Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel) Page 18

by Ginny Atkinson

  Hunter placed his arm over my shoulder. “So my Cajun Queen, why is he giving Roxy a ride to Frank’s and not you?”

  I shrugged off his arm and took another step away from him. “Her dad hates my brother and called the school to have the swine patrol keep all of us Savioes away from her. So Drez takes her there and brings her back so Luke can spend time with her.”

  “Do you want a ride there today?” He offered. “Scott and I are going anyway.”

  I looked over at Scott then down the hall at Drez who now stood next to little Roxy. His jaw clenched as he stuffed his hands in his pockets glaring at me. “Yeah, that’d be cool. Just let me tell Beau so he doesn’t wait for me.”

  I pulled out my phone and sent Beau a quick text.

  Me: Scott’s giving me a ride to Franks. C U there.

  I took a deep breath and sent one to Drez.

  Me: R U ok? U seem a little pissed.

  My phone chirped just as I was about to slip it back in my purse.

  Beau: Cool.

  I looked up at Scott and Hunter. “Y’all ready?”

  Hunter smiled at me bringing out a set of dimples. “Awesome.”

  We headed out the commons and down to the parking lot. Hunter stopped by a black Jeep Wrangler and opened the door for me. I quickly climbed in and settled in the backseat. The floorboards were covered in empty soda and water bottles. Several empty bags from a few fast food restaurants were tucked into the seat beside me and I swear I saw a pair of panties underneath the driver seat.

  “Sorry about the mess. I haven’t cleaned it in a few weeks.” Hunter’s cheeks turned a slight shade of pink before he ducked his head toward the steering wheel.

  Scott chuckled and climbed into the passenger seat. “Weeks? Brother, this thing hasn’t been touched in months. Marie, sweetie, if something moves back there just tuck your feet up in the seat.”

  My eyes widened in feigned horror. “Something can actually live back here? How is that possible?”

  He chuckled putting his seatbelt on. “I wouldn’t doubt it.”

  I paused for a moment. He couldn’t really be serious. Could he? I looked back down at the floorboard and deftly pulled my legs up in the seat with me. My phone chirped in my purse. I pulled it out and checked the message.

  Drez: Why are you with them?

  Me: They offered me a ride. We were also invited 2 a party 2nite.

  Drez: Oh I’m sure he offered you a ride.

  Me: What the hell is that supposed to mean.

  Drez: He just wants to fuck you, pet.

  Me: At least someone does. Quit texting and driving.

  I shoved my phone back in my purse as it chirped at me again. I refused to look at it. Screw him. He’s just being an ass. The roar of Grace’s engine sounded behind us. I turned around and saw him gripping the wheel. I raised my eyebrow at him, glanced over to Roxy and waved to her before turning back around.

  “Your man is riding my ass.” Hunter eyed the rearview mirror and turned his turn signal on as we slowed to make the left into Frank’s. “If he gets any closer he could at least give me a reach around.”

  “Yeah. I don’t think he likes that I caught a ride with you two.” I pulled my hair back from my face and secured it with a hair tie resisting the faint urge to smirk.

  Scott chuckled as he turned around in his seat to look at me. “I’m sure he doesn’t but that was your plan though, right?”

  “I have no idea what you are inferring.” I turned my head to the side and snuck a glance back at them peripherally. Drez’s knuckles were white from his grip on the wheel. His jaw was clenched so tight it looked like he was grinding his teeth as he stared daggers at the Jeep. If looks could kill, I think we would all be dead. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I bit my inner cheek and turned back around. “I do appreciate the ride though.”

  We pulled into the Drive In and found a place by the back of the building. As Hunter turned off the Jeep, Scott opened the door and moved the seat so I could get out. He grabbed my hand and helped me down. “Thanks.”

  He closed the door behind us. “No problem. If we are still alive for it, make sure you both come tonight and bring Beau.” He frowned for a second before rushing off after Hunter.

  “Okay. Thanks again for the lift.” I took a step toward my family when a hand grabbed my arm.

  I jerked around to see the stony gaze of Drez. He yanked me away from the Jeep and pulled me into the bathroom at the rear of the building. I spun around startled as I heard the door lock. “What the hell.”

  He stalked over to me making me quickly back up against the sink. My heart pounded in my ears. What the hell was he going to do? We stood there nose to nose with each other. My breathing became erratic, chest heaving with every breath I took. I nervously chewed on my bottom lip the longer he just stared at me.

  He glanced down at my mouth and let out a low groan before pushing away from me. “Why were you with them, Marie?”

  My fingers curled around the old porcelain behind me. “I already told you.”

  He let out a snigger. “Yeah, that’s right. You wanted a ride.” He ran a hand through his hair before pinning me with those penetrating grey eyes. He grabbed my arm and yanked me against his chest. My hands came up to brace myself against his upper body. He closed his eyes and scrunched up his face as if he was in pain. When he opened them back up, they swirled with an intensity that made my stomach clench. His hand shook as he barely brushed his fingertips over my cheek. He mumbled under his breath before lowering his head to mine. “What are you doing to me, luv?”

  His lips captured mine in a punishing kiss. His tongue delved into my mouth as I gasped. Gawd, I have missed this. My hands moved up his chest, over his shoulders and ran through his hair. His lips were firm but oh so soft. I moaned slightly as I pressed myself closer to him. He grabbed the back of my neck and devoured me. His other hand traveled from my arm to waist before finally settling on my butt.

  “Marcus.” I whispered as his lips trailed over my cheek before he nipped at my neck. He let go of the back of my neck and moved his hand to my chest. I heard the faint sound of the zipper on my jacket just as the cool air of the room brushed against my torso. He jerked the jacket down trapping my arms with the leather bunching at my elbows as his lips continued an electrifying trail across my collarbone. I heard myself moaning and felt my nipples tighten as his hand grazed my breast through my tank top.

  “Marie. I have dreamed about you. Spent a few of those nights so wound up from not being able to touch you. Of not being able to do this like I’ve longed to do.” His lips brushed against my skin as he slowly kissed and licked his way down to my chest. I felt the heat from his hand as he pulled my shirt up. He let out a groan when he captured my breast in his hand.

  “You fit my hand perfectly, pet.” He leaned his head down and captured the other in his mouth. I gasped in pleasure tossing my head back as his mouth soaked the cup of my bra. His other hand pulled the fabric down so he could capture my puckered nipple in his mouth.

  A loud banging on the door separated us. I quickly righted my bra, pulling down my tank top and zipped my jacket back up before he opened the door. Roxy and Jess stood on the other side glowering at him. Roxy pushed passed him on her way in the small bathroom. Jess grabbed his shirt and yanked him out before closing the door in his face.

  “Are you okay, Marie?” Roxy asked hesitantly.

  I let out a slow breath trying to regain my composure and nodded. Jess took one look at me and cackled. “Yeah, she’s probably wishing we’d have left them alone for few more minutes.”

  Roxy giggled softly. “I’m sorry. If I’d had known that was his intent we would have left you be.” Her face turned serious, those jewel like eyes of hers glittered their concern. “In the car…. He was pissed. I mean seriously pissed. I thought that phone of his was going to break after your last text, he was squeezing it that hard. He sent one back to you and I guess you stopped answering. The more time th
at went by the more enraged he became. He finally just threw the phone on the dash and sped up to try to catch you guys or something.”

  Jess leaned against the sink. “So what was that about?”

  “What?” My voice was still husky from my waning desire.

  They looked at each other and grinned. Jess with her Cheshire cat smile and Roxy with her mysterious smirk. Jess slapped my arm. “The text messages.”

  “Oh. Well here read ‘em.” I handed my phone over to them. As they scrolled through our small conversation, I placed my hand on my chest to calm my erratic heartbeat. We always seemed to be getting interrupted. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad.

  Jess cackled her frizzy mass of red hair tossed back over her shoulder. “Oh shit, girl I can’t believe you egged him on. Wait, so Hunter wants to bang you?”

  Roxy handed me back my phone. “How do you know he meant Hunter?”

  Jess shrugged uncomfortably. “Scott has always had a thing for big girls.”

  “How do you know this?” I asked enjoying her discomfort, completely thankful that the attention was not on me anymore.

  “He lives right next door. I’ve known him longer than Roxy.” She admitted looking in the discolored mirror. “So, we do talk. A lot.”

  I gasped as I put two and two together. “He’s your source?”

  Her face drained of color. “No.”

  Roxy took a step toward her. “Jess, you know you can’t lie worth shit. He is isn’t he?”

  She ducked her head. “Yes. But you two can’t tell anyone!”

  “We won’t. Now can we get out of here I’m starving.” I pushed them toward the door.

  “Yes ma’am.” Jess cackled as she opened the door.

  We all laughed as we walked toward the table we claimed as ours. Beau stood in between Hunter and Drez as they glared at each other. The three of us gasped and rushed to them. Luke intercepted Roxy before she could get close to the potential fight brewing. Jess stopped beside Charles and Scott.

  “What’s going on?” I asked brushing a lock of my hair away from my face.

  Drez spat out. “The ponce here is trying to bite off more than he can chew, pet.”

  Beau placed his hands on Drez’s shoulders and gently pushed him back. “No, man. His dad is the sheriff. He’ll bring you up on so many charges your future grandkids will end up going to court for it.”

  I placed a hand on Drez’s back and felt him tense up as I rested my head on his arm. “Shug, let’s sit down and get something to eat. Please.”

  I felt the rumble of his growl beneath my head and hand. “Watch yourself, tosser. Next time you come at me, they won’t be here to hold me back.”

  Hunter puffed up his chest. “Bring it. I ain’t scared of you.”

  Drez turned back around taking a quick step forward. Hunter flinched before stumbling backward. Drez shook his head in disgust. “That’s what I thought.” He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. “Let’s get you fed, luv.”


  When school let out, I sent a text to mom quickly explaining to her that my French teacher wanted me to stay after school. Thankfully, she didn’t ask why. I know if I had told her it was for detention she would have grounded me and I really wanted to go to that party. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked into the commons. I handed the teacher standing guard the white slip of paper.

  He pointed me to the back of the room. “No sleeping. If you have homework, do it. Other than that I really don’t care what goes on as long as you leave me alone.”

  My eyes widened in apprehension as I headed over to an empty table by the windows. “Yeah. This is gonna suck.” I muttered to myself as I set my bag on the tabletop. I grabbed a notebook out of it and started doodling. Hearts and cartoonish flowers blossomed on the page.

  “Whoa! Why did you get detention?” Jess asked as she took a seat across from me.

  “I disturbed my French class.” I rolled my eyes as I fiddled with my pencil.

  She nodded her head and propped her feet up on the table. “That’s it? Well, don’t worry it’s really not that bad. Just don’t bug Mr. Nelson. Are you going to Scott’s party tonight?”

  “I was thinking about it, but I’ll have to catch a ride with someone since I haven’t heard from Drez if he’s going to go or not.” My hair slid over my shoulder as I turned my attention to the opening doors. “Speak of the devil. I swear Jess, I don’t know what to do anymore.”

  Her head popped up in concern. “Oh, about the whole fake thingy? Roxy filled me in during lunch after making me promise on my mom’s grave not to speak of it to anyone but yous guys.”

  “Yes! I mean he is so confusing. Last Saturday he said that he’d like to make it real and then well you know he’s been so standoffish until….” I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

  “Until you goaded him today by getting a lift from them.” She supplied.

  I slapped my hand down on the table. “Exactly! I’m losing my mind here. It’s like he runs hot then cold. If it’s because he doesn’t want to piss Beau off or whatever then he should just tell me that instead of leading me on.”

  “Have you told him that?” She leaned back in the chair precariously balancing it on two legs as she pulled her frizzy auburn hair back in a low-slung ponytail.

  “I haven’t had the chance to say more than a few words to him. I’ve been on twin duty all week, my brothers are usually around or he just leaves the damn room when I enter.” I leaned forward on the table resting my elbows against it. “Then when we are together alone it just ends up….”

  “With you two igniting.”

  “Yeah and he says these things to me that just make my knees weak.” I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before faking a British accent. “I’d leave you unable to think. Only feel. Well congratu-freaking-lations you’ve succeeded.”

  “Sounds like he’s playing you.” She quickly leaned forward dropping the chair back on all of its legs. “I think you should start playing by his rules.”

  A lump started to form in my throat as my chest tightened at the thought of being played. I quickly cleared it. “How so?”

  She looked around the room then leaned forward to whisper. “Well, do exactly what he is doing. Lead him on. Whisper little things in his ear that you’d want to do to him or have him do to you. Then act like it never happened minutes later.”

  I chewed on my lip and shook my head. “I couldn’t do that.”

  “Yes, you can and you will. Just because he looks like that doesn’t give him the right to treat you the way he has been.”

  “No, Jess. I can’t do that. I blush at the mere thought of anything sexual.” I hissed at her trying to keep my voice down. There was no way I’d be able to pull anything like that off without losing my heart to him.

  She must have seen my dilemma. “You’re in Theatre Arts, right?”

  I nodded my head to her. “Yeah, but what does that have to do with this.”

  She let out a disgruntled snort. “Marie, think of this as just another role. The character you will portray is a man-eating vixen that breaks hearts wherever she goes. She has her sights set on the local bad boy that needs his comeuppance.”

  “But usually that girl falls for the bad boy and gets her heart broke.” I muttered before squeezing my eyes shut.

  “Not in the movies I watch. Take a deep breath and channel your inner whatever because the show is about to start.” She stood up and waved her arms. “Drez! Over here.” She looked back down at me and whispered. “You can do this, Marie.”



  I heard someone yell my name from the other side of the commons. I looked over to see Jess standing up waving her arms. I groaned slightly and started to ignore her when I noticed Marie sitting at the table. Why’s she in here? I slowly made my way over to their table.

  She sat with her back to the window and her jacket unzipped exposing her thin tank top tha
t hinted at the color of her pink and black bra hidden beneath. I shook my head quickly to dispel what I did to her at lunch. That was a mistake, a glorious and tantalizing mistake. I should have known better than to approach her in such an unstable state. For the life of me though, I doubt I could’ve stopped myself.

  When I spotted those gits talking to her outside the bathroom before lunch after hearing that Hunter wanted her, it took everything in me to keep from barging over there and ripping her away from him. Then when she got in that vehicle, my blood boiled. I know she’s not really mine and that I have no claim on her whatsoever. But the visceral response to seeing her with another guy, even if her intentions were innocent, scared me. She was starting to matter to me, way more than she should.

  Jess turned around and said something to her just as I arrived at the table. Marie looked up at me; her golden eyes alight with apprehension. She ducked her head and swallowed before she looked back up with small shy smile developing on her lush lips. My heart stuttered in my chest. Yeah, she definitely meant more to me than I cared to admit.

  Marie reached up and grabbed my hand pulling me down to the seat beside her. Her fingers intertwined with mine as she began to rub her thumb in small circles on my palm. “Are we going to go to that party tonight?”

  Her soft touch sent a surge of lust straight to my cock. I shifted slightly in the seat discreetly trying to readjust myself and concentrated on deciphering her words. “What? Oh that. If you want to, pet.”

  She leaned toward me, her tank top separating from her skin allowing me a glimpse down her shirt. My mouth went dry. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she admitted. “I’d like to.”

  I blinked a few times, removed my hand from hers and sat back. I couldn’t fuck up my living situation by letting my hormones rule my mind. Think of something else, mate. Dead puppies. Overweight bikini models. Hunter. That did it. That ponce was just the thought I needed to cool my ardor. Of course, I now wanted to bash his head in but at least that wouldn’t affect my sleeping arrangements.

  “How’d you get detention, Marie?” I asked leaning against the table with my arms against my chest. I needed to keep our talk to something simple while I regained control. “More importantly, does your mother know you’re in here?”


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