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Splintered Page 14

by SJD Peterson

  His past was also the reason he was now in the sights of a deranged killer.

  When he’d first received the photos of himself and Hutch, he’d assumed it was Hutch who had been the main subject of interest since it had been he who had received the severed body part while Noah only received a few photos. Now, as he skimmed through the newest photos, he was forced to rethink his initial impression. There were photos of Noah walking to class, getting a coffee at the local café, entering his apartment building, but it was the ones of him sleeping that had caused the deep, bone-twisting fear he hadn’t felt in eighteen years. They hadn’t been taken through the window, but as if whoever had taken them had been in the same room. He wasn’t sure how it was possible, as, since his scare, he’d made sure his door and windows were locked each time he was home, and yet….

  Noah ran a hand through his hair and along the back of his neck, his hand coming away damp with sweat. He’d put off the inevitable long enough. He picked up his cell and dialed the familiar number.

  Hutch answered on the first ring. “Noah?”

  “Hi, Hutch, I—”

  “What’s wrong?” Hutch interrupted.

  Noah shouldn’t have been surprised Hutch had picked up that there was something wrong, even if Noah had tried his best to sound neutral. It was uncanny how Hutch was able to read people so easily. He gave up even trying to sound calm.

  “I got another envelope,” he told him dismally.

  “I’m on my way.”

  The line went dead, and Noah turned off his phone, setting it aside. He sat back in his chair, staring at the scattered photos. He’d been smart enough this time not to touch the envelope or the photos with his bare hands, but he knew it wouldn’t matter. This guy wasn’t going to be caught by something as amateurish as leaving his prints or DNA on an envelope.

  As he continued to stare at the photos, Noah ran his hand over his chin, the two days of growth prickling his palm, and only then did he notice his stained jeans and wrinkled T-shirt.

  “Shit!” He jumped from his chair, pulling off his clothes as he rushed to the bedroom. He’d been so preoccupied with the photos and calling Hutch that he hadn’t even paid attention to the hot mess he was.

  He had no way of knowing how long it would take Hutch to arrive, so the best he could do was throw on a clean shirt and jeans and splash some water on his face and hair. He brushed his teeth, slapped on little cologne, and was at least presentable when there was a rap on his front door. Not exactly the look he wanted to sport around Hutch, but it would have to do, he was out of time. At least he didn’t stink, he thought as he opened the door.

  “What have ya got?” Hutch demanded as he pushed into the room.

  Noah checked the hall, but neither Granite nor Byte was there so he closed the door. “Nice to see you too,” he murmured with a sigh and then chastised himself. This wasn’t a social call. “They are on the desk.”

  Noah watched the play of emotions cross Hutch’s face as he studied each photo, saw his eyes go wide and knew exactly what photo had caused the reaction even before Hutch held it up. “He was in your house?”

  “I don’t know,” Noah admitted. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way he could have gotten that shot without being in the room with me, but I can’t come up with anything. I’ve checked every nook and cranny and come up empty-handed.”

  “Pack a bag.”

  “Excuse me?” Noah responded in confusion.

  “I said, pack a bag,” Hutch repeated as he shoved the photos back into the envelope, a deep scowl marring his features.

  “I heard you, but what for?” Noah clarified.

  “You can’t stay here. You’ll be staying with me until we catch this guy.”

  “I’ll be—”

  “Dammit, Noah, don’t argue with me. You have five minutes to pack a bag, or you’ll do without,” Hutch said gruffly as he pulled out his phone.

  Noah stood still staring wide-eyed at Hutch until the agent barked, “Go!” Noah jerked at the harsh sound and got. He heard Hutch telling someone—most likely one of his partners—he was heading back and bringing Noah with him. As quickly as he could, Noah grabbed some clean clothes and stuffed them in a duffel bag. He had no idea how long he’d be gone, but he was sure Hutch would allow him to come back for whatever he needed, so he made sure he had a couple days’ worth as well as his toiletries and met Hutch out in the other room within minutes.

  Hutch was standing at the door, hand on the knob when Noah walked in. “Let’s go,” he demanded and opened the door.

  “What the hell is the big hurry?” Noah countered. “I have to get my computer and school bag.”

  Hutch opened his mouth to say something and then snapped it shut, obviously thinking better of it when Noah set his hand on his hip and glared at him. Hutch squeezed his eyes shut briefly and tightened his jaw as if he were trying to get himself and his thoughts together. When he finally opened his eyes, he looked toward Noah and nodded.

  “I apologize. Now can you hurry up and get your things?” When Noah continued to glare he added, “Please?”

  “That’s better.” Noah gathered up his books, shoving them as well as his laptop and the files he’d been working on into his backpack. Shouldering both bags, he grabbed his keys and wallet from the counter and headed out the door, Hutch right behind him. He locked the deadbolt and then pocketed his keys.

  Hutch was constantly scanning the area, his shoulders tense as they moved down the hallway. It was as if he expected someone to jump out at them at any moment. Perhaps Noah should be watching for the same thing, but for the first time since getting the envelope, he felt completely safe, and he knew it was because of Hutch. The agent made Noah feel all kinds of things, some not so appropriate, but the one thing that was always there whenever in the man’s presence was a sense of security. He couldn’t explain it, had never felt it around any other officers or agents, but Hutch always made him feel protected.

  With the pissed-off vibe that was rolling off Hutch in waves, however, Noah didn’t press him for more detail until they were in Hutch’s car and had pulled away from the curb. “What’s going on that has you so riled up?”

  “You mean other than the fact that someone was in your room photographing you while you slept? I don’t know, Noah. The real question here is why you aren’t,” Hutch said with a sidelong glance at Noah.

  The condescending tone of Hutch’s voice caused Noah to bristle with annoyance. “I don’t know, Hutch. Maybe the fact that one knocked on my mom’s door back in elementary school has made me a bit jaded. How should I be reacting, do you think? Would abject panic help? Make your job easier?” Noah snapped, crossing his arms over his chest as his pulse began to race.

  Hutch continued to stare out the windshield as he weaved in and out of traffic without response. As the moments clicked off, Noah’s irritation grew. He hated the fact that this shit was happening and that he’d somehow angered Hutch. The confusion on how he’d done so only added to his ire. Noah blew out a frustrated breath and turned to stare out the window at the city rushing by in a blur. Goddamn Hutch anyway, he thought and blew out another huff of air.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m being a dick again,” Hutch grunted as soon as he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel.

  “Again? You mean being a dick is a habit for you?”

  Hutch shrugged one shoulder, a sly grin curling his lip. “Only to my partners up until now.” His expression grew serious as he turned to face Noah. “It scared me. The thought of this bastard in your apartment, let alone in your room….” Hutch curled his hand into a fist, but he left the statement hanging in the air without saying anything further.

  “It scared me too, but I was too busy trying to come up with another way he got those photos, and calling you,” Noah admitted.

  He didn’t add the part where he was running around like a crazy man, changing his clothes and brushing his hair and teeth. Now that he thought about it, it was pre
tty dumb to be worrying about looks when he was being watched. The idea made his stomach churn.

  Hutch cut the engine and picked up the envelope he’d tucked next to his seat. “We need to figure out how he’s getting in and out of your place without being seen. I’ll have Byte enhance these photos and see if he can find any clues. You will…. I need you to stay close until we catch this guy, okay?”

  “I’m the worm,” Noah commented in awe. He’d never seen that one coming. All his years of research, fascination, obsession, and now he was the hunted.

  “The what?”

  “I’m the bait. You know, the worm you dangle in front of the fish or, in this case, the shark. I just hope the line doesn’t break.”

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” Hutch said resolutely.

  Noah didn’t even question it. He knew Hutch would keep him safe. He wasn’t sure how he knew after knowing the man such a short time, but he did. He heard the conviction in Hutch’s voice, saw the determination in his eyes, and for Noah that was enough for it to be fact.

  “I believe you,” Noah responded, a small smile pulling at his lips.

  “Good,” Hutch said with a curt nod and then stepped out of the car.

  Noah grabbed his bags and followed him out. He stopped short when he saw the weapon in Hutch’s hand, held close to his thigh, but he caught himself and forced his feet to keep moving. Hutch stayed close to Noah as he steered them across the parking lot, through the hotel lobby, and down the hall to the elevator. Hutch pushed the button to call the car, and although Noah trusted Hutch, he couldn’t help the prickling of unease that skittered across his flesh, and he kept looking over his shoulder until the elevator finally arrived and they stepped inside.

  “Byte is securing the room next to ours,” Hutch commented once the doors slid closed.

  Disappointment churned with the unease in Noah’s gut. He was hoping he’d be staying with Hutch. Hell, he’d be happy to be cuffed to the man until this was all over. He could think of worse ways to spend his time, especially nighttime, than being bound to the agent. Noah gave himself a shake. Stupid fantasies of him and Hutch were obviously more powerful than self-preservation. His eyes traveled down Hutch’s muscular body, noticing the way he filled out his slacks, and then up to his broad chest and shoulders. Yup, self-preservation wasn’t at the top of his list where it should be.

  Noah forced his gaze away from Hutch, focusing on the flash of light as it highlighted each number until it stopped on the seventh floor and the doors opened with a whoosh. “Here we are,” Hutch announced and glanced left then right before stepping out and motioning Noah to follow.

  The door near the end of the hall was cracked, and Hutch pushed it open and motioned with his head for Noah to enter. As soon as Noah complied, Hutch stepped in behind him and shut the door, locking it.

  Byte looked up from his computer and nodded at Noah by way of greeting. Granite waved and smiled from where he was stretched out on the bed surrounded by files and papers. Noah suddenly felt like a fool. He liked the idea of Hutch watching him, but the idea of being a burden to any of them or interfering with their work didn’t sit well with him. Noah adjusted the bags on his shoulder and waved back without comment.

  “You get the room?” Hutch asked as he shrugged out of his coat and returned his weapon to the holster strapped over his shoulder.

  “Yup, but I think you have a pissed-off honeymooner or some shit,” Byte informed them. “Granite had to whip out the badge and threaten to personally cuff and arrest every member of the front desk staff and a few security guards, but it’s all yours.”

  “I said please,” Granite added with a smirk.

  “I’m sure you did,” Hutch muttered. He handed the envelope of photos to Byte. “The newest gift.”

  “I want to see,” Granite piped in and scrambled off the bed, sending files and papers flying. He glanced back at the mess and huffed, but instead of rescuing his work, he shoved even more across the bed to fall off onto the other side of the floor. He caught Noah staring at him in shock and smiled. “They’re duplicates and no help at all,” he said with a wink.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Byte blurted out as he viewed the photos and then shot Noah a quick look.

  “What?” Granite grunted and hurried across the room to look over Byte’s shoulder.

  Granite muttered something to Hutch. Noah couldn’t make out what he said, but the sympathetic look Granite gave him was loud and clear. Noah shrugged, because really, how else could he respond to a killer standing in his room photographing him while he slept? He could no longer pretend it hadn’t happened, and he began to shake as the full weight of what was happening crashed down on him.

  Chapter 19

  HUTCH COULD only imagine what Noah was going through, and he wasn’t so sure he’d be handling it as well as Noah had thus far. Watching Noah stand in the center of the room, knuckles white where he clutched his bag, stare wide-eyed, and limbs shaking, Hutch knew the man was finally reaching the limits of his reserves of courage. His chest tightened.

  “You got this?” he whispered to Byte. His partner looked over his shoulder to where Noah stood and then back up at Hutch. “Yeah, go get him settled. The room is secure.”

  “Thanks,” he muttered tiredly and left Byte and Granite to process the photos.

  He grabbed his bag from next to the bed he’d been fighting for. They should have thought of acquiring the adjoining room before now. It would have saved a lot of fighting, bitching, and moaning over who was sleeping on the pullout. Hutch had only been unfortunate enough to have to sleep on it once. Then again, with as little shut-eye as they were all getting, it hadn’t really mattered.

  “C’mon, looks like you could use a hot shower and a whole lot of sleep,” he commented to Noah.

  “A shower would be great,” Noah agreed. He rubbed his hand over his jaw, a slight smile curling his lip. “I’ve been a little preoccupied.”

  “Understandable,” Hutch agreed as he ushered Noah into the other room. “Take whichever bed you want. I’ll take the other.”

  Noah stopped just inside the door and raised an eyebrow, the deer in the headlights stare turning into one of apparent shock.

  “What?” Hutch asked with a tilt of his head as he studied Noah.

  Whatever had bothered Noah, had caused him to freeze, released its hold on him, and he pushed past Hutch without meeting his gaze and threw his bags on one of the beds. “This one is fine,” he mumbled and started rummaging through his duffel.

  “You okay?” Hutch asked with real concern.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” He pulled a small black shaving bag from his duffel. “Just going to get that shower.”

  Hutch stared at the door Noah had disappeared behind, trying to figure out what the hell just happened that had rattled Noah. Coming up empty, Hutch shrugged and dropped his bag next to the other bed. He pulled out a notepad and pen, then stretched out on the bed. What he wanted to do was storm the building Noah lived in, check every nook and cranny, view every second of film, something, anything other than lying in bed with a useless pen in his hand. Fuck, he didn’t even know where to begin.

  Patience had never been a virtue Hutch possessed, but he knew there was nothing he could do until Byte did his technology voodoo stuff. It would also do absolutely no good to stand over Byte’s shoulder and demand he hurry the fuck up. Hutch had tried that on numerous occasions and knew the futility of it.

  He was tapping his pen against the notepad, getting nowhere, barely able to form a cohesive thought, when the door to the bathroom opened. Hutch turned his head to find Noah coming out with a towel around his waist, body still dripping wet, steam pouring out of the bathroom around him.

  “I forgot my clothes,” Noah said with a sheepish grin.

  Hutch swallowed hard. He’d been aware of how good-looking Noah was, but with him practically naked, his skin flushed, and water running down his smooth, muscular body, Hutch knew his initial ass
essment didn’t do justice to just how good-looking Noah really was. In fact, he was fucking hot!

  Mouth dry, pulse speeding, Hutch could only ogle, when what he really wanted to do was grope and touch the tight round ass that was on display—in the perfect position, Hutch noted—as Noah bent to retrieve clothes from his bag.

  Noah glanced over at Hutch. He forced his gaze away from Noah’s pert butt and scolded himself for allowing his mind to wander to places it shouldn’t be going. They had a crazy man after them, he reminded himself and sighed inwardly.

  “You hungry?” Hutch asked as he closed his notebook and set it and the pen on the bedside table. He also did his best to set aside the inappropriate thoughts, but it was proving to be quite difficult, especially with Noah standing so near and the scent of his freshly washed skin filling the air.

  “I don’t know if I’m all that hungry, but I would give my left nut for a soda.” Noah chuckled slightly.

  And I would give you anything for that left nut. Hutch shook his head and once again chastised himself inside for his ill-timed horniness and lewd thoughts. He grabbed the phone and then a thought hit him. “Hey, Byte, Granite, I’m ordering room service. You two want anything?” he hollered.

  Granite popped his head in the doorway and arched a brow, presumably at where Noah was still pulling clothes out of his bag, then met Hutch’s gaze with a smirk. “What’s hot on the menu?” he inquired with a sideway nod in Noah’s direction and waggled his brows.

  Hutch rolled his eyes. “The same thing that’s been on the menu for the last two weeks you’ve been here. You hungry or not?”


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