Rejection Runs Deep (The Canleigh Series, book 1: A chilling psychological family drama)

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Rejection Runs Deep (The Canleigh Series, book 1: A chilling psychological family drama) Page 32

by Carole Williams

  However, if Richard contemplated returning home after graduating and taking up the reins which were rightfully his, and which Father had long wanted him to, it would make life distinctly difficult. She didn’t want Richard overseeing her every move as it was rare they saw eye to eye. He would interfere and question everything. No, Delia wanted Richard to remain in Oxford … or another part of the country as his career progressed. She certainly didn’t want him coming back and working in one of the Leeds hospitals. That would be too close for comfort. It would be far easier to gain his agreement to any plans she wanted to implement over the telephone rather than in person but if he was married, and his wife wanted them to live at Canleigh, it could be a very different story. Delia thought about the possibility of Ruth becoming the Marchioness. Could she be licked into shape and intimidated? Then Delia remembered the way in which the woman had defended herself last night. It might not be that easy when push came to shove.

  Delia’s head was all over the place. She couldn’t seem to think clearly. “Oh, God. Why the hell are you doing this to me?” she cried, turning her face to the sky.

  She so badly wanted to talk to Philip but knowing for the first time in her life she couldn’t, another horrendous pain of deep loss shot through her. It was as if a huge chunk of her very being had been ripped away. She wasn’t whole or complete without him and she was lost … in a dream … a terrifically bad one. She just couldn’t come to terms with what had happened. How could he have dumped her, she asked herself for the umpteenth time. What had she done wrong? She felt so utterly lonely and alone.

  Then there was the humiliation, knowing everyone would know she had been dumped, virtually on the eve of her wedding. Why had Philip rung her father? Why couldn’t he have left it to her? Now they all knew apparently, even the people in the pub from the way she received sympathetic looks.

  Delia attempted to turn Demon towards Canleigh. It was warm and she wanted a cool shower but had a fight on her hands to prevent him turning for Tangles. The power struggle lasted a good five minutes in which he pranced and snorted at the fork in the lane, determined to get his own way but Delia eventually won and had him trotting meekly in the opposite direction back to the stable block at Canleigh.

  “Sorry, darling but we’re going to have to get used to this,” she said softly. “Tangles is no longer our future home … but time will tell. Philip will see the error of his ways eventually and want us back. So, in the meantime what we have to do is focus on Canleigh … that’s what’s important now.”

  And she hadn’t much time. Richard would be returning to Oxford tomorrow so she would have to talk to him and Father tonight, if it was possible to prise them away from that woman. Bah! Men were so easily taken in by a pretty face and sweet manner and couldn’t see the wood for the trees … and they all assumed Vicky’s Barrie was a gold digger! There was no doubt that he was but even though Delia didn’t like him much, she did fancy him like crazy and wondered idly how much effort it would take to entice him to her bed. She was badly missing the rampant sex she and Philip had enjoyed for so long and, God, she needed a man.

  Reaching the stables, Delia handed Demon to Perkins, who was reasonably happy to handle the horse once Delia had calmed him with exercise. She strode back to the house, her temper on the wane. She had to calm down somehow, relax and unwind, and mentally prepare herself for tackling Father and Richard after dinner tonight, and persuade them that she was the best person to run the estate. She had to get her foot in the door as quickly as possible just in case Richard decided to marry, return to Canleigh with a wife and scupper everything.

  The entrance hall was empty when Delia entered and pulling off her boots by the front door, she padded up the stairs in her socks, surprised to see Barrie on his way down.

  “Had a good ride?” he asked with a dazzling smile. The question was perfectly ordinary but his evocative grin sent Delia dizzy with desire. She found it hard to answer, having only just moments before wondered how to get him alone. And here he was. She just knew he was hers for the taking. He had one hand on the banister and Delia stepped up so their eyes were level and placed her hand on his, fluttering her long black eyelashes and grinning wickedly. The top buttons of his pale green short sleeve shirt were undone and Delia playfully touched the gold medallion round his neck with her other hand. She needed to ease her tension and Barrie could be the answer to her prayers.

  “No, as a matter of fact. I could do with a drink. Would you join me or are you going somewhere with Vicky?”

  “Vicky’s in Leeds. Shopping. A detestable occupation in my opinion. I was going for a walk but I’m sure your company would be far more entertaining,” he said quietly, his eyes roaming over her body. Even in riding clothes, she looked fabulous with more meat on her than Vicky … and those breasts. He liked women with something to grab hold of. Vicky’s were little more than buttons in her chest. His eyes twinkled back at Delia. They both knew where they were heading.

  Without another word Delia brushed past him, leading the way to her room, knowing exactly what she was doing and not caring a bit. If Vicky was crazy enough to leave this dish alone, it was her own fault and she would have to learn the hard way, as Delia had, allowing Philip go to that blasted party by himself.

  Barrie shut the door behind them and Delia pointed to a number of decanters on the table in the corner of the room. “Help yourself. I’ll just take a quick shower.”

  She was five minutes. Barrie had read her well and was stretched out in bed, sipping out of a brandy goblet, his naked torso with a broad fuzzy chest a delight to behold. Delia sauntered to a chair next to the bed, wrapped only in a fluffy white towel. She calmly pulled it off and slowly ran her fingers through her damp hair, giving Barrie ample opportunity to examine her naked body at leisure. Just to watch him watching her made her want to rush towards the delights she knew awaited but provocatively prolonged the growing excitement. She had been without sex for a few days now and wanted this moment to last. With her arms stretched high and head thrown back, her well-developed breasts were pushed forward teasingly towards the man on the bed and then she picked up a bottle of body lotion from the dressing table.

  “My skin needs moisturising. Would you?” she asked thickly.

  Barrie didn’t answer, just threw the sheet covering him and held out his hand for the bottle. Delia lay face down beside him and moaned softly as his hands touched her back, massaging the lotion deep into her skin which tingled all over. He took his time working down to her toes, soft licks and kisses following on from the firm hand strokes.

  As he turned her over their patience evaporated, mouth and tongues clashed passionately and bodies became instantly entwined as they slide down into an avalanche of ecstasy. Their young, healthy bodies moved together, again and again, Delia having no intention of letting this man out of her room until she had enjoyed him to the full. Sex had been wonderful with Philip because they loved each other but this was different, more exciting because it was illicit and they had to be quiet in case anyone heard them. Barrie was highly accomplished and knew exactly what to do to make a woman feel sex with him was the most mind-blowing experience of her life. By the time he had finished with her, Delia was in seventh heaven, purring like a kitten and feeling well and truly ravished. It was just what she had needed. The stress and tension endured during the past few days were released. She still hurt and ached badly for Philip but this dalliance had proved to be a worthwhile pastime. She actually envied Vicky. No wonder her sister was bouncing around happily. Sex with Barrie was certainly pretty incredible.

  The bubble burst. They hadn’t noticed the time. Immersed in satisfying each other’s needs for nearly three hours, Barrie realised with a jolt that Vicky would soon be home, if she wasn’t already. He sat up, smiling down at Delia who looked sublimely content and satisfied.

  “I better go,” he said reluctantly, having enjoyed the elder sister far more than the younger. “Vicky ….”

�t panic,” said Delia languidly. “We haven’t heard her car so she can’t be back yet.” She flicked her hand over his chest, playing gently with his nipples.

  “I can always come back tonight,” Barrie said, removing himself slowly from the bed. “I’ll have a shower and then I’ll go.”

  Delia leapt out of bed. “Great. I need one too. Let’s do it together,” she giggled, grasping his hand and pulling him into the bathroom. He’d certainly had his uses this afternoon, helping her forget her anguish over Philip and the worry over Richard’s possible marriage, and she was more than reluctant to let him go.

  Sex was even better in the shower, the water gushing down on their hot, sweaty bodies as they grasped each other, kissing, fondling and rousing themselves to even more dizzy heights of sexual gratification but Barrie was now conscious of the time and although he would have loved to dally far longer, he knew he had to get out of Delia’s room pretty smartly. The last thing he wanted was for Vicky to find out what had occurred this afternoon. She was his ticket to a cushy life and he didn’t want to blow it … and he could pretty well count on Delia not to let on what had occurred … indeed, he could keep her as a nice little extra every now and again.

  They towelled themselves dry and Delia flopped back into bed while Barrie dressed.

  “What’s the best time to come back tonight,” he asked, standing over her, doing up the buttons on his shirt. “I don’t want to bump into any of your family as I creep back here.”

  Delia grinned. “About one o’clock I should think. Apart from Vicky, the rest of us like to get up early and go to bed at a reasonable time. You’ll just have to wear her out this afternoon, go for a long walk or something so she’s tired tonight and wants an early night and then we’ll have hours and hours before anyone wakes up.”

  “Oh, I’ll tire her out … don’t you worry about that and then I’ll tell her I have a headache and need to sleep in my room,” he laughed quietly. “After I have sent her into a dreamless sleep.”

  He was incorrigible and quite shockingly unconcerned that Delia knew exactly what and who he was. Delia’s envy of Vicky faded fast. He obviously didn’t care very much about her, probably about any woman and she was relieved she only wanted him for sex. To rely on this man for anything else would be a huge mistake.

  Barrie still had a smile on his face as he opened the bedroom door. It disappeared rapidly as Vicky, walking along the corridor loaded down with shopping, came to an abrupt halt at the sight of her boyfriend emerging from her sister’s bedroom.

  “What the hell are you doing in there?” she screamed in horror, remembering with a flash how Barrie and Delia had flirted so openly the previous evening.

  “Delia was just …,” he stuttered, overtaken with surprise, unable to understand why neither he nor Delia had heard Vicky’s car, unless she had arrived when they were in the shower. He threw a desperate look at Delia, who had fallen back onto the bed and shut her eyes, willing this not to have happened. What rotten luck. Having had her immediate wants and needs satisfied beyond expectation, the vindictiveness felt earlier had entirely vanished and she dreaded the scene that was about to ensue.

  Vicky, clutching her parcels and handbag, pushed Barrie aside and barged into the room, knowing in an instant exactly what had taken place. The bed was in total disarray, Delia was obviously naked under the sheet and both she and Barrie wore flushed, guilty expressions.

  “You bitch!” whispered Vicky, looking at Delia with pure horror. “I don’t believe you could be so evil … and to think I felt sorry for you.” She turned to Barrie, eyes filled with tears, her pretty lips covered in pale pink lipstick trembling uncontrollably. “And as for you … we’re finished,” she said quietly. “I don’t ever want to see you again.”

  “Vicky ….”

  “No. Leave me alone,” she cried, pushing his outstretched arm away and rushing out of the room, dropping a couple of boxes, one of which landed at his foot with a thud. Barrie picked it up and cursing under his breath, dashed after her, slamming Delia’s door behind him.

  “Oh dear, oh dear,” murmured Delia, as she rose from the bed to sit at the dressing table. One look in the mirror said it all. Her hair was an untidy, damp tangle, her eye makeup was smudged and her mouth swollen but she felt absolutely wonderful … a trifle guilty perhaps but wonderful.

  Vicky would get over it. Barrie was such a charmer he’d soon talk her round. And if he didn’t … tough. Life was like that. It had certainly been so for her but now she felt rejuvenated, her batteries recharged and ready for action. The gnawing pain of losing Philip was still uppermost but Delia knew she would have to get used to being without him for a while … until he tired of that awful Sue woman. Then he would come trotting back. She just knew he would. And then he would never leave her again. She would make sure of that. But until then a little brightness had darted into her dark, dismal world thanks to darling Barrie. To be free and single might not be as dreadful as first thought. So perhaps this was the way to go for a while, experimenting with men and sex so when she and Philip did get back together, she would be far more experienced and would be able to keep him so satisfied he wouldn’t ever look at another woman again. Yes, life could be fun for a while she thought. She was going to enjoy herself. Where was the harm in that?

  She stood up, stretched like a cat and smiled at her tousled image in the mirror, her confidence in herself fully restored. She’d easily talk Richard and her father round tonight and once they departed back to Oxford and Scotland, she would turn Canleigh into the most profitable private estate in the country. She could do it. She knew she could and no one in their right mind would stand in her way.

  She laughed at her previous suspicions about Ruth. Richard was too caught up in his profession to worry about Canleigh and perhaps if considered properly, Ruth might be the best person to marry Richard. With her background in medicine, she would support Richard in his career, which to him was paramount and he wouldn’t want to specialise here in Yorkshire. He would want to stay down south, probably London. Canleigh, therefore, would remain in a far corner of their lives. Thinking about it logically made Delia realise her initial panic was probably needless. She had over-reacted. What a silly fool she was.

  Doors banged across the corridor and Delia wondered what kind of excuses Barrie could make for his dilemma but that was his problem, not hers. She rolled back on the bed and curled up in a ball, all tension and anxiety blown away, having no intention of stirring until the evening, when hopefully the warring couple would have sorted themselves out, although any plans of Vicky’s to marry Barrie would stand little chance of survival now. If he could so happily jump into bed with his girlfriend’s sister, he was rather a poor bet on the marriage stakes and it was highly unlikely he would remain faithful for long. Vicky would be wise to get shot of him. Delia smiled. She had done her sister a favour, opening her eyes to what he was really like. She smiled, closed her eyes, and fell fast asleep.



  Delia awoke in a different frame of mind, realising how recklessly she had behaved all day, firstly with Richard and Ruth and then, of course, Barrie and Vicky. The last thing she should be doing was upsetting the family just as she wanted their full support. Would Barrie have left Canleigh? Would Vicky have a go at her? Would Richard be cross? The questions rushed through her mind as she dressed for dinner, defiantly choosing her most dramatic dress, the full-length black stiff satin dress bought for the hunt ball she and Philip had attended last year. Neither of them excelled at socialising but that was one event they attended regularly, enjoying being able to let their hair down with like-minded people. The backless dress with its structured bodice only just covering her breasts had prompted much comment and many compliments and Delia had revelled in the attention. It made her feel really good about herself and she needed that feeling again tonight.

  She examined herself in the full-length mirror, wondering whether to put her h
air up or not, deciding not. Her back, shoulders, and arms were bare and she loved the feel of her hair brushing against her skin, reminding her of Barrie’s hands and lips as he caressed her earlier. Not one for heavy make-up, if any at all, she had given her face the whole works tonight; foundation, blusher, finishing powder, smoky grey eye shadow, black eyeliner, lashings of black mascara and dark red lipstick and the beautiful jet beaded necklace bought to go with the dress set it all off nicely.

  She picked up the small box containing her much-loved engagement ring, which she had removed before her dalliance with Barrie, and placed it in the top drawer of her dressing table, trying not to cry. All the family now knew the wedding was off so there was no point in pretending any longer. However, she did have a thick white gold dress ring set with diamonds that Philip had given her for her nineteenth birthday. She placed it on her right thumb. A last twirl in the mirror gave her the confidence she needed to face the family. She looked fabulous. Classy, elegant and in control. Maybe a little on the sexy side but what did that matter? She felt sexy tonight, thanks to Barrie. He had restored her self-esteem after the battering it had received from Philip. She was going to rise above her hurt, show the family she was still in control of her life and what she was going to do with it but even as she smiled at her image, a niggle of doubt crept in. Would Vicky have told Father about her and Barrie? Would Richard still be angry after her rudeness to Ruth in the pub? There was no doubt about it. There was a lot of apologising to do … but she would do anything for Canleigh. If she had to grovel, she would, and look simply fabulous while she did so. She smiled at her image again and held her head up high. She was Lady Delia Canleigh. She was young, beautiful and smart … and tonight she was going to be given a lot more power over the place she loved so passionately. Nothing and no one would stand in her way.


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