Star Strike

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Star Strike Page 34

by I. G. Roberts




  Commander Calvin Thompson (call-sign Cal) watched as One Squadron, who called themselves the Reapers, started another attack run on Kislara Orbital. Commander Thompson kept a close eye on them to make sure they followed the attack plan. At first, Cal’s people behaved themselves, but with time, as their skills and confidence grew, they’d become harder to control. News of the Battle of Cambridge unsettled them more, and they wanted to see for themselves if friends and families were okay. Their problem was there were no Freighters or escorts available to transport them, and their craft.

  The Venom attack craft was a new design for Space warfare. These first-generation Space-Fighters are small at thirty metres long and hard to detect because of their stealthy design. They are fast, maneuverable and deadly. Four Venoms will deliver the same punch as a Cobra during an attack. A third-generation AI rounded out the complement of systems. There’s always a downside, they have limited range, aren’t Jump capable, and their endurance is only three days. Venoms carry limited armament, so, after an attack, must return to base for replenishment. The final problem was they had minimal Shielding so can’t survive a direct hit.

  Another variant, the Sava can enter a planet’s atmosphere and fight an enemy there, but those are new. The Sava isn’t as superb in Space as a Venom but can chase enemy craft into the atmosphere. The Kislarans developed attack craft fifteen years before as an inexpensive alternative to a fleet of capital ships. As an addendum to a capital ship, they are useful but were useless if based on a Station. Isolate or destroy the Station, and you neutralize the attack craft.

  After the Reapers were in position, Cal noted the locations and vectors for the ships near Kislara Orbital. It was one thing to irritate the locals, but to cause a collision in Space was something else and Cal couldn’t countenance that. His crews, three people in each Venom were elite in their respective roles, and he refused to accept losses caused by stupidity.

  The Squadron started its run toward the Station, watching for danger. They raced toward the Orbital, performing virtual attacks on anything that came within range. If this were a genuine strike, they should’ve inflicted enormous damage. Cal grinned as he launched a simulated spread of Missiles at the Station then peeled off for his escape. Till now, the Reapers always evaded the Kislaran defenders. This time, they had to contend with Two Squadron (Deaths Head Squadron) and Kislara’s new Cobras.

  The training Squadrons maintained a healthy rivalry, so the Deaths Head boys and girls were looking for an opportunity to win against the Reapers. This time, with the help of Cobras, they found one. The Deaths Head’s Venoms and Kislaran Cobras split into two groups to trap the fleeing Reapers in a pincer. They were still out of range when a message recalling everyone to base arrived. For a moment, the Deaths Heads considered delaying compliance, but their Commander pulled them into line, and the two Squadrons fell into formation for the trip home.

  When they reached Kislara Orbital, they landed, curious to find out why they received the sudden recall. The recall disappointed the Venom crews, but control gave no reason. After a training mission that pits Reapers and Deaths Heads against each other, the crews will indulge in the usual banter and teasing. This time, they sensed something different and were more subdued.

  CCC FNS Harmon

  FNS Harmon sped toward the Jump-Point out of Sankarah. Commodore Gordon watched the reinforced Reserve-Fleet move into position. Until then, Colin was too busy to consider the enormity of his task, and his self-doubt surfaced now he had time to think. The sense of responsibility overwhelmed him, and Colin reached a point where he could no longer watch. What if the Fire-Ship tactic didn’t work? It was his idea, and the responsibility was his alone. He stood and walked to his Ready-Room to consider his decisions. Anne stood and followed because she’d watched him and recognized the distress.

  In the Ready-Room, Anne said, “You’re looking worried today, Sir. Are you okay?”

  In reply, Colin said, “I’m not sure, Anne. This is the largest formation I’ve ever commanded, and I have so many lives in my hands. I’m overwhelmed by the task.”

  “Sir, you can do this. I’ve watched you at every stage since we met, and you’ve always risen to the challenge. You’ll do it this time too. Sir, you’re one of the most versatile people I know. The only times you’ve struggled are when you let the self-doubt take hold, and when you become preoccupied with home. Commodore, you have a good team here in the CCC, and Commodore Devlaran has plenty of experience. You need not think of everything yourself this time, spread the load.”

  “Anne, since we met, I’ve always valued your help; you keep me centered. I worry about the potential for disaster. The Pirates have fortified Hangelore, and I haven’t tried to force my way into a fortified System. My preference is that we don’t lose too many lives, or any.”

  “Then Commodore, we plan, and we train until we have a workable strategy. Sir, ask people to send ideas and brainstorm solutions. They’ll do it for you.”

  “As always, you keep me on track. We’ll see what the others say after we secure the next System shall we?”

  “That’s a good idea, Sir.”

  Colin grunted and returned to the CCC. His team worked with confidence. Over the last few months, they’d grown into a robust and talented Command-Team. Lieutenant Downer had proven her value many times with her calm manner. Although Kelly and Anne had different personalities, they were both smart and kept a relaxed demeanor during a crisis.

  The following day, Colin asked Devlaran and Dimitri to meet him in the CCC. By then, they knew the System was secure, so Colin’s team could afford to relax for a short time.

  After everyone had assembled, Commodore Gordon said, “Yesterday, Anne reminded me, I’m surrounded by talented people and needn’t do everything myself. That’s Anne’s job as my aide, so I took her advice and called this meeting. I have few answers for the task ahead, so I’m asking you to consider solutions. How do we make it into Hangelore without unsustainable casualties? You’ll find the shell of a plan to take Hangelore in your personal data. Read it, understand it then try to fill in the holes. The only things I’ll ask is that you refrain from conventional thinking and I want solutions, not problems. I’ve reviewed the data the Kislarans sent, and conventional thinking cost them a powerful force of Warships. Commodore Devlaran will coordinate this effort. I’ve asked him to gather the data you give him into a coherent whole so we can plan to take Hangelore. Are there questions?”

  Colin looked each team member in the eyes checking they understood.

  He said, “Captain Molchaoff, Commodore Devlaran, can we have a quick talk in my Ready-Room please?”

  They both nodded, so Colin led the way.

  Once settled, he said, “Dimitri, you know what FNS Harmon can do. That’s where I want you to focus your attention.”

  Dimitri replied, “I understand, Sir. I take it you believe FNS Harmon will play an important role?”

  “You’ve known me too long Dimitri, FNS Harmon is central to cracking the fortifications. Hanar, I don’t know you well enough to understand your leadership style. My team are brilliant and are a large part of my success. Often, they think of something I haven’t. If they ask for direction, give it but otherwise, offer encouragement and assemble the information they send you. Can you do that?”

  Devlaran nodded, and the meeting ended.


  Admiral Charkon Hanadon lay sound asleep on his pallet when the Comms unit buzzed near his head. The sound startled him into wakefulness. Hanadon lay for a second blinking his eyes, then punched a button to connect.

  He said, “This better be good.”

  A voice on the other end replied, “Admiral, there’s plenty of activity near the Jump-Point from Sankarah. We thought we should tell you.”

  “Define, plenty of activity.”

  “One moment, Admiral, we’re receiving IFF now.”

/>   A minute later, the voice continued, “Sir, FNS Harmon has returned from Sankarah. She’s leading a large fleet of ships. It’s the Reserve-Fleet plus extras.”

  “Hmmm. Has anyone from FNS Harmon tried contacting us yet?”

  “No, Sir, not yet.”

  “Well, I’m awake now, I’m coming there. Wake my aide and tell him to meet me.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Hanadon rose from his pallet and dressed. He thought, ‘FNS Harmon leading a large fleet. If Colin Gordon is in charge, somebody will suffer.’

  By the time the Admiral reached the Comms-Center, a call from FNS Harmon waited. Hanadon answered it to find Colin waiting to speak to him. Seeing Colin lifted Admiral Hanadon’s spirits, this human was one of his favorite people. The Admiral wondered who Sankarah had aimed Colin at but had to wait until his friend arrived at the Station.

  In the meantime, he said, “Hello Colin, what do you need from us today?”

  “Hello Admiral, let a few of my ships dock and agree to meet me when I arrive, Sir. We have much to discuss.”

  Hanadon said, “You are always welcome here Commodore.” He chuckled for a few seconds then continued, “Hell, every time you’ve come here, you’ve helped us.”

  Rumors had reached Cotoni of a disaster that happened far away. Seven days ago, a Courier passed by like a scolded cat. He didn’t communicate with the Station any more than necessary. That alone put Charkon’s senses on alert. Now Colin Gordon returns to Cotoni with a powerful fleet. Hanadon wanted details of the disaster and knew Colin would offer those when he arrived.

  A day later, FNS Harmon docked at Cotoni Station, and Colin made his way to Admiral Hanadon’s office. A Marine security detail stayed with him when he left the ship. Colin attracted too many people with murder on their minds to dispense with security.

  When they arrived at their destination, Colin noticed the local security and his own, eyeing each other, analyzing their chances if things went wrong. The locals recognized Colin, he’d been here several times before, and permitted him to enter the outer office where Hanadon’s aide rose to greet their visitor. The aide guided Colin further into the warren of rooms to meet the Admiral.

  As they entered Hanadon rose from his seat and said, “Hello again, let’s get to business. Where are you going, Colin? Who will feel the pain?”

  Colin grinned at Hanadon’s forthright manner and replied, “We’re off to Kislara first, Admiral. They will tell us where we’re going. Admiral Dalkasan sent this to you.”

  Commodore Gordon handed Hanadon a pad. The Admiral read the precis with growing disquiet. He put it on the desk and gazed back at Colin.

  After a few seconds of reflection, Hanadon said, “The Kislarans kicked a hornet's nest and paid the price. Do you have information detailing conditions on the Hangelore end of the Jump?”

  “We do, Admiral. The last two ships to enter Hangelore could not find any remaining Kislaran ships, so the senior Captain made the wise decision to turn and run. Both ships came close to making it, but Mines destroyed the Patrol-Boat when they dropped their Shields for Jump. FNS Disna escaped with damage. Thank God they escaped because they brought news of the disaster back to the Federation.”

  “May I visit you before you leave for Kislara, I want to study these Scan Logs?”

  Yes, Admiral, but we won’t stay more than a day. Admiral Zhavan didn’t escape and might be a prisoner. If she’s still alive, the Pirates have had her in their clutches too long.

  “If you will permit Commodore, I’ll return to FNS Harmon with you now. So Admiral Dalkasan has sent orders for me to release two Cobras for your Task-Force. I’ll send FNS Savarl and FNS Kastalon with you. Those are the newest Cobras we have.”

  “Thank you, Admiral. Should I wait outside for you?”

  “No Colin, stay where you are, I’ll be a few minutes.”

  Elsewhere on Cotoni Station, both Patrol-Boats had docked to prepare for a planned exercise. Hanadon ordered the Captains to meet him at FNS Harmon’s dock. After Hanadon completed that chore, he returned to FNS Harmon with Colin.

  Devra Ladakon, Captain of FNS Savarl, and Truna Sadolon, Captain of FNS Kastalon waited when Colin’s party reached FNS Harmon. Colin led the group to Harmon’s CCC where he showed them the Sensor Logs.

  Hanadon asked, “Do you have a plan to breach their defenses, Colin?”

  “We have a skeleton of a plan, Sir. I’m sure they’ve been clearing the debris from near the Jump-Exit Lane since FNS Disna escaped and replacing the spent ordnance. There are problems for us to resolve yet, but we will have a full set of plans before we enter Hangelore.”

  “Okay, Commodore. I’ll get out of your way.”


  FNS Harmon exited Jump into Kislara, and picket ships sent an immediate challenge. Dimitri sent Harmon’s IFF then transferred the Comms Channel to Commodore Gordon. Soon, Colin spoke to the Kislaran in command of the picket detachment.

  Commodore Gordon said, “Greetings Captain, I am Commodore Colin Gordon. We’re here because Queen Taveli asked Sankarah for help.”

  On FNS Tosaral, FNS Harmon’s arrival startled the Captain. He saw that this new ship could run over his pickets without slowing. Seeing IFF identifying her as FNS Harmon was a relief even though he didn’t recognize the type. The entire Navy in Kislara knew of the disaster that befell Admiral Zhavan, and rumors had surfaced that the Queen asked Sankarah for help. To find Colin Gordon himself on board the new arrival was stunning.

  The Captain said, “Greetings Commodore Gordon. We hoped Sankarah might help but are you alone?”

  Colin gave a feral grin and replied, “No Captain, I’m not alone. We thought it better if I arrive first and prepare the way. I have the Reserve-Fleet with extras arriving in an hour. Please, don’t become alarmed when they arrive, we saw the Sensor Logs from Hangelore and decided we needed the tools to clean house there. Our intentions toward Kislara are peaceful.”

  “I shall send word to Headquarters, you’ve arrived. Please go ahead to Kislara Orbital, Sir.”

  “Thank you, Captain, Harmon out.”

  On FNS Tosaral, the Captain turned to his XO and said, “Send to our other picket, ‘Back away from the Jump-Point.’ The entire Reserve-Fleet coming.”

  FNS Harmon moved off toward the delanot homeworld with Colin’s team working to set up communication with Kislaran Naval Headquarters. Meanwhile, FNS Tosaral’s Captain sent word of Colin’s arrival. When Admiral Forsa saw the message, he bounced out of his seat and sprinted for an Air-Car. This was news he wanted to deliver to Queen Taveli in person.

  Back at the Jump-Point, the Reserve-Fleet arrived. Colin had insisted they arrive at every System ready to fight. He banned the standard doctrine requiring a five-minute separation between ships and ordered them to Jump in pairs with a two-minute separation instead. They needed the practice and continued when they entered Kislara. Two ships arrived and sped away to leave room for the next two as their Shields came online. FNS Tosaral’s Captain worried at first as ship after ship arrived. Each vessel broadcast her IFF within seconds of Down-Jump, but the entire experience was intimidating for the Kislarans. Once an incoming vessel established the System wasn’t hostile, they reduced Shield strength to fend off stray debris. As the arrivals grew familiar, the concerns eased, and the crews on the picket ships relaxed. Soon, the Kislarans even became accustomed to this impressive display of ship handling. The picket ship Captains longed for the training to allow them to do this.

  Admiral Forsa arrived at the Palace and submitted to the security procedures needed to meet the Queen. She met him in one of her Salons. He entered to find food and Satha waiting.

  Forsa said, “My Queen, I have momentous news. Sankarah has responded and sent help.”

  Taveli straightened in her chair before replying, “This fast? And?”

  “They’ve sent Commodore Colin Gordon, my Queen. He has brought the Reserve-Fleet with him. They are entering Kislara as we speak. Gordon must’ve
been at Sankarah when our Courier arrived. He’s in a new class of Destroyer called FNS Harmon.”

  “The Federation Council is keen to show their commitment to us. That should make our job easier here. We shall offer what we can to help, just as we discussed. It isn’t much, but Commodore Gordon will need what help we can give. My only concern is that I don’t understand how they’ll do this without major losses.”

  “My Queen, Admiral Zhavan went to Hangelore with no data on conditions there. Worse, we did a poor job maintaining our ships, and many were out of date. Training was inadequate too, so the crews aren’t as efficient as we need. Commodore Gordon has fought for the Federation since he woke on FNS Destiny. This one human has done more for us since his arrival than most do in a lifetime. Added to that, the Reserve-Fleet has seen recent action. We are fortunate that they sent this man, maybe, he’ll help us redeem ourselves.”

  Taveli listened to Forsa and decided she needed to meet Commodore Gordon.

  She said, “Admiral Forsa, I must meet this human. We’ve heard his story, but what sort of person is he?”

  “As you order, my Queen. I shall invite him to Headquarters, then bring him to you when his ship has docked. I’m not sure how to answer your question, I’ve never met him.”

  “Thank you, Admiral, now eat. It is past dinner, and I can’t imagine that you dallied to eat before you brought this news.”

  “No, my Queen, but I must send the invitation.”

  “How long until they dock?”

  “Six hours.”

  “Then you can relax and eat. I can’t have my Navy starving themselves.”

  FNS Harmon

  Keg was monitoring the Comms when a message arrived for Commodore Gordon. Colin was resting then, so Keg read the notice to decide if he needed to wake the Commodore. After he read it, Keg thought this was a decision to pass up the chain. He called Lieutenant Downer over and showed the communication to her. Kelly took care to read it then touched him on the shoulder.


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