The Appeal

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The Appeal Page 4

by Janice Hallett

  Social media: There was a steep spike in donations when we uploaded the photographs of Poppy at last year’s picnic, alongside the shot of her with Paige and Helen at the entrance to the children’s chemo suite. If you have any more pics we could use in this way, send them to me. This is a visual world and images speak louder than words.

  Smaller/other events/activities I’ve been made aware of:

  Lion’s Club monthly quiz night and raffle

  Lockwood Rovers charity football match

  St Richard’s Church afternoon tea and cake sale

  Beth Halliday’s Bake Off

  Harley MacDonald’s sponsored swim to Pirate’s Island

  Sam Greenwood’s sponsored half-marathon

  Barry Walford’s Elvis Cookathon (?)

  Dearing family sponsored cycle across the South Downs

  Unfortunately, the revenue from these is small, and the amount to be raised is large, so we must target high-net-worth individuals and corporations we don’t know personally. You saw how effective this was with your own friends and associates. Believe me, there are some very wealthy people out there looking to ease their guilt, we just need to reach them.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Lauren Malden

  SUBJECT: See you tomorrow?

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 07:06

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Hello lovely!

  Are you going to Poppy’s Ball? They’re auctioning a signed Lockwood Rovers shirt in a frame and Dad’s birthday is coming up. I bumped into Gaynor in TK Maxx. Why don’t you apply to move wards, Issy? That place is toxic. People come and people go, but they’re the same sort of people: nasty, controlling, manipulative. I’ve never been happier than since I left. See you Saturday. Kiss kiss, L xx

  FROM: Hilary Mulvey

  SUBJECT: Transfer application 09/7345620/HM

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 09:06

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Dear Ms Beck,

  Re: your application to move from Elderly Care. As your disciplinary probation has nine months left to run, it is not possible to action a transfer on your behalf. You can approach your usual Human Resources manager when your restrictions are lifted.

  Yours sincerely,

  Hilary Mulvey

  Human Resources Manager (maternity cover)

  St Ann’s Hospital

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Re: See you tomorrow?

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 10:11

  TO: Lauren Malden

  Thanks but I’ve got a friend here now. She’s joined The Fairways too and we’re really close. It’s made all the difference. Issy

  FROM: Claudia D’Souza

  SUBJECT: Thank you

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 10:33

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Dear Sam,

  It was a pleasure to meet with you again today. I’m glad you feel more settled and yes, I too hope the forthcoming restructure will lead to improved patient care. A nurse of your calibre will help Elderly Care rise above its reputation as a dumping ground for underperforming staff. I would hate to lose you.

  I’m sorry to hear about your friends’ granddaughter. As I said, I don’t know Dr Bhatoa, but a quick search of our database and I see that not only is she a consultant at Mount More, but also runs her own private practice. She sits on a variety of committees and chairs the advisory board for overseas volunteering at the Department for International Development. Where does she find the time to see patients?

  Seriously, it sounds as if the little girl is in the best hands possible. What a lovely friend you are, to want to check up on her consultant. It’s lucky for patients they don’t realise how widely medical professionals can vary.

  I’m sorry to hear your other friend is reluctant to report problems with colleagues. Is it possible she doesn’t recognise their behaviour as bullying? It sounds as if she compensates for their rejection by clinging that much harder to you. Can you get her out and about? Introduce her to some new people. We talk a lot about the elderly being isolated, but loneliness can happen at any age and for all sorts of reasons.

  I would love to see the new Meryl Streep film. Let’s get in quickly before it goes. Message me at this (my personal) email Thursday and we’ll pick a screening over the weekend. Thanks, Claudia x

  FROM: Nigel Crowley

  SUBJECT: Booking 19/05/18

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 11:34

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Re: Tomorrow. We’ll be there at 3 p.m. for sound check at 5 p.m. We have two roadies and a runner, on top of the six band members and myself. I’ve told them food is provided (eight will eat anything, one doesn’t eat pork, one is vegetarian). They are happy to eat in the green room.

  Friendly reminder, we also require:

  • A case of 300ml bottles of Evian mineral water (48 bottles minimum)

  • An iron and ironing board (ideally two of each)

  • Nibbles – jelly babies and other gummy sweets. No crisps or dry snacks.

  Invoice attached. To be paid in full by 5 p.m. today.

  Best, Nigel

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Booking 19/05/18

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 11:37

  TO: Nigel Crowley

  Dear Nigel,

  When I initially contacted you I made it clear this was a charity event and am therefore surprised to receive an invoice for your full fee.

  A Cure for Poppy is a crowdfunding campaign to buy life-saving drugs for a beautiful little two-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with a rare type of brain cancer. Her heartbroken parents asked me to book you especially because little Poppy loves your music so much. I understand her mother, Paige, has been playing your CD during her chemotherapy sessions because it’s the only thing that helps her forget what she’s going through. The Gazette will be there to take photographs of Poppy just before the event starts, and I know they will want one of her with Tony Zucchero for their website and print editions. This will be excellent publicity for you. Her parents must raise a staggering £250,000, so we are conducting a widespread national campaign. Every penny counts in this exceptional situation, so I implore you to rethink your fee and reduce it to expenses only, which is what I understood this booking to be when we first spoke. I look forward to hearing from you.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  PS Attached is a photograph of poor little Poppy about to endure her first bout of chemotherapy.

  FROM: Nigel Crowley

  SUBJECT: Re: Booking 19/05/18

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 11:46

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Sorry about the kid, but I can’t ask the guys to work for nothing. These are professional musicians with families themselves to support. I’d never agree to an expenses-only gig – Tony Zucchero hasn’t done those for years. But look, I’m not a monster. If you’ve changed your mind, I’ll waive the cancellation fee with no hard feelings. Best, Nigel

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Booking 19/05/18

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 11:48

  TO: Nigel Crowley

  Nigel, this is no ordinary booking. Little Poppy is fast losing her eyesight and they want her to enjoy this spectacular evening’s entertainment before she goes blind. Little Poppy has fallen in love with the picture of Tony in his sparkly pink suit on the cover of the CD, and we are all desperate for her to see him in the flesh before she sinks into darkness. The fund simply can’t afford to pay you the full fee – it just can’t. Please, Nigel, please can you make an exception this one time. Just this once. For little Poppy.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Booking 19/05/18

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 12:20

  TO: Nigel Crowley

  Did you receive my last email, only I’ve had no reply? If we lose our band, the whole event is in jeopardy. Please let me know. Please. I’m waiting for your response.

e MacDonald

  FROM: Joyce Walford

  SUBJECT: Re: Little Poppy

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 12:21

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  I gave the Sainsbury’s form to Helen and she said she’s sure they’ll pay the £125,000. I told her you said they wouldn’t. She said it’s worth a try. I said I thought so too. What do you think?

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Little Poppy

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 12:22

  TO: Joyce Walford

  For goodness’ sake, Joyce, do what you like with the form – Sainsbury’s will NOT pay £125,000 to Poppy’s appeal.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Nigel Crowley

  SUBJECT: Re: Booking 19/05/18

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 12:25

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Look, this isn’t what I’d normally agree to, and my life will be made hell because of it, but ok, just this once, and just because the girl is losing her sight. Both my boys have sight impairment and I know how important music is to them. We’ll see you tomorrow at 3 p.m.

  Best, Nigel

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Booking 19/05/18

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 12:26

  TO: Nigel Crowley

  Thank you, thank you, thank you, Nigel. You don’t know what this means. Little Poppy will be over the moon to finally meet her hero. If Tony still has his sparkly pink suit, I know she’d love to see it. Thank you again, and please thank the entire band on behalf of little Poppy and her family.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Tony Zucchero

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 12:32

  TO: Martin Hayward

  CC: Paige Hayward

  Oh my God, what have I done? I’ve had to tell an enormous whopper to keep Tony Zucchero sweet. He wanted his full fee (five figures), despite agreeing weeks ago to expenses-only over the phone. Well, what could I do? I panicked. The publicity has gone out, everyone’s expecting him and there’s no way I could get another big band at 24 hours’ notice – not for expenses only, anyway. Sorry, Martin, sorry, Paige, but I’ve had to tell him Poppy is a huge fan of his music and listens to it during her chemo sessions. I’ve even said she’s fallen in love with his sparkly pink suit, so he’s going to wear it specially.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Paige Reswick

  SUBJECT: Re: Tony Zucchero

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 12:43

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  CC: Martin Hayward

  Oh Sarah-Jane! I am literally crying with laughter at your email. I read it to Mum and it must be hysteria or something, because we’ve both been completely helpless for about ten minutes. (Poppy had chemo again yesterday, so we’ve been up all night and are exhausted.) Honestly, I thought I’d wet myself! You poor thing, being put on the spot like that! I’m sure Poppy will love Tony Zucchero, and especially his sparkly pink suit. If you can pop his CD round, we’ll play it to her so she knows a few songs. Thank you for making us laugh! Paige x

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Tony Zucchero

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 12:51

  TO: Martin Hayward

  CC: Paige Reswick

  I’m afraid that’s not all I’ve had to lie about. He wasn’t backing down and I had visions of an empty stage and silent ballroom . . . so I told him Poppy is losing her eyesight and the evening is partly to show her a spectacular night before she goes blind. It turns out this is what convinced him to waive his fee, but what was I thinking? Oh my God, I am so sorry. Where do we go from here?

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Tony Zucchero

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 13:28

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  CC: Paige Reswick

  Sarah-Jane, you’ve just annihilated my wife and daughter. They are howling with laughter. Helen had to dig out her Ventolin inhaler and I haven’t seen that for years. I’m not sure why the thought of poor Poppy going blind is so hilarious, although given the possible side-effects of the chemo, it’s more likely than a two-year-old being the number-one fan of a swing band. Seriously, the situation is bad enough without telling porkies to convince people to commit. But we appreciate the situation you were in, and that needs must. When Poppy has the new treatment and is making progress, it will all have been worth it. Regards, Martin

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Tony Zucchero

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 13:38

  TO: Martin Hayward

  CC: Paige Reswick

  I have a plan. I’ll tell him not to mention the sight loss at the event, as the family wants to keep it private. It’s not as if he’s a paragon of honesty himself. His name’s not Tony Zucchero, it’s Nigel Crowley. He’s not even Italian.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Shelley Dearing

  SUBJECT: Poppy’s Ball

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 14:02

  TO: Martin Hayward

  CC: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Dear Martin, I know you are all frantically busy with Poppy’s treatment and arrangements for the ball – so I wouldn’t bother you if it weren’t very important. We’ve booked six tickets for the family, but we’re extremely worried about the other four seats at our table. We don’t want to be anywhere near the Walford boys (too loud) or the Paynes (she drives us mad and he’s boring when drunk). Ideally we’d love to be on yours and Helen’s table, plus Sarah-Jane and Kevin. Please confirm and put our minds at rest. Thank you, Shelley

  Message from Sarah-Jane MacDonald to Carol Dearing on 18 May 2018:

  14:05 Sarah-Jane wrote:

  Mum, have a word with Aunty Shelley. She’s trying to get on the top table and it just isn’t possible.

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Quick question

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 15:43

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Hi SJ, sorry to bother you, but Sam and I are talking about seating arrangements for Poppy’s Ball. Please, please, please, can we be seated together? I’m hoping to run a 5k race in the next few months and will try to get sponsorship for Poppy’s fund. Sam is doing her half-marathon too. Also, I overheard Sam on the phone to Kel earlier – they were discussing whether Poppy’s oncologist is going to be at the ball. Can you tell me whether she is or not, just to save Sam asking you? I’ll pass the message on for you, as I’ll see her before anyone else. Love Issy

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Quick question

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 15:50

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Yes to both.

  FROM: Isabel Beck


  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 15:59

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Yay! We are sitting next to each other at the dinner. Phew! Thought I might get stuck with the Dearing grandma. I asked about the doctor for you and yes, she’s going to be there. You’re not thinking of leaving St Ann’s for Mount More are you? I did a placement in Oncology there when I was training. Found it very upsetting, to be honest. The good thing about Geriatrics is at least everyone’s had a long life and most are there for the simple reason they haven’t died of anything else.

  Before I forget, I want to warn you about my old friend Lauren, who you might see at the ball. I’ll try to keep her away from you, but just in case I can’t . . . She seems nice on the surface, but I would advise against getting too close to her. She’s the one who left nursing to organise parties with her boyfriend – that says it all. See you tomorrow night. Love Issy

  FROM: Alasdair Hynes

  SUBJECT: Heads up

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 16:09

  TO: Tish Bhatoa

  Hi Tish,

  Hope you’re well and busy as ever. You’ll want to know this: someone has submitted a ‘conflict of interest’ form to my office at the BMA –
don’t ask me who, it’s anonymous – regarding your link with a charity to raise money for private treatment with unapproved drugs. It will take us a week, no more, to process the claim, so this is a friendly, unofficial nudge to drop any links to them and clean up your affiliations generally, before we get there. You didn’t hear it from me . . . Alex

  PS Us CAFOD alumni stick together, right?

  FROM: Tish Bhatoa

  SUBJECT: Urgent

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 16:19

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Dear Martin,

  Sorry, but I will have to step back from my role as medical advisor to A Cure for Poppy. Please be assured that I remain as personally committed as ever to obtaining Poppy’s life-saving drugs, but due to a plethora of other roles and positions on medical councils and committees, it has been brought to my attention that appearing to be involved with such a charity could be deemed a conflict of interest. It isn’t, of course, but rules are rules to these people. I am sorry to let you down, as I was looking forward to speaking at your fundraising event tomorrow. Please be assured my commitment to Poppy’s appeal is not affected and I will continue to liaise closely with my Boston contacts. I see you have already raised nearly £80,000 – keep up the good work. Once we reach halfway, I can start making arrangements for the phials to be sent over. Best wishes, Tish

  FROM: Dr Tish Bhatoa

  SUBJECT: Urgent

  DATE: 18 May 2018 at 16:25

  TO: A Cure for Poppy

  Without prejudice:

  I request that you remove my name from all publicity material and correspondence regarding A Cure for Poppy. I am not affiliated to this campaign in any way and never have been. I am not able to speak at your fundraising event as requested.

  Dr Tish Bhatoa, MA, PhD, MRCP



  Message exchange between Sarah-Jane MacDonald and Martin Hayward on 18 May 2018:

  16:29 Sarah-Jane wrote:

  Your doctor has pulled out. It’s not quite the crisis we had when Tony Zucchero threatened to walk, but the schedule and timings are already signed off. Could Helen speak instead?


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