The Appeal

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The Appeal Page 8

by Janice Hallett

  SUBJECT: Re: Hiya!

  DATE: 31 May 2018 at 18:59

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Is it good news? Please don’t say it’s bad. Oh my God, has the cancer spread? Please tell me, Issy. If you don’t, I’ll end up putting my foot in it with someone. I won’t whisper a word to anyone. Go on, you know you can trust me. I’ve never told anyone about our accident with the IV that time, have I? Pretty please . . . L x

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Re: Hiya!

  DATE: 31 May 2018 at 19:04

  TO: Lauren Malden

  Poppy is going blind. Caused by the chemo she’s on at Mount More. It’s another reason we need to raise the money for her American drugs as soon as possible. The family is keeping it quiet, so no one treats Poppy any differently. I think it’s just me and Sam who know at the moment, so don’t say anything. Not to anyone. Issy

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Half-Marathon

  DATE: 31 May 2018 at 19:33

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  That’s excellent news about your half-marathon sponsorship. Thank you, Sam. The whole family is very grateful. Good luck with your final preparations. Unfortunately we won’t be able to come and cheer you on, but we’ll be with you in thought every step of the way. Please don’t come all the way over here. Have a chat with James at the next rehearsal. Regards, Martin

  Message exchange between Martin Hayward and James Hayward on 31 May 2018:

  19:34 Martin Hayward wrote:

  Had an email from the new girl, Sam. Wants to see me ‘about something, in private’ and suggested she comes to the house. Any idea? I don’t want her here. Told her to see you tonight.

  19:36 James Hayward wrote:

  She’s a nurse, so chances are it’s a medical thing about Poppy. Thanks, Dad, I don’t have enough plates to spin at rehearsals as is.

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Hiya!

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 14:20

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Hi Sam, are you coming to rehearsal? Riley said you went home sick after lunch. I told him it was before lunch, because you missed our jogging session and didn’t even text, so I knew it had to be bad. Really worried and hope you’re ok. Rehearsals aren’t the same without you, so wishing hard for your recovery. Really looking forward to the half-marathon on Sunday. I’m planning a surprise for you. Hope that hasn’t spoiled the surprise. Is it ok if I stand with Kel? I won’t know anyone else there and if he’s watched a half-marathon before, he’ll know where to stand. Well, off to read through my lines before tonight – mustn’t get complacent! Lots of love, Issy xxx

  FROM: Martin Hayward


  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 16:18

  TO: James Hayward

  For goodness’ sake! Sam turned up here unannounced. I’ve only just got rid of her. Can you believe it? There was I, frantically trying to close doors and keep her in the hall (Mum was on the phone in the extension), when she asked me outright how much we’ve paid Tish Bhatoa. I told her £125,000 – half the fee as a deposit on the order. She turns marble-white, then says she thinks Tish is lying about the drugs, stealing the money and will probably administer conventional chemo and tell us it’s the experimental combination. I knew this Sam was one of those who instinctively distrust authority, from an email she sent about lobbying Parliament to fast-track the drugs, but this is pure paranoia. I only hope she hasn’t told anyone. It could scupper the appeal, precisely when we need to ramp it up. Oh, and she assured me it’s very unlikely Poppy will go blind, and that it’s probably something Tish is telling us to keep us raising money. Well, Tish hasn’t said anything about Poppy going blind. What do you think of that? What should I do?

  FROM: James Hayward


  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 16:20

  TO: Martin Hayward

  She ‘thinks’ Tish is lying? Well, does she have proof? She’s just a nurse, remember. What did you say to her? Have you told Mum?

  FROM: Martin Hayward


  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 16:23

  TO: James Hayward

  That was my first question. She didn’t offer any proof, just said she ‘has a gut feeling’. We can’t have her going round saying these things. But what if she does? The big donor falls through, and now all this. I don’t know what to do or which way to turn. I’m sorry about everything else. I know how you feel, but we need you on our side. Can you come over? Don’t mention it to Mum; she still thinks the money is being paid by Clive Handler.

  FROM: James Hayward


  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 16:31

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Dad, don’t panic. I’m sure everything’s fine. I’ll speak to Sam at rehearsal and tell her to keep any conspiracy theories to herself while we look into it. You trust Tish, don’t you? If Sam has no proof, then it’s just her putting two and two together and making five. As for the blindness thing, well, we know where that comes from – the singer in the band Sarah-Jane booked. That’s neither here nor there. Ask Tish for documents to clarify the order. Probably a good idea anyway, in case anyone else questions the appeal. Just to be on the safe side, we won’t pay her any more until we can prove the money’s going where we intend it to go. I’ll pop in before rehearsal but can’t stay for long. DON’T WORRY.

  FROM: James Hayward

  SUBJECT: Hello there

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 16:35

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Dearest Issy! How is my star line-learner? Quick question: you work with Sam, don’t you – what’s she like? She’s only just arrived here, but she’s generous enough to run a half-marathon for us . . . we’re putting this fundraising committee together and want it to be a cohesive team. I wouldn’t want to approach her about more volunteering without knowing, for example, whether she’s very busy at work or even planning to stay in the area long-term, given their history of working abroad. Don’t mention that I asked . . . I don’t want to make a big thing of it. See you tonight, James

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Re: Hello there

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 16:59

  TO: James Hayward

  Hi James! You must be psychic, I’m reading through my lines now. No problem, I know you want the most productive people on the committee and, as Sam and I are best friends, I’m the one to ask! Well, she’s lovely, kind, funny and so good with the patients. In Geriatrics, all our patients are at the ends of their lives, so we have to be careful not to get attached. Some of our colleagues go too far the other way and don’t care enough. Sam gets the balance exactly right. She even gets along with all the staff, and if you worked there you’d know what a statement that is! One thing I’ve noticed is that people care about what she says. At work, when I’ve mentioned that such-and-such a thing could be done better, I’ve been either ignored or contradicted. ‘Oh, Issy’s whining again.’ But if Sam says it, they listen and it gets sorted. She doesn’t talk much about Africa, but they must have loved it, to stay so long. Life here probably seems very dull in comparison. Sam’s the sort of person who can do anything if she sets her mind to it. She’s the opposite of me. I can mess up the easiest task. I know she would be an excellent member of the fundraising committee. Perhaps Sam could lead a sub-committee of Kel and me – we could form our own little gang! Sarah-Jane seemed keen on that idea. If you need to know anything else, just ask. Now, back to learning Act Two for tonight! Love Issy xxx

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Committee thoughts

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 17:36

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  CC: James Hayward

  Re the fundraising committee, can we keep it to people we know well, please? After Clive Handler, it’s occurred to me that maybe we’ve been too open. Especially where money is concerned. We should be able to vouch for anyone who works for the appeal. We can’t be too careful. Regards.

ROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Committee thoughts

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 17:43

  TO: Martin Hayward

  CC: James Hayward

  Most people are honest and true to their word, but those who aren’t make a more lasting impression. Once the next stage of fundraising is under way, we’ll soon forget Mr H. For my part, I’m keen the committee isn’t populated by friends who are sympathetic and well meaning but hopeless at getting things done. We need doers. People who will throw themselves into every task and get behind whatever fundraising event we’re planning. I’ve drawn up a shortlist as follows:

  Emma Crooks, Kevin MacDonald, Celia and Joel Halliday, Karen Payne, Sam and Kel Greenwood. Of course others are still keen to help and that’s fine, but as a core team I think these seven will seriously get things done.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Committee thoughts

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 17:45

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  CC: James Hayward

  Not Sam or Kel.

  FROM: James Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Committee thoughts

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 17:50

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  CC: Martin Hayward

  That shortlist is fine, Sarah-Jane, just not Sam or Kel.

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Committee thoughts

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 17:54

  TO: Martin Hayward

  CC: James Hayward

  Why on earth not? I know they’re new, but they seem very honest and competent. Both nurses – so practical, hands-on people-people. The worst thing I can say about them is they seem unable to shake off that drippy girl who has latched on with a vengeance.

  FROM: James Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Committee thoughts

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 17:55

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Don’t reply, Dad, leave it to me.

  FROM: James Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Committee thoughts

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 18:01

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Between you and me, Dad’s been badly shaken by the Clive Handler thing. I know we said from the start it could be dodgy, but you can’t help your mind racing ahead. He’s taken it personally and I think he suspects Mr H is someone we know – jealous, messing with us just because they can. That’s why he wants to limit our exposure to those on the periphery of our social circle. Poppy’s illness – even the appeal itself – puts us in a very vulnerable situation. We’re not in control, and suddenly everything we have and everything we’ve done means nothing. There are people who instinctively take advantage of vulnerability. I feel we’ve had a brush with that. I don’t know. It’s tricky to explain. I like Sam and Kel and would be happy for them to be included, but it will put Dad on edge, and at the moment he’s the family rock. James

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Committee thoughts

  DATE: 1 June 2018 at 18:06

  TO: James Hayward

  Ok. Fine with me. Let’s draw a line under Mr Handler and move on. We’ve got work to do and money to raise. I propose announcing the committee tonight and holding our first meeting later in the week.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Isabel Beck


  DATE: 2 June 2018 at 01:09

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Sorry to message you in the middle of the night, but on the off-chance you’re still awake too, I just wondered if you’re ok? I was so relieved when you turned up to rehearsal last night. The Fairways is just like work: everyone is so much nicer to me when you’re there. It was good of James to take you aside like that and let you know about the committee decision. You seemed really disappointed, but please don’t be. I wasn’t really expecting us to be selected and hoped you hadn’t pinned any hopes on it. The Haywards have known all those people for years, so it’s like getting a part in the play: it’s who you know. I’m going to miss you for the rest of this week – earlies, boo – but really looking forward to the race on Sunday! Lovely of Kel to let me stand with him; and don’t forget I’ve got a surprise for you . . . There I go, I’ve spoiled the surprise again! Night-night . . . Love Issy xxx

  FROM: James Hayward


  DATE: 2 June 2018 at 05:22

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Spoke to Sam last night and she’s simmered down. I assured her I’ve double-checked everything and there’s no possibility the new drug combination is not what Tish says it is. She seemed satisfied with that. I pressed her for who she’d shared her unfounded suspicions with, and luckily it’s just Kel. I was emphatic they shouldn’t say such things to anyone, as we desperately need to raise the remaining money. She agreed, albeit a little crestfallen. So, Dad, that panic is over. Sarah-Jane is fired up about the campaign, but I warned her things are starting to get worse for Poppy and therefore we are all going to be walking wrecks before long. She’s happy to chair the committee – I’ll ask her to forward the minutes of each meeting, so we keep up with it, but the whole point of this exercise is that we sit back and leave the fundraising to them. Let’s all pull together and support each other. We must enjoy the good days, so we have those memories for the future. James

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Sam

  DATE: 2 June 2018 at 06:59

  TO: James Hayward

  I know what you mean. Thank you.

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: My granddaughter

  DATE: 2 June 2018 at 07:37

  TO: Clive Handler

  Dear Mr Handler,

  You have lately been corresponding with our Campaign Coordinator Sarah-Jane MacDonald, and more recently with Dr Tish Bhatoa, regarding our campaign to raise £250,000 for my granddaughter Poppy’s life-saving drug treatment. I understand those negotiations have broken down.

  Firstly, may I apologise without reservation for any offence Dr Bhatoa may have caused. Like so many doctors, she is extremely knowledgeable and clever, at the expense of her people-skills. She may be abrupt and uncompromising, but she is very well respected and I know she has Poppy’s best interests at heart. Our family has placed all our trust in her, and we do not do that lightly. Secondly, and this is something I have not even told my closest family members, if Poppy is to receive her life-saving drug treatment, it will cost a lot more than £250,000. That figure, huge as it may be, is for just one course of the new drug combination. If it proves effective, we will need at least four. But time is running out.

  This email is to implore you to rethink your decision to withdraw your kind offer. I don’t know whether you are a father or grandfather yourself, but if so, you may have some understanding of how it must feel to watch helplessly as those you love suffer. If Poppy does not recover, she will be robbed of her future, and we will be robbed of ours. That pain and sadness will scar us forever. The shockwaves will be felt throughout our family for a generation or more. That is the legacy of tragedy.

  If there is anything I can do to change your mind, please, please let me know what it is. I am happy to provide any information you require and to deal with you directly myself – anonymously, if that is what you prefer. Many, many thanks again for the interest you have shown in my family and for the boundless generosity and kindness behind your offer.

  Yours sincerely, Martin Hayward


  SUBJECT: Re: My granddaughter

  DATE: 2 June 2018 at 07:38

  TO: Martin Hayward

  [Failure notice] Sorry we were unable to deliver your message. Address unknown.

  FROM: James Hayward

  SUBJECT: Committee meeting

  DATE: 2 June 2018 at 11:28

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Dearest Issy, what can I say but a huge well done on your line-learning. Now your book is down, y
ou are also finding Lydia’s character and making it your own. You can be very proud of the work you’ve done for All My Sons, not least in helping Sam and Kel settle in. On another matter, due to Olivia’s pregnancy, and of course Mum and Dad’s commitment to supporting Poppy, Paige and Glen, the Haywards and Reswicks will be unable to attend the committee meetings Sarah-Jane is organising. I’ve therefore asked her if you can take the minutes. Is that ok? The first meeting is this Tuesday at 7 p.m. I believe it’s at Sarah-Jane’s, but I’ll ask her to confirm all the details with you. James

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Re: Committee meeting

  DATE: 2 June 2018 at 11:35

  TO: James Hayward

  Gasp! I would LOVE to take the minutes for the committee meetings! Thank you so much, James. I’ve worked very hard to make Sam and Kel feel at home and it’s worth it to see them blossom in their roles. I think they were a little disappointed to be left out of the fundraising committee, but I assured them it’s nothing personal. Sam’s half-marathon is this Sunday. I’m in the middle of making an enormous banner to cheer her on (don’t mention it – it’s a surprise). Again, thank you soooo much! Love to Olivia and the bumps! Issy xxx

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Yippee!

  DATE: 2 June 2018 at 11:37

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Yay! James just emailed to say how well I’m doing in the play and could I take the minutes for the committee meetings! And I’ve only been a member of The Fairways for just over a year! I’m so sorry you can’t be there, but if I spot a chance to bring you on board, I will. As I said, it’s who you know! Yay! I’m doing a little dance of excitement! Just one thing: I didn’t want to ask James, in case he thought I was a bit dim, but do you know what ‘take the minutes’ means? Presumably I’ll have to time the meeting, so I’ll wear my good watch. Yay again! Love Issy xxx

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald


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