Bear Faced Liar

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Bear Faced Liar Page 20

by Alice Coldbreath

  “This man says he's your husband, ma'am.”

  Jared pushed past her and Pris quietly closed the door after him. As soon as she turned from the door, he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly against him for a moment without speaking. Pris tensed up, but it was pointless against all that hard male strength, so instead she just went limp and he squeezed her even tighter. She let him, feeling as weak as a dish rag. Her face must be puffy from crying and no doubt she looked like hell.

  Jared flipped the lock on the door and carried her over to the bed where he yanked the bedsheets down and adroitly maneuvered her between them. Then he stripped off and joined her under the covers, dressed only in his briefs. He rolled onto his back, taking her with him, so she was lying on top of him, their bodies pressed together, limb to limb. She hid her face in his neck and listened to his breathing as he rubbed circles on her neck and shoulders, where she held all her tension. Pris kept her own arms close to her body not returning his embrace, but still taking comfort from the solidity of his presence. He turned off the lamp plunging them into darkness.

  “Please don't cry, Pristine,” he whispered, and she realized her face was wet with tears that must be trickling down his neck.

  “That's not my name,” she whispered back sounding wounded.

  “Thank you for not leaving town,” he replied after a heavy pause.

  She didn't know what to say to that.

  “I lied earlier,” he said harshly. “I don't know what to say to make this right, baby.”

  She lay still.

  His hand rubbed between her shoulder-blades. “Please say something. Even if it's that you hate me.”

  “You're not mine,” she said brokenly. “And I'm not yours.”

  “Please don't say that, Pris.”

  “You hate me.”

  “No, I don't!”

  “You must hate me, Jared.” she wished she hadn't spoken his name, as the word broke on her tongue, vibrating with emotion. “Or you would never have done it.”

  “I never hated you,” he lifted his head away from her shoulder to stare at her in the dark. When she felt him reach for the lamp, she caught at his arm.

  “No, don't!” If she looked into his eyes now and saw he was lying, it would kill her. She just knew it.

  His hand stilled at her desperate tone and then returned to her, this time tangling in her hair, drawing her head back so he could stare down at her. His eyes glittered in the darkness.

  “I could never hate you, Christine,” he said speaking her real name and making her draw in a sharp breath. “Never!” His mouth came down on hers, firm and insistent and demanding. He thrust his tongue deep and growled when she tried to turn her face from him. He tore his mouth away, panting hard. “If you only knew how much I always wanted you...You would never say anything so fucking stupid.”

  She blinked up at him, feeling how keyed up he was.

  “Did you listen to my voicemails? Didn't you hear how desperate I was?” he asked hoarsely. “I couldn't get to you. And I knew you were hurting... Jesus, I'm never gonna forget how that felt!”

  He felt guilty she realized, for how he'd treated her. He wasn't a monster. But guilt didn't compare to what she was feeling. Her head drooped until her forehead rested against his collarbone. “How did you find me?” she murmured.

  “Drove round. Found your car in the end.” His finger under her chin directed her gaze back at his face. “Never thought I'd be so grateful that yellow car was so eye-jarringly ugly.” His eyes searched her face. “Do you remember how it was between us before?” he asked gently.

  Her face crumpled as she nodded her head.

  “Don't! Pris...” He kissed her cheeks, her chin, her forehead. “That wasn't hate, baby. It wasn't hate. Believe me...”

  He kissed her trembling mouth so tenderly, she sobbed as he drew her tightly into his arms and rocked her against his chest. “I'm gonna make this all better, Pristine Christine,” he promised. “I just need you to trust me baby. I know I got no right to ask that after what I've done, but...God, I'm begging you. I'm on my knees here.”

  She lay with her cheek pressed to his chest and closed her eyes. She felt exhausted, just wrung out. As if picking up on this, his hand came to the back of her head, lightly stroking her hair. “Just sleep now baby,” he whispered. “I've got you.”

  Her eyelids felt sore. With a jerky breath she drifted off to a deep sleep surrounded by his big, warm body.


  Jared didn't get a wink of sleep all night. He lay awake just holding her until it started to get lighter outside the hotel window. He felt his whole body turn cold at the words she'd said to him. 'You're not mine and I'm not yours'. Like hell she wasn't. He'd already known she was his mate, even when he thought she was nothing but a rich bitch. He'd known. He was just biding his time. And now after sleeping and eating and being beside her, there was no way he could ever give her up. She was in his soul. And she was sweet and giving and everything he'd never known he even wanted. She was it. God damn it, she was his everything. He loved her. But the fact was, if he'd blurted it out last night there was no way in hell she'd have believed him. He should have said it weeks ago. As soon as she'd walked out of that bedroom in those tiny jean shorts. As soon as she'd looked up at him from the floor with that bump on her head. He should have just damn well said it, flat out. He cursed under his breath. And now he didn't know how long he was gonna have to treat he with kid gloves, hoping like hell she didn't decide to up and leave him before he could admit the truth. Weeks maybe? Months? Tip-toeing round her, trying like hell to conceal what a possessive bastard he was and convince her to give him a second chance. It wasn't his way, but he knew he was gonna have to grin and bear it. Anything was better than the alternative. Life without her.

  Unable to help himself he tightened his arms around her sleeping body.

  He hadn't really pieced together what the hell had happened yesterday. Carole-Ann and Bettina had both told him the story more than once, but all he could make out was a group of older women and some guy had shown up and spirited her out of town. He wondered grimly if the guy was Stuart Harber who was also tall with a slim build, but he couldn't imagine that spineless bastard having the guts to come get her. Jared knew her memory was back now - or part of it at least. All he could do was be grateful she hadn't taken off on him. He had no idea where the rest of the rescue party was right now. They could be in the adjoining rooms for all he knew. He didn't care. They weren't taking her. He'd let Pristine sleep for another couple of hours and then he was dragging her ass back home to the trailer. If she hadn't looked so exhausted and broken the previous night he'd have slung her over his shoulder and done it there and then. But she had. God, she'd looked so lost and vulnerable it had been just as bad as when he'd seen her lying on the floor with her head bleeding all those weeks ago. His bear had been clamoring like crazy for them to claim her, but the minute they'd clapped eyes on her swollen face, all they'd wanted to do was comfort her. Console her because, yes, her man was an out-and-out lying bastard who had deceived her and still did not have the decency to let her go even now he had been found out in his avalanche of lies. His bear was angry that he made such a fuck-up of taking his mate. He winced. Possibly the bear was right. He should have just backed her up against a wall and told her she was his before the amnesia even happened. With their chemistry they would have combusted and gone up in flames just the same. Sure, she might have taken a hell of a lot of convincing to leave her swanky house and her rich boyfriend, but he'd have convinced her. Eventually. Somehow or other. Anything would have been better than hearing her sob down the phone the day before, not knowing where she was or how to get to her. Knowing she was hurting because of him. Knowing others could be driving a wedge between them. Feeling powerless. God, he had suffered like the damned for what he'd done. Hearing her voice, when she said he must hate her had cut him to the bone. Perhaps, if he explained about the money and the land that would help? He was
suddenly terrified of making a mis-step and fucking up even more. He knew he had to take things carefully. Very fucking carefully. Or he was gonna lose her for good. If he hadn't already.

  It was a little after six am that he felt her stir. She turned her head to press her lips against his ribs in a sleepy, oblivious kiss that made his breath catch. Then thirty seconds later he felt her stiffen and knew she was awake.

  “Baby?” he said quietly.

  She lifted her head, her eyes guarded. She didn't turn away when he cupped her cheek and gently rolled her onto her side, facing him.

  “We need to talk.” It was the clearly the wrong thing to say, as her face filled with blank panic and she tried to pull away. His hand shot out to drag her back against him. “Don't Pris!” he said sharply and then winced at his tone. Jesus! He was such an asshole. She was going to leave his ass if he didn't get his shit together! Suddenly she went limp and flopped down onto the mattress beside him, her eyes squeezed shut a moment and then reopened. “Do we have to?” she asked in a hushed voice. “Can't we just...” her words trailed off.

  “Just what, baby?”

  “Just go home,” her voice cracked, but that didn't even make him pause.

  His face hardened. “You're never going home Pristine,” he said. “Don't you even try and pull this shit with me.”

  She went deathly still, all the color draining out of her face. “We can make it work,” she said jerkily. “If we just....don't talk about it. If we just...pretend everything's okay.” Her voice was desperate, her tone imploring. “Please Jared!”

  It took him a moment to even understand what she was saying.

  Then it hit him like a truck. Holy fuck. She didn't want to leave him. He stared at her a moment in disbelief, as hope began to seep into every fibre of his being. The pain in her eyes though. That hurt to see. It steadied him, so when he reached for her, his touch was gentle. “You wanna be with me, Christine?” he breathed against her mouth.

  “Yes,” she whispered. Shit, she didn't even know about the money, he thought. She thought he was flat-broke and lived in a trailer. And she still didn't want to leave him. It dawned on him that maybe humans understood about mates after all. Or some humans. His human. His kiss wasn't as tender as it should have been, in truth, he plundered where he should have soothed. He couldn't help himself. Or the burst of fierce joy that exploded in his chest.

  “Tell me baby,” he urged yanking his mouth from hers and rolling her on her back. “Tell me.”

  “I want to be with you Jared,” her words were whispered. They tugged at his chest as he loomed above her.

  “Prove it,” he said gruffly, capturing her hands. “Touch me, baby,” he said laying her hands against his chest. “Please.”

  Her eyes widened slightly at the 'please' and she ran her hands over his chest and then down his stomach, making all the muscles jump and flex beneath her fingertips. He groaned. “You're always so...”

  “What?” she whispered back as she took him firmly in hand. His cock flexed in her grip.

  “Mine,” he answered, not sweetly at all. “So fucking mine. Every inch of you. Open your legs,” he growled. “I'm taking what's mine Christine. And I'm never giving it back.”

  She whimpered and parted her thighs for him, so he could settle his hips between them.

  “That's my girl,” he groaned as he leant forward and nuzzled her breasts. “All mine.” He slid his hand between her legs and found her wet - thank god. He slid two fingers inside her up to the hilt, making her give a muffled exclamation. Then he curled his fingers, luxuriating in her creamy core. “I always wanted you like this Pristine,” he said in dark, gravelly voice. “Every time I saw you up at that damn house, I thought about you like this,” his eyes scanned her face. “Naked, flushed - beautiful. On the end of my dick. That was why I was so edgy with need around you. That was why I wanted to strike sparks off you. I'm so damn greedy for you. I wanted everything. Your tears, your anger, your loyalty, I wanted this. What we have. I'm always gonna want this, baby. And you're always gonna give it to me.”

  “Yes,” she groaned. “Yes.”

  “Tell me,” he urged hoarsely. “Say my name.”

  "I'm always going to give it to you, Jared," she panted.

  “Everything?” His tone was harsh, demanding.

  “I'm always going to give you everything.”

  “Damn right, you are,” he said darkly and withdrew his fingers. “I won't tolerate anything less.” He aligned their pelvises, hesitating at her slick entrance. “Now tell me you want me, baby”

  “Jared, please,” she moaned, arching into him.

  “The words,” he said, his fingers digging into her hips as he sank into her tight, wet heat. He only allowed his eyes to shut for an instant as he gritted out “God damn, baby.”

  “I want you,” she sobbed sweetly. “Everything. Just like you. Please.”

  He was already moving inside her. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to embarrass himself. She felt too good and he had waited too long for this. His chest fell so full, like it might explode. He could feel his teeth tingling to bite and mark her, but he held that impulse back, just about. By a thread. That would have to come later. After they had talked. After she had accepted him. His bear hollered inside him. Yeah, she felt pretty damn accepting of him, he agreed, as her thighs gripped his hips tight, and he felt her clench tight around his plunging cock. Pris gasped and arched her back. She couldn’t be, could she? Already? His eyes flew open. All he could see was her. She surrounded him. Perfect. His. He was too far gone, he felt his control slip. She groaned his name, her fingers sinking into his back. And then he lost it. Hard.

  In the aftermath, he collapsed on top of her, utterly spent and she held him close. For a few moments everything felt the way it should. Then he heard her cell phone buzzing over on the nightstand. His relaxed body suddenly tensed although she didn't try to reach for it or disentangle herself. They lay there listening to the vibration, when it stopped, he asked in a low voice. “Who were they Pris?”

  Her hand which was gently stroking his side, stilled. “My stepmothers,” she answered quietly.

  He raised his head to look at her. She was serious. “The guy?” he asked shortly. “Was it Harber?”

  “No,” she shook her head. “They hired a P.I. to find me.”

  “The guy was a P.I.?”

  She nodded.

  “I don't want you seeing him,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “The P.I?” She looked startled. “I’ve just got to settle his bill.”


  “There's some loose ends that will need tying up,” she pointed out.


  “No?” she said blankly.

  “No,” he reiterated firmly. “If he tries to contact you, I want to know about it.”

  She pursed her lips. “I already told you that I want to be with you Jared,” she said with a slight edge to her voice.

  “And I appreciate that, honey,” he said. “But I don't want that bastard messing with your head.”

  “I already remember...” she broke off.


  “That he wasn't very caring when I got hurt,” she said in the understatement of the century.

  Unable to help himself, he ran a hand down her arm and over her hip. “I don't want him anywhere near you, baby.” he said firmly.

  Her gaze skittered away and she rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. “How are we going to handle this, Jared?” she asked.

  “I want you to let me handle it,” he broke in.

  Her silence grew until he was starting to feel on edge, then she said croakily. “I told them I ran off with you and left Stuart.”

  He stared. “Your stepmothers?” he asked slowly.


  He shook his head slightly. “You didn't tell them about the amnesia?”



  She shrugged
a shoulder and tried to push up off the mattress, but he reached across and pinned her effortlessly to the bed, his hand on her stomach.

  “You protected me, Pristine?” he asked huskily. He knew it. His bear knew it. She protected her mate. His bear was scornful and reminded him they already knew she could be trusted. Jared was startled. He hadn't realized it was his human side that was so insecure.

  “I don't know why I didn't tell them,” she whispered, her eyes shimmering. “I just didn't want to.” When he shifted on the bed toward her she held out her hand to stop him getting closer. “Yesterday, I was unwell, but when my stepmother tried to comfort me, I didn't want her Jared. I wanted you.” She was crying again softly now. It tore him apart, but he let her continue. “Even though you were the one who had hurt me... I just wanted you.”

  “Pristine,” he murmured gruffly. “You were sick?”

  “Only briefly. I think it was the shock.”

  “You wanted me,” he whispered, crowding into her. “And I wasn't there for you.” The thought burned like acid. She had been vulnerable and hurting. His mate.

  She pressed her face into his chest and wept.

  “I'll always come to you,” he vowed. “I couldn't stay away. Even if I wanted to. Even if my life depended on it.” He wrapped his arms about her holding her close until she calmed. “I want you for my mate, Christine,” he said roughly. “You won't say yes straight away, but I'll wear you down.”

  He felt her indrawn breath and brushed the back of his fingers against her ribs.

  “I've wanted it for a while,” he admitted his voice cracking with emotion. “But I couldn't broach the subject when you didn't even know who you were. Now that's not an issue... I'm gonna start pushing for it. I'm gonna start pushing for it hard.”

  She didn't say a word.

  “Just thought you should know.”

  Again, not a peep from her.

  “Your kin...” he paused. “Your step-mothers. They here? In this hotel?”

  She shook her head.

  They fucking left her? “They left you here alone, baby?” he asked carefully. Motherfuckers. He could be some psychopath. He could be an abusive asshole! How could they do that?


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