Black Jack

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Black Jack Page 6

by Mari Carr

  “So I motivate you?” She licked her lips when his gaze drifted down to them. She wanted his kiss so badly.

  “You inspire me.”

  Shit. She’d never thought herself the type of woman would could melt, but damn if Jack didn’t turn her insides to hot, creamy chocolate.

  “I’m glad you came tonight.”

  She reached up and placed her hand on his clean-shaven cheek gently. Then she slapped it lightly. “Beats the hell out of work.”

  His grin grew. “I have plans for us, Em. Lots of plans. Fortunately, all of them call for you to be naked.”

  She laughed. “Only me?”

  He shrugged as he reached for the hem of her T-shirt. As he helped her pull it over her head, he said, “For now.”

  “Doesn’t sound like much fun for me.”

  He reached around and unhooked her bra with quick, deft fingers. “Oh, I promise. Everything about tonight will be fun for you.”

  She felt her nipples tighten at his declaration. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind he could carry through with that vow. She reached for the zipper on the side of her skirt and slid it down. Jack’s hands were there immediately, pushing the skirt and her panties off together.

  “Hey, don’t you wanna see my panties? Wore a thong. Just for you.”

  He shook his head. “Maybe you could model it for me tomorrow. Tonight, I just want you—only you.” His fingers grazed her bare sides and she shivered. “I’m going to explore every inch of this body. Mark it all as mine.”

  Emma wasn’t sure how to respond. She wanted everything he was offering and more. “Jack, please. Take me to bed. I need you.”

  He gave her a wicked grin, but she knew from his expression he wasn’t about to rush anything. She felt the slightest urge to take him to task, to demand, but something in the way he caressed her, looked at her, held her back.

  “We’re doing this my way. Do you trust me?”

  She nodded quickly, without reservation. “Of course I do.”

  “Good. Go lie down on the bed.”

  He chuckled at her haste, but she was past the point of modesty or pretending.

  “It’s not a race,” he said, when he reached the side of the mattress.

  She wondered about the large, soft towel covering most of the top sheet but ignored it as she lay on her back and beckoned him to come closer. “Lay down on top of me. I love the feeling of your weight on me.”

  He studied her as she lay still but made no move to join her.

  She tried to remain quiet under his intense stare, but her body was flushed, overheated. She’d never known her friend to show such patience. He never took his time with anything, living life in fast-forward. She always ribbed him about finishing his dinner before she’d managed to pick up her fork for the first bite. Of course, his response was she talked too much to remember there was food in front of her.

  She smiled at the thought and watched Jack’s eyes narrow curiously.

  “We know each other so well,” she said.

  He nodded. “We do.”

  “And yet, I don’t recognize this infuriatingly patient man. The one who needs to fucking do something.” Her grin grew. “The one who needs to do me.”

  He laughed, bending forward to kiss her. Finally, she thought. His lips took over for his eyes, studying her slowly as his kiss moved from her mouth, over her cheek, teased her earlobe for a mere second before drifting down to her neck. She sighed at the tantalizing sensations. Her neck was a huge erogenous zone.

  “So nice,” she whispered, raising her arms and wrapping them around his neck. Her fingers toyed with his hair briefly before Jack’s hands captured her wrists and pulled them above her head. She recalled his comments on the stage about wanting her in a position of surrender. The memory sent sharp impulses of arousal to her pussy. God, what was it about this position that fired her libido?

  She let him lead the way, but her compliance only lasted until she felt the first strap touch her wrist.

  “No,” she said, attempting to pull her hand away. “I want to touch you this time.”

  Jack didn’t release her, but he stopped trying to tie her to the bed. He looked at her calmly until she stopped struggling.

  “You’ll be able to touch me. Later. Right now, I want to test some limits, do a little experimenting.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He tightened the strap on her right hand and she resumed the fight to recapture her left. “You said you trust me.”

  “I do. I just want to have my hands free. You tied me up onstage.”

  “And you loved it.”

  She couldn’t argue with that, but something told her this was going to go beyond simple bondage. “Tell me what you’re going to do first.”

  His grin faded and his face turned serious. “No. I need you to trust me, Emma. I need you to understand that everything I’m going to do tonight will be for you, and I need you to let me call the shots. This isn’t a democracy.”

  She sighed, all the air in her body seeping out in one long, slow leak. “I guess we were wrong. I’m not a submissive after all.”

  He smiled and rolled his eyes. “Of course you are. You’re just the best kind. You don’t lie passively beneath me, you don’t walk around like a mindless robot. You’re a confident, beautiful woman who knows her own mind, her own needs. I don’t want to change that. That’s what makes you so perfect. All I’m asking for is your trust.”

  It seemed a simple request and, truth be told, she trusted him with her life. She relaxed her wrist, silently giving him the go-ahead to tie her up. “Okay. You’ve got it.”

  He finished tying her hands to the headboard, then rose and walked to the foot of the bed. He gripped her right ankle, strapping it to the corner post before repeating the motion with her left. Then he stood at the base of the bed and looked at her. She’d never felt so helpless…or so hot.

  “You said you don’t recognize me tonight,” Jack said, as he walked to the side of the bed and began pulling items out of the nightstand drawer. “That goes for me too, you know. You aren’t the woman I’ve spent a lifetime hanging out with, watching TV and eating takeout with. You aren’t the girl I taught to fight or the teenager who instructed me on how to understand females.”

  She laughed as she recalled the lessons she’d tried to impart to Travis and Jack when they were freshmen in high school, when both guys noticed the other girls suddenly had boobs and they wanted to touch them. “Wish I’d known those lessons were going to apply to me someday. I might have taken the worship at the woman’s feet approach.”

  Jack laughed, reaching down to stroke her face. During the past two days, he’d touched her more than he had in a lifetime. It felt good. And right. “Your lessons were fine.”

  She’d told them they should never change who they really were just to impress a girl because that wasn’t something they could keep up forever and it would only make them miserable. Not bad for a fourteen-year-old girl. Of course, her mother had always claimed Emma was too mature; a teen with a thirty-year-old soul.

  “So I’ll admit I’m torn about something.”

  She looked at him with surprise. Everything about him this evening had spoken of confidence, assurance. All the attributes she’d always recognized in him seemed magnified ten-fold in the bedroom. “About what?”

  “Should I blindfold you? Or gag you?”

  Her heart skipped a beat at his question. “Um. Neither?”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “We’re exploring your limits, remember? Sexual acts can be intensified by taking away one or more of the senses. The most dramatic one would be sight. Not knowing what’s coming. Having to rely on sounds and sensations is a powerful thing.”

  She bit her lip in an attempt not to agree too soon. Blindfolds were often used on the fantasy stage at the nightclub and she’d always wondered what it would feel like.

  “However, your strength, your power comes from your voice, Emma. If I
gag you, you’ll lose the ability to question every act. You won’t be able to speak the word no.”

  Her heart didn’t just skip a beat this time. It did a full stop. What would it be like to be completely at Jack’s mercy? She’d thought she was already there with the ties on her hands and feet. Now she knew she was wrong. That bondage was nothing compared to giving him free rein with no way to refuse. She could always shake her head and she knew Jack well enough to know he’d understand if something was too much for her. He wouldn’t hurt her.

  “The gag,” she whispered.

  He sat on the edge of the mattress, his gaze never leaving her face. If he was looking for fear, he wasn’t going to find it. It didn’t exist in her right now, though a thousand other emotions did. Excitement, arousal, need, desire.

  After a long minute, he nodded and picked up a scarf with a large knot in the center. It resembled a ball gag, but at least she wouldn’t be embarrassed by drooling. Regardless, the gag would certainly take away her ability to speak.

  Shit. Had she really just signed on for that? While her personal experiences in this realm were limited, she’d seen more than her fair share of sex toys at the club. She was a regular kink expert when it came to various tools and what they were used for. However, she’d never had any of those items used on her. Leave it to Jack to rip her out of her nice, simple missionary lifestyle.

  “Open your mouth.” His voice had taken on the deep, commanding tone he’d used onstage as Captain Jack, and she suspected the talking portion of their evening had ended—literally. Jack was in charge from this point on. She’d let him lead her systematically to this point and there was no going back now.

  He paused when her lips remained closed. “Emma? Say no while you still can and it all ends. I’ll untie you and make love to you all night long. Regardless of what you might think, you do have a choice in this.”

  She did have a choice. Jack wouldn’t force her. But he would push her. She smiled. She wanted that push. She was tired of mediocre sex with boring men. She opened her mouth.

  Jack placed the large knot in her mouth before securing the scarf around her head. The obstruction was larger than she’d expected. She tried to speak, but could only produce a muffled sound.

  Jack gave her a moment to become accustomed to the gag and then he moved once more. His hand drifted over her breasts, only briefly toying with her nipples before moving over her rib cage and lower. His fingers dipped into her pussy and she sighed.

  Her relief was short-lived when he pulled his hand away. She wanted to protest, but all that came out was a muted moan. He looked at her face and shook his head. “You’re mine, Emma. Tonight your body is all mine.”

  She narrowed her eyes, but the threatening look only prompted a smirk from Jack. “Don’t yell at me with those eyes of yours. You agreed to this. Now you’re just going to have to be a good girl and take it.”

  He lifted a vibrator from the bed and she shivered in excitement. Surprisingly, she loved not knowing what he was going to do, loved being at his complete mercy. She’d never given anyone control over any aspect of her life. She’d never trusted anyone enough to give them that much power. Truth was, she trusted him—implicitly, completely.

  He dipped the vibrator into her pussy twice, wetting it with her body’s juices before pushing it in completely. He lifted a remote to show her, and he flipped the toy on to low speed. She jolted slightly when it started moving, not expecting it to turn her on so much. She was already too close, too excited. The vibrations sent shards of arousal to every part of her body. Her nipples ached to be sucked, her skin became ultra-sensitive and her body begged to be filled. If she’d been able to speak, the only word Jack would have heard was please.

  Leaving the toy set on low, Jack stood and picked up an unlit candle. She wanted to curse him for trying to create some sort of ambiance when her body was dying for more of his touches. She didn’t need more light, she needed him.

  After he lit the candle using the flame from another, he returned to the bed.

  “You’ve never explored pain, have you, Emma?”

  She swallowed heavily then shook her head. They’d enacted loads of SM fantasies at Scoundrels. She was amazed by the number of people who were turned-on by pain. She’d never considered herself one who would feel the same, but until two days ago, bondage wasn’t real high on her list either. Now she already loved the feeling of Jack’s straps on her wrists and ankles.

  He reached for a tiny bottle on the nightstand. At her quizzical look, he held it up to show her. “Mineral oil.”

  Pouring some on his hands, he gently worked the oil into her skin, caressing and stroking from shoulders to groin until she felt boneless, relaxed. Her eyes had just drifted shut when his hands left her.

  Her gaze lifted just in time to see him pick up the pillar candle and hold it over her stomach. She tried to suck in some much-needed air through her nose.

  “It’s a paraffin candle. It doesn’t burn quite as hot as others. Still…” He studied her face once more.

  She sucked in a deep breath then closed her eyes, awaiting the inevitable first drop. When it didn’t come, she opened her eyes and found Jack staring at her. “Do you want this, Emma?”

  She’d thought the gag was to keep her from protesting. His question confused her. Then she remembered what he’d said. She’d always have a choice.

  She nodded. She wanted every experience he would give her and more. Several drops of wax landed on her stomach and she gasped. While the wax stung, the pain was fleeting. Once it cooled, she felt another burning sensation take over, this one internal as her arousal grew. Jack poured more splashing drops of wax on her body. She groaned loudly when one landed directly on her left nipple. Her hips began to thrust as her cunt tried to seek out some much-needed stimulation. Jack’s vibrator was no help.

  As the wax hardened, it tightened on her skin and another round of white-hot need racked every part of her body.

  Again, she missed her ability to speak, to demand that Jack stop these games and take her.

  Finally, Jack returned the candle to the nightstand. He stood beside the bed and for the first time, she realized he was still dressed. He pressed a button on the remote and the vibrator picked up speed. She groaned, her hips still moving, still thrusting, her pussy still unsatisfied. She felt a tear roll down the side of her face.

  Jack must have noticed too because he stopped undressing and looked at her. “Are you in physical pain?”

  She wanted to nod, to scream she was horny as fuck and he was killing her, but she knew that nod would stop everything. As much as her body chastised her for the motion, her mind wasn’t finished with this game yet. She wanted more. Lots more. She shook her head.

  “Do you want to stop?”

  This time there was no hesitation as she shook her head harder. Jack grinned.

  “Jesus. Perfect,” he muttered, as he continued removing his clothes. Once he was naked, he climbed onto the bed and Emma relished the closeness of his bare body next to hers. He shifted until he knelt between her outstretched legs. One of his fingers pushed into her pussy, pressing the vibrator against her G-spot.

  She screamed around the gag and came instantly. She’d known her orgasm was close, lingering at the edges, but she didn’t expect one quick, unexpected thrust to send it roaring to the foreground. Jack seemed to understand the way her body worked better than she did.

  He removed the vibrator. “Thought that might take the edge off so we can play some more.”

  She was panting, sweating, trembling and exhausted. He wanted to keep playing?

  So be it.

  Chapter 5

  Jack woke with Emma nestled safely in his arms. He’d untied her several hours earlier only to take her again. He’d used her roughly last night and he was overwhelmed by a sense of guilt. She’d nearly walked onto the deck in the midst of that storm. The mere thought of it sent his blood to boiling again. The silly little fool could have been was
hed overboard by the harsh waves and he would have been helpless to save her.

  He refused to lose her. If he had to tie her to his bed every time he left the room, he’d do so. He’d wrap her in swaddling cotton and make sure nothing or no one ever harmed her. An impractical thought if ever there was one. He’d kidnapped her. He was a pirate and she was a lady of society. There was no future for them. Yet without her…

  Jack refused to think about what the next few days would bring. He’d given his heart to the woman, knowing nothing good could come of it. There were so many things she didn’t know about him. A secret side he’d yet to share. What would she say when she realized how dark his desires ran?

  He longed to take her in front of his men, show off his beautiful treasure. It was a twisted fantasy, but one that played out in his mind time and again.

  She sighed in her sleep and raised her arm higher, wrapping it around his chest. Something dark caught his eye. Raising his head from the pillow, he looked at the large black bruise on her upper arm and growled.

  The sound roused her. “Jack?” The sweet sound of her voice was heavy with drowsiness.

  “What happened to your arm?”

  She lifted her head, blinking several times. “What?”

  “Your arm, madam. What happened to your arm?”

  She looked down and fell silent. He sensed a slight tremor of fear within her. Had he gone too far last night? Was she frightened of him?

  He fought to soften his tone. “Tell me, Emma.”

  “I fell against the bed last night during the storm.” She paused then raised her eyes to meet his. “When I was trying to get dressed.”

  Dressing to come above. He swallowed hard against his anger. “You must promise me you’ll never try to do something so reckless ever again.”

  She looked down, refusing to meet his gaze. He would not be denied. “Promise me, Emma.”

  “I promise.”

  Her reluctant tone didn’t match her vow. He placed his finger under her chin and lifted her face to his. “I understand how hard it is for you to stay below.”


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