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Forbidden Desire (Lee County Wolves) Book #3

Page 5

by Teresa Gabelman

  Roxy looked into his eyes and saw nothing but kindness reflecting in their depths.

  “Can I kiss you?” He had lowered to the point their mouths were inches apart.

  “You don’t have to ask me, Marcus,” she whispered, realizing that she wished with all her heart that he would kiss her.

  “The first time, I do.” Marcus leaned down, touching his mouth to hers softly.

  She tilted her head and knew without a doubt she wanted more. She wasn’t afraid of this man. The realization made her happier than she thought possible. Marcus had woven his way into her life. He hadn’t erased her past, but he was making it more bearable. Disappointment flittered through her when he pulled away.

  “Let’s go.” Marcus once again placed his hand on the small of her back and escorted her out, turning the lights off as they went. Once the door was locked, he took her hand and led her to the sidewalk.

  “I don’t want to be alone,” Roxy blurted quietly in the darkness of the night.

  “Good, because I wasn’t going to leave you alone,” Marcus promised as he wrapped his arm tightly around her.

  Chapter 6

  Marcus walked toward Garrett’s house with a huge smile even though he was quite pissed about leaving in the early morning hours from Roxy’s small house. Once they got there, he knew she was uncomfortable, but as they started talking about things, she was at ease. They talked about everything from their childhood and growing up, and he’d loved every minute of it. They had laid on her couch, her with her head on his chest just talking until she fell asleep soon after. He’d savored the feeling of her in his arms as he also fell asleep until his phone went off.

  His smile faded some at the reminder of what she had been through. They still had a long road ahead, but it was a start finally. He vowed to make sure she forgot her ex and what he put her through. She would never have a reason to fear again, not while he breathed.

  Hurrying up the steps and through the front door, Marcus walked into the kitchen quietly. He knew Janna was probably still sleeping and didn’t want to wake her. He made a beeline toward the scent of coffee.

  “Well, someone looks chipper this morning.” Hunter scrambled eggs at the stove but was staring at him.

  “Shut up, Hunter,” Marcus said, pouring him a cup of brew. “And when the hell did you start saying chipper?”

  “What happened to you guys last night?” Hunter grabbed a plate, sliding his eggs on it. “One minute Roxy was beating the shit out of Deb, and the next she was gone and so were you.”

  “She felt bad about fighting with Deb,” Marcus replied, not going into detail. “Where’s Garrett?”

  “Don’t know.” Hunter sat down at the counter and started eating. “What in the hell did she attack Deb for, not that it would surprise me. A lot of people want to beat up Deb.”

  “She made a comment about Janna and the babies.” Marcus glanced around to see if Garrett had come in. “Roxy didn’t want to say anything because of Emily.”

  “Good thing Emily didn’t hear her.” Hunter frowned, shoveling food in his mouth nonstop.

  “Hear who?” Garrett walked in, his hair wet.

  “Nothing,” both Hunter and Marcus said at the same time.

  “Jinx, bitch.” Hunter pointed his fork at him.

  “So what’s up?” Marcus asked, ignoring Hunter.

  “Jonah called me last night.” Garrett looked at them both. “He’s bringing in about ten shifters this morning who want to join our pack. He said he’s certain about the majority of them, but we need to keep our guard up until we can truly trust them.”

  “Isn’t that the way it always is?” Hunter asked with a frown.

  “Yeah, we don’t trust anyone until they prove their loyalty,” Marcus confirmed. “Are they all male?”

  “All but one,” Garrett replied. “They should be here soon, so I want you both with me.”

  “No problem,” Marcus replied, as did Hunter with his mouth full of food. “I’m going to run back to walk Roxy to the coffee shop, then I’ll come back here. Did he give you any information on who he’s bringing?”

  “No, but I’m sure he checked them out as best he could.” Garrett frowned. “I sent him to do a job and he did it. It’s up to us to determine whether they’re a fit for our pack. You know how dangerous that can be, so be on your toes.”

  “I was born on my toes,” Hunter replied, shoveling food in his mouth.

  “Do you ever stop fucking eating?” Garrett frowned at Hunter. “Jesus, you need to start chipping in on the damn food bill around here or eat at your own place. I know Emily cooks.”

  “I can’t help it.” Hunter finished his last bite then scraped his plate in the garbage. “I even ate before I got here and she cooks like a dream, but I like food.”

  “You’re fat.” Marcus eyed him. “Seriously, dude, you’re getting a gut on you.”

  “Fuck you, man.” Hunter lifted his shirt, showing not a six-pack, but an eight-pack. “This shit is solid.”

  “Yeah, solid fat.” Marcus grinned and was ready for Hunter’s punch, which he blocked.

  “If you wake Janna, I will kick both your asses.” Garrett growled, breaking them apart. “Now sit down and shut the hell up.”

  They both sat, and Hunter flexed his muscles.

  “We need to make sure we keep an eye on our females, all of them.” Garrett frowned. “I know I’ll get challenged, but I’m not concerned with that. I’m concerned especially with Leda. She’s coming of age…”

  “Dude, she’s already of age.” Hunter’s eyes narrowed. “And I will kill any son of a bitch who goes near her.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s a good possibility of happening as we all know. Until they know our rules about the females, it could get ugly.” Garrett was also frowning. “I’ve already talked to Dell—”

  “Yeah, where is the big son of a bitch?” Hunter glanced at his watch. “Why isn’t he here at the ass crack of dawn?”

  “Is that eggs I smell?” Janna walked into the kitchen, rubbing her growing belly.

  “What the hell is it with you and eggs?” Hunter rolled his eyes then stood. “No, don’t even answer that. If that’s all, bro, I’m out of here until later. I do not even want to start gagging this morning when she starts whipping out the chocolate syrup grossness.”

  “You are such a girl with all your whining and gagging.” Janna yawned, leaning into Garrett.

  “And you are such a fatty.” Hunter winked at her.

  “Babe, kick his ass for me,” Janna said, but with a grin.

  Marcus watched Janna and Garrett in a whole different light. He was happy for his brother to have finally found his mate and was determined that he and Roxy would be just as happy as Janna and Garrett were. He was suddenly anxious to get back to Roxy.


  Figuring Marcus got held up, Roxy locked up and stepped out into the brisk air. Compared to yesterday, it was much colder, the sky overcast. She was going to miss summer. This would be her first winter in Beattyville, and she was told the winter cold and snow could be brutal. Stepping out onto the dirt driveway, she took her time enjoying the walk. Her house was set just outside town off the main road, which she liked. Garrett, Marcus, and Hunter had all made sure her house was secure when they moved her in, and she had never once been afraid. The feeling of freedom trumped any fear she may have had.

  Just as she got close to the end of her driveway, something caught her attention at the edge of the woods. Three wolves stepped out then stopped to stare at her. They didn’t look familiar to her. She had seen all the wolves in town and knew without a doubt these were strangers. She didn’t know if they were shifters or real wolves either; that was something she had been warned about.

  A beautiful blonde girl stepped out of the woods behind them, her eyes narrowing on her before quickly looking at the wolves. Roxy wasn’t sure, but she felt as if the girl was warning her. The biggest of the wolves shook before taking a step toward her.
  “If you’re looking for town, it’s that way.” Roxy pointed, her eyes never leaving the huge wolf. She didn’t know what else to say and knew if she turned and ran back to her house, she would be way too slow.

  “Let’s go.” The girl stepped in front of the wolf, blocking its path to Roxy. “You don’t need to start trouble.”

  The wolf pushed her out of the way with its massive head, its eyes going back to Roxy. Her question had been answered—these were shifters, and she had a feeling she was in deep trouble. The wolf lowered its head, its golden eyes looking up at her before throwing its head back and letting loose with an ear-piercing howl.

  The girl turned her head toward Roxy as if in slow motion. “Run!”

  Roxy was rooted to the spot until her eyes met that of the girl. The urgency in her gaze had Roxy turning back toward her house, her feet moving and sliding in the wet dirt of her driveway. Taking a chance to look back, she saw the girl leap on the large wolf as it lunged toward her. The air burned her lungs as she ran; her house looked so far away. If she could just get inside, she had a gun and, by God, she would use it. Hearing pounding behind her, she knew she wasn’t going to make it so instead, she veered off to the right and headed into the woods.

  This was mountain region, so nothing was flat. She grabbed bushes and trees as she continued down the steep incline, turning her head to see how close to being caught she was. The girl was still fighting against the wolf, the other two must have stayed behind, or they were circling in front of her. The thought of that chilled her to the bone. Just when she thought she had found happiness, she was going to die.

  Anger overtook her emotions, her eyes scanning everywhere as she ran. Branches snapped against her face as she raced through thick brush. Seeing a tree, she knew what she needed to do. Running faster than she ever had in her life, she reached the tree and took a leap, thankfully grabbing the long branch. Quickly, she pulled herself up and began to climb, her breath coming in sharp gasps. Not being able to get much further, she stopped and looked down. The wolf was now below her, clawing at the tree, its loud, aggressive growls echoing in the woods. She reached out and broke off a large branch, almost toppling herself out of the tree, and then threw it at the wolf, hitting him on its large nose.

  “Get the hell away from me!” she hissed, then looked up the hill to see the girl tripping her way toward them, bleeding badly from her face and holding her side.

  “You will not ruin this for me, Carl!” Even hurt, the girl’s voice was strong and full of fury. “Damn you!”

  Seeing the girl fall and the wolf stalk her way, Roxy knew she needed to do something. She couldn’t let the woman be harmed for trying to help her. Looking around, she wondered how far away she was from town. Had she run toward it or away? She didn’t know. She remembered Marcus telling her a while ago, that if she had any trouble to scream as loud as she could, and they would hear her.

  Knowing she had to do something and fast, she opened her mouth and screamed louder than she had ever screamed in her life. Fear, fury, and pure determination escaped from her mouth. She’d be damned if she became a victim again or watched another woman become a victim of some piece of shit.

  Chapter 7

  Marcus headed out of Garrett’s to go get Roxy and walk her to work. Before he took three steps after clearing the porch, he heard a wolf’s howl. He became alert, his eyes going directly to where Dell was quickly dragging himself from under a car he was working on. Their eyes met.

  “That’s not one of us,” Dell said as he jumped up.

  Taking off in a run, Marcus headed straight toward the direction the howl came from and Roxy’s. Hunter and Garrett quickly caught up. As they left the main road, Hunter and Garrett continued straight to make sure they had the direction correct. Rounding the corner, Marcus noticed two wolves standing at the edge of the woods looking across the driveway toward the trees, but Marcus passed them heading toward Roxy’s house.

  Stopping at her door, he pounded, yelling her name. Nothing. She wasn’t there. Anger and fear enveloped him as he turned toward the two wolves to see Dell, Garrett, and Hunter surrounding them with others in their pack running toward them.

  Rage propelled him toward the two wolves. He knew Roxy wasn’t at the coffee shop because the lights were off when he’d passed. Somebody better be answering questions and real quick. Before he reached them, a scream split the air sending birds flying out of the woods. Without breaking stride, Marcus cursed and shifted in a flat-out run.

  As soon as he hit the woods, he picked up her scent. He also picked up the smell of blood and he swore if she had shed one drop, someone was going to die. Even as quick as he was going, he noticed the damage to the brush and knew this was the path Roxy had taken. He heard her voice, strong and angry, shouting. His relief was swift that she sounded fine. Breaking through the thick brush, the first thing he saw was a blonde woman lying still on the ground. His eyes rose to the wolf who was walking away from her toward a tree. Glancing up, Marcus saw Roxy throwing branches down at the large wolf, screaming at it to shoo. She was actually cursing and shooing a full-grown wolf.

  He knew the wolf was too preoccupied with his prey to realize the danger, so Marcus took advantage and blindsided the bastard. They rolled away from the tree and Roxy, which was what he wanted. The other wolf was strong, but Marcus was stronger. He refused to lose to the son of a bitch who had been intent on harming his mate. Taking a quick glance to make sure Roxy was still safe was a mistake. Sharp teeth bit into his shoulder making him howl in rage.

  He had no idea how long the fight continued, but he did know he had definitely been in a fight. He would have to be in wolf form to heal from this. The bastard finally started to bend to his will until finally, the wolf sat in front of Marcus with his head down in submission. Marcus paced in front of the son of a bitch, growling and nipping.

  “That’s enough,” Garrett ordered, anger shaking his voice.

  Marcus gave one more growl before he shifted back. The pain ripped through his shoulder, pissing him off even more, but he gave the wolf who remained in form one last look before turning back to Roxy who had stayed in the tree with Hunter on guard at the base.

  “You’re hurt!” she cried out and started to climb down.

  “Stop!” Marcus ordered her, not wanting her to attempt the climb down just in case she fell. He turned toward Hunter. “Get me some clothes, at least sweatpants.”

  “Already on it.” Hunter frowned, glancing at his shoulder. “Leda is coming with them. And you need to shift back. That shoulder looks bad, bro.”

  “What?” Roxy said from the tree. “What looks bad? Marcus, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” He shot Hunter a warning look.

  “You’re naked,” she blurted with a blush.

  “And that’s why you’re still in the tree.” Marcus chuckled. “Just stay put until I can come up and get you. Are you hurt?” He was impressed she had climbed the tree, and relieved by her quick thinking.

  “Oh, for shit’s sake.” Roxy shook her head. “I got up here, I can get down. You’re hurt and shouldn’t be climbing up after me.”

  “Dammit, Roxy.” Marcus glared up at her, ready to catch her if she fell as she made her way down the tree.

  “Here.” Leda ran up, keeping her eyes averted as she tossed the sweats in his direction.

  He took his eyes off Roxy for a second to catch the sweats and put them on, before returning his gaze to Roxy and her ass. Jesus, he was getting hard watching her shimmy down the fucking tree. It was always the same. After they had shifted and fought, sex was the main outlet for their energy. Once she was close enough, he reached up and grabbed her, lowering her to the ground. Turning her toward him, he checked her over.

  “Are you hurt?” He frowned at the scratch on her face. “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch.”

  “No, you aren’t.” Grabbing his arm, she stopped him. “I’m fine.”

  Marcus did his best to control
himself, but seeing her hurt, even if it was just scratches, sent his rage past the point of control. “Did he touch you?” he asked with a low growl, his eyes searching hers for the truth.

  She reached up and touched his cheek, bringing his focus back to her. “Marcus, I’m fine.”

  “Were you shooing a wolf?” Marcus glared down at her.

  “Yes, but unsuccessfully.” Roxy looked embarrassed, but a nervous laugh escaped her lips. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “Just an FYI, shooing doesn’t usually work on a full-grown wolf, Roxy.” He pulled her to him and held her tight. Thank God she was fine, because he didn’t know what he would do if something happened to her.


  Knowing she was safe, the effects of being scared to death made her tremble, or maybe it was seeing Marcus completely naked standing under the tree staring up at her. One thing for sure was he was all man. Hearing a woman’s voice, Roxy pulled away and looked toward the blonde woman Dell was helping to her feet.

  “Who are they?” she asked Marcus, not leaving his embrace.

  “Not sure, but my guess is the shifters that Jonah was bringing in.” Marcus frowned, also looking toward the woman. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, I’m okay,” Roxy replied, her tremors lessening in his arms. Glancing up the hill she had come down, she frowned. How she managed down that hill and up the tree without being caught shocked her. Her gaze went toward the blonde woman who Dell was talking to.

  “Sit here for a minute.” Marcus led her to a broken log and eased her down. “I’ll be right back.”

  She nodded, still looking at the woman who seemed hurt. Soon the wooded area they were in filled with people, most she knew, some she didn’t. Marcus stood with Garrett and Hunter talking to the wolf who had tried to attack. Marcus lunged at the naked man, who had shifted, but Garrett stopped him. She couldn’t hear what was being said, but Marcus was angry, fighting against Garrett’s hold.

  Filled with a nervous energy that left her bobbing her knee up and down, she couldn’t sit any longer. Standing, she quickly realized her legs were weak and shaky. She ambled toward the blonde woman, who like her, sat alone. Dell had left to talk to Jonah who had also shown up.


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