FNS Harmon
FNS Harmon moved further into FR-260A while she waited for her companions. FNS Forseti and FNS Theseus moved ahead, checking for unexpected metallic concentrations on the planetoids they passed. The Patrol-Boats didn’t hide, keeping their Shields on full power and running active Scans. FNS Harmon let Theseus and Forseti work on flushing nasty surprises from their hiding places while she moved across the System. Four days later, the Harmon group reached their exit point. Once more, they entered Jump, FNS Harmon with Forseti and Magni docked went first. Theseus, Thor, and Fortitude followed an hour later. The staggered formation gave FNS Harmon and her companions time to occupy anyone who mounted an ambush at the other end of the Jump before the following ships arrived. If FNS Fortitude weren't part of the Task-Force, Colin would’ve docked the four Cobras and made a speed run to Cotoni.
This pattern continued System after System. They found no Pirates along the way though they saw old signs of ships passing through before they arrived. By then, they followed a least-time course for Cotoni.
Two weeks later, they reached a familiar System, at least to Colin and Anne. They needed to traverse this last System before entering the final Jump to Cotoni. This was where FNS Destiny ran from a determined Pirate. This time, Colin did not need to flee, not when he commanded a powerful flotilla.
Colin grew somber as FNS Harmon cruised toward the final Jump. This System held no signs of recent activity, they need not rush, and an enemy needed a large fleet to overcome Colin’s Task-Force. Two days later, Magni and Thor docked with FNS Harmon in time for the final Jump. The other three ships slowed and dropped behind, preparing to Jump an hour behind the vanguard. FNS Harmon entered the final Jump to Cotoni thirty minutes after the Patrol-Boats completed docking. This Jump lasted for seventeen days, plenty of time for rest.
FNS Harmon exited Jump in Cotoni and received an immediate challenge from FNS Tumosah. Colin listened to Dimitri identified them and transferred the Comms to Colin. Onboard FNS Tumosah, the duty Officer roused Captain Cradlina from sleep to tell him FNS Harmon had arrived. Cradlina donned his uniform and rushed to the Bridge, wondering why Cambridge sent their newest ship to Cotoni. FNS Tumosah’s Captain was even more surprised when two Cobras separated from FNS Harmon and broadcast their own IFF signals. Captain Cradlina opened the Comms channel to see a smiling Commodore Gordon.
Colin said, “I hope we haven’t given you a scare Captain Cradlina. FNS Harmon is a big ship, and you weren’t expecting us. We’re on Patrol, and my orders required me to call by Cotoni to see Admiral Hanadon. We have another three ships following, may we move away from the Jump-Point to give them room?”
“Yes, Commodore, clear the Jump lane and tell me where you found your new ship.”
On the Bridge, Dimitri monitored the conversation and started FNS Harmon moving when Cradlina gave permission. While FNS Harmon moved, Colin gave Captain Cradlina a succinct description of FNS Harmon., promising to fill in more details when they were in a more secure location.
Colin said, “With your permission Captain Cradlina, we’ll wait nearby for the balance of our force to arrive then head to the Station.”
“Yes, Commodore, you may wait in your current position. If you’re still there when someone relieves Tumosah in a few days, I’d like to visit your ship.”
“I’m sure it will please Captain Molchaoff to give you a tour. He’s proud of FNS Harmon.”
“Thanks. You may move to Cotoni Station at your discretion.”
Colin ordered the Task-Force to Cotoni Station after the balance of his ships arrived. Since her last voyage, Cambridge shipyard fitted a sixth generation AI to FNS Fortitude. The AI’s brought the six vessels together in a tight formation and proceeded to the Station at FNS Fortitude’s best speed. On the way, Colin contacted Admiral Hanadon to explain why they’d arrived.
Dimitri sat in his Command Station as FNS Harmon approached Cotoni Station. He was always on the Bridge during docking, taking responsibility for the ship. Docking a vessel as large as FNS Harmon is not a trivial job. Dimitri considered how much harder it would be to dock the new Carriers when they came online. He’d heard a Carrier will be twice the length of FNS Harmon. They were as large as Super-Freighter. If he bent FNS Harmon, Dimitri expected to stand before a board of inquiry. By staying on the Bridge, he would know what happened.
After FNS Harmon completed docking, her Captain left the Bridge to meet Commodore Gordon near the forward cargo lock. Sometime earlier, Commodore Gordon had suggested they meet near the airlock after docking. Colin had indicated that Admiral Hanadon might wait at the airlock for a tour of FNS Harmon. A smile creased Dimitri’s face. Colin Gordon had a knack for drawing trouble. Dimitri didn’t mind, he joined the military to fight the Federation’s enemies.
The docking procedure completed, Dimitri rose from the Command Chair and handed control to his First Officer. The Federation had allowed its military to languish for years. After Colin arrived that attitude evaporated, now they were rearming as if preparing for a major war.
Colin smiled when Dimitri arrived, saying, “I was right Dimitri, Admiral Hanadon is waiting on the other side of the hatch. He’s looking impatient. We’d best let him in and give him the tour. Have you arranged refreshments?”
“Yes Commodore, my steward is preparing a light lunch.”
The hatch opened, and Charkon Hanadon waited on the other side, impatient to see this fantastic new ship. Two of his Destroyer Commanders, Captain Haflon Sydnasi and Captain Silmar Nahala accompanied him. Dimitri welcomed them aboard his ship because Colin was unwilling to step on his Flag Captain’s toes. Protocol mandated that duty to the Captain.
After the greetings and introductions were over, Dimitri and Colin guided their visitors through the ship. They explained how she carried far stronger Shields and a higher the Point-Defense density than any earlier Federation Warship in history. FNS Harmon also carried more Primary Weapons, both Rail-Guns, and Lasers. Then Dimitri told them FNS Harmon had an Ion Cannon. This weapon was new in Federation Warships. These are power hungry weapons, and in the past, designers only mounted them on large Battle-Stations because, before FNS Harmon, Warships didn’t have the power reserves. An Ion Cannon could often punch through a ship’s Shields with one shot.
The group moved to a wardroom for a light lunch. Hanadon said, “You have an amazing ship here Captain Molchaoff. I wish we’d had two of these when the Pirates attacked last year. If Mr. Gordon hadn’t arrived in time, we couldn’t have stopped them.”
Colin chuckled and said, “Two of these on their own wouldn’t have stopped those Pirates Admiral. If you had two of these plus eight Cobras, those fifteen Pirate ships are dead. These ships are faster and tougher than other vessels in the Federation inventory.”
Dalkasan smiled, a wicked glint in his eye. He said, “Please, will you engage in an exercise while you’re in Cotoni, Commodore? Say, you and two Cobras against four Destroyers and our Patrol-Boats.”
Colin regarded Dalkasan for a moment while he considered his reply. He said, “You have four Cobras here. Let me have my four Cobras, and we’ll play.”
Dalkasan chuckled and said, “Okay. Now, Commodore, don’t go wrecking any of my ships. I need them to keep Cotoni secure.”
“Virtual Weapons only, Admiral. But we get to use our real Sensors. When shall we dance, Admiral?”
“Let your crews have two days liberty here on Cotoni Station, then we shall see how good FNS Harmon is. Colin, I’m hosting a small reception this evening. You and Captain Molchaoff are both invited. We have a few people who wish to meet you.”
Colin looked at Dimitri and caught an alarmed expression he suppressed in a flash.
Colin said with an evil pleasure, “We’re delighted, Admiral. I’m sure Dimitri is looking forward to it as much as I.”
Dalkasan caught the irony in the reply and grinned. He enjoyed Colin’s irreverent sense of humor.
At the appointed hour,
Colin, and Dimitri arrived at the venue for the evening’s festivities. Aides escorted the two Officers into a large compartment where a good-sized crowd gathered. This wasn’t a formal dinner, but a cocktail party of sorts. When Dimitri saw the alcohol he brightened, at least he could enjoy a drink or three. Dalkasan took Colin and Dimitri, guiding them around the room and making introductions. Colin wondered how long before he could escape the room when the conversation died, and the entire place quietened. He noticed every eye turn toward the entrance. There, Lady Conti stood tall, looking regal. She spotted Colin, and a grin split her face as she swept toward him. When she arrived, Hanadon took her outstretched hand, bowed and touched the knuckles of her hand to his forehead. Colin opted for a more human greeting. He did much the same as Hanadon but brushed his lips against her fingers.
Conti said, “We meet again, Commodore. It is well that you are here. May I visit you on your beautiful new ship, maybe tomorrow? I must discuss something with you in a more private setting.”
“The ship is Captain Molchaoff’s my Lady. If he agrees, I’ll receive you whenever you wish.”
Conti’s gaze turned toward Dimitri who took on the look of a deer caught in the headlights. Dimitri is not a stupid man. He saw an important Tangesha female and knew refusing her might cause him problems. Besides, he wanted to learn more about the relationship between this Lady and Colin.
Dimitri said, “We undock tomorrow for our cruise around Cotoni, Commodore. If Lady Conti can wait till we return in three days. My Lady, will you accept three days as a suitable alternative?”
Conti understood the situation better than Dimitri realized. She cast a gracious smile toward the Captain and replied, “Three days is acceptable, Captain. Thank you for accommodating me. When I visit, could you be there too please?”
“As you wish, my Lady.”
The next day, FNS Harmon and her four Cobra companions undocked and moved away from Cotoni Station to prepare for the exercise. When they reached a safe distance, four Cobras docked to FNS Harmon. After completing the docking maneuver, the Destroyer disappeared as she Micro-Jumped away. The defenders shouldn’t know when or where FNS Harmon might appear.
FNS Harmon Jumped out of range of the local defender’s Sensors because FNS Harmon carried more sensitive Sensors than the local vessels. Colin ordered the big Destroyer to sit outside their range and watch how Cotoni’s ships moved. Because the Sensors relied on light speed signals, the positions of their quarry were hours out of date. They could predict another ship’s location at any moment with reasonable accuracy because it took hours for conventional drives to move them far. The only unknown was the exact location of the Cobras. They could move two or three times faster than the others. Colin decided when he wanted to attack, informed Dimitri and settled back to wait. He’d made a simple plan, Jump in close enough to release his Cobras then Jump out while they reached their planned positions. At the appointed time, Harmon Jumped back in, and the five ships from Cambridge intended to wreak havoc among the defenders.
Colin watched the seconds tick away until Harmon Jumped into her assigned location, right on the edge of the Cotoni Sensor Net. The Cobras undocked and sped away with the least emissions. Harmon Jumped out again, and the wait continued. After the Cobras had plenty of time to arrive, FNS Harmon Jumped again. This time she emerged much closer to the Cotoni defenders looking big and scary. Colin intended this, he wanted them looking at FNS Harmon. Meanwhile, his Cobras moved up behind and above the plain of the elliptic.
FNS Harmon made a high-speed run at the defenders, and they seemed to flinch. With their attention focused on the Destroyer, the Cobras attacked from the rear. Before they knew what happened, the defender’s computers tallied virtual hits from an unexpected direction. The hits stressed their Shields, and they struggled to compensate for the sudden change in circumstances. Then the ship they considered dangerous belched flight after flight of Missiles. Within an hour of the exercise start, Cotoni’s forces had lost. The defenders only managed two salvos at their attackers and didn’t touch them. Captain Nahala sat in FNS Shanonah’s Command Chair, his face ashen with the shock. Defeat this fast and decisive was unprecedented in the Federation. Once again, Nahala thanked the Gods he had Commodore Gordon on his side.
The ships from the exercise made their way back to Cotoni Station for the debrief. On Cotoni, Admiral Hanadon watched the records from the engagement in disbelief. Colin Gordon had proven himself dangerous in any Warship. He was deadly in a Harmon class Destroyer. The senior Officers from the ships involved in the exercise spent the next day working on the Scans from the action. Colin affected the outcome, but the new Destroyer proved decisive. A Harmon class Destroyer promised to change how the Federation fought a war. After they finished the meeting, they wanted these new Destroyers.
After the debriefings finished, Colin and Dimitri returned to FNS Harmon to find Anne entertaining Lady Conti. Conti smiled at the two men when she saw their surprise. They’d both forgotten their promise until they saw her with Anne. Colin recovered first, smiling as he greeted his visitor while Dimitri took his cue from Colin.
Conti said, “At Admiral Hanadon’s party, you said I could see you after your cruise around the System. That is still right isn’t it.”
Dimitri replied, “Yes, my Lady. We are preoccupied and focused on other matters. Now you’re here, shall we go somewhere more private? You can discuss whatever you wish there.”
Conti smiled and said, “Thank you, Captain. I shall go wherever you wish.”
Dimitri looked toward Colin who watched the interplay between his friends. Colin said, “My Ready-Room is closest, we’ll go there.”
On the way, the three Officers and their VIP visitor exchanged the usual pleasantries. Once they’d settled in, Colin said, “You wished to speak to us, ma’am? I perceive something important.”
“Perceptive as ever Commodore. Yes, I wish to speak to you about something important. Since you rescued me years ago, I’ve gathered data detailing unusual events around the Federation. These events include unexpected Government changes, odd financial transactions, abnormal events. Colin, you were right when you said we had a problem. It’s worse near the borders, but I’ve had reports throughout the Federation. This data must arrive at Sankarah, so the Council can counteract the threat. I understand that you may find it unacceptable to transport me, but can you take the data? I’ll tell you who to contact.”
Colin considered Conti’s plea and realized they had to take Conti and her data with them. FNS Harmon was the safest available mode of transport. He raised an eyebrow toward Dimitri in a query.
Dimitri took the cue and said, “My Lady, FNS Harmon is a potent warship. Traveling with us is your safest choice. We’re delighted you’re on board for the trip to Sankarah, but I must place restrictions on you and your staff. My First Officer will assign you quarters, but you’ll need an escort to move around the ship. Somebody will escort you, but even then, you’ll need prior consent from Colin or me before going to a few places. If you accept these restrictions, welcome aboard my Lady.”
Colin considered Dimitri had handled Conti well and smiled.
Conti replied, “Thank you, Captain. I expected your restrictions, I’ve traveled on Naval Vessels on other occasions. When should we board?”
“We leave for Sankarah at 0900 tomorrow morning, ship’s time. Please embark before 0700.”
“May I ask one more favor Captain? Are you able to give me an escort to my quarters on the Station and back? I have two staff, they’re locked in with our luggage, and Admiral Hanadon has guards posted outside our quarters.”
Dimitri didn’t make an immediate reply to Conti, instead opting to walk to Colin’s desk and page the ship’s Trooper Commander. The request didn’t need discussion. Dimitri knew how vital Conti’s data was and what happened to Colin here on Cotoni.
The following morning, FNS
Harmon pulled away from Cotoni Station on schedule. Troopers had gone with Lady Conti and retrieved her staff and luggage the previous night. Dimitri planned to offer Conti an escort in Sankarah too when they arrived.
FNS Harmon exited Jump into Sankarah System. Two picket ships guarded the exit lane and sent an immediate challenge. So far everything was normal. FNS Harmon transmitted her IFF as did the Cobras. The reaction to the IFF’s was unexpected. For some inexplicable reason, one picket ship painted FNS Harmon with pulses from their targeting Sensors. FNS Harmon’s Shields snapped to full power within milliseconds. On the Bridge, Dimitri tried to contact the pickets, but they demanded prepare for boarding. As usual, Colin monitored from the CCC. After they punctuated the last demand with a Laser shot, Colin decided he should identify himself.
He opened a channel to the picket ships and said, “I’m Commodore Colin Gordon of the Federation Navy. Who are you and why are you targeting us? Your actions are unacceptable. Stand down or face the consequences.”
The Captain of one picket replied, “It’s none of your business who we are. Prepare for boarding.”
Colin realized this Officer wasn’t the brightest bulb in the pack so contacted Captain Molchaoff and ordered him to Micro-Jump three light hours. They needed time to prepare.
After entering Real Space again, Colin ordered Magni and Forseti to undock and move away a few thousand kilometres. If someone attacked them, his defenses should give their attackers a bloody nose. With that order, he contacted Dimitri who’d stayed on the Bridge to settle his crew.
Colin said, “Did those bastards scratch our shiny new paint job, Dimitri?”
“No, Commodore, the Shields deflected the shot, they weren’t stressed. Sir, I’d prefer to go teach them manners. Their behavior was unwarranted and unacceptable.”
“Dimitri, you’re a man after my heart. We will teach them not to mess with FNS Harmon. The problem is how do we achieve our goal without killing them?”
Star Strike Page 28