The Cradle King: The Life of James VI and I, the First Monarch of a United Great Britain

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The Cradle King: The Life of James VI and I, the First Monarch of a United Great Britain Page 52

by Неизвестный

  Erskine, Sir Thomas

  Everard, Dr John

  Exchequer, Court of the

  Fairbarne, William


  Fargison, Alexander

  Farnham Castle

  Fawkes, Guy

  Felton, John

  Fenton, Viscount

  Ferdinand of Styria, Archduke; elected Emperor; daughter of


  Five Articles of Perth, see Perth

  Fleetwood, Sir Miles


  Florence, Grand Duke of

  Florio, John

  Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC

  Fortescue, Sir John

  Forth, Firth of

  Fotheringay Castle


  Foulis, James

  Fowlartoun, William

  Fowler, Thomas

  Fowler, William

  Francisco de Jesus, Father

  François II, King of France

  François, duc d’Anjou

  Frederic Ulric of Brunswick

  Frederick II, King of Denmark

  Frederick V, Count Palatine; marriage negotiations of; marries Elizabeth; approached by Bohemia; seeks James’s advice; accepts Bohemian throne; enters Prague; denounced by James; flees Prague; continues to fight

  Frederick Henry, son of Elizabeth and Frederick

  Fuentes, Count

  Fuller, Nicholas

  Fyvie, Alexander, Lord President, see Seton, Alexander


  Galloway, Patrick

  Gammel Sellohe (Norway)


  Giustinian, Zorzi

  Glamis, Thomas, Master of, see Lyon, Thomas

  Glamis Castle

  Glasgow; University of

  Glasgow, Bishop of, see Boyd, James; Montgomery, Robert; Law, James

  Gledstanes, George, Bishop of Caithness, later Archbishop of St Andrews

  Glencairn, Alexander, fifth Earl of, see Cunningham, Alexander

  Glenlivet, battle of

  Golden Act

  Goodman, Godfrey

  Goodwin, Sir Francis

  Gordon, George, fourth Earl of Huntly

  Gordon, George, fifth Earl of Huntly

  Gordon, George, sixth Earl of Huntly; part of Gowrie’s faction; becomes Privy Councillor; rise of; correspondence with Spain; imprisoned; favoured by James; James’s attack on; at Brig o’ Dee; murder of Moray; Spanish Blanks affair; son of

  Gordon, Father James

  Gordon, Lady Jean, Countess of Bothwell

  Gordon, Sir Patrick, of Auchindoun

  Gordons, the

  Goring, Sir George

  Gowrie Plot

  Graham, Sir James, patron of Villiers

  Graham, John, Earl of Montrose

  Graham, Ritchie



  Gray, Nanis

  Gray, Patrick, Master of; fall of

  Greames, Richard

  Great Contract


  Gregory XV, Pope

  Gresley, Walsingham

  Greville, Fulke

  Grey, Katherine

  Grey, Thomas, Lord

  grievances, parliamentary

  Guise, duc de

  Gunnarrssøn, Halvard

  Gunpowder Plot

  Hackerston, Captain

  Hacket, John


  Hall, John

  Hamilton, John, Archbishop of St Andrews

  Hamilton, Lord Claud

  Hamilton, James, second Earl of Arran, Duke of Châtelhérault; widow of

  Hamilton, James, of Bothwellhaugh

  Hamilton, James, Marquis of

  Hamilton, Lord John

  Hamiltons, the

  Hampton Court

  Hampton Court Conference

  Hamsfort, Cornelius

  Harding, John

  Harington, Sir John

  Harington, Sir John, of Exton

  Harrison, Stephen

  Harvey, William

  Hatfield House

  Hatton, Christopher

  Hay, Francis, eighth earl of Errol

  Hay, Sir James, later Viscount Doncaster, Earl of Carlisle

  Hay, John

  Hay, Robert

  Hayes, surgeon

  Hegy, Andrew


  Hemmingsen, Niels

  Henderson, Andrew

  Henderson, William

  Henri III, King of France

  Henri of Navarre, later Henri IV, King of France

  Henrietta Maria, Princess of France, later Queen of England; negotiations to marry Charles; marries Charles

  Henry, King of Scots (Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley); marries Mary; proclaimed King of Scots; attacked by Knox; Chaseabout Raid; quarrels with Mary; jealousy towards Riccio; signs bond against Riccio; and Riccio’s murder; escapes with Mary to Dunbar; rumours of divorce; birth of James; embarrassing behaviour of; deteriorating relations with Mary; at James’s baptism; falls ill; moved to Kirk o’Field; murder of

  Henry VI, King of England

  Henry VIII, King of England

  Henry Frederick, later Prince of Wales; birth of; baptism of; raised at Stirling; Basilikon Doron dedicated to; James’s letter to (1603); Anna attempts to remove from Stirling; popular with the English; chivalric interests of; increasing independence of; becomes Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester; moves into St James’s Palace; marriage plans for; illness and death of; funeral of; posthumous reputation of

  Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel

  Hepburn, James, fourth Earl of Bothwell; marries Mary, Queen of Scots

  Herbert, Sir Philip, later Earl of Montgomery

  Herbert, Earl of Pembroke

  Hermitage Castle

  Herries, John, fourth Lord, see Maxwell, Sir John

  Herries, Dr

  Hertford, Edward, Earl of, see Seymour, Edward

  Hewatt, Peter, minister

  Hiegait, William

  Hobbes, Thomas

  Hoby, Sir Edward

  Holles, Gervase

  Holles, Sir John

  Holyroodhouse, Palace of; Bothwell’s raids on

  Holyrood, Abbey of

  Home, Sir George, of Sprot, later Earl of Dunbar

  Hooker, Richard; Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie

  Hoskins, John

  Howard, Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham

  Howard, Lady Frances, later Countess of Essex, Countess of Somerset; and murder of Overbury; trial of

  Howard, Lord Henry, later Earl of Northampton; death of

  Howard, Lord Thomas

  Hudson, James

  Hudson, James, English agent

  Hudson, Robert

  Hudson, Mekill Thomas; The Historie of Judith

  Hudson, William

  Hume, Alexander

  Hume, Sir Patrick, of Polwarth

  Hume, William

  Hunsdon, Henry, first Lord, see Carey, Henry hunting

  Huntingtower [Ruthven]

  Huntly, Earl of, see Gordon, George

  Huntly, dowager Lady

  Hutton, Matthew, Archbishop of York

  Hveen (Denmark) James’s visit to

  Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon


  Inchaffray, Lord of

  Indernyty, Scottish gentleman

  Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain

  James III, King of Scots

  James V, King of Scots

  James VI, King of Scots and I, King of England:


  birth of; guardianship of; baptism; threats of abduction; placed at Stirling; Mary’s last encounter with; coronation; household at Stirling; at 1571 Parliament; death of Lennox; education of; and Buchanan; entrusted to Erskine of Gogar; meets with Morton; assumes government; Morton’s attack on Stirling; meets Esmé Stuart; enters Edinburgh; relationship with Esmé Stuart; 1580 progress; ‘corrupted’ by
Lennox; relations with England; death of Morton; Act of Association; Ruthven Raid; reactions to Lennox’s death


  escapes from Ruthven Raiders; Fontenay’s assessment of (1584); negotiations over Mary; reactions to Mary’s death; relations with Huntly; Spanish Armada; treachery of Huntly; marches against Huntly; marriage negotiations; resolves to collect Anna; letter to the Privy Council; sails for Norway; marries Anna; visits Denmark; meets Tycho Brahe; returns to Scotland; appoints Melville to Anna’s household; interest in witchcraft; dealings with Bothwell; murder of Moray; ‘Spanish Blanks’ affair; birth of son Henry; quarrels with Anna over Henry’s upbringing; death of Maitland; finances of; Edinburgh riots; Gowrie Plot; English succession; dealings with Essex; dealings with Cecil; proclaimed King of England


  travels to England; allows Anna to take Henry; initial reactions to; coronation celebrations; forms Privy Council; household arrangements; concerns over hunting and style of government; Millenary Petition; admiration for Hooker; and Church of England; Hampton Court Conference; King James Bible; Royston Petition; 1604 Parliament; and Union of Kingdoms; 1607 Parliament; attitude towards Henry; Gunpowder Plot; policy towards English Catholics; and Ralegh plot (1603); controversial writings; and English Common Law; finances of; 1610 Parliament; and Salisbury; and death of Henry; 1614 (Addled) Parliament; and Sarmiento; meets Carr; rise of Carr; facilitates Carr’s marriage; commission into Essex marriage; meets Villiers; rise of Villiers; quarrels with Somerset; and Overbury affair; sends letters to Somerset; rejects Monson


  visit to Scotland; attempts to reform Kirk; and Spanish marriage negotiations; Ralegh’s 1617 mission; approached by Bohemia; as ‘Peacemaker’; death of Anna; serious illness; anger towards Frederick; scheming with Gondomar; turns against Gondomar; isolated from public opinion; 1621 Parliament; libels against James and Buckingham; and Charles and Buckingham’s trip to Spain; breakdown of negotiations with Spain; 1624 Parliament; decline in health; fall of Middlesex; falls out with Buckingham; marriage negotiations with France; rebuffs Brett; final illness of; death of

  anger of; attitude towards women; depiction as nursing father; as physician; as Solomon; fearful nature of; health of; intellectualism of; hunting, love of; libels against; relations with Anna; relations with Elizabeth; relations with England; relations with Kirk; relations with Mary

  writings of:

  Apologie (Triplici nodo); Basilikon Doron; Counter-Blaste to Tabacco; Daemonologie; Monitory Preface; Poetical Exercises; poetry; Psalms, translation of; Trew Law of Free Monarchies, The; Workes


  Jones, Inigo

  Jonson, Ben; The Fortunate Isles and their Union

  Keith, George, fifth Earl Marischal

  Keith, William, of Delnies

  Kennedy, Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis

  Ker of Ferniehurst

  Kerr, Andrew, of Fawdonsyde

  Kerr, George

  Kerr, Henry

  Ker, Robert, Earl of Roxburgh

  Ker, Sir Thomas, of Ferniehurst

  Kers, the


  Killigrew, Sir Henry

  King, John, Bishop of London

  King, William

  King’s Men

  Kirk; attacks on Mary and Henry; relations with James; clashes with Morton; attacks on d’Aubigny; Black Acts; and Huntly; debates over Anna’s coronation; alliance with Bothwell; attacks on Anna; compared to Church of England

  Kirk, servant of Charles

  Kirkcaldy of Grange

  Kirk o’ Field

  Knewstubs, John

  Knox, John; First Blast of the Trumpet

  Krabbe, Iver

  Kronborg Castle

  Lafuente, Diego, Father (Padre Maestro)

  Lake, Sir Thomas

  Lamb, Cristell

  Lando, Girolamo


  Laud, William

  Lauder Bridge Conspiracy

  Laurenziana Library, Florence

  Law, James, Bishop of Glasgow

  Lawson, James

  Leicester, Robert, Earl of, see Dudley, Robert


  Lennoxes, the

  Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross

  Leslie, suspect in Gowrie plot

  Leviston, James

  Lewkener, Sir Lewis

  libels; against Lennox; against James; against James and Buckingham

  Lindsay, Alexander

  Lindsay, Christian

  Lindsay, David, minister

  Lindsay, Patrick, sixth Lord

  Lindsey, David, tenth Earl of Crawford

  Lindsey, Skipper


  Little, Helen

  Lively, Edward

  Lochleven, Lady of

  Lochleven Castle (Kinross-shire)

  Locke, John

  Lockyer, Roger

  London (including Westminster and Whitehall); James’s entry into (1604); plague in; Locations in: Banqueting House; Chancery Lane; Chapel of Henry VII; Charing Cross Road; Denmark House; Durham House; Ely House; Holborn; Middle Temple; Parliament House; St Paul’s Cross; St Paul’s Cathedral; St Martin’s in the Fields; Smithfield; Strand; Tyburn; Westminster Abbey; Westminster Hall; Whitehall; York House

  London, Bishop of, see King, John

  Lords Enterprisers

  Lords of the Articles

  Lords of the Congregation

  Lotti, Ottaviano

  Louis XIII, King of France

  Louisa Juliana, mother of Frederick V, Count Palatine

  Low Countries

  Lyon, John

  Lyon, Thomas, of Baldukie, Master of Glamis; as Treasurer

  MacGill, James

  Mackenzie, George, Earl of Cromarty

  Madrid; Charles and Buckingham in; Escorial Palace; San Geronimo, monastery of

  Maister Randolphes Phantasey (book)

  Maitland, John, of Thirlestane; created Lord Thirlestane; poems of; relations with Anna; wife of; death of; James’s sonnet on

  Maitland, William, of Lethington

  Manners, Lady Catherine (Kate); marries Buckingham

  Manners, Francis, Earl of Rutland

  Mar, Annabella, Countess of, see Murray, Annabella

  Mar, John, Earl of, see Erskine, John

  March, Countess of

  March, Robert, Earl of, see Stewart, Robert

  Margaret, Princess of England, later Queen of Scotland

  Margaret, Princess; death of

  Marguerite, Duchess of Savoy

  Maria, Infanta of Spain

  Marie de Guise, Regent of Scotland

  Marioni, Piero Antonio

  Marscell, James

  Mary, Princess of England, later Duchess of Suffolk

  Mary I, Queen of England

  Mary, Queen of Scots, marries Henry; and Scottish Reformation; Knox’s attack on; Moray rebels against (Chaseabout Raid); pregnancy of; relations with Bothwell; relations with Riccio; murder of Riccio; escapes to Dunbar; writes to Elizabeth; birth of James; deteriorating relations with Henry; baptism of James; reconciliation with Henry; and Henry’s murder; places James at Stirling; final meeting with James; abduction by Bothwell; marries Bothwell; abdicates; imprisoned at Lochleven; escapes from Lochleven; defeated at Langside; escapes to England; in England; relations with James; Act of Association; Babington Plot; execution of

  Mary, Princess


  Mathias, Povel, Bishop of Zealand

  Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor; death of

  Mawe, Leonard

  Maximilian of Bavaria

  Maxwell, Sir John, fourth Lord Herries

  Maxwell, John, eighth Lord

  Melvill, Andrew; Stephanischion; attacks James

  Melvill, James

  Melville, Sir James; relations with Anna

  Melville, Robert, of Murdocairnie

  Melville, William, of Tongland


esex, Lord Treasurer, see Cranfield, Sir Lionel

  Middleton, Thomas

  Mildmay, Sir Anthony

  Millenary Petition

  Molin, Nicolo

  Mombirneau, M.

  Mompesson, Sir Giles

  Monson, Sir William

  Montagu, James, Bishop

  Montague, Lord Chief Justice

  Montgomerie, Alexander

  Montgomery, Hugh, Earl of Eglinton

  Montgomery, Robert, Bishop of Glasgow

  Montrose, John, Earl of, see Graham, John

  Moray, James, Earl of, see Stewart, Lord James

  Moray, James, Earl of, see Stewart, James, of Doune

  Moray, Countess of

  More, Sir George, Lieutenant of the Tower


  Morton, James, fourth Earl of, see Douglas, James

  Moysie, David

  Munk, Peter

  Murray, Annabella, Countess of Mar; as James’s governess; as Henry’s governess

  Murray, James

  Murray, John, Keeper of the Privy Purse

  Murray, Sir Patrick

  Murray, Robert, Commissar of Stirling

  Murray, Sir William

  Murray, William, of Abercairney, later Lord Invertyle

  Muses’ Welcome, The


  Napier, Barbara


  Neile, Richard, Bishop of Durham

  Nethersole, Sir Francis

  Neville, Sir Henry


  New Hall

  News from Scotland

  Nicolson, George

  Nielssøn, Jens

  Nithsdale, Lord

  North Berwick

  Nottingham, Charles, Earl of, see Howard, Charles

  Oath of Allegiance; controversy over

  Oatlands (Surrey)


  Ogilvie of Powrie

  Oglander, John

  Oliphant, Master of

  Oliphant, suspect in Gowrie Plot

  Olivares, Condé de

  Oliver, Isaac

  Osborn, Francis

  Osborne, Francis

  O’ Sclaittis, Jocky, see Erskine, John


  Otto, Landgrave of Hesse

  Overbury, Sir Thomas, friendship with Carr; murder of

  Oxford, University of

  Paddy, Sir William

  Pagès, Bastien



  Parker, William, Lord Monteagle

  Parliament, English; (1604); (1605); (1606); (1607); (1610); (1621); (1624); (1648); Charles’s involvement in; see also grievances; parliamentary elections

  Parliament, Scots; (1571); (1579); (1587); (1617); Kirk representation in; James’s understanding of


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