Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)

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Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel) Page 25

by Ginny Atkinson

  The three of them snorted in agreement. Beau mumbled. “Dat’s f’true!”

  “Look I know I mucked up at lunch, okay. I feel horrible about it.” I choked out. “I was just….”

  “Just what?” Beau leaned back in the chair crossing his arms.

  “Trying to make him jealous.” I muttered under my breath.

  Luke sat forward resting his elbows on his knees. “Why would you want to do that?”

  Charles leaned against dad’s globe taking in my every expression. “Because she was and all ‘cause of what Scott said at lunch.”

  I nodded slowly and chewed on my knuckle. They needed to stop this. I was close to tears as is. If one of them asked why I broke it off with him to begin with, I knew I’d lose it. My leg started bouncing the longer they just stared at me.

  “What?” My hands flew out in question. “Go ahead and say it. I’m a fool. I treated him like crap today and now he’s not answering his phone for anyone. Not even momma. She’s worried about him and it’s all my fault.”

  Luke walked over and knelt down in front of me. He placed a hand on my knee. “No one is blaming you.” I snorted at him but he continued. “You reacted like how any of us would. I found myself getting jealous today because some ass was talking to Roxy in Science class. Well, and I got jealous over that stunt you and Beau pulled when she first came here. You know about the nude sketches you tried to convince me she did.”

  I smirked a little over that memory still chewing on my knuckle. A tear crept its way out from my lashes and slid down my cheek. Luke sent a startled glance over to Beau then Charles. He looked back at me in question. “Marie?”

  I stood up and walked over to the window. “I’m fine. Dinner should be ready in a few. Go wash up and tell momma I’ll be in there in a minute.”


  Chapter Twelve


  My mind was a jumble of thoughts as I pulled up to the gate at the Savioe’s around ten thirty. If it weren’t for Eva’s worried calls, I wouldn’t even be here but I texted her an hour ago to let her know I’d be home tonight. When I left Frank’s earlier, I drove to the field that Beau showed us that night. I just sat there with my mobile off for hours thinking about my life. I know if I’d have had any alcohol around me I’d have gotten blitzed out of my gourd. Hell, I’d do anything right now to kill the pain.

  Damn Scott for mentioning that girl from this morning, if he hadn’t done that I’m sure I could’ve…. Who was I kidding? She was with Hunter now. My fingers dug into the steering wheel at the memory of her kissing him. Scott actually had to put his hands on my shoulders to keep me pinned to the seat instead of ripping her out of his arms.

  I was still seething with the need to shake some sense into her and the desire to punch Hunter’s white teeth down his smug throat. I had never felt so distraught in all my life. I had felt fear before but never like that. I was panicked that I had lost her for good. She claimed she broke it off because she was afraid I’d lose interest. Then she went and tossed that fat-slag in my face.

  When she said she wanted someone who would burn for her, it took everything in me not to show her just how badly I burned. Hell, I was consumed with her. She had found her way into my very soul and refused to leave. Even with a piece of me dying inside from her being with that git, she was all I could think about.

  I sighed entering in the code to open the gates. I slowly made my way up the driveway. This was insane. Why was I torturing myself like this by being so close to her and not having her? I parked Grace by the van and quietly made my way inside the house.

  I could hear Beau up in his room as I entered through the garage. I might as well say goodbye to my friendship with him. There was no way I could just hang out with any of them without having the urge to ask about Marie. I knew something like this would happen before any of this started.

  I ran a hand through my hair and continued through the darkened house. I purposefully made sure I stayed out past the mandatory bedtime. There was no way I’d have been able to stay in the same room with her and stay calm. Even now, I just wanted to go upstairs and to her room.

  I shuffled my feet as I walked down the hall to my room. A faint light shone underneath Nate’s study door. I tiptoed my way by it and entered my desolation. I placed my keys on the bureau and sat on the edge of the bed resting my head in my hands. Thankfully, I couldn’t hear her move upstairs. She must be asleep.

  I leaned back against the pillow and stared at the ceiling. Why him, pet? I could have accepted anyone else. Fuck there I go lying to myself again. I sat up and took off my shoes. The thought of her with anyone else but me set my blood to boil. I shouldn’t care this much. If she wanted to be with that ponce then fine. She can just go sod off for all I care.

  “Did they really say that?” Eva’s voice pierced my darkening thoughts.

  I frowned looking around the room trying to sort out which direction her voice was coming from. I spotted the vent by the bureau open and got up to close it. There was no need to eavesdrop on their conversation.

  “I’m afraid so. The inspector called me before I left work. They have reopened the case as a homicide investigation instead of an accidental death.” Nate responded.

  She gasped. “Should we tell Marcus?”

  My hand stopped midair. I sat beside the vent and rested against the wall straining to hear the rest of the conversation.

  “I don’t know, chèr. His emotional state is already volatile from everything that’s happened since then. Learning that his family was murdered instead of dying in an accident might just break the kid.”

  My heart pounded in my ears. This cannot be real. They were murdered, by whom? I gritted my teeth trying to remember the few months prior to their deaths. Nothing unusual, just the typical day-to-day routine, mum would get us up and helped Mrs. Lynsay wrangle us for breakfast. The tutor would then arrive and by afternoon father would come home. The only thing that was off about our schedule was when Aunt Melissa and that bastard Robert showed up on holiday.

  I released a deep breath and thought about everything that happened that day. Nicky and I were in the kitchen, I gave him that cupcake and then Aunt Melissa cooked breakfast. Nicky didn’t eat any of it he was too full from the sweets. We were all supposed to go on the yacht but an hour after breakfast I got ill. Melissa kept asking Nicky if he felt ill as well. Did she have something to do with it? A feeling of dread spread through my already soured stomach.

  She was almost insistent on keeping him at home with me. Mum almost relented until Nicky threw a fit. Robert stuck his nose in then saying she should just let the boy come. Melissa lost a bit of her color then. By that time, I was sent to my room only to be woken up hours later with her informing me of their death.

  I jumped up and rushed out of my room. I paused briefly at the door before I barged into his study. “They killed them didn’t they?”

  Eva spun around with her hand up to her throat in shock. “Marcus. I didn’t know you could hear us.”

  I took an unsteady step toward the chair and subtly nodded. “If the vent in my room is open you can hear almost everything in here.”

  Nate cleared his throat as he walked over to his globe. He opened it revealing a decanter and a few tumblers. He poured two glasses, turned and handed me one. I hesitantly accepted. “Have a seat, Marcus and I will tell you everything I know so far.”

  I slowly lowered myself in the chair. He sat on the edge of his desk. “Remember the detailed background check I told you I was having done?” I nodded. He took a swig of the amber liquid and continued. “Well, I received a few things from your father’s lawyer. The will, estate details, list of known enemies and a copy of the police report. The more I read over everything the more I realized something was not right. I had a few of my colleagues pick apart the police report as I combed over everything else. We found quite a few discrepancies. Your relatives’ money troubles and their sudden trip abroad were at the top of the list. I
kept asking myself why someone who owed hundreds of thousands of dollars would suddenly go to England and visit a person they had not seen in almost two decades. Then it hit me when I read the will. Upon your parents’ death, you would initially receive a lump sum of five hundred thousand dollars. Each month following you would have access to a thousand out of your trust.”

  “Wait, what trust? I knew about the lump sum. He took great pleasure in flaunting how he spent that money to me but there was never any mention of a trust.” I leaned forward glass still in hand and rested my elbows on my knees.

  “Well…. You left England before that account information passed on to any of you. Your father’s lawyer after seeing what the lump sum was being spent on refused to hand any of it over. Since you started living here, I have contacted him and requested he send over the necessary documents so you can gain access to it. Now when you turn eighteen that monthly stipend triples. Once you turn twenty-one, you would have access to everything else.”

  I leaned back and tilted the glass to my lips. The warm liquid burned a trail down my throat before I cautiously asked. “What exactly is everything else?”

  He looked over at Eva sitting on the couch then back at me. “Your townhouse in St. Johns Wood, some property in Wales and in Scotland, though those two have a stipulation that I am not legally allowed to share with you until you turn twenty-one.”

  I drained the glass before resting my arm against the chair, the tumbler dangled in between the tips of my fingers as I took in what he just said. “So it appeared to you and your co-workers that he very well could be responsible for killing them because of money?”

  He gently took the glass from me and refilled it. He handed the glass back to me and took up his perch once more. “Yes. Now please don’t take this the wrong way. Though it confused me at first, he could have received twice as much for both you and your brother. If they were as strapped for cash as it appeared they were then why not take both of you instead of just one?”

  “Nicky wasn’t supposed to be on the yacht that day.” I explained draining the glass again. “I never gave it a second thought until I overheard you two. Melissa made us breakfast that morning. Nicky never ate it; he was too full from that damn cupcake I gave him. An hour after that is when I started feeling ill. She kept asking him if he was as well then tried to convince mum to leave him at home with us while they went with Robert.”

  Eva gasped. “You think she poisoned you?”

  “I’m beginning to suspect it. Though after seeing their relationship I’m positive if she did, she only did so because he put her up to it.” I scratched my chin and shook my head. “Nate, I think I might need the name of that therapist now. That is, if the offer still stands.”

  “Of course. I’ll get in touch with one tomorrow for you.”

  I stood up feeling my senses were now pleasantly numb from the whiskey. I placed the tumbler on his desk and started walking toward the door. I stopped in the threshold looking over my shoulder. “Thank you. Both of you for everything you have done for me.”


  I was awoken the next morning by sounds of feet stomping in the hall. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair before I got out of bed. I tossed on a pair of sweatpants then grabbed the clothes I planned to wear. I dreaded leaving the room. The possibility of running in to her made my chest ache. I had decided after crawling back into bed last night that I would not worry too much over what Eva and Nate told me. I’d let them handle it… for now. With Marie, I had originally planned to just ignore her and go about my business, but Scott and Payne were right. I should fight for her if I really wanted her. I took a deep breath, composed myself and stepped out the door.

  Beau and Luke were standing by the kitchen in the hall talking softly to each other. I could hear the twins in the kitchen laughing as Charles joked around with them. As I passed the study, Beau spotted me.

  “Hey, man. The bathroom is clear if you need in there.” He cleared his throat before adding. “She’s still in her room. We plan on leaving in a few minutes so uh… you two don’t have to see each other this morning.”

  I nodded at him ignoring both of their questioning gazes. When I reached the top of the stairs, I heard the hairdryer turn on in her room. I ducked into the bathroom and locked the door placing my things on the counter by the sink. I turned on the shower and stripped out of my sweat pants.

  I stepped into the steaming stream of water and relished in the droplets cascading over me as it eased away some of my tension. If I could manage to keep my calm the next few days, I just might be able to sort out a way to get her back in my life. I just had to ignore how the light shined on her honeyed hair casting her in golden halo. Ignore how her pert strawberry tipped breasts fit perfectly in my hands. How sweet she tasted and how quick she was to respond to me until then.

  I groaned resting my forehead against the tiled wall. The memories of her legs around my waist and the sight of her bare breasts made me instantly hard. After I had scrubbed the rest of my body, I decided to take things into my own hands. As I grabbed the base of my cock, I imagined it was her hand gliding against my taunt flesh just as she did in the dressing room. Her soft flesh gripped mine as she squeezed me. The image suddenly changed to the bedroom of that party and her underneath me as she moaned in pleasure. God she was so tight.

  A stream of electric tingles pulsed up and down my length. If I could, I’d have done things different that night. I’d have plunged into her welcoming heat that fit me like a glove and taken her to heaven. My hips bucked as I frantically stroked the hot flesh in my hand. She would have screamed my name over and over until I had my fill of her. The door crashed open causing me to still my movements. I thought I locked the door?

  “I don’t care who’s in here. I’m brushing my teeth.” That silky voice of hers rang out as she turned on the sink.

  The sudden change in temperature of the water didn’t faze me as my body responded to the sound of her voice against my wishes. I clenched my jaw and bit my lip to keep from making a sound as I came in hot spurts. I swallowed slowly and took a few deep breathes allowing my heartbeat to return to normal.

  I heard her spit and shut off the water before the door closed. With the flick of my wrist, I shut off the shower, grabbed a towel and stepped out of the tub. Damn, her perfume still lingered. I wiped the condensation off the mirror and stared at my reflection. Well, that was certainly interesting.


  When I got to school, I decided to stay in my car until the bell rang. The less I had to deal with anyone the better I’d feel. I still can’t believe she burst in the bathroom this morning. I could have sworn I locked the door though. I pulled out my mobile and sent Beau a quick text.

  Me: Does your sister know how to pick locks?

  Beau: Y?

  Me: She burst into the bathroom this morning while I was in the shower.

  Beau: ROTFLMAO!!!

  Me: Not funny, mate.

  Beau: Yeah it is and yes, she does. Our godmother taught her.

  I shook my head at it. Apparently, there was a lot more to her than she let me see. She knows how to pick a lock and she’s a pickpocket. What else was there? I leaned against the car door and stared over at the crowd of people at the bus loading area. Hunter stood there laughing with Scott and a few girls. I narrowed my eyes at him. That ponce thinks he can get away with everything. He pursued her while we were together and now that he has her, he’s not even with her.

  I pulled up her number on my mobile. After spending a few minutes debating with myself, I finally sent her a text.

  Me: Locks are on doors for a reason, pet.



  I placed my bag on the counter by the sinks in the girl’s bathroom. Roxy stood beside me frowning. Luke had apparently filled her in on why I did what I did yesterday. Jess entered the room looking contrite when she spotted me.

  Roxy turned her mossy gaze to her. “Jess, why in the world did you tel
l Marie to make Drez jealous?”

  Jess shrugged her shoulders as she applied her lip-gloss. “I thought it’d work. How was I to know he’d go all ape-shit?”

  “What did you think he’d do?” I opened my bag and pulled out my brush.

  “Well, one, I thought you’d just talk to Hunter not kiss him. Two, I thought he’d just like talk to you about it.” She looked at me in the mirror.

  “Gawd, don’t remind me about that kiss. It was freaking gross. I felt like a dog kissed me. He was all tongue and slobber.” I finished running the brush through my hair and put it back in my bag. I noticed the green light on the top of my phone blinking and picked it up. I looked at it and saw that I had a message from Drez. I pulled it up and read over it.

  My cheeks burned with my blush. I still can’t believe I walked in on him masturbating in the shower. I mean yeah, I knew it was him in there when I first walked through the door. Luke or Charles would have screamed at me to leave if it had been either of them. But I had no idea he’d be doing… that. Even still I didn’t quite put two and two together until I heard the sound of soapy flesh and him groan.

  I frowned at the phone as I thought about responding to him. What could I say, sorry I interrupted you and little Marcus’s bonding time? Somehow, I don’t think that he’d find it as amusing as I did.

  Roxy tilted her head to the side as she took in my stance. “Okay you just turned fifty shades of red then practically glared daggers at your phone. What’s up?”

  I looked over at Jess then back to Roxy. “I walked in on Drez while he was in the shower this morning.”

  Jess gasped in her excitement. “Oh! Did you see anything? Please tell me all about it if you did.”

  “No and hell no, I’m not going to tell you anything about that boy.” I lifted my eyebrow at her in disgust.

  She pouted her lips at me and headed out of the bathroom. “Whatever. You’re no fun. I’m going to go grab an orange juice before the bell rings. Laters you two.”


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