Flame Thrower

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Flame Thrower Page 17

by Alice Wade

  The air was filled with horns, screams of joy and white flower petals ripped from their stems and thrown in handfuls into the air to fall around the couple as they made their way down the aisle. Her first step down the stairs of the dais nearly caused her to stumble, but it was Ryan’s firm grip on her arm that held her upright. She smiled innocently up at him, drinking in his support as they made their way down the long carpeted isle.

  Waiting on the far end of the walk stood another priest, and in his hands rested a blue velvet pillow with her crown of office cushioned gently on the fabric. The newly married coupled paused before the priest while he lifted the delicately worked gold crown from its resting place and attached it onto her waiting head.

  “Queen Tillian,” he bellowed for all to hear, sending another wave of chaos to rain through the courtyard.

  Ryan looked around at the crowd, feeling their joy as much as he could see it. They loved her as much as he did. “See?” Ryan whispered when she stood tall again. “You’re not tainted. They love you.” With a gentle squeeze he moved her towards the carriage that would take them back into the heart of the castle and the awaiting party. Kincaid promised the ceremony was destined to last well into the early morning and Ryan had no doubt. The party would just have to carry on without them because Ryan had other plans for his new bride.

  “I still think this was a mistake, even if you are quite charming,” she whispered as he helped her inside the carriage. Once inside, she sank back in relief to the deafening cheers outside.

  “Well, that is to be debated, dear. I still think your Father should be flayed for not recognizing what a treasure he had, rather than treating you so poorly. Although if he had, I never would have the opportunity to meet you and that, Tillian, would be a travesty.”

  She held up her hands in mock defense. “All right! You win, for now.” Her laughter lifted his heart. While he settled on the bench across from her, he watched her closely. She appeared happy, but he could see the lingering fear behind her lovely eyes and wanted nothing more than to wipe that clean from her mind. He wanted her absolutely lost in the joy of the moment and comfortable in what they’d just done. He wanted her to experience the joys of her wedding day, not hiding behind the fears that King Irfan could generate even from this distance.

  He thought with dread on what awaited them at the castle. Normally he loved a good celebration, but he couldn’t wait to be alone with her, to cherish her without prying eyes. He hated that his stately duties required they attend the reception.

  Her newly crowned head cocked slightly watching him. “What’s on your mind?”

  “You. I want you. Alone. Not sitting in a stuffy hall with thousands of people stealing your time. I’m dreading this.” He smiled and leaned forward. “I have a small gift for you,” he said eagerly. “Do you want it now?” he asked and received a happy nod in reply. “Open your hand,” he instructed.

  “You are being awfully sweet, Ryan,” she sighed before she held out her hand.

  “Oh? Shouldn’t I shower you with affection on the greatest day of your life?” he teased back, running his finger down the center of her open palm without breaking eye contact.

  “I guess I shouldn’t complain, because I love it.”

  Her warm smile stole his breath straight from his lungs. Laughing, he took his open palm and waved it over hers, causing a static shock to jolt her hand. Where the jolt tingled on her skin, an object began to form in the shape of a delicate rose pendant encrusted with tiny sparking diamonds that twinkled in the afternoon sun as the rays touched the stones.

  The petals on the rose were somehow made from solid pieces of ruby the deepest red and formed a heart, with the leaves of foggy emerald. The base for the stem was white gold yet the pendant was light, as if it were not made of metal. The entire pendant was no longer than one inch, but it captivated the eye regardless. A feminine gold chain slithered from her palm to dangle down her wrist as this magic completed its transformation and presented her with a stunning wedding gift.

  “Ryan—” She couldn’t finish for tears had stolen her sight and her voice. She felt him take the necklace from her palm and quickly attached it around her neck. The rose rested delicately on her chest, just above the curve her breasts. When he finished, she touched it while trying to look down.

  “You’ve stolen my heart, Tillian. I vowed years ago I would never marry. I vowed,” his voice began to falter before he continued, “I vowed to never share my throne with another. In three weeks, you have changed all that I held sacred and I willingly gave up my beliefs for you.” He captured her face in a gentle kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” The words warmed her core for she meant them, passionately. From the moment her Father whored her out for money, she gave up on any hope of a quality marriage. Yet here she sat. A Queen. This outcome was better than any dream she could have ever concocted.

  “Listen,” he said while he still held her face cupped between his large hands. “We are not staying in there long. We make our greetings, drink a little wine and then we leave. Are you all right with that?” While he spoke his hand slowly dropped from her jaw to her neck, where his thumb caressed in lazy circles on her skin and toyed with the rose resting against her flushed skin.

  “Um,” Tillian lost her focus when his hand dropped lower to finger the edge of her dress, caressing the skin just underneath.

  He took advantage of the dress’s design. The corset top had a severe neckline and her breasts were pushed high, almost spilling from the dress. He couldn’t resist touching her. He continued to fondle her skin and slid his finger under the rim to rub against her now erect nipple eliciting a moan from his bride.

  “Well?” His question was hidden behind the seductive smile radiating on his face. He loved getting this reaction from her and would try until the day he died to see this on her face every day of their hopefully long lives.

  “That sounds like a good idea.” Tillian gave into the sensation and laid her head on the padded head rest while he continued to fondle her breasts. She was so distracted by his one hand that she completely missed his second. Ryan had worked up under her full white dress to caress her thighs and most inner core.

  She felt his fingers tickle her inner thigh and moaned softly. She knew where this was headed. “Ryan, you should stop this. I’m afraid if you continue, we won’t even make it into the reception at all,” Tillian said between pants. He finger now tickled around her overly stimulated body through the thin lace undergarments.

  He was focused. At the moment, the thin fabric of lace separated Ryan from slipping into her ready body and throwing her completely into a state of distraction.

  “I just want to give you something to look forward to later,” he whispered and rubbed gentle circles knowing it would push her over in a matter of moments. He enjoyed watching her lose the battle and give into the sensations. He doubted he’d ever tire of being able to elicit this pleasure from her body and smiled when her cheeks flushed with arousal.

  “Ryan,” she moaned but she didn’t stop him.

  “Let go, love,” he whispered inches from her face before he kissed her deeply, suckling her lips between his own while his tongue lazily roamed inside her mouth. She tasted like honey and he couldn’t get enough of this woman. How was he going to last the coming hours until he could get her alone?

  Tillian’s labored breathing announced how close she was to letting go. Ryan knew exactly what it would take to free her, so slipped his finger under the lace and pushed inside her body, stroking her softly until she shattered.

  “No fair,” she moaned, her body exploding into a million sensations when the orgasm rolled through her. Ryan loved watching her like this, for she didn’t dampen her expressions at all. Quite the opposite. Her body arched, her face formed fantastic expressions and her velvety soft walls trembled with release. In a million years, he didn’t think he would ever tire of this scene.

  Reluctantly, he moved apart from he
r and smiled into her flushed face. “I think it was quite fair, dear.” He checked out the window. “Sadly, I think we’re here now, so are you ready?” he asked and looked down on Tillian who had slouched into the cushions.

  She arched an eyebrow and smiled. “I think I’ll have to repay you for that later,” she breathed out.

  “I’ll look forward to it—” His words were interrupted when he released a guttural sound. He felt his entire world tilt when her tiny hand confidently stroked the length of his erection. “Tillian.” He said her name with a playful warning.

  “That was to tempt you. Hopefully you’ll get us out of there faster with that in mind.” She winked.

  “Wicked. Truly wicked.” His soft laughter filled the carriage.

  “Only when I’m with you, Ryan. I could never be this free with anyone else.”

  He barely heard her and his eyes narrowed in question.

  “I only feel safe enough to feel that level of bliss when I’m alone with you,” she said more firmly.

  “Well then, I’ll just have to make sure we’re alone quite frequently,” he said huskily. He wanted nothing more than to be alone now but he thought of this reception with a daunting apprehension. He was half tempted to close the curtain and take her here, shower her with years of love that he’d repressed, but the coachman waited outside. Regretfully, he said, “Shall we?

  There was a tap on the door and a voice called out, “Your Highness? Is everything all right?” The delay obviously had the coachman worried when both Ryan and Tillian had yet to emerge.

  “We’re fine if not a little distracted,” Ryan said when he emerged to find the concerned coachman looking at the door with worry. He tried not to fidget and failed, wringing his hands before him in concern. The sight amused Ryan, causing him to smother a laugh as he turned around to help Tillian.

  “Very good, Sir.” With a bow the man stepped back four paces to wait.

  Tillian caught a glimpse of the world outside and saw a long velvet carpet awaited their arrival. Her gaze traced the length of the rug and knew it would lead them into the castle ballroom which was lit up with hundreds of tiny pin pricks of light. There was no way these were all small candles or the place would be up in flames in moments.

  He saw her line of sight and tilted his head. “Wondering how those lights work?”

  “Actually, yes.” Tillian met his eyes with a look of pure confusion.

  “Magic. I made these lights when Kincaid explained this reception. I wanted you to be dazzled by stars and bathed in their radiance. What do you think?” He looked back at the effect. He couldn’t resist a half smile when he took in that his castle was illuminated with thousands upon thousands of small twinkling lights. A warm glow bathed the grounds around the building, inviting spectators to walk the gardens, which they could see at night in the soft glow.

  “It’s wonderful.” Her wistful response warmed him to his core as he watched her take it all in.

  “Wait until you get inside.” Ryan extended his hand to help her from the carriage. He assisted Tillian and detached the train from her dress freeing her from the weight. “There. You should be more comfortable now.”

  She looked behind her and sighed, “Thank you.” She watched as he bunched it up and tossed it unceremoniously back inside the carriage before bathing her in a warm smile.

  The poor coachman had finally recovered and cleared his throat to get their attention. “Your Highnesses, I’m to lead you to a waiting room while the guests arrive from the ceremony. If you’ll please follow me?” he asked with a flourish and led the way down the velvet carpet into the building with haste.

  Immediately upon entering, the coachman turned right and disappeared into a room illuminated with more of the magic lights. She skidded to a halt when they followed, sucking in a breath in amazement. Tillian looked around at the little details that were laid out for her. Her gaze drifted from one sight to the next finally landing on his smug face. He knew he’d outdone himself. Tillian looked back to the room, sighing. Ryan had crafted flowers of her homeland out of magic and those filled vases around the room. The sentiment touched her if not made her feel homesick.

  “I didn’t want you feeling so out of place, so brought a little of Folkyn to celebrate with his today,” he whispered.

  “I love it.”

  Wallace materialized out of the nowhere, smiling at them in his formal attire, dress sword at his hip. Following just behind was his untamed wife, who wore a wholesome smile on her face as she greeted the newly married couple.

  When the doors were closed, sealing them alone, Wallace and Ryan clasped lower arms in a congratulatory fashion. “Congratulations Ryan.” Wallace turned to Tillian, a matching smile on his face. “You too, Tillian.”

  “Thank you, my friend.” Ryan released his arm and claimed Tillian’s waist, turning to June. “You were right, June. Marriage feels good,” he said with a genuine joy.

  “It’s frankly about time, Ryan,” she beamed. “Tillian, I’ve been after him for years to find the women of his dreams, and leave it to Ryan to take his own sweet time at it. Fate made sure he didn’t take too long, though.”

  Wallace harrumphed. “Now who are you going to harass, sweet wife?” he teased.

  June lifted her head with a challenge. “Silly man. Ryan just upped the challenge. Now it’s all about when will there be children?”

  Tillian couldn’t help but laugh at the horrified look on Ryan’s face and smothered her reaction when he glared at her.

  “Don’t encourage this, Tillian. Just wait until she corners you during tea,” he warned warmly but pulled her tightly to his side.

  Thinking of children made Ryan recall something. “Wallace, did you hear if my sister has arrived?” Ryan inquired.

  “No, but a message arrived this morning that she was delayed due to your Aunt falling ill. She’s not comfortable leaving her in the care of the servants, and she sent her apologies. She promised she’d be around in a week once she is confident your Aunt is well.”

  “That’s disappointing.” Ryan really wanted Crysin here for this, especially since they were so close. He’d practically raised her himself and wanted her to get to know Tillian and love her as much as he did. He knew how much their Aunt meant to her, however, and understood his sister’s concern. Their Aunt was practically a mother to Crysin, and that alone made her absence acceptable.

  Wallace leaned close. “Knowing your sister, she’s feeling just as badly, Ryan.” He, too, knew Crysin well and understood how missing her brother’s wedding would affect her.

  “You’re right, of course. She’d not miss this if it wasn’t serious.”

  Tillian wrapped her arm around his waist and hugged him, knowing he felt badly, but before she could comfort him more, the doors to the formal dining hall opened and the horns blasted out their entrance.

  Ryan leaned down and whispered, “Here we go. Remember, we eat, drink and dash. Agreed?”

  Tillian smiled in relief. “Agreed,” she said a little too quickly, and had all four of them laughing when they entered the hall.

  He was right. The ballroom was straight out of any childhood fairy tale, because there was decadence at every turn. All human senses were stimulated with lights, textures and scents. In the center of the ballroom was a gorgeous dance floor inlaid with green emeralds making the floor iridescent and shimmery, catching every flicker of candle light as it danced through the room. It gave the appearance of the rolling plains outside the large windows.

  Above, suspended by air, were huge chandeliers that cast warm light on the occupants below. The room easily was three times the size of the ballroom in Folkyn and currently filled with people who made an aisle for them to enter.

  The sound of their cheering inside was even more deafening than at the ceremony. The hornsmen waited for the commotion to die down and when they made their entrance, horns reeled announcing the two couples while they made their way down the aisle. All along their walk small w
hite flowers from the plains of Yorath were thrown casting a white shower to rain down on them as they made their way. Their destination was the long head table erected at the front of the room. Servants stood ready, hands poised ready to serve the food that waited to be laid out. All of it was fantastic and Tillian allowed herself to enjoy the moment and accept that this was her day. My wedding day, she corrected.

  They drank wine, ate food and socialized with hundreds of people before Ryan whispered into her ear, “It’s time.” He’d waited long enough, and rushed through his good-byes before he pulled her from the hall. He knew the guests would continue to enjoy the party long after they snuck out, so felt no regret departing early.

  “Finally! I didn’t think that was going to end!” Tillian exclaimed. They walked down the hallway toward the massive double staircase in the center of the foyer. “Do you think anyone will mind we departed?”

  “We greeted those most important,” he replied and they climbed the stairs hand in hand. Once they reached the top, he directed her, using his arm around her waist, to the wide elaborate hall toward their living quarters.

  “I also didn’t want to wait one more moment, so I could care less if they did mind.” Ryan swept her into his arms and strode down the hall, crossing the threshold of their living quarters with her snuggled in his arms. Once inside he placed her feet on the floor and shut the door behind them. The sudden change to utter silence from the overpowering noise downstairs was dramatic. “Much better.”

  His lips found hers immediately and kissed her with such intensity that her knees buckled beneath her, causing her to fall deeper into his embrace. His hands were not idle and while he was plundering her mouth, he proficiently untied her corset in the back. With a dramatic flourish, he pulled the string out of their eyelets, and then attacked the numerous hooks also keeping the top closed and holding her flesh captive. Flesh he desperately wanted freed.

  With one last snap, the top released its hold and he roughly pulled the bodice from her frame and pushed it to the floor so the fabric heaped at her feet. Her breasts heaved with her rapid breathing, her nipples puckered with both arousal and the touch of the colder air.


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