A Fox's Family (American Kitsune Book 4)

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A Fox's Family (American Kitsune Book 4) Page 9

by Brandon Varnell

  With the inclusion of Lilian’s family into his life, things were definitely going to get hectic again.

  And to think, all this had started because he’d gone to use the restroom.


  Iris sat up in her makeshift bed about an hour after Kevin and her sister left.

  She glanced around the dark room, taking note of the silhouettes of various objects. Kirihime sat in one corner of the room, soundly sleeping.

  Slowly slipping off the couch, Iris made her way down the hall and stopped in front of Kevin and Lilian’s bedroom. She paused with her hand on the doorknob, ears twitching as she channeled youki into them, enhancing her already prodigious hearing. When she received no indication that her sister or her sister’s mate were awake, she slowly entered the room.

  Iris’ heart clenched when she saw them lying on the bed. Kevin was on his back and Lilian was snuggled securely into his side, with one of his arms wrapped around her, pulling the girl close.

  Whispers filled her head as she stopped in front of the bed. They were soft, however, barely audible and thus easily ignored.

  She stared at Kevin, watching as he breathed in and out, her frown growing more prominent by the second. One second turned into a minute, which soon became two minutes. Finally, after nearly five minutes had passed, Iris left, closing the door behind her and climbing back onto the couch.

  She laid down, her eyelids fluttering closed, her mind slowly sinking into the murky depths of her soul where the whispers were at their strongest.

  Kevin Swift, she thought to herself, you are an obstacle in the path to my sister’s love.

  Chapter 3

  A Family of Foxes

  The sun had just risen above the event horizon when Kotohime returned home.

  She had been out gathering information on the current happenings in the yōkai world—an important task, considering she was charged with protecting Lilian.

  It hadn’t been easy, especially because she didn’t like dealing with Valsiener. While he might have been the greatest source of information this side of Phoenix, she didn’t trust him. That boy bartered information with impunity. He would give his intel to anyone who was willing to pay his price. It was better to gather intelligence from other sources.

  As she entered the Swifts’ apartment, her eyes caught sight of someone she hadn’t been expecting to see for at least another few days.


  Sitting in the corner of the living room, her legs crossed and her back leaning against the wall, Kirihime appeared both similar and diametrically opposed to Kotohime herself. Even the way she sat showed that, while they bore a family resemblance, their demeanors were quite different.

  “Oh, sister.” Kirihime’s smile was truly wondrous, full of energy and compassion. Kotohime didn’t let that fool her, though she did return the smile with her own. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “And you,” Kotohime said. Her sister stood up, stretching out some of the kinks in her back and neck. Sitting like that wasn’t very comfortable, something Kotohime knew from experience. “I have missed you. I gather from your presence and the mess on the couch that Camellia-sama and Iris-sama are here as well?”

  “Of course. My Lady Camellia is still sleeping, but Lady Iris woke up a while ago and is taking a bath.” Kirihime looked up, her mien thoughtful yet cute. “I’m somewhat surprised that she’s up so early. We went to bed very late last night—ah, but then, I am told that traveling via human transportation can mess up a person’s sleeping patterns, and Lady Iris already has issues sleeping.”


  “So where were you last night? I expected to see you here with Lady Lilian and her, uh, mate.”

  Kotohime waved her hand, dismissing her sister’s question. “I was simply taking care of a few errands. In either event, I believe I shall begin preparing breakfast.”

  “Very well. In that case, I think I’m going to go hunting.”

  With that, Kirihime pulled an eight inch long serrated knife out of her Extra Dimensional Storage Space and left, closing the front door behind her and leaving the room in stillness once more.

  Kotohime shook her head and went into the kitchen. She really hoped Kirihime would be cautious during her hunt, but Lilian’s attendant knew better than to expect a miracle.


  Kevin wondered if he was destined to be caught in every awkward situation imaginable. Really, how else could he explain the embarrassing predicament he currently found himself in?

  It all started that morning. His morning had gone the same way it always did when his body was recovering from being brutalized by Kiara. He woke up, extricated himself from the sleeping Lilian, and then made his way into the bathroom to take a shower.

  That was when he ran into his current problem.

  Someone was already in the bath.

  Why don’t any of these fox-girls lock the stupid door? It’s not that hard.

  Kevin swore he could feel his brain frying as he gazed at

  Lilian’s sister. He knew it was wrong. He was dating Lilian, so he shouldn’t be looking at another woman, but if anyone else saw what he was seeing, they would have understood why he found it impossible to look away.

  Unlike her sister, who seemed to prefer showers, Iris lounged in the tub. Warm water lapped at her breasts, the steaming surface and bubbles preserving her modesty while somehow enhancing her aesthetic appeal by adding an aura of erotic mysticism. One of her shapely legs rose up from the water and rested against the lip, bent at the knee, her calf rocking gently back and forth with a hypnotic sway. Water clung to her body, a combination of coalescing steam and sweat. He watched one particularly adventurous droplet slowly leave a glistening trail down her neck and clavicle bone before disappearing into the valley of her breasts.

  Kevin tried to ignore the sight. He told himself that he needed to leave, that this was wrong, but something kept him pinned to the spot. It could have been shock, it could have been fear, it could have been something so incomprehensibly simple that it was staring him in the face. Whatever that something was, it kept him rooted where he stood, unable to tear his gaze off the alluring beauty lounging in the tub.

  While he stood there and gaped like an idiot, a pair of eyelids slowly opened, revealing dark crimson irises. Those deep red eyes met his, and Kevin felt as if all the air had been sucked from his lungs. His legs threatened to topple as something primal and powerful threatened to consume him. Desire. Need. Want. Hunger. His body betrayed him, even as his rebelling mind shouted at him. He wanted to scream. He wanted to run. He couldn’t, however, because those eyes, beautiful in the same way a King Cobra is beautiful, froze him solid in a block of ice.

  The moment passed.

  Kevin sucked in a deep breath.

  And then realization set in. He was in a bathroom. With a girl. He was in a bathroom with a naked girl and oh-my-god-what-the-heck-was-he-doing?!


  Squeaking like a frightened rat ensnared by the claws of a cat, Kevin rushed out of the room and slammed the door shut. He pressed a hand to his sweaty face, gasping for breath, his mind making every attempt to figure out what had just happened and failing. For reasons he couldn’t quite grasp, his mind appeared incapable of coming to terms with what he’d just done. He had been gawking at Lilian’s sister!

  I think I’m going to be sick.

  The door opened. Kevin “eeped!” as Iris stepped out. Her narrowed, feline gaze oozed with a sexuality no girl her apparent age should have been able to exude. Kevin’s spine snapped as his back tried to straighten, and his heart leapt into his throat when those succubus eyes locked onto him.

  “Uh… hi?”

  Iris’ smirk made him want to shudder. He would have done so, too, but her gaze still had him immobilized.

  “Hmmm…” Kevin felt a tremor run through his body when Iris hummed. Dear God! How could such a simple noise from this girl sound like a siren’s call? “So, you’re
Lilian’s mate,” she murmured, her lips curving into a delightfully devilish smile. Kevin’s mouth went dry. “I suppose she could have done worse for her first mate. Still…” her eyes surveyed him from top to bottom, studying him, dissecting him. Devouring him. “…I don’t know what she sees in you exactly. You’re handsome enough, sure, but you’re not anything special.”

  And just like that, with those words and that condescending look in her eyes, the allure of her gaze and erotic beauty vanished like heat in the Arctic Circle.

  Kevin’s face went flat. “So I’ve been told, but really, I don’t think my and Lilian’s relationship is any of your business, sister or not.”

  Iris’ eyes flashed. Something dangerous flickered in those irises. A smirk twisted her lips into a veneer that looked off somehow. He couldn’t explain why, precisely, but her smile unnerved him.

  Kevin did his best to hold her gaze, to show this vixen that he wouldn’t be intimidated by her. He didn’t know if he succeeded but, after a moment, Lilian’s fraternal twin sister nodded.

  “It seems you’ve got some bite to you, kiddo.” With a supercilious chuckle, Iris patted him on the cheek as if he was a child. Kevin scowled and batted the hand away, causing her smile to grow. “Not bad. Not bad at all. I still don’t know what she sees in you, but I guess that’s because I’m not Lilian.”

  Holding his gaze a moment longer, she airily waved a hand at the door.

  “Anyway, you can use the restroom now. I’m done with my bath, in case you couldn’t tell.” As she said this, her hands slid down her towel-clad figure, delicately roaming over the swell of her breasts, the dip of her slim waist and the curve of her shapely hips.

  Kevin clenched his hands so hard his knuckles turned white. Iris noticed this, for she gave him one last wink before walking off, her hips swaying with exaggerated motions.

  He waited for a moment, his mind and body slowly coming down from the adrenaline that his confrontation with Iris had caused to storm through his bloodstream. Shaking his head to dispel the last bit of… whatever had clouded his mind, he proceeded into the bathroom, entered the shower, and turned the water onto its coldest setting.

  I can already tell, Kevin thought as he stood there, shivering, this day is not going to be the least bit pleasant.


  Fifteen minutes after Kevin got out of bed, Lilian woke up. During that time, Kevin finished taking a shower and donned jeans and a T-shirt. Lilian got dressed after she had finished taking a shower herself.

  Kevin looked at his girlfriend-slash-mate’s clothing. Her jean shorts fit her shapely hips better than any glove, almost like they were painted on. They were also very short, which allowed an expansive view of her stunningly long legs. She wore a green off the shoulder crop top that exposed much of her flat stomach, which Kevin found distracting in ways he could scarcely comprehend. He then looked at her gladiator sandals and groaned. He was not becoming a foot person! He wasn’t!

  Kevin preferred tails.

  “Do you like my outfit?” Lilian asked.

  “Uh…” Kevin shook his head, shedding the fuzziness clouding his mind. “It’s nice,” he eyed the redhead some more. “Really nice,” he amended, his face scrunching up. “But, um, aren’t you going to be cold?”

  Lilian shook her head. “It’s not that cold yet. Besides…” she looked down at herself. “I kind of have to wear these clothes now. They’re my signature look.”

  “Your what?”

  “My signature look.” She stared at him, as if doing so would somehow make Kevin understand what she was talking about. He didn’t. “These are the clothes I wear on the back cover.”

  Kevin pressed a hand to his forehead and gave her a deadpan stare. “The back cover?”

  Smiling, Lilian walked up and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Don’t worry about it too much, Beloved. Now then,” she grabbed his hand, “let’s get some breakfast. I’m starving.”

  Kotohime had breakfast ready by the time they arrived. Iris was also present, sitting at the table and slowly eating her salmon. When she saw Lilian, her face lit up like a million watt bulb. “Morning, Lily-pad. I hope you slept well.”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “Come on, sit and eat with me.” Iris patted the seat next to her, and then slowly panned her face towards Kevin, the smile leaving. “I guess you can eat with us, too.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Kevin’s voice actually contained a surprising amount of sarcasm. “I’m so pleased that you’re comfortable enough to tell me when I can and can’t eat in my own apartment. Truly, your generosity and humbleness knows no bounds.”

  Iris snorted. Kotohime, who had moved to set their plates of food on the table, gave him an odd look. Kevin couldn’t place it, but it almost felt like she approved of his attitude.

  Lilian was much more vocal in her thoughts.

  “I think that was the hottest thing you’ve ever said in this series. Ever.”

  “Uh…” Kevin blushed. “Thank you?”

  Sarcasm, the hottest thing since Scarlett Johansson played Black Widow.


  The problem Kevin realized they would have earlier that morning came to a head after breakfast. It was a multi-layered problem, one that he really didn’t know how to solve.

  “Ugh, what am I supposed to do now?”


  “There’s no way I can let those three live here without some adult supervision.”


  “I mean, sure, Camellia’s an adult… sort of. But, she acts so childish. I mean, just listen to her. She talks in third person and has the dumbest catchphrase I’ve ever heard. How is that adult?”



  “And then there’s Kirihime. She seems nice enough, I guess, but she doesn’t appear to be very reliable. I don’t know, maybe I’m being too hard on her, but she wasn’t very much help last night, and that French maid outfit is just weird.”

  “You’re not listening to me, are you?”

  “And don’t even get me started on Iris.”

  “I’m right here, you know.”

  “She might be hotter than sin, but God, does she have a disgusting attitude.”

  “Still right here. Thanks for the compliment, though.”

  “There’s no way I can leave them alone in my apartment. Who knows what kind of chaos they’ll cause?”



  Kevin blinked, his mind snapping back to reality. He looked around and noticed that he was standing in the living room. Lilian, Iris, Camellia, and Kotohime were with him. They stood off to the side, watching with various expressions that contained either amusement, exasperation, or a combination of both.

  Except for Camellia. She just did what she did best: smile and look innocent.

  And then Kevin realized what he’d been doing.

  “Did I say all that out loud?”

  “Yes.” An amused Kotohime held the sleeves of her kimono up to her lips, demurely hiding her smile. “Yes, you did.”

  “Oh…” Kevin scratched the back of his head. “Whoops.”

  “Are you alright, Kevin?” Lilian’s eyes shone with concern. “You seem a little… stressed.”

  “That’s certainly one way of putting it.” Lilian’s words were completely disproportionate to the amount of stress he felt at that moment. “We’ve got a problem.”

  “I’ve noticed,” Lilian said with just a touch of amusement.

  “I’m not sure how we should handle this. I can’t in good conscience let these three stay here without someone around. I don’t want to come home and find that my place has been struck by a supernatural disaster.”

  “Seems like someone has trust issues.”

  Kevin glared at Iris. “If I have trust issues, then it’s because I don’t know you that well. You’ll have to forgive me if extending trust to a couple people I’ve never met before last night is difficult.�

  “Whoa there, kiddo.” Iris held her hands up defensively. Kevin glared at the “kiddo” comment. She might have been over a hundred years old, but by kitsune standards, she wasn’t much older than him. “No need to flip. I get it. I really do.”


  “I have an idea.” Everyone turned to Lilian. “Why doesn’t Iris come with us to school? That would solve at least some of your dilemma, right?”

  “That’s… actually not a bad idea,” Kevin admitted slowly. Iris looked like she wanted to say otherwise, and only didn’t because Lilian was the one who suggested it. “If Iris came to school with us, that would mean Kotohime only has to look after Camellia and Kirihime, and I think Kirihime can take care of herself.”

  “Hawa.” Camellia’s pout reminded everyone of a child who’d been told they couldn’t have ice cream. “You make it sound like Camellia can’t take care of herself. Camellia’s a responsible adult, too, you know.”

  Everyone stared at Camellia with matching deadpan expressions. When it became clear that she was being serious, they decided to ignore her.

  “Ufufufu, I had not realized Kevin-sama trusted me this much.”

  Kevin shrugged. “Lilian trusts you, and you haven’t done anything that would warrant me distrusting you.”

  “Ufufufu, I’m honored.”

  “Please stop with the ‘Ufufufu’ already. It’s not funny anymore. I’m pretty sure the fans are getting tired of your laugh.”

  … A pause.

  “Wait. What did I just say?”



  Camella, Iris and Kotohime watched as Lilian pounced on her mate, sending him to the ground and smothering him into blissful oblivion.

  “Oh, Beloved, you’re so amazing!”

  “Mrph! Mggrrrlllee! Mph! Mmph!”

  “I’m so proud of you!”

  “Hmph! Mm mmm mmph!”

  “Truly, you’re the best mate a kitsune could ask for!”


  “Um, Lilian-sama,” Kotohime actually looked kind of worried, “not to be rude, but I think you’re suffocating him. He might die if you keep that up.”


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