Bear Faced Liar

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Bear Faced Liar Page 15

by Alice Coldbreath

  ‘Bette Davis really did have beautiful eyes’, she typed, wondering how she could have thought herself too good for Jared Hunt. She thought she had seen this movie before, but possibly not all the way through.

  ‘Addison de Witt is my fav xter,’ typed Bettina.

  Billie agreed. ‘He’s kind of hot and much sexier than Bill imho. Bill’s kind of a dick.’

  ‘WTF,’ typed Lois. ‘Is that an early Marilyn cameo?!!’

  ‘Sure is,’ texted Bettina. ‘Blink and you’ll miss her’.

  Pris’s phone blipped, and she realized she had a text from Carole-Ann. She switched apps and opened the message.

  ‘Girl, you will not believe who came storming round to my apartment this evening and nearly tore my damn door off!’

  ‘Who?’ typed Pris in alarm. ‘Are you okay?

  ‘Grady,’ replied Carole-Ann. Then sent a bug-eyed emoji.

  Pris frowned, then remembered Jared telling her that Carole-Ann had a mate who was not in any hurry to claim her. ‘Your mate?’

  ‘Yup, the very same.’

  ‘OMG. What did he want?’

  ‘The fool bear only wanted to drag me up his damn mountain with him!!’ replied Carole-Ann.

  ‘Did you call your brothers? How did you get rid of him?’

  ‘Girl, I didn’t,’ replied Carole-Ann. ‘He’s lying in my bed exhausted.’ She sent a smirky-faced emoji and Pris blushed.


  ‘AF,’ typed Carole-Ann. ‘I’m just getting a snack, and then I’m gonna go wake his ass up for round two.’

  Pris gave a snort of laughter.

  ‘Poor bastard doesn’t know what’s hit him,’ typed Carole-Ann. ‘Tho it serves him right, for keeping me waiting on him, all these years.’

  Pris sent the LOL emoji and after waiting a few seconds and receiving no response, guessed Carole-Ann was making good on her promise. She switched her attention back to the TV screen and got sucked in to the story as Margot Channing’s life spun increasingly out of control.

  ‘Please tell me Eve gets her come-uppance in the end,’ she begged the group chat.

  ‘Not telling,’ replied Bettina swiftly.

  Pris settled back against the sofa for the duration of the film. About five minutes before the end, Jared came in and joined her, carrying two mugs of coffee. He passed one of them to her.

  “We’ll get that table tomorrow,” he promised, and then sat down beside her.

  Pris sipped her drink and found he had added just the right amount of cream and sugar. She gave him a sidelong glance. “Film’s nearly finished.”

  “You cold?” he asked reaching over and touching her bare thigh with the back of his hand.


  He eyed her zipped up hoody, but said nothing and Pris didn’t feel the need to explain. Instead, she re-focused on the end of the film.

  Her phone buzzed.

  ‘Wow,’ Billie had typed. ‘Dark days ahead for Eve.’

  ‘She sold her soul,’ agreed Bettina.

  ‘I almost feel sorry for her,’ chimed in Lois.

  ‘Almost,’ agreed Pris. ‘Good film ladies. Night. x’ She could feel Jared’s eyes on her as she fiddled with her phone, before discarding it. She turned to him. “Want to watch something together?” she asked lightly.

  He nodded, looking wary. “You choose,” he said.

  “I’ll choose rom-com,” she warned him.

  He smiled faintly and settled against the back of the sofa. “Do your worst.”

  They sat in companionable silence watching a film with Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson. Pris thought Jared rolled his eyes a few times, and his attention definitely wandered at the mid-way point when he went to fetch a beer. Pris shook her head when he asked if she wanted one, but once again, took a few sips of his, once the film was underway.

  “Do you think that's true?” she asked, passing him back his beer. “About guys not liking it when their girlfriends move all their stuff into their place?”

  “Uninvited, definitely,” Jared grunted before taking a swig. He inched closer to her, so their thighs were touching.

  “Maybe it's just as well I only bought a shoe-boxful with me,” she joked.

  “You've always had an open invite to bring anything you want,” he said. “Though there's not a whole helluva lot of room.”

  “There's plenty of room,” Pris objected. “Your cupboards are all practically bare.” She looked over at the bare shelves. “We could have a picture frame and maybe a plant over there...”

  “I'll drop you at work tomorrow morning,” Jared said decisively.


  “Cos then I can pick you up and take you straight to the mall. There's one of those big home wares places,” said Jared vaguely. “Sure to have everything you want.”

  Pris regarded him thoughtfully. “Okay,” she said and hid her smile behind the zipper of her hoody. “Hey, guess what?” she said softly. He turned his head to look at her. “Carole-Ann's mate finally came to claim her.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Grady came down from his mountain?”

  “He sure did.”

  Jared whistled.

  “Do you think he heard about Carole-Ann's transformation?” Pris asked.

  Jared frowned. “Guess he must have done,” he said with a shrug. “Somehow. Though I don't know how.” He stroked his stubbly chin. “Guess he must have had eyes on her, here in town.”

  “He's not a stalker or anything, though is he?” asked Pris uneasily. That didn't sound altogether healthy.

  Jared shifted in his seat uneasily. “It would be natural for a shifter to keep a watch over his mate, even if he hadn't claimed her,” he said awkwardly, giving her a sidelong glance.

  Pris nodded. “Well, so long as Carole-Ann's happy, then I'm happy for her. I'm sure I'll hear all about it tomorrow. I'm meeting her for lunch.”

  “You need some money?” Jared asked. “You must have got through that twenty by now.”

  Pris shook her head. “Carole-Ann said she'd pick us up some sandwiches from Misty's, her treat. She wants me to go clothes shopping with her,” she said by way of explanation. “I'm her personal shopper.”

  “You might see something you want,” Jared persisted stubbornly.

  “I don't know if I've got this job yet,” Pris reminded him, slipping her arm through his and brushing a kiss against his shoulder. “Anyway, I'd rather buy a few things for our home than myself.”


  Jared woke with a jolt in the early hours. Pris was tucked into his side, one arm slung about his waist. He lay awake a moment, waiting for his racing heart to calm. What was it? He let his senses adjust, reaching out for the source of his disquiet. Had he heard something? Something moving around outside the trailer? Slowly, he realized it wasn’t external at all. His turmoil was within. He was … what? He touched his chest. He felt twisted up inside with something. Anxiety? Was that the word? He frowned. What the hell? It had to be that visit from that snake Harber, he thought scowling into the dark. That visit had badly rattled him. He had been terrified that his appearance would trigger Christine's memory recall. And he wasn't ready for that yet. Not by a long shot. The thought of her up and leaving him brought him out in a cold sweat. He knew now, that underneath that clipped, cold, polished exterior, Pristine Christine was sweet, warm and giving. He had no idea what had turned her into that manicured and lacquered Stepford wife who had been living up at The Heights with Harber. That wasn't her. Nothing could be further removed from the sunbeam who attracted the friendship of everyone she met at Cranston Falls. Except for his pain in the ass sister, but Dais didn't count. She could make a saint cuss. He curled his bicep under the pillow to cradle Pris' head against his shoulder. She shifted further into him and tightened the arm at his waist to give him a light squeeze. He felt his chest constrict when she murmured what sounded like his own name. God, he needed to make her his somehow. He'd known it in his bones for weeks now, but had tried to fi
ght it. There was absolutely no room for doubt anymore in his mind. She was the only one for him. She was his mate. His everything. And he had absolutely no idea how he was going to make this whole situation right. That scumbag Harber, hadn't even asked about her welfare, let alone attempted to stake his claim. Instead he'd been bleating about some opening at the art gallery which he 'vitally needed Christine's support for'. He'd complained about how long her memory was taking to return as if it were her fault and she'd lost it purely to inconvenience him. Jared skimmed a possessive hand down her back, shutting out the memories that made his hackles rise. He very much doubted he was going to get much more sleep, but just being able to hold her sleeping body gave him some comfort in the night, at least, and soothed his bear.

  Jared realized he must have dropped off at some point as the next time he woke, he found himself in the bed alone. Before he could react, he heard the sound of the shower starting up at the other end of the trailer, and relaxed. He glanced at the bedside clock and realized that Christine Lascombe liked to get up early. He lay down on his back and thought about the last seventy-two hours and why the hell he was torturing himself like this? Last night was the third night he had slept beside her, surrounded by her sweet scent, her honey-limbs touching his, her soft hair spread over his pillow. God, she was sweet. He wanted to make her his. He ached to do it. But she didn’t know who the hell she was, let alone who he was. The whole thing was messed up. And he couldn't bring himself to give her his mark while she was ignorant of the truth. He just couldn't do it to her. Just like he couldn't take advantage and sleep with her while she thought she had chosen to be with him. It wouldn't be right to disrespect her like that. Both he and the Bear were in agreement that they needed to nurture and protect their mate while she was vulnerable. The worst of it was, that he had already taken advantage to a degree that he was ashamed of. The truth was, when he had started this crazy venture, he had only been in lust with her. Now he knew he was all in. Without a shadow of a doubt, he loved Christine Lascombe. But she was living a lie. His thoughts twisted away from him. Maybe she always had been, a voice whispered in his ear. Maybe her previous life was the lie? After all, how could she have adapted so easily to his life? He never would have dreamt that the pampered princess up at The Heights would have known how to bake an apple pie or make best friends with waitresses and hairdressers. He rolled onto his side and thumped his pillow twice. No, he was just trying to ease his own conscience. He lay brooding, until Pris reappeared in the bedroom, dressed for work, with her wet hair twisted up in a towel. She beamed at him, told him coffee was waiting for him in the kitchen and then unwound the cord of her hair dryer. “Shall I take this into another room?” she asked him, over her shoulder, but he was already clambering out the bed.

  “Go ahead,” he told her, pulling on some jeans and following the scent of fresh coffee. The walls were so thin in the trailer it wouldn’t make a bit of difference, but he didn’t have the heart to tell her that. He listened to the hum of the hair dryer as he brushed his teeth and washed his face. The meagre counter tops and skimpy cabinet in the bathroom were now fully taken up with Pristine’s bits and pieces, but for some reason her feminine clutter seemed to soothe rather than bother him. He made his way back to the kitchen and drank the mug of coffee she had put out for him. When she emerged from the bedroom, she had braided her hair away from her face in a kind of crown which looked real pretty. She raised a hand to her hair when she saw his scrutiny.

  “I thought it would be practical at work, to keep it off my face?” she said uncertainly. “What do you think?”

  “Nice. You just learn how to do that?” he asked. “On the Youtube?”

  She nodded and turned so he could see that she had twisted the back section up into a bun which had the braid wrapped around it.

  “Looks fancy,” he said, surprised she didn’t wear it in the same sophisticated twist on the back of her head that she used to. She looked far younger this way.

  She smiled at him and then went up on tip toes to brush a kiss against his jaw. He turned his head to touch his lips to hers.

  “You're still taking me to work?” she asked slightly breathlessly when he drew back.


  “That's good.” She was putting her phone in her purse. “I'm ready when you are.”

  “Give me your purse.” Pris looked at him questioningly, but passed it over when he held out his hand. He slid a note in and gave her a warning look when she started to protest. “It's for your shopping trip with Carole-Ann. Let's go.” He opened the door and waited while she locked up the trailer.

  “Did you see the keyring Billie made me?” Pris asked holding up a chain of crystal beads and silver charms.


  “She's really creative,” enthused Pris as they walked across to his truck. “I think Bettina should sponsor her for some more courses at college. Lois is struggling with the tuition fees.”

  On the car ride into town she told him about Lois' divorce and the fact Billie hadn't seen her father in seven years. She really liked her co-workers, he realized, and took an interest in their lives. Part of him was stunned she was carving out a life and making friends for herself so successfully. It wasn't just him that was drawn to her, he realized. Back at The Heights for all those weeks, he'd thought it was purely a physical attraction that she'd held for him. He'd thought she was beautiful, but cold with a lousy personality. Until she'd been injured, then it had been different. But here, she'd shown him a totally different side to her personality. He just knew she was supposed to be here. In Cranston Falls. With him.

  When he dropped her at the beauty parlor, the little trainee had come skipping out to meet her, her sulkiness seemingly a thing of the past. When Pris turned and waved to him, Billie gave him a cheery wave too. He met Luke at the unit where they kept their tools and equipment in a lock-up just out of town.

  “How's it going, cuz?” Luke greeted him with a livelier curiosity than Jared cared for.

  “Good,” he answered briefly and headed into the unit.

  “We back at Harber's today?” asked Luke, following him inside.

  Jared started gathering up the tools he wanted. “No. We've finished there.”

  “We did? Since when?” asked Luke in surprise. “I thought we had a few things still to finish up?”

  “We're finished there,” repeated Jared tightly. At the skeptical look Luke threw him, he added shortly. “I saw him yesterday. At the trailer.”

  “Harber? He came to your trailer?”

  Jared nodded. “Grab that,” he said nodding toward some kit they'd need.

  Luke grabbed it and followed him outside to where Jared was loading up the back of the truck. “What'd he say? He settle his account?”

  “Yeah,” said Jared shortly.

  Luke squinted at him as he swung the box of tools up into the back of his Jared's truck. “Yeah?” he echoed.

  “That's what I said.”

  “He mention her?” asked Luke and Jared stood still in his tracks.

  “Why would he?” Jared narrowed his eyes. “She's not his business now. She's mine.”

  Luke spluttered.


  “That ain't how it works, Jared! You know that.”

  Jared shrugged. “It's working just fine.”

  Luke shook his head. “This is crazy,” he muttered under his breath. “Just crazy.”

  Jared ignored him and climbed into his truck. After a moment’s pause, his cousin climbed into the passenger side. “You've not said anything to Deb?” he said, naming Luke's wife.

  “Hell no, I haven't,” his cousin huffed. “She's pregnant with our second kid. I don't want her worrying about you getting arrested for kidnapping!” He tipped back his cap. “Debs has always been fond of you. Besides,” he added belligerently. “She's decided she's good for the family,” he added on a mumble. “She and Aunt ‘Tunia been discussing it at great length. Which reminds me,” said his cous
in as Jared started up the truck. “You coming to our barbecue on Saturday or not, cos Debs wants to know if we can count on you and - uh-“

  “Pris,” supplied Jared helpfully, as he pulled out onto the street.

  “-comin. She wants her sisters to meet her.” finished Luke uneasily.

  “There might be an issue,”" said Jared, checking his mirrors. “Pris and Dais had a run-in yesterday.”

  “The hell you say!” said Luke in astonishment. “Dais run her off?”

  “Apparently Pris held her own,” Jared said with a faint smile.

  “Against Daisy?” Luke whistled. “Must be more to her than meets the eye.”

  “Oh there is, most definitely,” he said with appreciation, and realized Luke was eyeing him with misgiving. “Trust me on this.”

  “Ain't giving me no choice but to,” muttered Luke truthfully.

  Jared picked up Pris at five o'clock precisely from outside the beauty parlor. She came out carrying a shopping bag as well as her little black purse and held it aloft for him to see.

  “Carole-Ann and I went thrift store shopping,” she said as she climbed into the truck. “You wouldn't believe the things you can find. Look at this belt,” she said plucking at a thin gold belt at her waist. “I got this and some designer jeans, and guess how much I paid for them?”

  “Thrift store?” echoed Jared, glancing sidelong at her. She always looked a million bucks to him, but...Thrift store.

  “Carole-Ann got a beautiful jacket,” she enthused. “It fits her like it was made for her.”

  Jared cleared his throat. “Well, good,” he said lamely.

  “She also bought a jean skirt and a couple of sparkly tops. Not from the thrift store,” she added when he looked askance.

  You buy anything else?”

  “Some really cute boots,” admitted Pris. “They were on sale. Wait till you see them.”


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