy snorted with a roll of her eyes.

  “No, doesn’t look like you have to. Here they come.” Clare grimaced, making room for them.

  Roxy moaned, but smiled when they came over and sat down at her table. Her eyes met Marcus who winked at her, but she blushed, looking away quickly.

  “Can you believe Hunter’s dating Emily?” Sadie snorted, then looked at Deb. “Sorry, don’t mean to be rude, but she is so not his type.”

  “You don’t have to apologize to me.” Deb took a drink of whatever was in her red plastic cup. Rumor had it she liked her drinks strong. “I’ve thought the same thing. And I mean Garrett and Janna just don’t make sense to me. She’s so plain, and he’s just… gorgeous.”

  Roxy rolled her eyes, catching Sadie’s attention. “What? You think we’re too harsh?”

  Keep it to yourself, Roxy, she told herself. Just keep your mouth shut. Trying to listen to herself, she shrugged, pushing her picked-at plate of food away. “I just don’t think it’s any of our business who the Foster brothers chose for their mates or whatever they call it.”

  “So I guess you don’t care who Marcus picks for his mate?” Deb chuckled, taking another long sip of her hidden drink.

  “And why would I care, Deb?” Roxy turned her attention to Emily’s sister, who she thought was a snobby bitch.

  “Oh, I just heard some things about you and Marcus. That’s all.” Deb glanced at Sadie, and so did Roxy.

  “Well, whatever you heard, you heard wrong, and if you have a need to know my fucking business, come and ask me.” Roxy had enough of their shit. Her red hair only allowed her a certain amount of bullshit from stupid people, unfortunately.


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