A Fox's Family (American Kitsune Book 4)

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A Fox's Family (American Kitsune Book 4) Page 3

by Brandon Varnell

  The first few decades of her life as a supernatural being had been spent within the isolated grounds of her clan’s estate in Greece. Those years had been terrible. They’d been boring and lonely and hard. Her only companions had been Kotohime, Iris, her mom and Kirihime. They were nice, and she loved them, but they couldn’t give her what she had now.

  Kevin had saved her from all of that. Meeting him had been what saved her from that loneliness. He didn’t know it. He couldn’t possibly understand even if he still possessed his memories of that time, but he had been her salvation, her savior. She would always be grateful to him, even if he didn’t remember the reason for her gratitude.

  After class ended, she and Kevin parted ways with Lindsay and went to their next class. For the next several hours, Lilian spent time with Kevin in each class. While her mate mostly focused on taking notes and getting his work done, he did converse with her by sending covert messages through a notebook they had decided to share. After French, Physics and Social Sciences, she and Kevin walked across the courtyard toward the newly repaired gymnasium.

  “Ne, Kevin?”


  “Is it just me, or is the roof a different color than it was before?”

  Kevin looked at her out of the corner of his eye, then at the roof she was talking about.

  “I think you might be right,” he muttered, his eyes squinting. “It’s still the same color, just… less worn, I guess. It looks like they ended up replacing the roof with a brand new one. I’m not surprised. It was probably easier to replace it than repair it after the damage you and Kiara caused.”

  As her face reddened, Lilian puffed up her cheeks like two balloons. “It wasn’t my fault. Kiara’s the one who tore a hole in the roof.”

  “And you’re the one who fought her.”

  Lilian had nothing to say to that.

  As they walked, Lilian noticed how they seemed to attract everyone’s attention. She didn’t know why, but a lot of people appeared to enjoy talking about them.

  “Can you believe that someone as hot as Lilian is still dating a kid like Kevin?”

  “Not really, no. I thought they would have broken up weeks ago. I wonder what she sees in a scrawny little kid like him.”

  “I’m just surprised he hasn’t passed out yet. Wasn’t he supposed to be afraid of girls or something?”

  If she weren’t in her human form, Lilian’s ears would have twitched as she listened in on the many conversations happening around her. She didn’t like how these boys were talking about Kevin like he wasn’t worth her time or attention. Deciding who was and wasn’t worth her affection was a privilege that belonged to her and her alone. These people should’ve kept their opinions to themselves!

  “Something wrong, Lilian?”

  “Oh, no.” Lilian smiled at Kevin. “Nothing’s wrong. I was just… thinking.”


  “About how strange it feels to be back at school.” Kevin raised an eyebrow, prompting Lilian to elaborate. “I know I haven’t been going to school for very long, but it still feels weird coming back after not attending classes for a whole month.”

  Kevin nodded several times. “That’s understandable. Most students feel that way after summer vacation ends.”

  “Summer vacation?”

  “Mm. School lasts exactly nine months out of the year. However, the school closes down during the three months of summer, which we call summer vacation.” Kevin paused and looked up, as if a thought had occurred to him. “Of course, I don’t think we’ll get much of a summer vacation this year, since we just had a month long break.”

  “Oh. That’s kind of disappointing.”

  Kevin shrugged. “That’s life. We’re actually one of the luckier schools because we still have summer vacation. Most schools have become year-round schools, which people attend, well, year round. They don’t get summer vacation at all.”

  “Owch.” Lilian winced. She enjoyed school, but to have it all year? “That sucks.”

  Kevin’s lips twitched in amusement. “Indeed.”


  Iris impatiently tapped her foot as she stood by the door, waiting for her mother to arrive. Really, how long did it take for that woman to get ready?

  “M-My Lady! Please be careful!”


  Iris sighed as her mother tumbled down the stairs for the second time that day. This time, she also had a large suitcase with her, which burst open, spilling the contents all over the floor. One of Camellia’s panties flew through the air before fluttering to land on her head.

  “Geez, Mom,” she said, exasperated. “Is there ever a time when you aren’t tripping over your own two feet?”

  “Hawa…” Camellia looked up at her daughter from where she sat on the floor, tears gathering in her carmine eyes and a pair of white panties lying on her head. “Sowwy.”

  Kneeling behind the klutzy five-tails, Kirihime looked up at Iris as she comforted the older woman with some gentle head petting.

  “P-please, Lady Iris, do not be rude to your mother,” the demure maid pleaded. “You know it is not My Lady’s fault.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Iris waved off the woman’s words with an air of indifference. “Whatever. Look, can we just get a move on? The more time we spend standing here, the longer it’ll be before I can see my sister.”

  Kirihime frowned at Iris, whose two tails writhed behind her in agitation. “I know that you are excited to finally see Lady Lilian after so long, but please be patient. Our flight doesn’t leave for another two hours, and the airport is only thirty minutes away.”

  Crossing her arms under her bust, Iris huffed. Meanwhile, Kirihime helped Camellia to her feet. Her three tails also extended to impressive lengths and gathered up the luggage her mistress had dropped.

  “That reminds me… just why are we taking an airplane again?”

  “Because we’re not allowed to set up Spirit Gates in the United States,” Kirihime answered as she dusted off Camellia’s clothes. “The United States has been claimed by the Four Saints and, as per the agreement set down after the war of 1868, no yōkai clan is allowed to claim any state within the United States as their territory. That’s why we had to travel here by boat when we first arrived. Wasn’t Lady Iris taught this already?”

  “Maybe,” Iris admitted with an uncaring shrug, “but it’s not like I ever paid attention to what that shriveled prude, Daphne, ever said.”

  “L-Lady Iris, you shouldn’t speak of your elder sister so disrespectfully.”

  Iris waved a hand through the air. “Whatever. Can we get going now?”

  Kirihime sighed. There was just no pleasing this girl.

  “Of course, Lady Iris. Shall we get going? I have hired a taxi that will meet us at the front gate in a few minutes, if it isn’t already here.”

  “Finally.” Iris lifted her small duffel bag, which contained all she’d be bringing with her. “Let’s get going.”

  Camellia sniffled as Iris stalked off. “Iris doesn’t like Camellia.”

  Kirihime winced at the sheer amount of hurt in Camellia’s tone. It pained her to see what this once amazing woman had been reduced to. Unfortunately, there was little she could do to help her mistress, except comfort the woman using the only tried and true method she knew of.

  Kirihime reached up and began gently petting Camellia’s head.

  “Hawa,” the five-tails muttered in a blissful voice.


  It happened while Kevin and Lilian were walking to the school locker rooms. One minute they were minding their own business. The next, Eric appeared before them as if by magic.

  “It is a pleasure to see you, My Lord.”

  Kevin stared at his friend with his best “why the hell are you calling me that?” look. The lecherous young man knelt before him, reminiscent of a knight kneeling before their king.

  It was all kinds of disturbing.

  “Um, Eric, what the heck are you doing?”
  “What do you mean, My Lord? Is something troubling you?”

  “Yes. Yes, there is.”

  “What is it? Please tell me so that I might help fix whatever is ailing you, My Lord.”

  “You are.” Kevin gave the still kneeling Eric a flat look. Lilian just looked vaguely amused. “Seriously, Eric, get up. You’re freaking me out.”

  “Okay―I mean, very well, My Lord.”

  “Stop calling me that!”

  With an unusual amount of pomp, the physical embodiment of lust and perversion stood to his feet. “If that is what you desire, then I shall do my best to comply with your wishes.”

  “Uh huh…” Kevin leaned in towards Lilian so he could whisper into her ear. “Do you have know what’s up with Eric?”

  “Mm mm.” Lilian shook her head. “The last time I saw him was when he and everyone else came over last week, remember? And I didn’t see anything happen to him that you didn’t see yourself.”

  Kevin nodded. He remembered the last time they’d seen Eric quite well. He and Lilian had invited everyone to their home again for a movie night. All of their friends had shown up, including Christine, who’d told them she only showed up because it was common courtesy.

  “D-d-don’t think I’m here because I like you or anything! I-I-I-I’m only here because you invited me over and I have nothing better to do! Hmph!”

  Something like that.

  He still recalled the beating Christine had given Eric when the lecherous boy managed to successfully cop a feel. Kevin still shuddered every time he remembered what happened. Humans just weren’t meant to bend that way.

  Deciding to ignore his friend’s strange behavior, he and Lilian renewed their walk to the locker rooms with Eric in tow.

  “So,” Kevin started, eying the pervert walking alongside them, “mind if I ask why you’re calling me ‘My Lord?’”

  “I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf,” Eric declared. Kevin and Lilian shared a brief look before focusing back on the pervert.

  “A new leaf, huh?”

  “That is correct. I have decided… from this day forth, you are my new lord!”

  “Uh huh… wait.” Kevin blinked. So did Lilian. “What?”

  “Yes, I will become your lackey, and score any tail that you decide to spare me.”


  “I can’t believe he just said that,” Lilian commented, idly wondering if Eric had finally lost it after learning that she and Kevin were officially a mated couple, even if they hadn’t actually mated yet.

  Kevin used his free hand, the one whose fingers were not laced through Lilian’s, to facepalm. “I can. I can so believe he just said that. I merely wish he hadn’t.”

  “Yes!” Eric clenched his fist, a diabolically pervy grin etched upon his face. It was disturbing enough to make eldritch horrors look like cute, fluffy white bunnies. “This plan is foolproof! Women always seem to flock to you for some reason!”

  “Uh, no. Only Lilian’s really shown any interest in me…”

  “And knowing your luck, it won’t be long now before even more women flock to you!”

  “Are you sure you’re talking about me?”

  “And since you’re dating Lilian, that means every other bodaciously-bodied babe will be up for grabs!”

  Kevin turned a desperate look towards his mate. “Lilian? He’s not listening to me. What should I do?”

  “Why are you asking me?” Lilian looked honestly confused. “I don’t know how to make him stop. Maybe you should see if he has an off switch or something.”

  “I think any switch he might have only comes with two settings: perv and pervier.”

  “That means every sexy bitch coming your way will become mine! Yes! I will finally obtain my goal of becoming a Harem King! Mwahahahahahahaha-BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

  By this point, tears of joy were streaming down Eric’s face. He raised a hand to the ceiling, as if he was trying to reach out and grasp heaven.

  Kevin and Lilian noticed all the people stopping to gawk at Eric as he stood in place, right hand on his hip, left hand raised toward the ceiling, his laughter reminiscent of a stereotypical anime villain.

  Slowly, ever so slowly so to as not attract attention to themselves, the kitsune and her human mate began walking away from the scene.

  As they walked further away from Eric, they could hear his maniacally perverse laughter becoming softer and softer until, eventually, it vanished altogether.


  “Let’s just pretend this whole incident never happened,” Kevin said.

  Lilian tilted her head, a thoughtful frown marring her pretty face until, ever so slowly, she nodded. “Agreed.


  Had he not been present to see the aftermath of Lilian and Kiara’s battle, Kevin would have never believed the gym had once been the location of an epic showdown between yōkai. The once ruined floorboards were pristine, glistening with a lacquered finish. Brand new bleachers lined two sides of the interior, and the girders overhead gleamed with the luminosity of new steel.

  Kevin and Lilian stood with two dozen other kids. Most of them were in groups of two or three, talking amongst themselves about one thing or another. Over to their left, a couple girls were staring at them. Whenever he or Lilian looked their way, they would giggle and go back to their conversation, which Kevin suspected he and his mate were the topic of. Standing several feet to his right was yet another group of kids, boys this time, all of whom were glaring at him. Kevin matched their glare with a stare of his own, which just caused their attempts to kill him with their eyes to grow more fervent.

  “I never thought I’d see you look so confrontational,” Lilian said, studying his expression.

  Kevin turned away from his peers and looked at her, his head tilting. “What do you mean? I’m not being confrontational.”

  “Yes, you are,” Lilian rebutted, smiling as if she was pleased about something. “Maybe you’re not trying to bring about a physical confrontation, but you’re definitely showing these other boys more hostility than before. Back when we first met, you always did your best to avoid the looks they sent you. Now you’re returning them.”

  Kevin turned his head a bit, mostly to hide his blush. “I’m just sick and tired of people looking at me like I’ve committed some great crime. The only reason they’re glaring at me like that is because I’m dating you and they’re not. I’m tired of dealing with their petty jealousy.”

  “I never said there was anything wrong with it.” Lilian placed one hand on his right shoulder while the other began to run up and down his left arm. “I like that you’re not letting these people get to you like you used to. It’s really hot.”

  Kevin rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks growing even darker. “Y-you think so?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  The world around him faded as Lilian’s trapped him with her gaze. Slowly, she leaned up on her tiptoes and gave him a soft, almost delicate kiss. Kevin closed his eyes and kissed back. He didn’t hear the girlish squeals that erupted from nearby, nor did he feel the increased killing intent pouring off the boys. Everything except him and Lilian vanished from his perception.

  “Not you two again! Knock it off, lovebirds! Go play tonsil hockey on your own time!”

  At least until a familiar shout interrupted them.

  Kevin and Lilian pulled away from each other. While he blushed and tried to pretend that he hadn’t been exploring the inside of Lilian’s mouth with his tongue, his twin-tailed mate glared at Coach Raide, who hardly even seemed to notice the angered look she assailed him with. The large wookie of a coach blew his whistle and started shouting.

  “Alright, brats! Line up!”

  Standing so close their shoulders were touching, Kevin and Lilian stood in line. Eric, who must have appeared around the same time as Coach Raide, moved to stand on Kevin’s left.

  “I’ve got some news for you kids,” Coach Raide began. Everyone looked surprised. T
heir PE coach wasn’t one for giving speeches, so if he actually had something to tell them, it must have been important. “We’ve got a new assistant coach today. She’s going to be in charge of all female PE activities, so you little valley girls had better listen to what she says! Got it?!”

  Coach Raide got several glares from a couple of those “valley girls,” who didn’t appreciate the insult one bit.

  “Now I want you all to welcome… Ms. Heather Grant.”

  Kevin only had a moment to wonder why that name sounded so familiar, because seconds later, a woman who looked vaguely familiar walked in through one of the gym’s double doors.

  Her short blond hair framed a pleasantly smiling face. She wore a pair of blue sweatpants with white lines running along the outer legs, and a blue t-shirt that conformed to her generous frame. Despite himself, Kevin noticed that her bust, while not the same size as Lilian’s, was still quite large. Light bluish-green eyes looked upon the group of students with a strange sort of dazzle, as if they were a pair of sparkling gems. Several boys held a hand to their nose as blood seeped between their fingers.

  The only nosebleeder who didn’t hold a hand to his nose was Eric, and that was because he was already on the move.

  “Oh, baby! Where have you been all my life, you boobilicious blond sex machine! Come to papa―Gurk!”

  Everyone watched in mute shock as Eric was clotheslined by a deceptively delicate arm.

  It was almost amazing how the lower half of Eric’s body continued moving even while his neck and head remained practically stationary. Due to the built up momentum, his feet left the ground, swinging about in a surprisingly graceful parabolic arc. The rest of his body soon followed, rotating along the central axis provided courtesy of the woman’s arm.

  Time, which seemed to have slowed down as Eric soared through the air in an out of control spin, reasserted itself as the licentious boy hit the ground. Hard.


  Several people winced at the strangled gurgles that escaped the boy’s mouth.

  “I give you an A for effort, but an F for execution,” Heather said. Kevin’s brows furrowed some more. He felt like he should know this woman. “Seriously kid, what were you thinking, going for a frontal assault like that? Everybody knows that when you want to properly grope a woman, you need to sneak in behind them and attack when they least expect it.”


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