Star Strike

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Star Strike Page 17

by I. G. Roberts

  “Yes, Commander, we stunned them.”

  “Good, you know what to do. Have your people bring the injured one to the infirmary. Put the rest in isolation cells. Come with me Commodore, bring your men. I’ll take you to the clinic.”

  James turned and walked away leading Colin, Dave, and Keg. Glancing over his shoulder, James said, ”Commodore, you never cease to amaze; you have a talent for exposing problems. When President Constantin asked you for help, I doubt he understood the form it would take. He threw the cat amongst the pigeons.” James chuckled and continued, “I had a nice, quiet life until you arrived in the Federation.”

  Colin wasn’t sure if James’ last comment was a joke. Then the DNI agent looked at him, a smirk on his face.

  He said to Dave and Keg, “The infirmary is in here gentlemen. The doctor will see you soon.”

  Colin’s men saw it as a dismissal and entered the clinic. After they left, James turned toward Colin, commenting, “You’ve made lots of friends since you arrived, Commodore. You should be more careful, adulation can turn to hate overnight if you aren’t. Please, you must stay while we interrogate our prisoners. We’ll extract everything they know. I’ll inform Admiral Fraser that you are assisting us for the next two days.”

  “Okay, Commander. I understand the necessity. Can somebody explain this to Lieutenant Fraser, please? Anne will fill in for me while I’m out of touch.”

  “We can do that. You’re taking this well. Aren’t you worried?”

  “Can’t do much about it, Commander, our feelings don’t matter. We’re helping you with your inquiries, so we’ll cooperate to the best of our ability. My men followed my orders; while I’m aware that isn’t a defense if those are illegal orders, I hope you take that into consideration.”

  Hamilton smiled before suggesting Colin go check on Dave’s condition. After Colin entered the infirmary, James turned and left in search of Lieutenant Stark. James considered it critical to discuss the events with the Marine before deciding his next steps.

  The DNI agent found Stark in the security room, watching five prisoners waking from the stunner. Kevin looked somber; he liked and respected Commodore Gordon and worried the man had tripped over something best left alone.

  James commented, “Why so glum Kevin? You look like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

  “Do I? I like and respect Commodore Gordon Sir; what you see is what you get. What now?”

  “Now, Lieutenant, tell me everything about the events leading to this point. I want to understand Commodore Gordon’s motivations, what he’s done and why.”

  “Yes, Sir, I can do that.”

  Stark told James Hamilton, DNI agent everything that happened since he met Commander Gordon months ago. Kevin left nothing out, even explaining the effect Colin Gordon had on surrounding people. Kevin admitted his troops experienced the same loyalty to the Commodore as everyone else.

  Hamilton said, “So when you told him you must tell us, he agreed. He didn’t change your mind?”

  “No, Sir, he didn’t try. The only thing he asked for was that Mr. Bach receives medical attention.”

  “Good. I believe we should let Gordon sweat for a while though. I think he’s kicked the hornet’s nest and we should help him finish what he started. DNI had suspicions about those politicians. We were watching them, but I’m impressed with everything Dave Bach achieved. We’ve wanted a way into their inner councils since before the invasion without success.”

  Hamilton glanced at the monitors then said, “Time to begin the interrogations. We’ll carry out simultaneous interrogations; pit them against each other and combine it with drugs. Let’s see if we can crack these bastards.”

  “Have you seen the data Dave Bach put together yet?”

  “I’ve only had time to glance at the summary. You’ve told me what you saw. It’s time to bring this house of cards crashing around their ears.”

  Dave’s bruises had faded by the time prisoner interrogations finished. The three Navy people weren’t ill-treated, but they soon became bored. Hamilton entered their quarters and sat in front of the three men.

  “Well Commodore, you’ve kicked a hornet’s nest here. Are you willing to finish what you started?”

  “Wouldn’t have started if I didn’t plan to finish.”

  “Good, DNI can’t order you to do this, but I want you to attract attention. Your efforts at Officer training come to mind.”

  A wicked grin spread across Colin’s face. “I’d love to, Commander. Do you have something, specific you want?”

  “It’s better I don’t know the detail. Commodore, you have a talent, you can always stir up trouble when you try. Now, I want to borrow these two while we finish what you started, they have talents we will use.”

  Colin looked at Dave and Keg. The men nodded, knowing although the DNI agent phrased it as a request, they had little choice.

  Colin said, “Okay, just let no one hurt them. Will they be free?”

  “Oh yes, once we move you away from this facility. Dave and Keg understand to keep their mouths shut. I’m sure the people who sent those thugs after your people are missing their babies by now. I’d suggest your men stay in a secure location until we clean this nest of vipers out. The base needs extra security, and so do they. Dave, I assume your equipment is still there?”

  “Yes Commander, it’s unlikely they found it. It’s unlikely you did either. I’ve hidden my stuff well.”

  Hamilton chuckled to himself. He liked these men. Their loyalty is unquestioned, but their methods are unusual and direct.

  As Hamilton rose to go, Colin said, “Without giving too much away Commander, keep an eye on Randal Walker’s office, sparks will fly there. Dave, is the surveillance still in place?”

  “Yes, Sir, I haven’t disconnected.”

  “Good, keep it running. I’ll explain the plan to you later.”


  Once again, the Marines placed blindfolds on Colin and his men before leading them from the safe house. The ground cars followed a random course away from there to another location where they transferred into an air car. Again, they followed a route with random turns and altitude changes that returned to the training base. Anne waited as they entered the office.

  Anne asked, “Are you, okay Sir?”

  “I’m fine Anne. Dave received a few bruises, but we’ll live. Is everything running okay here?”

  “Yes, Sir. The others had concerns when they saw the state of the office, but I arrived soon after them.”

  “Excellent, explanations are in order. Dave, can you get me two copies of your material? I have work to do. While you do that, I’ll explain our absence to your teammates. Oh, I need you to do something once I leave, although I’m involved, we must not involve the Navy. We’ll use sleight of hand.”

  Dave nodded and left. Colin called the rest of his team together. He delivered a sanitized version of events, so they understood where he’d been over the last few days. Their boss played in murky waters, the less he told them, the happier they were.

  After completing his explanations, Colin reached out to arrange to meet Terri Constantin. That task completed, Colin gave Dave final instructions before leaving to see Teri.

  On the way, Colin turned to Kevin Stark asking, “Kevin, I’m about to embark on something questionable. It’s unfortunate, but I must do this. Lieutenant, it’s best if you and your troops aren’t associated with me. However, I could use covert help if you can give it.”

  “What covert help Commodore?”

  “Two things, I need to get into Walker’s office with no one knowing, and at least a minute’s notice when he’s going there. Your people should be invisible.”

  “What if Walker finds you? We can’t help if we’re not there.”

  “I want him to discover me in his office, that’s the point. I’ll go armed. With a snake like him, it’s necessary. Other than that, I’m screwed if there’s a problem.”

; Colin saw, Stark wasn’t happy but understood the necessity. The men entered the safe house and settled to wait for Teri to arrive. When she walked in, Colin started a holo-projector he’d prepared. Gordon played at once, skipping through to the exciting bits of the recording.

  Teri’s face paled as she watched the Democratic Party leadership indulging in their plotting and scheming. She noticed several key people weren’t involved, at least not in the criminal activities. Samantha Tallus’ absence was notable during the more treasonous conversations. Tallus plotted but kept her machinations within legal bounds. Teri was glad Sam wasn’t involved. When Colin blew this open, the Democratic Party needed good people to rebuild, Teri considered Sam to be one of them.

  Teri said, “My Lord, Colin, they’re in a treasonous conspiracy. I wouldn’t have thought them capable of this.”

  “These people want power and don’t care he the step on in the quest. I’m sure Walker and Co. convinced themselves that their activities are legitimate. This will damage Cambridge’s democratic institutions when it emerges. The Democratic Party is the only workable alternative to your own. If they cannot mount an effective opposition, your own Party will suffer because there will be nobody to keep you from enacting any idiotic policy that someone suggests. I’ve seen it happen back home. If the ruling Party has nothing to keep them in check, they make stupid decisions.”

  “You don’t trust us, Colin?”

  “I trust you and Edward, but I also trust human nature. If a political party has no active opposition, it’s normal for them to make stupid decisions. Teri, a Political Party such as yours, is an organism. Without effective opposition, your Party will make stupid decisions and compromises. Oh, you will convince yourselves they are for the best.”

  Colin discussed the contents of the recordings with Teri for several hours. This material was red-hot. Without careful handling, it could blow up in their faces. The group selected several excerpts for release to the media, all recordings made when the guilty talked in public spaces. Colin thought they had become complacent. It was best to keep most of the material for use during the expected trials.

  They arranged a contact so, at the right time, Parliamentary security guards would arrive and arrest everyone, including Colin. Colin wanted the guards to find him with Walker and incriminating evidence and wore a bug so Dave could record the conversation.

  Colin hoped the President did not intervene to stop him. He wanted Walker to hang himself, hoping Walker himself called security. With their plans in place, Teri left. Colin and Kevin Stark waited until Marines checked the area, making sure no watchers loitered nearby.

  Parliament House

  Four Marines helped Colin enter the Parliamentary complex taking care to disable alarms before letting him into the building. Once inside, they found a place where they waited, unobserved by passersby. The Marines wore plain clothes, chosen, to blend in with others in that environment. Several times, they left their hiding place to reconnoiter before returning to take Colin to his destination.

  One Marine picked the lock on the door to the outer office. As he did so, they heard somebody approaching from a side corridor. The group was ready to disperse when the lock clicked, and the door opened. They entered, then closed and locked the door. One Marine stayed near the door while another set to work picking the lock to the inner office. This lock opened faster, and Colin entered Walker’s room, walking around while he considered the best approach for the planned confrontation.

  With Colin inside, the Marines left the office, taking up positions nearby to warn Colin when Walker or his administrative assistant returned. Parliament was in session that day, and sometimes it followed unpredictable hours, so Colin settled to wait.

  He waited three hours before a signal came to tell him Walker or his assistant was on the way. Colin sat behind Randal Walker’s desk in the man’s chair with his feet up on the desk. Gordon had studied Walker and considered him a fastidious man. Colin wanted the seat and posture to throw Randal Walker off balance.

  The outer door opened, and Colin heard voices. A few minutes later, Colin listened as a key turned in the lock to the room where he waited. The door opened, but Walker stood with his back to Colin while he talked to his companion. After finishing, Randal entered his office in high spirits, closing the door behind him. Walker had landed several good hits on the Government that day.

  Walker still had a smug look when he noticed Colin sitting in his chair, feet on the desk, and a supercilious grin on his face. Randal’s mind took a moment to register that an intruder sat behind his desk.

  Walker yelled, “Who the hell are you? Get away from my desk.”

  Colin didn’t move except to start the recording on the holo-projector. He’d set the projector up to show selected excerpts from the incriminating evidence they had gathered against Walker and his cronies. Walker paled and quietened as he took in the data playing before him.

  Colin said, “You’ve gone quiet Randy, has the cat got your tongue old chap?”

  Walker spluttered for a few seconds before resorting to threats and bluster. “Get out, I’m calling security.”

  “Oh, please do. That will be fun. Come on Randy, call security, we can sit and have a nice chat while we wait. Why haven’t you called, do the consequences of your actions worry you?”

  Again, Walker spluttered for a few minutes before saying, “Don’t call me Randy. Treat me with the respect I deserve. I’m the leader of the opposition.”

  “Randy, I’m aware of who you are, and what you are. I even know what you had for breakfast this morning. I believe I am treating you with the respect you deserve. Mind you, you don’t deserve respect. Randy, you, Sir, are a weasel. I know what you’re doing, and your plans and expect you’ll be lucky to escape this with your life. If you avoid the charges, well, the publicity will ruin your reputation and remove your influence. Either way, you lose.”

  Colin chuckled to himself. The laugh sent chills along Walker’s spine. Randal thought it an evil laugh. That could only result in bad things for Walker and his ambitions.

  Colin said, “So, Randy, are you planning to call security?”

  “Let’s not be hasty. What is your price?”

  “Price? Hmmm, maybe I should consider that… Nooo, I don’t, my price is something you can’t afford. Randy, you can’t buy your way out of this. You don’t want to call security? Ooooh, I’m bored with this. Should I call them for you?”

  This was the signal to Dave who contacted President Constantin. Edward sent Parliamentary security to Randal’s office. They arrested Colin, Randal, and Randal’s administrative assistant.

  The entire conspiracy unraveled at an alarming rate during the first day as the rats tried to desert the sinking ship. As the arrests gathered pace, Sam Tallus saw her chance. She identified who was bent and rallied the ones she believed straight. The Democratic Party was descending into turmoil when Sam received an invitation to visit the President.

  Samantha Tallus went in trepidation, expecting the Presidents people to crucify her and the Party. She arrived, and Constantin’s staff ushered her into Edward’s office. Sam found herself alone with the President and his wife who offered her a comfortable chair. Sam worried about the reasons for the kindness. What did they want?

  Teri said, “Relax Samantha. We have no interest in finishing what Colin started. When we discussed the goings-on within the Democratic Party, he voiced concerns that if he demolished it, everybody suffers. We agree with him on this, the strength of democracy is the rebirth we have with every election. Between elections, the opposition keeps the Government thinking. Investigations have progressed on specific issues within the Democratic Party for a while now. You and the people you are attempting to rally are the cleanest of the bunch. Your sins are the usual human ones, a few white lies, dissemination. Under other circumstances, we might take advantage, but we intend giving you a free pass, for a while. Reorganize your Party, be a real opposition and keep the Government thinki

  This conversation dumbfounded Samantha. The Liberals could crucify the opposition but stepped away from that course of action. Sam said, “Thank you, ma’am, thank you, Mr. President.”

  Teri said, “It’s best if you don’t stay too long Samantha. The more paranoid members of your party might suspect collusion. Rebuild the opposition into something the people of Cambridge deserve. Rebuild an honest opposition, one with integrity.”

  Sam Tallus rose from the chair, and Edward’s aide led her away. Sam’s head was in a whirl of emotion.


  Henry looked at the data before him. He was furious, both with the traitors and Colin Gordon. Commodore Gordon had placed him in an awkward position by acting alone on this. In Henry’s opinion, this smelled of DNI involvement. Colin should be too busy with the Destroyer to bother playing political games. Henry called Sarah, into the office.

  “Sarah, get Commodore Gordon here.”

  “Yes, Sir, at once.”

  Anne took the call, and Sarah warned her, Admiral Fraser was angry.

  When told the Admiral wanted him, Colin was ready to attend another meeting. Gordon grumbled at first but realized Henry deserved priority.

  Colin arrived at the Admiral’s office where Sarah waved him straight in to Henry. Sarah’s eyes confirmed that the Admiral was in a foul mood. Colin didn’t consider this too much of a problem, the worst Henry could do to him was throw him in the brig.

  Henry glowered at Colin as he entered the office, telling him to shut the door. Colin closed the door, then stood in front of the desk, staring at a point on the wall behind where the Admiral sat.

  “What the hell do you think you’re playing at Commodore? The Federation Navy do not involve ourselves in politics. The fallout from your actions will last years. I’ve had the press wanting a statement, and they want to interview you. You’ve created an almighty mess for me to handle.”

  Colin stood at attention in front of the desk, still staring at the wall. He schooled his face into a neutral expression while Henry yelled. Admiral Fraser needed to vent.


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