Whatever It Takes

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Whatever It Takes Page 12

by Elizabeth Perry

  “Actually, wrong. I am your boss.”

  “Oh, fuck you. I work for you, yes. But that doesn’t mean that you can control anything besides the job that I was hired to do.”

  “You’re not driving that car.” I finish, matching her stance. “In fact, where are the keys? I’m gonna go drive it off a cliff where it belongs.”

  “Just make sure that you’re in it.” She snaps, before grabbing up her wine glass and turning towards the door.

  “Oh no.” I take two big strides to the doorway, blocking it, and leaving her no escape.

  “You don’t just get to run away every time we need to have a discussion.”

  “Discuss this.” She sticks her middle finger up at me, before tipping back her glass and draining her wine.

  “Real mature.”

  “Seriously? You marched in here, and thought that you could talk to me like this? Fuck you, Eric. And fuck off.”

  “Where are the keys, Avery,” I growl, making her roll her eyes.

  “I’m not telling. Please move.”


  “No? Gah. You are so annoying. See? This is why I didn’t want to do this. This is why I didn’t want to work for you. And you know what? If this is how you are going to act, then fuck it! I quit!”

  “Oh, no you don’t. We made a deal, baby. And I already paid for the school. You aren’t leaving, and you are not driving that piece of shit.”

  “You are such an asshole.” She balls her fists at her sides, before shaking her head furiously. “Seriously. I don’t know when you became such a raging jerk, but I’m so done with this. I’m sure you can your money back from the school.”

  “I really don’t even give a fuck about the money, Avery. I just want you to be safe.”

  “I’m not yours to worry about anymore, Eric! And when you act like this? Good god. You drive me insane!”

  “You will always be mine to worry about. Don’t you fucking get that?”

  Before she can even resist, I have her wrapped tightly into my arms and pressed against the wall.

  “You are always going to be mine. Fucking always.” I growl, before pressing my mouth against hers.

  She freezes for just a second before suddenly, her fighting stops. Her hands grip into my arms before reaching up and wrapping into my hair.

  I press my lips hard onto hers, as she moans into my mouth before opening wide for me. My tongue darts inside, exploring her mouth, letting her taste intoxicate me until I can think of nothing but her. Nothing but making those sweet little sounds leave her lips, making her moan my name and dig her nails into my skin.

  Nothing but Avery.

  “God, I fucking missed you,” I growl, reaching underneath her and lifting her, forcing her to wrap her legs around my center, giving me the perfect angle to stroke my rock-hard erection against the place that I have been desperate to visit again.

  “You drive me so fucking insane.” She murmurs into my mouth, making me grin wide against her lips.

  “That’s the plan, baby. That’s always been the plan.”

  I bite her hard, as my hands trail her body, groping and stroking her, desperate to feel every inch of her skin.

  “Oh, god.” She tilts her head back as my lips travel from her mouth, down to her neck, as my hands continue stroke all over her, stopping on her breast and brushing against her nipple.

  “Ave’s,” I growl, before reaching up and tugging the thin strap of her tank top down her shoulder, pulling it down further, completely exposing her bare breasts.

  “Oh, fuck.” I lean down, letting my tongue trail a path from her neck down to those lush mounds, stroking with my thumb before taking her breast into my mouth, biting and sucking against her nipple.

  “Oh my god. Eric. Yes.” Her nails dig into my shoulders, as I set her down, sinking to my knees in front of her.

  “So damn beautiful, baby. Always so damn perfect.” I growl against her skin, my hands still grasping and stroking her breasts, as my mouth moves down her stomach.

  “Oh, yes. Yes, yes...” she moans again, bucking her hips towards my face, as my fingers drop to her tiny sleep shorts.

  “Eric.” She throws her head back as I pull them down, completely exposing her to me as my face drops, my nose trailing along her thighs. I spread her legs quickly, before letting one drop over my shoulder, reaching up and using my hand to spread her, before letting my tongue revisit the fucking glory that is Avery Cooper.

  I lick a long slow trail up her thigh, before letting my mouth land exactly where it wants to.

  “Oh fuck.” I groan, as her slickness coats my tongue. “So fucking wet for me baby. So fucking wet.”

  “Yes.” She hisses her hand fisting into my hair and pulling my head hard against her, before bucking her hips into my face.

  “Please, Eric. I need you.” She moans, as she continues to try to fuck my face.

  I devour her, licking and sucking her hard, letting her moans and the way she grips me direct me as to what she needs.

  The young Avery that I remember was far less bold, but this woman?

  She knows exactly where she wants me and isn’t afraid to show me.

  I lick her and suck her until I feel her clamp down on me, and then, as she becomes nearly limp in my arms, I drink down her release.

  I grip her tightly, keeping her steady until her eyes finally open.

  Her hands reach out for me as my lips press back onto hers.

  My shirt is tugged off, and then her hands fumble with my pants.

  She pulls them down while sinking to her knees in front of me, causing a long slow hiss to leave my mouth as her pretty pink lips wrap around me.

  “Oh, baby. Fuck.” I growl, reaching out and bracing myself against the wall as her tongue strokes me.

  A million sensations course through me, so many that I can’t even think straight. All that I know, is that I fucking need her, now.

  Because I’m not going to last very long like this.

  I reach down, pulling her up, making her eyes snap open in question.

  “Can’t.” I shake my head before lifting underneath her ass and pressing her against the wall.

  “Need you right now.”

  I position myself at her entrance as she wraps both of her legs around me.

  Her head falls back, and my name leaves her mouth in a long, slow plea, as I slowly sink inside of her.

  A million memories rush through me, causing my heart to about explode in my chest, as our bodies become one.

  I remember clearly the very first time that I ever had Avery, the very first time that I stared into her eyes as I sunk inside of her.

  The irony of it doesn’t pass me either...

  The last first time was just like this, up against a wall. I had to cage her in that time too but at that point?

  I had been begging for her to tell me to stop. This time?

  I’m begging her to not tell me to stop.

  “Ah, fuck. Avery.” I mutter as she cries out for me.

  “I’m right here, baby,” I whisper against her ear, before letting my tongue trail down her skin. I pull back, before thrusting deep inside of her, letting the full sensation of her wrap around me like a glove.

  She’s screaming out my name, and gripping me hard, as I hold onto her hips and make love to her with everything that I have, until I feel her clamp down around me as her nails dig into me, crying out for me as she loses herself.

  I barely last ten seconds after her, before finding my own release.

  No fucking way could I last any longer. She feels so fucking good...so much better than even my best memory. And I know that in this instant?

  There is no way that I’m ever letting her walk away from me.

  Whatever it takes, I’m going to do it.

  Because no fucking way am I losing Avery Cooper twice.

  Chapter 16


  The very last thing that I want to do today is to face Eric. Like, I’d rather b
e covered in honey, and tied to a tree, right before having an entire army of bee’s unleashed onto me than to do the walk of shame downstairs and actually have to be near him.

  Last night was a mistake. A huge mistake...

  Epic fail.

  You get the picture. I cannot believe that I allowed myself to get sucked into his trap, and to fall victim yet again to his charms.

  Ok, actually, I can believe it.

  I knew that coming back here, and forcing myself to be around Eric would be like playing with fire.

  I knew that I would get burned...it was only a matter of time.

  But a week?

  One fucking week is all that I lasted?

  Good lord. I am literally a disgrace to women everywhere.

  All it took was one week for me to fall back into his charms...letting the same man who cheated on me, fuck me against a wall.

  I cannot even believe myself.

  But it won’t be happening again. No way, no how will his lips be anywhere near mine again. Or any other part of my body for that matter...

  That is one mistake that I will make sure to avoid at all costs.

  Now, if only my heart could catch up with my determined mind, well...then I would be all set.

  Because even though I know that he is dangerous for me, still. My heart still flutters at the memory of the way his lips felt on mine.

  The way that my body nearly exploded from the simplest touch from him.

  See? I’m a hot mess express.

  One second, we were screaming at each other, and then the next, we’re having sex?

  What in the actual fuck is the matter with me?

  I am so screwed.

  And the second that I step into the kitchen, only to find Eric there, leaned up against the counter, yet again topless?

  My heart begins to race, and my resolve completely fades.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” He greets me, flashing me a panty dropping grin over the top of his coffee mug before leaning over and smacking me on the ass.

  “No.” I wave my hand at him before shaking my head. “It’s too early for this,” I grumble, before stalking across the kitchen to the coffee pot and pouring myself a hefty glass.

  “Sleep well, baby?” He totally ignores my need to not have this conversation as he presses his body up against my back, before pressing his lips to my shoulders.

  “Eric, please.”

  “Please what?” His voice is low as he presses his hips against my bottom, letting me feel him and, dammit.

  His erection.

  “Please stop.” I whimper, nearly begging, as he chuckles and takes a step back.

  “Ok, ok. I’ll let you wake up.”

  “Thank you.”

  I avoid all eye contact with him as I take my coffee mug across the room, as far away as I can get without actually leaving the kitchen.

  He just simply smirks at me.


  “Well, I personally slept like a baby.” He begins to cross the room to me, making my heart race.

  “Best I’ve slept in a long time. The only way I could have slept better is if you would have been in bed with me.”

  “Oh my god,” I mutter, before squeezing my eyes shut.

  “Eric, seriously...”

  “Actually, let’s be honest.” He closes the distance towards me, coming so close, that I have to set my mug on the table so that I don’t spill it.

  “If you would have been in my bed last night, I wouldn’t have gotten any sleep. I would have been too busy burying myself inside of your sweet self all night long.”

  The last words are drawn out, making my breath catch in my throat. And then he bends over, brushing his lips softly against mine before grabbing my ass in both of his hands and squeezing.

  “Eric.” I breathe, my voice sounding way too ragged for my liking.


  “Please what, baby? Please lean you back up against this wall and make you scream my name? Because I can totally...”

  “Momma.” Jackson’s voice interrupts, thank god, causing both of our attention to snap over to him.

  “Good morning baby.” I push against Eric’s chest and make a beeline for my son, who has literally just saved the freaking day.

  “Hey there, big guy.” Eric leans over me, ruffling Jackson’s curls. “You’re up bright and early today.”

  He grins widely, showing off his two front teeth. “Yep.”

  I lean down and scoop him up, before setting him down in a chair at the table.

  “Hungry, baby?”

  “Very,” Eric says, with a smug smile as his eyes bore into mine.

  “Not you,” I mutter, before turning my full attention to Jackson.

  “Yes, Momma.” He grins at me, before turning to Eric.

  I busy myself making a quick breakfast, completely trying to ignore the fact that Jackson has now moved onto Eric’s lap and that the two of them are coloring together.

  I will not allow him to get to me.

  Nope, no way.

  I may have screwed up last night, but it won’t be happening again.

  And I refuse to let his kindness towards my son break down my wall.

  Because I know first-hand what it feels like to let him in, only to be completely crushed at his hands.

  Not ever happening again.


  Eric leans over to him after clearing up the dishes.

  “What?” Jackson’s eyes gleam with excitement, as Eric leans down and whispers something into his ear.

  I watch as Jacksons mouth drops open and he claps his hands, before balling up his little fist and pulling it into his chest.

  “Yes.” He exclaims, before looking up to me.

  “Momma, we’re going to have a pool party today.”

  “We are?” I raise my eyebrow at Eric.

  “Yeah...I mean, if you’re ok with it, of course. I thought that it would be a good family day. Ryan Jacobs from my team is going to come over with his little guy Isaac, and then Jake and Laci. That sound good to you? Isaac is about Jack’s age, so, they can play together.”

  “Yeah. Sure.” I shrug. “I didn’t really have anything major planned for today.”

  “No?” He winks at me. “At least not until later, right?”

  “I had nothing planned for today,” I repeat, before turning my attention to Jacks.

  “Well, then we should probably go and get you cleaned up.”

  “Ok.” Jacks nods, before looking back at Eric. “But what about the surprise?”

  “Right.” Eric grins, before taking a few steps towards me. “Ok, babes. I’m going to cover your eyes, and you’re going to have to follow my lead, ok? Jacks and I have a surprise for you.”

  I can hear Jackson clapping his hands as Eric’s hands cover my eyes.

  He pulls me tightly against him, causing my breath to catch as he leads me forward.

  I hear the front door open, and then we step down onto the front steps.

  “Ok, ok!” Jacks squeals, clapping again. “Let Momma see!”

  “Ok, baby,” Eric whispers into my ears. “I’m gonna let go now so that you can see your surprise.”

  His teeth gently nibble my ear for just a second, causing an unwelcome pang between my legs before he takes a step back, and drops his hands.

  I open my eyes, and my jaw hits the ground.

  “What in the hell...”

  “You like it, Momma?” Jacks exclaims, pointing to the all-white Land Rover sitting in the driveway, complete with a big red bow on the top.

  “What is this?” I turn my attention to Eric, who has Jacks in his arms and is heading down the steps towards the car.

  “It’s your new car. Surprise!”

  He grins widely at me before opening the back door and letting Jacks inside.

  “See buddy? It has a tv, and satellite so you can watch all of your shows while Momma drives!”
br />   “Oh, cool!” I hear Jacks say, but that’s about all that I can hear over the clanging in my head.

  “Eric.” I try to keep my voice even as I step down the stairs.

  “I did not need a car.”

  “We’re going to have to agree to disagree on that one, baby.”

  “No, we’re not. I told you, I bought a car.”

  “You bought a deathtrap. This is a car that is safe enough for the two of you.”

  “My car is just fine.” I force out through clenched teeth, trying not to totally explode in front of my son.

  “Ah, no it wasn’t.” He crosses his arms before matching my stance. “So, I got you a better one.”

  “I’m not driving it.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  We stand directly in front of each other, both staring each other down before I finally reach into the car and snatch Jackson out of it.

  “Come on, buddy. Let’s go inside and get you cleaned up.”

  “Ave’s...” Eric starts up the stairs after me, as I open the door and point for Jackson to go inside.

  “One sec, k buddy?” I nod at him before shutting the door.

  “No.” I wave my hand in the direction of the car. “Take that back. I’m not driving it.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to, because I already disposed of your car.”

  “You did what?” My anger skyrockets, as I look across the driveway, where I parked my car last night, only to see the spot sitting empty.

  “Oh my god!” I scream, before spinning on my heel and storming up towards the door.

  “I am going to find my car, Eric. You can either help me or not, but I will find it. And I suggest you return that thing.” My finger flies in the direction of the Land Rover. “Because I sure as hell will not be driving that.”

  Chapter 17


  “I’m not trying to be mean, man. But, are you sure that she even likes you?”

  I just shrug and shake my head at Ryan’s question, because honestly, I have no fucking idea right now.

  My eyes land on her, in her tiny green bikini, laying back in a chaise lounge chair next to Laci, deep in conversation, and laughing every so often.

  And paying me absolutely zero attention.


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