The Appeal

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The Appeal Page 23

by Janice Hallett

  FROM: Paige Reswick

  SUBJECT: Re: Play

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 09:11

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Aw, bless Mum. Poppy loves it there – especially the big pig. Glen woke me up at four to go through Act One. It’s not just the words, Dad, it’s the accent. When Mum brings Poppy back from the zoo, can she stay and give me some help with pronunciation? Glen can take Pops for a Happy Meal. Oh my God, this is so exciting! Paige x

  FROM: Nick Walford

  SUBJECT: Urgent

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 09:43

  TO: Joyce Walford

  Mum, when you iron my stage shirt, remember to put the folded-up paper on the mantelpiece in the top pocket. It’s my cue lines, so it’s very important. Everything else I’ll need is in the Adidas bag already – don’t forget it. Leave it in the green room in the corner by the props table. I should be there by seven. I know you like all the gossip – well, I was called out to the Travellers’ Inn, two o’clock. Did you know Kel is staying there with a woman, not Sam? They walked through reception while I was resetting the pressure. Didn’t know what to say after the slanging match at rehearsal, so kept my head down till they’d gone. They looked terrible, like someone had died. Let me know if you hear anything else. See you tonight. Nick

  PS Don’t forget the paper or the bag.

  FROM: Emma Crooks

  SUBJECT: Everything ok?

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 09:50

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Did you get home ok? It was so late, but I could see you needed to talk after such a traumatic rehearsal. So glad I wasn’t there. I’d have absorbed all that negative energy like a sponge. Poor Helen. Her little boy’s death is the one thing she hates to speak about. To hear it brought up in front of everyone must’ve been awful, and amid such horrible accusations, too. But I’ve been going over what you said, and it’s clear to me why Sam did it. Think about it, Sarah-Jane, she’s only a nurse. No money, no house, no kids. She envies the Haywards; wants them to suffer, in return for the lovely family they have and the privilege they enjoy. She doesn’t want Poppy to get better, so she tried to turn us all against the appeal. Only she waited until the eve of the play, so she could ruin something else they care about, too; that we all care about. Jealousy is a very destructive emotion. Speaking of destruction, Woof says hi. A flock of crows landed in the garden this morning and he barked his head off, so he must be feeling better. Is your mum still happy to look after him while I see the play tomorrow? I know Paige is super-excited – she can’t wait to get back onstage! Emma x

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Everything ok?

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 10:01

  TO: Emma Crooks

  Thanks again, Emma. You’re right, I did need to chat. But we don’t know yet whether Sam and/or Kel is/are in or out of the play. I hope they both come back and deliver the best performances they can, as they committed to do all those weeks ago when they auditioned. Things might be a bit frosty in the green room, but our priority is the play now, especially as it’s a key fundraising event. We needn’t have anything to do with the Greenwoods again, but we need All My Sons to go ahead and go well. You may be right about Sam’s motivation. On the positive side, it’s a lesson to us all to be wary of strangers in future. On a happier note, it’s lovely to hear the twins have been born safely – and it means James can more easily get away for a few hours, if Kel doesn’t show up for the play. Yes, Mum is very much looking forward to Woof-sitting tomorrow. Thanks again, Emma.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Joyce Walford

  SUBJECT: Last night

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 10:16

  TO: Marianne Payne

  You’ll never guess what’s happened: Kel and Sam have split up! My Nick saw him with another woman at the Travellers’ Inn at two o’clock this morning. Thought it was strange I hadn’t seen either of them leave for work. That’ll be why she said all that about Helen and the appeal money. I know, from when the boys’ dad left, you’re not thinking straight. She’ll be angry with him and his fancy woman, so she took it out on someone else. Do you think he hits her? That black eye and cut lip looked terrible until Denise covered them with make-up – work accident, my foot! Now I know it wasn’t her who robbed the appeal, I might go over later and see if she’s all right. There’s some good news, though, Marianne: it looks like the police let that swampy off and he’s gone – came out with his rucksack at five this morning, left the place like he wasn’t coming back – well, good riddance. Joyce

  PS James and Olivia’s twins have arrived. A boy and a girl.

  FROM: Marianne Payne

  SUBJECT: Re: Last night

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 10:22

  TO: Joyce Walford

  Thank God! I hope they’re both healthy, for everyone’s sake. The twins, I mean. Sam and Kel, well, I noticed they were very cool with each other these last few rehearsals, Joyce. Are you sure it wasn’t them robbed the appeal? She could’ve pointed the finger at Helen because she’d done it herself. Mick says it’s the first thing you do, when they accuse you of something you’ve done bang to rights. Be careful getting involved with her. Marianne

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Yay! Congratulations!

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 10:33

  TO: James Hayward

  Hiya James, congratulations! I’m delighted the bumps are safely here. I see from your profile photo they are both in neonatal, but neither needs respiration, which is an excellent sign. I wonder if your dad has mentioned what happened at last night’s rehearsal? I expect he has. I thought it would blow over, but Sam wasn’t at work this morning and, between you and me, I now don’t think she’ll turn up for the play tonight, or the remaining nights. I’ve got a sixth sense when it comes to these things. I’ve already said I’m happy to step in to the role of Sue Bayliss, leaving the smaller part of Lydia for a stand-in. Perhaps Paige? I’m so sorry Sam has let you down, especially as she and Kel were my friends and I was so keen they settled in at Fairways. Please don’t think I believe anything Sam said about your mum and dad. I am fully committed to the play and want you to know that if there’s anything I can do to help, just ask. Love to Olivia, Sophia and Arthur, Issy xxx

  FROM: James Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Yay! Congratulations!

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 10:40

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Dearest Issy, Thanks for your good wishes. The family is doing well. Olivia is a bit sore after the Caesarean. I wasn’t allowed to see her or the babies for a while after the op, which was rather lonely and worrying at the time, but thankfully it’s all over now. We’ve asked Paige to play Sue and she’s feverishly learning the role, with the help of Mum (or should I say Grandma Helen) all day today. Thanks again for your support. You’re a vital member of our team. See you tonight, James

  FROM: Lauren Malden

  SUBJECT: Any news?

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 10:45

  TO: Isabel Beck

  Hello lovely! What’s the latest? Mum says surely they won’t want Sam in the play after all the things she said, regardless of whether it’s true or not. How big is her part? Can you take it over? You’re easily good enough. Josh says they won’t cancel as they’ll have spent too much on set and props, and not to worry that it won’t go ahead, because it will. I so wish I could come up and see it now. Not that I want to watch things go wrong – just to support everyone. Still, I know you’ll do a great job! Break a leg for tonight and let me know everything that happens. Kiss kiss, L xxx

  FROM: Isabel Beck

  SUBJECT: Re: Any news?

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 10:59

  TO: Lauren Malden

  The latest news is Sam has gone back to Africa. After she left rehearsal, she came to tell me specially, as we’d been such close friends. We had a long chat in the car park, which was nice. She said goodbye and wished me well, etc. It’s a bit sad, as we were planning to go together an
d do charity work, but I’ve realised all my friends are here at Fairways, so I decided to stay. Work isn’t so bad, either. As soon as I can, I’ll apply to move. I quite fancy Maternity or Haematology. But there’s the play to get over first. I’m not that nervous now. I know my lines and my cues. Paige will read in for Sam and everyone will soon forget her. I’ve decided to start jogging again Monday lunchtime instead of eating. My diet is going so well I don’t want to spoil it. I’ll let you know how All My Sons goes, but I doubt there’ll be any more gossip. Issy

  Message exchange between Kevin MacDonald and Sarah-Jane MacDonald on 5 July 2018:

  08:02 Kevin wrote:

  On a scale of one to ten, I’m minus three. Maybe four.

  08:03 Kevin wrote:

  Banging headache, blocked sinuses, sore throat and the genesis of a cough.

  08:04 Kevin wrote:

  Daren’t shout down the stairs in case it gets worse. Have to preserve what’s left of my voice.

  08:05 Kevin wrote:

  The flu virus has mutated after the stress last night. It’s a new strain. I’m Patient Zero.

  08:06 Kevin wrote:

  Thanks for sleeping on the sofa and getting H up when it was my turn. You’re the best wife anyone could have.

  08:07 Kevin wrote:

  What would help me feel a bit better would be a mug of warm (not hot) blackcurrant juice.

  08:08 Sarah-Jane wrote:

  Ok. On a scale of one to ten, I’m a two. Hardly slept worrying about the play, the appeal, Harley’s education and by 5 a.m. trifling little things from twenty years ago. Why do we do this when it’s so stressful? It’s meant to be a hobby.

  08:12 Sarah-Jane wrote:

  Before I forget to tell you: last night I overheard Martin say the man who disrupted the yoga has been arrested for theft. He was a friend of the nurses. This was also going through my head: I wonder if they were involved in the Lydia Drake scam, after all. The Clive Handler thing could have been a dry run, or a diversionary tactic. They’d only need a friend to play Lydia. Anyway, I blame that little grey mouse, Isabel: it was her who brought them to Fairways.

  08:13 Kevin wrote:

  And some Nurofen please. Not too hot, remember.

  Message exchange between Martin Hayward and James Hayward on 5 July 2018:

  08:11 Martin wrote:

  I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would ever come to it. I should have listened to you. It got out of hand and now this. Bloody mess.

  08:21 James wrote:

  Dad, it’s ok. Don’t message. You’re meeting your new grandchildren this afternoon – we’ll have a chat then. We’ll get through it together. Don’t bring us anything – it’s just you and Mum we want to see.

  FROM: Selima Kenya

  SUBJECT: Daniel Bhatoa

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 11:57

  TO: Dr Tish Bhatoa

  Originally written in French – Google translation

  Madame Bhatoa,

  The Africa Branch in London gave me your details. I understand you enquired about the last known location of your brother, Daniel Bhatoa. I can only tell you what was said to me. An independent activist, Daniel Bangui, was kidnapped by a militia alongside three other humanitarian workers in an area near Faradje and taken across the border into southern Sudan, where they all perished. You have my condolences. Be blessed. Selima Kenya

  FROM: Dr Tish Bhatoa

  SUBJECT: Re: Daniel Bhatoa

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 12:23

  TO: Selima Kenya

  Dear Selima,

  But what was he doing in Faradje? He was based in Bangui. That’s where his clinic was. He’d been there nine years. That’s the area he knew, the people he knew. He told me he was still there. I need to find out what happened to make him quit Bangui for such a dangerous new region. I am trying to discover the truth. Please help me. Dr Tish Bhatoa

  FROM: Selima Kenya

  SUBJECT: Re: Daniel Bhatoa

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 12:58

  TO: Dr Tish Bhatoa

  Originally written in French – Google translation

  Madame Bhatoa,

  I am sorry for your loss. You may not like what I say. Daniel Bhatoa and his companions were discovered to have behaved inappropriately with the women and children in their care. I met several aid workers who knew him, and his good reputation was well deserved, but some very, very bad things. I met myself with migrant women with children who visited his clinic at the Sudanese border. They could claim food, shelter and medical care for their sexual activities. I believe this behaviour was not new. It was investigated at a point, but only one person spoke, another humanitarian worker, which was considered a poor piece of evidence. However, the people he knew and supported him in his area are all gone. I believe the clinic also saw money worries. He and his associates then moved. Once again, I am very sorry for your loss. Be blessed. Selima Kenya

  FROM: Dr Tish Bhatoa

  SUBJECT: Re: Daniel Bhatoa

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 13:13

  TO: Selima Kenya

  Are you telling me those accusations were true? I don’t mean rumoured to be true, or what someone who once knew someone else heard might have happened. I mean actually true? This is very important, Selima, because I can’t have any doubt at all.

  FROM: Selima Kenya

  SUBJECT: Re: Daniel Bhatoa

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 13:29

  TO: Dr Tish Bhatoa

  Oui, Madame, yes it is true for me without doubt. The ladies have no benefit to lie. Sadly, it is a problem here. One problem among many. Soyez bénis. Selima Kenya

  FROM: The Fairway Players Admin

  SUBJECT: All My Sons

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 13:39

  TO: Current Members

  Dear all,

  It’s here: the first night of All My Sons. We’ve built the set, learned the lines, imbibed the tea, rehearsed until our loved ones suspected we had left home and, at 8 p.m., with a swish of the curtain, it will all have been worthwhile. It hasn’t been an easy production. There have been a number of glitches to overcome along the way, but tonight, tomorrow and Saturday night there will be a performance, and an audience to enjoy it. For a few fleeting hours we take the same thrilling, elusive journey that generations of players have been undertaking for centuries, one that transcends time, place, language and creed.

  Paige Reswick and James Hayward will play any roles that require an understudy, so for their benefit we will run through the play, in its entirety, as best we can, from 6 p.m. Please arrive as soon as possible. Our dress rehearsal was unfortunately curtailed last night, so this will be the final opportunity to iron out those last-minute niggles. Please do not forget any costumes or props you need to bring from home.

  As ever, our usual Green Room Rules apply:

  • Cast must remain in the green room whenever not on stage. No greeting guests in the auditorium, as it ruins the illusion that we work so hard to create onstage.

  • No smoking, vaping or drinking alcohol in the green room, or at all, until after the play.

  • Mobile phones must be switched off or (if you have family issues and absolutely must remain connected) switched to silent. Yes, the mobile-phone ban includes a ban on texting, messaging, playing games, surfing the web, emailing and checking social-media feeds.

  • No talking in the green room during the performance. During quiet moments onstage, every sound we make will carry.

  • Please avoid flushing the backstage toilet during the performance.

  Finally, there are still a few tickets left for each night, so if any family or friends haven’t bought theirs yet, they are welcome to come along and pay on the door. All that remains for me to say is: enjoy! Remember: if we enjoy performing the play, our audience will enjoy watching it.

  The Fairway Players Committee

  FROM: A Cure for Poppy

  SUBJECT: All My Sons

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 13:46

  TO: Current Members

; Dear all,

  As a swift adjunct to Martin’s email, I would like to remind everyone that The Fairway Players’ production of All My Sons is a very special one, because it is in aid of A Cure for Poppy. As we have suffered the loss of £80k recently, we need to claw back those funds and set Poppy’s life-saving drug treatment back on track.

  Raffle tickets

  Please, please, please keep up the good work selling raffle tickets, ideally by the book. Radio 4’s Cameron Hilford will conduct the draw during our interval on Saturday night, so there are still a few days left to bump up sales.

  Merchandise and cakes

  Celia, Joel and the fundraising team will be selling the full range of Poppy merchandise and Joyce’s specially baked poppy-seed cakes, alongside a tasty array of other edible produce, all in aid of our appeal.

  In short, please ensure friends and family bring their appetites, and especially their money, when they come to see the play. Thank you.

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  Campaign Coordinator, A Cure for Poppy


  I like Sarah-Jane, but her positive energy and commitment could be used by others. Is she an unwitting enabler?


  She’s on my list of suspects. Out late the night of the murder. Sleeps on the sofa. Don’t forget how easily she lies to Zucchero about Poppy’s blindness.


  What’s her motivation for killing Sam?


  She’s the backbone of the appeal, its public face. She involves all her personal and work contacts. If Sam is right, then she must admit to them all that she’s part of a massive fraud or so stupid she’s been fooled by her oldest friends.


  She’s too practical, too fair. She’s the only one who takes Sam’s accusation seriously, investigates it, via Emma, decides it’s not true – and moves on.


  Yes, SJ decides something, but does she decide it could be true? Then she’s in the frame herself – unless she silences discredits the accuser.


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