Whatever It Takes

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Whatever It Takes Page 22

by Elizabeth Perry

  “I mean, you should have seen her. She isn’t even that pretty...and add into all of that? She even had a kid! I mean, seriously. What kind of guy passes up someone like me for some plain jane single mom? Do you know that she was actually his housekeeper?”

  Disgust drips off her voice as she shakes her head.

  Her eyes are still closed, as she leans her head back against the pillow.

  “So, I tried to come onto him. I literally threw myself at the man, and he turned me down. Like, I literally stripped down to nothing, and he still didn’t want me. In fact? He actually couldn’t get away from me fast enough. And I know that maybe right now I don’t look my best? But I am hot. Way too hot to be turned down like that.”

  My blood freezes in my veins as I stare at her, my mouth completely open wide. So wide, in fact, that it takes me a full minute just to shut it so that I can form a decent thought.

  “So...what happened after he ran away?”

  She sits upright on the bed and flails her arms.

  “Well, now he hates me! Everyone hates me over it, because they all think that I tried to set him up. He thinks that too! He won’t even talk to me, and trust me, I’ve tried. All he wants to do is sit around and feel sorry for himself over her! The help! I love him, I want to be with him! And you know what? He doesn’t even care.”

  I stand abruptly, before flipping on the lights. She screeches and narrows her eyes, before finally focusing on me.

  “Why did you do that? I told you, I wanted the lights...” her voice trails off as recognition sets in.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Oh, fuck is right.” I slam the door shut before leveling my eyes on hers.

  “So, what you’re saying is, Eric turned you down.”

  “I’m not going to go over this again. I had no idea that it was you sitting here. In fact, I think that you should have let me know...”

  “I’m not just the help. I never was just the help.”

  I take another step towards her, damn near spitting my words.

  “Eric and I were high school sweethearts. Did you know that?”

  The look on her face tells me that she in fact, had no knowledge of this.

  “He gave me that job, because he knew that it was the only way that I would even let him near me, because even after all of this time? He never stopped loving me.”

  “And while you had me believing that I could never compete with women like you, in all reality, you were never any competition for me. Because sure, maybe Eric fucked you here and there, but that’s all that you were ever going to be to him. You could have never won his heart, because he didn’t have it to give. Because even after six years? It still belonged to me.”

  “Well, then sounds like you fucked up.” She narrows her gaze at me before crossing her arms across her chest. “And legally, I don’t have to say another fucking thing to you. You tricked me. I’m pretty sure you broke a few laws tonight. And I’m going to make sure that you...”

  “Do whatever you want.” I mutter, before flipping her lights back off. “But you’re not free to go yet.”

  I open the door and storm out. I find Lucy, the social worker who I have been working with. I quickly fill out Mara’s paperwork before sliding it across the desk to her.

  “I started her eval. She’s nuts.” I tell her, hiding my smirk. “She kept making suicidal statements and then tried to pretend like she knew me. I’ve never seen the girl before in my life.”

  “Oh, lord.” Lucy murmurs, before taking her chart. “You think she needs to go inpatient?”

  “Definitely.” I nod. “She seems like she needs some help, for sure. I hate to dump it on you, but, are you ok if I go?”

  “Yeah, sure. Get out of here.” She smiles at me, before taking the chart. “I’m actually just going to leave it for third shift anyway.”

  “Perfect.” I collect my things before booking it towards the door.

  I send another text to my sitter, asking her if she can stay even later, before calling a cab and asking him to hightail it across the city.

  Chapter 29


  “It’s depressing being around you anymore, Waynsie. Like, I’m trying to cheer you up here, and you don’t even want to hear it.”

  I tip back my beer, draining the rest of it down my throat before turning my attention to Brock.

  “Listen. I appreciate you coming over here, every night,” I lie, because in all reality? The guy is driving me nuts...

  “But I don’t need a babysitter and I don’t need someone to try to cheer me up. It’s just not going to happen right now. But I do appreciate you, brother. I just need time to get myself together.”

  “It’s been a month!” He exclaims, before hopping out of his lounge chair, where we are sitting, in the dark, in front of my pool. He grabs two more beers out of the outdoor fridge, tossing one my way.

  “I mean, damn dude. Thirty days seems like more than enough time to move on.”

  “Brock, have you ever been in love?”

  “Sure.” He shrugs. “Lots of times.”

  “Oh really.” I laugh hard, for the first time in a long time, before shaking my head.

  “Who have you been in love with?”

  “Well, I’m madly in love with myself.”

  I start to open my mouth when he rushes on. “And I love my mom, and my sister. My brothers alright too...my dad is grumpy but he’s pretty cool...”

  “Not your family, asshole. A woman. Have you ever been in love with a woman?”

  He ponders my question, before shaking his head. And I get the most serious response that I’ve probably ever gotten out of him.

  “Nah, man. I mean, once upon a time, there was this one girl...but that was way back in high school.”

  “You’ve always acted like you’ve never had a girlfriend. Do tell.”

  He’s quiet for a moment, as he sips on his beer. And for just a brief second, I’m able to focus on him, instead of the big hole that’s been left inside of my chest.

  “Sammy.” He nods into the night, focused straight ahead. “Her name was Samantha, but I called her Sammy. She was my best friend, and, I’m pretty sure that I was in love with her. We ended up being more than friends. She was the first, you know?”

  I simply nod.

  “She was beautiful. The most beautiful girl that I’ve ever seen, actually. Smart and funny too. She laughed at all of my jokes...”

  “Must have been a saint.” I mutter, and instead of a witty comeback, he just nods.

  “Yeah. She was.”

  “So? What happened to Sammy?”

  He’s quiet for so long, that I almost think that he didn’t hear me. But then, his voice cracks, as he utters the words I didn’t expect to hear.

  “She died.”


  He nods slowly, before shrugging and looking at me.

  “Surfing accident. I was supposed to be with her that day, but I had gotten grounded. She went anyways. Took a hard wave and hit her head on the board. She drowned.”

  “Holy fuck, Brock! That’s awful!”

  “Yeah.” He just nods. “That was the last girl that I ever let myself feel something for.”

  “Jesus.” I mutter, before shaking my head.

  “I had no idea. I’m so sorry man. Why have you never said anything?”

  “Because sometimes, it’s just easier to pretend that she didn’t exist. If I let myself think about it, I’d end up being some dumb sap like you right now. And I don’t have time for all of that.”

  And, just like that, he’s back.

  The asshole that I’ve come to know and love.

  “Fuck you, man.”

  He just nods, before draining his beer.

  “Well, Waynsie, this has turned into a very sad and depressing night. I think I need to get the hell out of here before we start singing kumbaya and finding our feelings.”

  “Again, fuck you.”

  I toss our beer cans
into the outdoor bin, before walking in behind him.

  I swear, walking into this house every time still gets me.

  I’ve been trying to avoid being here at all costs. I’ve even started sleeping in a different room than my own, one that Avery hadn’t even touched, just to try to escape the memory of her that seems to haunt me at every turn.

  Except, it’s no use. Because every damn part of this house makes me miss her and Jacks. And it makes the complete silence even harder to take.

  I follow him to the front door.

  “Listen. I’m not trying to sound like a little bitch, but thanks for telling me about Sammy. Now I understand why you’re such an asshole.”

  “Har Har.” Brock rolls his eyes before reaching for the door.

  “Assholes gotta stick together, right Waynsie?”

  He turns to walk out the door when we both freeze.

  Because when I see the person standing there, on my front steps?

  My heart begins to beat so fucking fast that I think for a second that it’s a mirage.

  Am I hallucinating? I must be....

  Because if not?

  Avery is standing there, with tears streaming down her face.

  “Ah...” Brock glances between the two of us, before his eyes widen, letting me know that in fact, I am not imagining this.

  “So, yeah. I was just leaving.” He steps past Avery before nodding at her, and only glancing back at me for a second before hightailing it towards his car.

  We stand there, both frozen, as we just stare at each other.

  “I hope that this isn’t a bad time?” She glances past me, into the foyer, before biting her lip.

  “No...it’s fine. Is everything ok?” My eyes meet hers, and the look of sadness there nearly cuts me off at the knees.

  “Is it Jacks? Is everything ok with him?”

  She nods quickly before wiping at her eyes.

  “Yeah. Of course. He’s fine.”


  More silence falls on us before she finally nods her head.

  “So...are you going to invite me inside? Or do you want to talk out here?”

  “Oh, fuck. I’m sorry.” I take a step back and motion for her to come inside.

  I shut the door, before standing in the entryway, letting my eyes roam over her.

  It’s been a full month since I’ve laid eyes on her, and, just the sight of her breaks my heart right back open. Not that it’s been able to heal much.

  But I’ve definitely gotten by knowing that no matter how hard I tried, there was no way that this was ever truly going to work out.

  But now? That she’s standing in front of me? All that I want to do is get down on my knees and beg for her back, even if it’s just for a day.

  Instead, I clear my throat, trying like hell to form a thought in my mind.

  “Eric.” She starts, at the same time that I finally manage to say, “Avery.”

  “I’m so sorry.” She finally murmurs, as tears begin to fall from her eyes. “I know that I should have believed you, and I didn’t even give you a chance to explain.”

  “It’s ok. I screwed up with you before. You had every reason not to believe me.”

  “But I promised to give you a second chance. And you’re right. I never really did. I always had one foot out the door, waiting for you to screw up. But the only problem is, Eric? I let myself fall back in love with you. And I’m miserable without you.”

  Tears stream down her face as she hastily brushes them. And I can’t keep myself away from her any longer.

  I take two steps towards her until she’s wrapped up in my arms, her face buried in the crook of my neck.

  “I know that I’m probably too late...but I just had to tell you. I’m so sorry. I should have believed you.”

  “Don’t fucking apologize.” I squeeze her tightly, holding her as tightly as I can without crushing her. “It’s my fault, to begin with. I gave you a reason not to trust me. And fuck. If I could go back in time and change how things happened back then? I totally would. Because had I not cheated on you back then? We’d have never split up. I’ve always loved you, Ave’s, and I’m always going to love you. No matter what. But the last thing that I ever want you to do is to think that any of this is your fault. You have nothing to apologize for. I’m the one who fucked up. This time away has made me realize it even more. So, I’m the one who's sorry.”

  “Right.” She wipes her eyes before pulling back.

  “Well, I just needed you to know that I believe you. I know that you didn’t cheat on me with Mara.”

  She turns towards the door, leaving me standing there, totally in shock.

  “So, what the fuck? You’re just going to leave then?”

  “What do you want me to do? I mean, I show up here, and tell you that I’m sorry, and you just...” She shrugs. “You don’t seem very happy to hear that.”

  “Avery. Do you trust me?”

  Our eyes lock and she swallows hard.

  “Because, believe me. I want you back. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want you in my bed every fucking night. I want to wake up every day and look into your eyes. I want to marry you, adopt Jackson, and live out our own version of happily ever after. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  She nods, as I continue.

  “But none of that works if you don’t trust me. And as much as I fucking love you? I can’t live the rest of my life worried that you’re going to leave me the second things get rough.”

  “I thought that you had done it again.”

  “I know that you did. But I didn’t.”

  “I know that now, too.”

  “Then tell me that you trust me, Ave’s. And fucking mean it this time.”

  She takes a ragged breath before more tears fall.

  “I do. I trust you. And I want to be with you too...”

  She’s back in my arms before she can get another word out. My lips mash onto hers, as a full month of pent-up frustration bubbles over inside of me.

  “Then fucking marry me. Marry me, Avery. Today, tomorrow, sometime really fucking soon. Get your shit and move back here, give me back my son. Because I’m fucking lost without you, baby. I’ve loved you my whole fucking life, it seems. And there is nothing in this world that I could ever want more than you. Always you, and only you. For the rest of my fucking life.”

  “I want the same thing.”

  I pull back from her, taking a deep breath before shaking my head.

  “Fuck. Hold that thought.”

  “What?” She looks up at me questioningly, but I hold up a finger before turning and taking the stairs two at a time.

  I damn near jog to my bedroom, before reaching into the top drawer for the little box that has been sitting there, collecting dust for over a month.

  In the last month, I’d taken the ring out a few times, and just stared at it, wondering what in the hell to do with it, but knowing for certain that I could never get rid of it.

  For a long time, I thought that would be the last string to Avery that I would have left.

  But now? In an instant?

  All of that has suddenly changed.

  I stuff it into my pocket before taking a deep breath and heading back downstairs.

  “Come with me.” I reach for her hand, before leading her outside to the back deck. I flip a switch, turning on all of the hanging lights that fill the trees, before turning towards her, taking both of her hands in mine.

  “Avery, I have loved you my entire life.” I start, and, as if she knows exactly what’s coming, she smiles and nods, before reaching up and brushing stray tear off of her cheek.

  “I think I that I knew I was in love with you from the very first moment that I laid eyes on you when I almost ran into you in the hallway. You were only wearing a towel, and I swear to God, you instantly took my breath away.”

  “I was nearly naked.” She jokes, and I can’t help but smile.

  “I would have fallen in
love with you in that moment had you been wearing a snowsuit. You’ve always been beautiful on the outside, but honestly? It was your smile that made me fall in love. When you came with me, barely knowing me, all the way across the state so that I could visit my mom in prison to tell her goodbye? That was when I was certain that you were the only person in the world that I was meant to love. I know that I made mistakes in the past and lost you, but I need you to know that I have learned from those mistakes. Because it made me realize just how important you are to me, and just how much my heart can’t beat without you. I’d like to say that I would change it, and honestly? If I could take the hurt I caused you away, I would. But I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and had all of those things not happened, we would never have Jacks. And I can’t imagine life without him either. Our story hasn’t been pretty, baby, but it’s ours. And as long as it ends with you spending the rest of your life with me, from this moment forward? Then all of the hurt we’ve both felt for the past six years is worth it. I promise you, Avery, that if you agree to spend the rest of your life with me, you will never regret it. I will make you, Jacks, and all our future children the center of my universe. So, what do you say, baby?”

  Tears are steadily streaming down her face as I sink to my knee in front of her, before producing the jewelry box.

  “I’ve asked you twice now, but both times I didn’t do this the right way because I didn’t have the ring and I wasn’t on my knee in front of you. So now, no holding back. I love you Avery, and that is never going to change. So, will you make me the happiest man on this entire fucking planet, and marry me?”

  She pulls her hands away from mine, before burying her face into them as a sob escapes.

  She nods her head from behind her hands.

  “Answer me, baby. Let me hear you say it.”

  Her hands drop, as her smile lights up her whole face.

  “Yes, Eric. Yes, I will marry you.”

  “Finally.” I breathe, before standing up and slipping the ring onto her finger.

  “It’s beautiful.” She murmurs, admiring the diamond.

  I grin wickedly, before smacking my lips to hers.

  “What did I always used to tell you?”

  She tilts her head to the side, staring at me questioningly, before finally, she rolls her eyes and smacks me playfully.


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