Bear Faced Liar

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Bear Faced Liar Page 4

by Alice Coldbreath

  “Running outta patience here, darlin,” drawled a raised voice from the other side of the door. “Get your ass out here. We don't got all day.”

  Closing her eyes briefly she pushed the bedroom door open and emerged into the living area. Jared was sat sprawled across the two-seater by the small dining table. He froze when she marched up to him, flipping a hand from her chest to her groin.

  “Any better?” she asked confrontationally and tilted up her chin. “If you tell me to go change again, I'm going to expect you to pick it out. I literally own four pairs of hot-pants, Jared. I'm guessing it's never been a problem in the past, so I suggest you get over it now.”

  His eyes were riveted to her and she had no idea if her snarky words had even registered. Before she'd even realized it, his hand had snaked out and she was falling forward across his lap.

  “Wha-? Jared!” He grunted slightly when she landed heavily across his thighs. Then even as she started to struggle, one of his big hands planted in her middle back, pinning her in place. Oh my god, was he going to spank her? She struggled to twist round at the waist and look at him. “Don't you dare! I'll never forgive you!” she squeaked, only to break off her words at the look on his face as he brushed his thumb over the pink lettering across her ass.

  “Holy shit, baby,” he said thickly. “Not gonna lie, I could cry at the sheer perfection of your ass.”

  Her jaw dropped. What the..? “You're crazy,” she said weakly as one hand slid up her thigh to squeeze one of her cheeks. Oh god! She couldn't be excited by this behavior. What was wrong with her? And she'd seen her butt and even in that bedroom mirror she could see it was too big for her frame! No-one, but no-one was ever going to convince her otherwise!

  “Anyone but me ever sees you in these pants, I'm gonna spank this ass Pristine,” he vowed. “You understand me?”

  “Yes,” she panted. “I won't! I mean, they won't, she amended hastily.

  “Hmm,”" he rumbled, his thumb tracing the line where her buttock met her thigh.

  She could feel his jean zipper pressing into her stomach. Was he..? She huffed and squirmed on his lap. “Jared,” she entreated. God, why was her voice so breathless? “Let me up.” His large hand was still roaming over the twin globes of her butt in an unhurried progress that left her feeling weak and quivering in embarrassing places. “Please honey,” she entreated as a last resort. “We need to go to the store remember?”

  She felt his whole body go still.

  “Jared?” she licked her lips and twisted back around again.

  “God damn,” he rumbled and squeezed his eyes shut a moment.

  She had a feeling if she hadn't just got back from the hospital the day before she'd be on her back right now. Or straddled across his lap ...

  Reluctantly, his hands lifted away. “Get up,” he rasped.

  Even then as she pushed up from her elbows to lift off him, she heard him growl with displeasure. Unfortunately, the sound just made her feel even more giddy and she swayed and whimpered as she crawled off him like some sort of disoriented kitten! God, I'm one of those pathetic women who are putty in the hands of the wrong men! she thought with dismay. My brain is addled with lust and I can't think straight! She sucked in a deep breath as she righted herself, yanking down the pink vest and straightening her shaky legs. “Right, I'll go...”

  His eyes were glued now to her chest, she noticed belatedly. Looking down she could see the girls were standing fully to attention. “I need a bra,” she whispered.

  His gaze didn't even flicker as he slid out from the booth and stood behind her. “Ass outta those pants, baby,” he said tightly. “Put the first pair back on.”

  She didn't even hesitate, seeing the weird glow in his eyes, just made for the bedroom. “What about on top?” she asked over her shoulder, then gasped in alarm when she found he was following close behind her. My god! He was so big and the fact they were trapped in a trailer together made him seem even bigger!

  “Leave the vest on. I'll give you one of my shirts,” he said grimly. Her eyes bugged out as he eased past her and reached into the small wardrobe.

  “One of yours?” she echoed.

  “Yeah, one of mine,” he said passing her a soft blue and white check shirt. “Just roll the sleeves up. We'll drive to the strip mall, get you outfitted.”

  “Strip mall?”

  “Just outside of town. Got one of those big stores. Got everything.” He watched a little too closely as she shrugged on his shirt. Like he wanted to devour her with his eyes. She suddenly wondered when the last time they'd gotten intimate was. Maybe she was doing him a huge disservice and he wasn't a total horn-dog, she thought abstractedly. Maybe their relationship had been long-distance for a while and he was suffering from their separation? Of course, that would also explain her own impulse to combust whenever he touched her! She took a shaky breath as he reached back into the wardrobe and helped himself to a pair of faded blue jeans and a grey tshirt. Without even an ounce of embarrassment he pulled on his jeans in front of her and she cleared her throat and turned her back to give him some privacy.

  “Nothing you haven't seen before, honey,” he said sounding amused.

  “I'm sure,” she said primly.

  “I like your hair in that ponytail, Pristine,” he said slipping the shirt over his head.

  God, was she blushing? “What did you call me?”

  “Pristine,”" he smirked. "It's a pet name. My pet name for you."

  “Why? Why'd you call me Pristine? Because my name's Pris?”

  “No,” he admitted absently. “I've always thought of you that way.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Flawless,”" he elaborated. “Immaculate. Perfect.”

  She gasped as he casually walked past her out of the bedroom. As if he hadn't just paid her the most remarkable compliment!

  “Burnin' daylight here, Pris,” he called from the kitchen.

  She hurried out after him and found him shrugging on a shirt.

  “Carry on straight through to the bathroom,” he said, nodding in the opposite direction of the trailer. “There's a new spare toothbrush in the cabinet. Help yourself.”

  She made her way through and hurriedly washed and brushed her teeth. Again, there were no feminine products in the bathroom she noticed, as she plunked her new green toothbrush into the glass beside Jared's blue one. When she emerged, Jared disappeared into the bathroom for all of two minutes and then rejoined her.

  “Let's go,” he said angling his head at the door. He grabbed his keys on the way out and reached for her to swing her down from the open trailer doorway. “No steps,” he murmured as he let her slide down him.

  “I'm tall” she pointed out with dignity.

  “Sure you are,” his mouth quirked into a semblance of a smile, as his big hand engulfed hers and led her over to a serviceable truck.

  “For a woman,” she persisted, but he didn't respond.

  She was surprised when he rounded the truck and opened her door for her and then, not so surprised when he took the opportunity to get his hands on her body and swing her up into her seat.

  “Thanks,” she said, wondering if he always took care of her like this. She guessed it was probably the concussion, right? His gaze snapped to hers before wandering to her temple. “How's that head, baby?” he asked softly. God, why did she feel his voice right between her legs? Her fingers flew to the tender bump at her temple to distract herself. “Sore,” she admitted, feeling her insides turn to mush at his show of concern.

  “You start feeling dizzy, confused, faint, you let me know. Right away. Understood?”

  She nodded, trying to ignore the warm spreading through her. Why the hell did they live apart? she wondered. Just gazing into his eyes was making her have butterflies in her stomach!

  After the faintest hesitation he leant forward and pressed a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. “You're doing real good, Pristine,” he said huskily. “Making me gl
ad you're mine.”

  Oh god! She squeezed her naked thighs together. “Thanks honey,” she improvised. Again, his head snapped up to stare at her intently. What in hell did she normally call him, she wondered? Was she doing it wrong?

  “Real good,” he repeated, drawing out the words and then carefully shut the door.

  She managed to take a couple of calming breaths as made his way round to the driver's seat and joined her in the truck. Once he'd got the engine started he reached across and laced his fingers through hers, resting them on her bare thigh. She started slightly at the contact before settled back into her seat. The heat and weight of his hand was comforting and she turned her face to the window to watch the scenery as they drove down the mountain and off the rough-track toward the road.

  “Is this the nearest town?” she asked turning her head toward him as they drove about five minutes down the road and entered a pretty and old-fashioned looking main street. She got glimpses of a big general store, a diner, a fishing tackle shop, a bar called Elmer's and beauty parlor called 'Bettina Lorena's' before they'd whipped through the main street.


  “Do I know anyone from town?” she asked.

  He considered this a moment before answering grudgingly. “Luke. My cousin.”

  “Oh. Do all your family live here?”

  He pulled his hand away from hers and looked across at her a moment in displeasure. “Yeah, Pris. They all live right here in Cranston Falls.”

  Okaaaay, she was definitely getting the vibe he didn't want to talk about his home town or his family. Shifting in her seat she slanted a look across at his forbidding profile and then slowly and deliberately lifted her pink flip-flopped feet up onto the dash. She watched his gaze flicker to her feet and then back to the road. It wasn't like they were dirty. They were brand new after all. She wiggled her pearly toes and folded her arms. “Can we have some music on?” she asked sweetly. For a minute she thought he'd refuse, then he leant forward and flicked the radio on. It was a local radio station called Cranston FM. She slanted another look at him, wondering if she dared ask for a station change, but bit her lip instead. Cranston FM seemed to play mostly country music and a lot of local business ads.

  “What do you do? For a living I mean?” she asked as the thought occurred to her.


  She turned to look at him. That seemed to fit somehow. She frowned. Did she already know that?

  “Got my own firm. My cousin works for me, and two other guys.”

  “Do you have a radio ad?” she asked turning her face to look at him.


  “Why not?”

  “Got a good rep already round these parts. Word of mouth.”

  “Oh.” With that she gave up on chit chat and relaxed back into her seat. The morning sun was shining through the windscreen and soaking into her bones. By the time they reached the strip mall she felt drowsy and Jared had leapt out of his seat and come round to yank open her door while she was still fumbling clumsily with the seat-belt. He reached right in and lifted her out while she swayed against him. His hand slid under the shirt to rest against her lower back and hold her steady as he shut the door.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, fine.” For some reason she didn't pull away. His hand slid down to squeeze her butt and then he pulled her into his side and they walked across the car park with her tucked into his side and his arm around her shoulders. After only a tiny hesitation she hooked her own arm around his waist and did her best to match her stride to his.

  “I don't have my purse,” she remembered as they entered a big well-lit store called 'Budget Buys'.

  “You don't have one,” he answered.

  “No purse?” she echoed. “How am I going to pay for new stuff?”

  “I got money,” he said dismissively.

  Her eyes widened. “Yes, but what about my money?”

  “You gave it me for safe-keeping,” he answered after a moment.

  Yeah right! It dawned on her with horror that she had turned up at the nearest bus station with a bump on her head and a cardboard box of cheap clothes and a string of bad debts behind her.

  “We'll get you a purse, babe,” he said lightly. “If that's what you need.”

  “If I'm sticking around I need to get a job,” she said firmly. “What exactly do I do to earn money?” she asked, tipping her head back to look at him.

  A funny look flickered over his face. “Well-” he started.

  “Jared!” a female voice screamed from one of the aisles.

  He gave a slight groan. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath.

  Pris' head swiveled to take in two women at the checkout desk, staring in their direction. One was a pretty mouse-haired young woman, who was clearly pregnant and waving like a lunatic and the other was Daisy who had a heavy scowl on her face and was shooting daggers in their direction.

  “Um, who' s that with your sister?” she murmured as she gave a tentative wave back.

  “Deb, my cousin Luke's wife.” he answered shortly.

  “Oh my god!” squealed the pregnant one, coming to a direct halt in front of her. “You're finally here! How exciting!” She leaned forward touching Pris' arm. “Just making sure you're real, honey, and not a hallucination! My god, we'd started to think we would never get to meet the elusive woman who had stolen our Jared away!”

  “Hey Deb,” said Jared. “Pris darlin’, this is Luke's wife Debbie. You remember you met Luke before in Royston.”

  “Pris?” said Daisy, her head snapping up. “I thought you called her Cilla?”

  “Did you?” asked Jared coolly.

  “I prefer Pris,” cut in Pris. “And it's nice to meet you Deb. Good to see you again, Daisy.”

  Daisy's lip curled.

  “I didn't know Luke had met you before!” exclaimed Deb, her eyes going very round. “He never mentioned it, that sly thing!”

  “Sure he did,” answered Jared easily. “When we spent that weekend in Royston in March.”

  “Well, he never mentioned it,” breathed Deb.

  “Probably didn't want to tell you he'd been to a strip club,” said Daisy nastily.

  Deb gasped. “That dog!” she giggled. “Did my Lukey come see you dance, honey?” she asked Pris.

  Pris felt her spine stiffen. What?

  Jared's arm squeezed her shoulders and slid down her arm, pulling her into his side. “She's quit all that now,” he said firmly. “Moved in with me.”

  “What?” screeched Debbie. “For real?” She surged forward. “Oh my god honey, I'm so happy for you,” she said embracing Jared first and then Pris. “Oh, this will work out so much better than Jared going to Royston, honey.” she said patting Pris' arm. “Hunt men. They're not supposed to be in big cities like that. They can't survive without the mountain air. Aunt ‘Tunia's gonna be so pleased,” she enthused.

  “About Jared's stripper coming to town?” asked Daisy incredulously. “Sure, it's her dream come true.”

  “Daisy,” said her brother warningly. He slid his arm round Pris' waist possessively, his thumb rubbing against her hip. She found herself exhaling a breath she hadn't even known she was holding.

  “You haven't done anything stupid have you, Jared?” his sister asked sharply.

  “Well now, that's my business Daisy, not yours,"” he answered giving her a level look.

  His sister pursed her lips. “Men!” she said with loathing.

  “How's Lloyd?” asked Jared in a low, lethal voice.

  “Oh my goodness!” burst in Debbie. “Is that the time? Why, my sweet Lukey is gonna pitch a fit if I'm not back before Lumber-Hunks starts! It's a brand new series,” she gabbled. “You ever seen it, Pris?”

  “I don't think so,” admitted Pris.

  “C'mon Dais,” she urged the other woman who was still glaring at Jared. “We need to make a move.” She turned back to Pris and Jared. “I'm assuming I'll see you two at Aunt ‘Tunia's table on
Sunday,” she said beaming at them. “Bye now. I'll tell Luke I saw you, and get all the gossip from Royston.” She winked at Pris who tightened her grip on Jared's waist. Daisy turned on her heel and followed her cousin out of the store without any semblance of a goodbye and Jared squeezed her hip. She swung round to look up at him.

  “A stripper?” she asked blankly. “That's how I earn my money.”

  “Not anymore, darlin’,” he answered, propelling her into the store.

  “I guess that explains the wardrobe choices,” she murmured.

  He snorted.

  “I hope I don't owe money to any sleazy strip-club managers,” she said as he snagged them a shopping cart.

  “Babe, c'mere,” he patted the handle.

  She ducked under his arm until she stood enclosed by him as they started down the first aisle. “What if any trouble follows me down here?” she persisted.

  He dropped his chin down on her shoulder. “It won't.”

  “What if it does?” she frowned. “I don't want to bring any bad debts on you.” She thought of his trailer. God, clearly Jared didn't have much money and what he did have was tied up in his business!

  “Babe, it won't,” he said firmly. “And if it did,” he shrugged. “Your man would sort it.”

  She tipped her head back to look at him. “My man being you?” she asked slowly.

  “Who else?” he growled.

  She gave him a small smile. He gave her a cocky smile in return, that completely took her breath away. Oh my god!

  “Okay, now what do we need?” He glanced over at the shelves.

  Thirty minutes later Pris was staring uncertainly at a half-full shopping cart. She had fruit-scented shower gel, body lotion, sun screen, moisturizer, mascara, lip gloss, multi-coloured hair ties, bobby pins, a hot air styler with three different attachments, deodorant, some black ballerina pumps, some gold gladiator style sandals, a pair of oversized sunglasses and a faux black leather purse. She only had to look at something and Jared would nod toward the cart. If she hesitated, he took it out of her hands and added it to the cart. She was holding a smoky eye palette and checking the price when he took it out of her hands and added it to the cart.


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