by Pamela Paul
Dunham, Lena
Dunthorne, Joe
Duras, Marguerite
Durell, Lawrence
Dust Tracks on a Road (Hurston)
Dyer, Geoff
Eagleman, David
Eating Animals (Foer)
Eat, Pray, Love (Gilbert)
Ecco Anthology of Contemporary American Short Fiction
Echols, Damien
Economics (Krugman and Wells)
Economics (Samuelson and Nordhaus)
Economic Sentiments (Rothschild)
Eddison, E. R.
Egan, Jennifer
Egan, Tim
Eggers, Dave
Eichenwald, Kurt
826 National
Eisenberg, Deborah
Eisner, Will
Elementary Particles, The (Houellebecq)
11/22/63 (King)
Eliot, George
Eliot, T. S.
Elkin, Stanley
Elliot, Geraldine
Elliot, Jason
Ellison, Harlan
Ellison, Ralph
Eloise (Thompson and Knight)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emma (Austen)
Emperor’s New Drugs (Kirsch)
Empire State (Shiga)
Encyclopedia Brown books (Sobol)
Encyclopedia of Disability
Endo, Shusaku
End of the Affair, The (Greene)
End This Depression Now (Krugman)
Enemy of the People, An (Ibsen)
Engels, Friedrich
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute (Paley)
Enright, Anne
Ephron, Nora
Episode of Sparrows, An (Godden)
Epstein, David
Epstein, Mark
Erdrich, Louise
Escher, M. C.
Etched City, The (Bishop)
Etiquette (Post)
Eugenides, Jeffrey
“Eureka” (Poe)
Evans, Harry
Evans, Trish
Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned (Tower)
Evolution of Cooperation (Axelrod)
Exit, Voice, and Loyalty (Hirschman)
Exley, Frederick
Exorcist, The (Blatty)
Fables and Folktales (Tolstoy)
Faircloth, Sean
Fall, Bernard
Falwell, Jerry
Famous Five books (Blyton)
Fanny Hill (Cleland)
Fan’s Notes, A (Exley)
Fantastic Four comics
Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway)
Far from the Tree (Solomon)
Fariña, Riachard
Farrell, Walter
Father of the Rain (King)
Faulkner, William
Faust, Drew Gilpin
Favolette di Alice, Le (Rodari)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Thompson)
Federalist Papers
Fehrenbach, T. R.
Femicide Machine, The (González Rodríguez)
Fenton, James
Ferguson, Niall
Fernandes, Naresh
Ferris, Timothy
Fey, Tina
Fiennes, Joseph
Fifty Shades of Grey (James)
Fingersmith (Waters)
Finishing the Hat (Sondheim)
Finkel, David
Finnegans Wake (Joyce)
Firm, The (Grisham)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fitzgerald, Penelope
Fitzhugh, Louise
Flame Alphabet, The (Marcus)
Flamethrowers, The (Kushner)
Flaubert, Gustave
Fleming, Ian
Flyboys (Bradley)
Foer, Jonathan Safran
Foote, Shelby
Ford, Ford Madox
Ford, Richard
Foreskin’s Lament (Auslander)
Forester, C. S.
Forrest Gump (Groom)
Forster, E. M.
“Foster” (Keegan)
Foster, Douglas
Fountain, Ben
Four Days in November (Bugliosi)
Four-Gated City (Lessing)
Fowler, Karen Joy
Fox, Paula
Fraction, Matt
Fragoso, Margaux
Francis, Dick
Francis, Robert
Franzen, Jonathan
Fraser, Antonia
Frasier, Debra
Fräulein (Unwerth)
Frayn, Michael
Freedom (Franzen)
Free Man, A (Sethi)
Free to Be You and Me (Thomas)
Free to Choose (Friedman and Friedman)
French, Tana
Freud, Lucian
Freud, Sigmund
Friedman, Bruce Jay
Friedman, Howard Steven
Friedman, Milton
Friedman, Rose
Frog and Toad (Lobel)
From Dawn to Decadence (Barzun)
From Eternity to Here (Carroll)
From Hell (Moore and Campbell)
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (Konigsburg)
Frost, Robert
Fry, Stephen
Fuller, Alexandra
Funder, Anna
Funnell, Pippa
Furst, Alan
Gaddis, William
Gaiman, Neil
Gaines, Ernest J.
Gaitskill, Mary
Gallant, Mavis
Gallico, Paul
Galouye, Daniel F.
Galsworthy, John
Gamal, Arif
Game of Thrones, A (Martin)
Gamow, George
Gannett, Ruth Stiles
Garbo, Greta
Garcia, J. Malcolm
García Márquez, Gabriel
Garfield, Leon
Garland, Hamlin
Garm—A Hostage (Kipling)
Garner, Alan
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Gathering Storm, The (Churchill)
Gauntlet, The (Welch)
Gender Outlaw (Bornstein)
General Theory of Employment, The (Keynes)
Genet, Jean
Ghosh, Amitav
Gilbert, David
Gilbert, Elizabeth
Gilbert, Jack
Gilead (Robinson)
Giles, Molly
Gilmore, Ruth Wilson
Giovanni, Nikki
Giovanni’s Room (Baldwin)
Girl Below, The (Zander)
Girl of the Limberlost, A (Stratton-Porter)
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (Larsson)
Give and Take (Grant)
Giving Tree, The (Silverstein)
Gladwell, Malcolm
Glass, Ira
Globalization (Greenwald and Kahn)
Glory of Their Times, The (Ritter)
Glück, Louise
Gnostic Gospels, The (Pagels)
God and Man at Yale (Buckley)
Godden, Rumer
God of Small Things, The (Roy)
Gods of Guilt, The (Connelly)
God’s Secretaries (Nicolson)
Godwin, Gail
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gogol, Nikolai
Gold-Bug, The (Poe)
Golden Boy (Odets)
Golden Gulag (Gilmore)
Goldfinch, The (Tartt)
Goldmark, Kathi Kamen
Goler, Lori
Gombrich, Ernst
Gone Tomorrow (Child)
González Rodríguez, Sergio
Good Earth, The (Buck)
Good Lord Bird, The (McBride)
Good Man in Africa, A (Boyd)
Good Soldiers, The (Finkel)
Goodwin, Doris Kearns
Gopnik, Adam
Gorey, Edward
Gormenghast trology (Peake)
Goscinny, René
Goudge, Elizabeth
Gourevitch, Philip
Graat, Junko
Graham, Billyr />
Grand Meaulnes, Le (Alain-Fournier)
Grand Pursuit (Nasar)
Grant, Adam
Grant, Ulysses S.
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck)
Grass, Günter
Grass for My Pillow (Maruya)
Graveyard Book, The (Gaiman)
Grayling, A. C.
Grealy, Lucy
Great Expectations (Dickens)
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)
Great Railway Bazaar, The (Theroux)
Greene, Graham
Greenlanders, The (Smiley)
Green Mile, The (film)
Greenwald, Bruce
Gregg, Victor
Grimm Brothers
Grisham, John
Groom, Winston
Grossman, Vasily
Group, The (film)
Guareschi, Giovanni
Guide to Getting It On! (Joannides)
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift)
Gunn, Anna
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond)
Guy, John
Gypsy Boy (Walsh)
Haien, Jeannette
Hainey, Michael
Halberstam, David
Hallstrom, Lasse
Halperin, Mark
Hamilton, Edith
Hamilton, Nigel
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Handler, Daniel
Handmaid’s Tale, The (Atwood)
Hanna, Elaine
Hannah, Barry
Happy All the Time (Colwin)
Hard Measures (Rodriguez)
Hardy, Thomas
Hardy Boys books (Dixon)
Harriet the Spy (Fitzhugh)
Harris, Mark
Harris, Sam
Harris, Thomas
Harrison, Jim
Harrison, Kathryn
Harry Potter books (Rowling)
Hart, Moss
Hartley, L. P.
Hartzler, Aaron
Has Man a Future? (Russell)
Having It All (Brown)
Hawking, Stephen
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayek, Friedrich
Heaney, Seamus
Hearst, William Randolph
Heart of Darkness (Conrad)
Heart of the Matter, The (Greene)
Heavy Metal and You (Krovatin)
Heilemann, John
Hemingway, Ernest
Hemingway, Patrick
Hempel, Amy
Henderson the Rain King (Bellow)
Henry, O.
Hernandez, Gilbert
Her (Parravani)
Hero with a Thousand Faces, The (Campbell)
Herzog (Bellow)
Hesse, Hermann
Heti, Sheila
Heyer, Georgette
Heyward, DuBose
Hiaasen, Carl
Higglety Pigglety Pop! (Sendak)
Highet, Gilbert
High Society (Sim)
Hill, G. Heywood
Himmelfarb, Gertrude
Hirschman, Albert O.
Hitch-22 (Hitchens)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitchens, Christopher
Hitler, Adolf
Hoban, Russell
Hobbes, Thomas
Hochschild, Adam
Hole, Fred
Holidays on Ice (Sedaris)
Holling, Holling C.
Hollinghurst, Alan
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Hologram for the King, The (Eggers)
Holroyd, Michael
Home (Robinson)
Home Game (Lewis)
Homes, A. M.
Hoot (Hiaason)
Hope: A Tragedy (Auslander)
Hopkins, Anthony
Hopkins, Gerard Manley
Horatio Hornblower books (Forester)
Horse, Flower, Bird (Bernheimer)
Horton Hatches the Egg (Seuss)
Hosseini, Khaled
Hotel New Hampshire, The (Irving)
Houellebecq, Michel
Hour Before Daylight, An (Carter)
House in the Sky, A (Lindhout)
Housekeeping (Robinson)
Housman, A. E.
House of Rothschild, The (Ferguson)
Houston, Pam
How Should a Person Be? (Heti)
How to Cook Everything (Bittman)
How to Disappear Completely (Richmond)
How to Have a Life-Style (Crisp)
How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive (Mueil)
Huckleberry Finn (Twain)
Hughes, John
Hughes, Robert
Hugo, Victor
Human Factor, The (Greene)
Humboldt’s Gift (Bellow)
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (Hugo)
Hunger Games, The (Collins)
Hunt for Red October, The (Clancy)
Hurston, Zora Neale
Huxley, Aldous
Huxley, Elspeth
Huxley, Julian
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Colonna)
Ibsen, Henrik
Ice Harvest, The (Philips)
I Ching
If This Is a Man (Levi)
I Funny (Patterson)
I Knew You’d Be Lovely (Black)
Iliad, The (Homer)
I’m Dying Laughing (Stead)
Immortal Iron Fist (Brubaker and Fraction)
Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The (Skloot)
Incognito (Eagleman)
Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, The (Wood)
Independent People (Laxness)
Indomitable Will (Updegrove)
Infamy (Toland)
Ingrid Caven (Schuhl)
Innocents Abroad (Twain)
In One Person (Irving)
In Praise of Messy Lives (Roiphe)
Insane City (Barry)
In Search of Lost Time (Remembrance of Things Past) (Proust)
Inside This Place, Not of It (Waldman and Levi)
Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud)
In the Garden of Beasts (Larson)
In the Sanctuary of Outcasts (White)
In the Time of the Butterflies (Alvarez)
Intimate History of Humanity (Zeldin)
Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking (Dennett)
Invention of Hugo Cabret, The (Selznick)
Invincible Iron Man (Fraction and Larroca)
In Zanesville (Beard)
Irving, John
Isaacson, Walter
Ishiguro, Kazuo
Island of the Blue Dolphins (O’Dell)
Is There No Place on Earth for Me? (Sheehan)
It Doesn’t Take a Hero (Schwarzkopf)
It Gets Better (Savage and Miller)
It Worked for Me (Powell)
I Want to Show You More (Quatro)
Iweala, Uzodinma
Jack Holmes and His Friend (White)
Jack Reacher books (Child)
Jackson, Michael
Jackson, Robert
Jackson, Shirley
Jaffe, Eric
James, Alice
James, Henry
James, P. D.
James, Tania
James, William
James Bond books (Fleming)
Jamison, Kay Redfield
Jane Eyre (Brontë)
Janowitz, Morris
Jarrell, Randall
Jen, Gish
Jerry Falwell: Aflame for God (Storber and Tomczak)
JFK: Reckless Youth (Hamilton)
Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer
Jillette, Penn
Jin, Ha
Jing Ping Mei (The Plum in the Golden Vase)
Jobs, Steve
John Carter (film)
John Maynard Keynes (Skidelsky)
Johnson, Adam
Johnson, Denis
Johnson, Joyce
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jolie, Angelina
Josephson, Marvin
Journey to the End of the Millennium, A (Yehoshua)
Joyce, James
Joyce, Lucia
Joyce, Nora
Joy Luck Club, The (Tan)
Jude the Obscure (Hardy)
Judt, Tony
Julian (Vidal)
Julie of the Wolves (George)
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)
Justice (Sandel)
Justice in War-Time (Russell)
Just Kids (Smith)
Just My Type (Garfield)
Kafka, Franz
Kahn, Judd
Kahneman, Daniel
Kane and Abel (Archer)
Kanifal, Robert
Kanon, Joseph
Kapital, Das (Marx)
Kapuscinski, Ryszard
Kasner, Edward
Kavan, Anna
Kay, I. J.
Kearny’s March (Groom)
Keaton, Diane
Keats, John
Keegan, Claire
Keegan, John
Keeler, Harry Stephen
Keller, Julia
Kelly, Walt
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, William
Kerouac, Jack
Kerr, Clark
Kerr, Judith
Kesey, Ken
Keynes, John Maynard
Khayyám, Omar
Kidnapped (Stevenson)
Kierkegaard, Soren
Killing in the Hills, A (Keller)
Kincaid, Jamaica
Kincaid, Paul
King, Deja
King, Greg
King, Lily
King, Stephen
King Arthur tales
Kingdom of this World (Carpentier)
King Lear (Shakespeare)
King’s Best Highway, The (Jaffe)
Kingsolver, Barbara
King’s Peace, The (Wedgwood)
Kingston, Maxine Hong
Kinnell, Galway
Kipling, Rudyard
Kippenberger (Kippenberger and Searls)
Kirsch, Irving
Kiss, The (Harrison)
Klein, Joe
Klein, Victoria
Kleist, Heinrich von
Klossowski, Pierre
Knausgaard, Karl Ove
Kofman, Fred
Kosinski, Jerzy
Kosztolanyi, Deszo
Kraus, Karl
Krauss, Lawrence
Krugman, Paul
Kuegler, Sabine
Kundera, Milan
Kunitz, Stanley
Kunzru, Hari
Kushner, Rachel
Kwiatkowski, Paul
Lafferty, R. A.
Lagerlof, Selma
Lahiri, Jhumpa
Lamb, Christina
Lamb, Wally
Lamb-Shapiro, Jessica
Lamott, Anne
Lamott, Kenneth
Landes, David
Lane, Nick
Langella, Frank
Langer, Susanne K.
Lanier, Jaron
La Rochefoucauld, François de
Last Boy, The (Leavy)
Last Coyote, The (Connelly)
Last Evenings on Earth (Bolaño)
Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper)
Lawless, Wendy
Lawrence, D. H.
Laxness, Halldor
Lazarus, Emma
Lean Startup, The (Ries)
Leaves of Grass (Whitman)
LeBlanc, Adrian Nicole
le Carré, John
Le Corbusier
Lederer, William J.
Lee, Chang-rae