Clarity (The Admiral's Elite Book 3)

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Clarity (The Admiral's Elite Book 3) Page 3

by HK Savage

  “Don’t worry, I’m fine.” She offered him a small smile. “I was just a little woozy getting out of the bird.” Becca raised her arm with the IV attached. “They gave me this as a precaution, that’s all. They figure it’s the heat.” She smiled.

  His normally bright blue eyes were dark with displeasure. “You shouldn’t be in here at all.”

  “Would you rather we were burying a stranger?” Becca held his gaze, fingers tightening on his when he started to object. She lowered her voice to a whisper only he could hear. “We both know you had to do it. I’m fine. You’re fine. We don’t have a body on our hands. Case closed.”

  They regarded each other for a long moment and just when Becca worried Michael would continue to self-flagellate all the way home, his eyes lightened a shade.

  “You’re sure…?”

  Becca leveled a hard look at him until he laughed.

  “We all happy over here?” Ryan was back. “Doc says you’re free to go as long as he gets another quick inspection. He’ll be here in just a sec.”

  Michael’s face turned serious. “Go tell Gabs to get our ride ready. We’re out within the hour.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Ryan gave a salute and finished off with a wink to Becca before turning on his heel in a sharp about face.

  “Smart ass,” Becca laughed.

  Michael chuckled softly.

  Chapter 2

  Knock, knock, knock.

  “Come in,” Becca called, rising from her bed slowly, fighting another wave of dizziness. They’d arrived back at the estate hours ago and all but Michael had been spared a debriefing with the admiral. Becca used the time to catch up on her sleep. Oddly, she was still exhausted from giving Michael that little boost nearly a full day ago. It wouldn’t be all that unusual if she were a normal person. But she wasn’t. As Michael and the admiral had informed her, her clairvoyance was in fact due to her being a witch, to use the ancient term. A genetic quirk she shared with at least one brother. She didn’t know about her other brother or her parents because how did one ask, “Hey, are you a witch by chance? I am, I see things.” No, she was leaving that little bit of trivia off of her list of topics to discuss with the family at Sunday dinner.

  The whole witch thing was even further complicated by the enormous amount of Michael’s blood she’d ingested when he brought her back from certain death after a fight with a fire demon. The effects lasted for so long they’d wondered if they would ever wear off. Nearly three months, that was three times longer than it should have taken. Now though, the extra oomph had gone and taken her regular strength with it, leaving her as weak as when she’d had mono in the seventh grade. Only back then she wasn’t working for a boss who had the power, and possibly the desire, to see her dead should she fail to perform to his satisfaction.

  The thick wooden door creaked open and Becca took a giddy breath. Her cheeks hurt from the enormity of the smile that slapped itself across her face. The notion that she should be embarrassed to be so shamelessly gaga blew through her head and was gone with his breathtaking smile. “How did it go with Black?”

  He shut the door softly behind himself before answering even though all but one entity in the house could choose to listen in if they wanted to with their creepy awesome hearing. Becca missed the super senses she’d grown used to those few months she had them. And Michael told her she’d only gotten a fraction of what they had. Apparently blood transfer only allowed for a diluted version of their supernatural senses.

  “It was nothing special.” He leaned back against the wooden barrier and jammed his hands in his pockets. “The unusual firepower at the house and who the gunman on the hill might have been holding us for has him more than a little dubious about our Intel and the source.”

  “Is he going to check why whoever asked him for this little favor pointed him toward this particular poppy field? I mean that area isn’t exactly on the beaten heroin path.” Becca frowned. “No one would want to set us up, would they?” She eyed him curiously, searching for a tell of some sort. Knowing if he didn’t want her to see, she wouldn’t.

  “Set up is a strong accusation, Becca.” One shoulder rose and fell in a shrug. “Of course we’re looking into every possibility.”

  The political speak was answer enough. Michael suspected, which meant Black did too, that they had been at the very least misinformed. At worst, they had someone at the top who wanted to see them gone. Michael wouldn’t be able to comment on the subject if the admiral ordered him not to. Becca had to give the cruel bastard credit, he knew how to keep his secrets. To be privy to those secrets, all it required was the lifelong servitude of one unfortunate soul. A soul she happened to love, and hated watching suffer. Her thoughts remained private. It did no good to share them since he obviously couldn’t say more on the subject. Instead she nodded. “Sounds good.”

  Michael’s pained expression tore at her. He had to be chafing under Black’s orders to stay quiet. With increased trips to DC, just Black and Michael, there was much more secrecy swirling around the top command. Several times Michael had returned sporting new injuries, though whether those were from Black or some other source he couldn’t divulge. As far as she knew, this past mission was the first instance the unit’s safety had been threatened. And for a man like Michael who valued those under his command, it would be pure agony to know someone might be gunning for them. Grim, he remained tight lipped and clearly unhappy.

  Giving him a reprieve, Becca changed the subject. “So do we have a debriefing or is he satisfied?”

  His relief that she wasn’t going to press was evident. In that way it was a blessing that Becca figured out his tie to the admiral and the corresponding limitations. She knew when to stop asking. Shaking his head, he let his eyes wander past her to the room and the yet to be unpacked bag covered by a fine coating of sand dust by her heavy wooden footboard.

  “He’s satisfied for now.” Expression changing, Michael pushed off the door with his shoulders. “As a matter of fact, we’ve got a few days off unless something big comes up. I was asked to pass that along.” Silently, he glided across the stone floor, stepping around the overflowing pack between them. “I ran into the other two in the kitchen so you’re my last stop, I guess.”

  As he neared, Becca felt her body respond automatically. Her pulse picked up and other things happened lower down. By her figuring, if she wasn’t feeling tiptop she should be in bed. Right? Dizzy when she sat up? No problem, she could lay down for a while. “So we have time to ourselves?”

  He didn’t answer, taking several more steps without breaking eye contact. Fascinated, Becca watched the vibrant cerulean blue all but disappear into deepest slate. Swallowing, she took an involuntary step backward, his intensity warning the primitive part of her brain she was being hunted. Another part of her, equally primal, liked it.


  Michael stalked Becca,his Becca. The meeting with Black was frustrating to say the least and he could feel the tension humming in his body, looking for release. Their respite was not so much a reward to the troops as it was regrouping time for Admiral Black. At least one person in Washington was looking to sink them and it had Black more shaken than Michael had seen him in decades. They agreed that Black himself would do some further investigating. God only knew what that meant for those the admiral decided were on his list of suspects. Most people found any attention from Admiral Black uncomfortable and potentially life threatening, humans could sense he was terrifying even if they didn’t know why. For Michael, Black’s unusual willingness to work on his own was a blessing that equaled time off the clock. And taking in the petite form, sandy brown hair and large hazel eyes of the woman in front of him, he knew exactly how he wanted to spend every moment Black released him from his duties.

  “We havedays,” he told her softly, hoping that was true for him as well as the others.

  Take her.The vampire inside him clawed at his spine, eager to take control.

  Michael checked it harshly.Gentl

  The vampire argued that wasn’t enough. It wanted all of her; her blood called to him.

  NO!Michael’s response was unyielding. He would not allow it to taste her and ruin what she offered him.

  Becca took a step toward him, her eyes filling with the desire he could sense. Her pulse raced, her chest rose and fell rapidly. Michael studied her for any hints of fear, seeing none. Only want. The hesitation, gripping him since his feeding in Afghanistan, finally let go.

  “Days?” she whispered, tongue flicking over her bottom lip. “That sounds exhausting.” The corner of her mouth flicked up into a smile.

  Michael pounced, wrapping one arm around her back, the other cupping the back of her head and pressing her close. An immense amount of self-control allowed him to keep his fangs at bay while he slid his tongue across her lips. Her moan as she opened nearly broke him but he was strong and willed his teeth to remain human, for her.


  His name on her lips, breathed in his mouth, and against his flesh tested his restraint. The monster within him clawed at his insides, demanding to be let loose, to feast upon her. He pushed that down. Becca had been too close to his darkness recently and he would not allow it again. Fortunately there was something hedidlet grow though it was a bit lower than his gum line. Wordless, he walked her backward until the mattress buckled her knees from behind and Michael, one hand still cradling her head, lowered her easily to the mattress.

  Her hands roamed, one in his hair clutching a handful to pull him toward her while the other dragged down his chest and hard abs to slip over his hip, encouraging him to come to her.

  “Michael, please.” She needed this as much as he did. To be reassured that all was as it should be. That he was still the man she loved and wanted, not the monster who so clearly terrified her whether she wanted to admit it or not.

  Determined to make her forget, even if it made him all kinds of an asshole for taking advantage of her while she was still recovering, he let his mouth move from hers and trail lingering kisses along her delicate jawline, swirling his tongue behind her ear. Lips curling when she shivered, as he knew she would, Michael couldn’t help but be pleased. Right or wrong, Becca was his and he was determined to give her this. To allow her to pretend he was the man she deserved and wanted him to be; believed him to be. Tossing back the loathing he felt at allowing her to hold him in such false regard, he reared up and dragged off first his shirt then hers. When his eyes again fell to hers he saw it and swallowed.

  Love, warmth, trust he didn’t deserve. Unable to face any of it, he lowered his mouth to her black, lace clad breast and took the tip into his mouth. With a gasp, her fingers tightened on his shoulders. He knew she wanted him inside her yet he made her wait; he would neither rush her pleasure nor that which he took from watching her ecstasy. Taking his time, Michael moved to her other breast while his hand slid lower and undid her cargos. When his fingers rolled over her damp curls he tugged and she arched into his hand, pleading bodily for more. Sliding a finger inside, he continued to tease.

  Voice tight with anticipation and frustration, Becca tried again. “I need you inside me.”

  Control fracturing, he poured his desire into her. His fingers began to move and her breath caught as she let him take her higher. In minutes she was flying. As she came back to herself, panting, Michael freed them both of their pants entirely. Easy to do since she was barefoot and he could unlace his boots faster than a human. Still, he was more than eager to rejoin her on the bed and feel her skin welcome him back. Hovering between her legs, Michael felt the last of his will evaporate as Becca wrapped her small hand around the cheek of his ass and ask for more. Gladly, he gave.

  Sliding inside her he stilled himself to settle before he began to move. Together they rocked, mouths and hands never stopping. Becca strummed her fingers over his ribs where she knew he liked. Michael, with a hand behind her knee, brought her leg up to allow him to go deeper. At her sigh, he sped up until he felt her climbing once again. When she came apart this time, he was right behind her. Resting his head on her chest, he listened to her heart pound and let himself pretend in that moment that he was the man she deserved.


  By no means sated but giving her body some much needed rest, Becca lay in Michael’s arms, curved against his side. Her body heat helped to warm him where the effects of his feeding were beginning to fade, keeping their contact comfortable enough she didn’t need a blanket.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but can you tell me why we’ve got this surprise leave?” She felt him stiffen against her side and knew her instincts proved correct. Nobody was hurt, freaking out, or jonesing for time off and Black didn’t give anybody anything out of the kindness of his heart. That he even had a heart remained to be proven. Other than a purity of purpose, protecting those of his own kind from exposure, the admiral had yet to show compassion for anything, even his second. Becca felt a surge of renewed anger.

  Michael was the one who shouldered the burden of Black’s dirty work and suffered when things didn’t go as expected. Something had Black in a mood lately and she’d seen the marks on Michael to prove it. Vampires could be hurt, killed even with the right materials, but Black seemed to focus on the hurting. Punishment was a key element to how he commanded. It wasn’t a surprise no one fought Michael for the “honor” of being top dog. She pushed thoughts of him doing something more permanently damaging to Michael from her mind. That was something she couldn’t even consider. Thus far she’d pushed past that fear of loss, as anyone who loved a soldier must when the next op could be their last. But now, paired with the suspicious boon of an unexpected leave for the whole unit, she had to know what they were facing.

  “What do you mean?” His tone was careful. “The admiral is rewarding the unit for a job well done and nothing urgent is on the horizon for the next few days.” Aimed at distracting her, he let his fingers glide up from where they lay on her stomach to her breast. Light caresses temporarily clouded her thoughts.

  The safety of her unit and herself was important enough to forego the desires of the flesh. His hand moved again and she debated her priorities for just a few moments before rolling over to face him, displacing those cursed magical hands.

  “You know what I mean.” Her eyes sought his, studying them. The only part of him he didn’t have under absolute control; they were her compass. When they shifted darker she knew she was onto something. “We know Black’s monitoring something right now, I saw him glued to the computer in his office all last week. Why aren’t we packing gear? And what about all those quiet meetings between the two of you? What about the mission we just finished? That screamed setup. Are we backtracking the Intel to find the source?”

  The blue was pushed out by black, leaving only hints of his human eye color at the edges of his irises. “Leave it alone, Becca.” The softness of his tone belied the tension visible in his jaw.

  “Michael, those guns you were up against weren’t Russian.”

  “Fucking Hallbeck,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

  Becca pushed away to see Michael’s entire face. “They were ours, weren’t they? Ryan was right, we’re fighting our own people here. Is that what Black’s making you keep secret? That’s why you’ve been going to DC so much, we’ve got an enemy there.” Her eyes searched his, seeing nothing but controlled vacancy. A tingle of fear stirred in her stomach.

  That he loved her wasn’t in question, but she was awfully close to a vampire while she was antagonizing him. With anyone else, her life would be in danger. A little niggling fear in the back of her mind told her it could be with him too. “There’s something about this you don’t like.” She frowned, her words becoming more of a think aloud brainstorming session than Q & A. “You disagree with him, that’s why he’s doing this to you.” Seeing his intent to disregard her observation, she shook her head. “Come on, I see you naked. I see the scars before they’ve had a chance to fade. I see how much you drink wh
en you get back from those trips.” Her voice gentled. “What’s going on? Can’t you at least give me a hint so I can help you?” Her fingers traced the newest “reminder” of who was boss, already silvering under his last rib. She was guessing a blade, one of Black’s specially made weapons with just enough silver to be torture without killing and guaranteed to leave a scar even on a vampire’s flesh. The bastard could make a point, that was for sure.

  A touch of blood ran down his chin where a fang pierced his lower lip. “You know that’s not how it works, Becca.”

  “It’s me, isn’t it?” Becca sat up abruptly, fighting the lightheaded feeling that went with it. “He wantsmefor something and you’re fighting him on it.” His practiced blank expression spoke when he didn’t.

  “Michael, no! There’s nothing he wants me to do that’s worth the kind of damage you’re taking.” It physically pained her to think what he’d taken as punishment for arguing with Black. For her. “It’s not like he’s going to get me killed; he added me to the unit for a reason. What does he want me to do, hop into some senator’s head while they’re behind closed doors? Listen in on a Joint Chiefs meeting? See if I can get some sort of vision to see if we’re all going to die next week?” She softened her voice. “No problem. I can do it, hell I can do that in my sleep. We should just tell him I can. Why did you want me to keep it a secret anyway?”


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