Chasing Portals: Swords and Science Book 1

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Chasing Portals: Swords and Science Book 1 Page 3

by Jason Parker

  Like Jalen, Ron was a native of Delon. Ron was from Agron in the northwest and Jalen was from Tanger in south Delon near the Tuvir border. They had not met prior to enrolling at the Institute four years ago. Ron was strikingly handsome with short, wavy light brown hair. Laurela was from a large farming community in the Arcanta region of Tarkania. Her round face was covered with freckles and aside from her long auburn hair she wasn’t someone who’d catch your eye and make you look twice. Laurela was secretly infatuated with Ron. Jalen thought it was obvious, but Ron had no clue. Ron’s aggressive, and largely successful pursuit of the hottest women at the Institute and surrounding area blinded him to the affections of the mousier Laurela. Jalen felt for her but had to admit he was envious of Ron.

  Both of his friends were intelligent and capable students, but neither had the natural aptitude to become Scientists. Laurela planned to return to her agricultural community and use what she had learned to mix specialized fertilizers to improve the output and fortitude of the crops. Ron had no specific post-graduation plans aside from finding a good party. Jalen had decided to focus on research but was uncertain what area to delve into first. Fortunately, graduating as a Scientist would open many doors for him.

  Jalen slid into the seat between his friends. “What’s going on, guys?” he asked giving Ron a fist bump and Laurela a quick hug.

  “Whoa, Jalen,” Laurela said waiving a hand in front of her nose, “you smell like you’ve been swimming in a pool of liquor.”

  “And you look like shit,” Ron observed, sidling as far away from Jalen as his chair would allow. “You’d better not puke on me.”

  “Thanks for the outpouring of sympathy,” Jalen said sarcastically, “I love you guys.”

  “Yeah, sure you do. Anyway, I can’t believe I let Laurela drag me here,” Ron complained. “What do I care about a force beam? It’s not like I will ever use one or try to build one.”

  Laurela swung her arm around Jalen and pushed Ron in the shoulder. “Keep an open mind, Ron. There may be practical uses for something like this and besides, it should be interesting to hear what Wexworth has to say. He is a prominent name in the scientific community and he did dramatically improve keratium.”

  “Yeah, yeah, the softer keratium is good for underwear. I suppose having extra protection for the jewels isn’t a bad idea, but I’m not likely to rush into battle without my pants. Whatever,” Ron replied with a dismissive gesture.

  Laurela rolled her eyes. “You do realize soldiers don’t wear traditional keratium pants anymore. They’re too bulky and the softer keratium offers almost the same protection. Also, it provides protection to the rangers while allowing them to wear their traditional leather…”

  “Hey look,” Ron interrupted pointing toward the front of the auditorium, “Ambernifer’s stuck here, too,” Ron said looking slyly down at the front row of the auditorium.

  The sly look plastered on Ron’s face made Jalen bolt upright in his seat. “Ambernifer? Our instructor, Ambernifer? Scientist Ambernifer?” he stammered in amazement. “No way!”

  Ron shrugged. “Why not? She’s only a few years older than us and have you looked at her? Underneath that lab coat she has a body to die for.”

  “You are definitely the man, Ron. I…” Jalen swallowed the rest of his comment as he noticed the redness blossoming in Laurela’s cheeks. Changing the topic he asked, “Doesn’t Rainstel look irritated?”

  Laurela crossed her legs and tugged her ruffled skirt below her knees. “I noticed that, too, Jalen,” she commented as the crimson began to fade from her face. “Right before you walked in Fodjan and Sandstar looked like they were trying to calm him down.”

  Just as Jalen opened his mouth to respond, Fodjan and Sandstar took their seats with the rest of the faculty and Rainstel moved to the center of the floor turning toward the audience. “Students, faculty members, and visitors. Thank you for taking the time to be here.”

  Rainstel was a weathered looking man in his sixties with silvery gray hair. His countenance was uncharacteristically venomous as he continued through gritted teeth, “Today I have the pleasure of introducing the world’s…greatest Master Scientist.”

  Jalen, Laurela, Ron, and most of the audience exchanged puzzled glances. “World’s greatest?” Jalen whispered.

  Flushed with anger, Rainstel attempted to compose himself by speaking quickly and with forced enthusiasm. “He is the chief science advisor to the Triumvirate, the rulers of the allied nations of Harkovia, Caleria, and Tarkania. Among his many creations are the Zeronblue cleaning fluid and the icerator.” Pausing to steady himself, he forced out the words, “And he is best known for the creation of the wondrous keratium fabric.” Hesitating with a quick glance over his shoulder, he quickly added, “As we know it today. Here to grace us with his latest invention, please welcome, Master Scientist Wexworth.”

  Unsure what to do, the confused audience sat in silence for a moment. As Wexworth walked onto the auditorium floor, a few started to applaud and then the rest of the audience followed suit. Ron shrugged his shoulders and Jalen leaned forward.

  Wexworth was a tall thin man in his middle years. His head was clean shaven and he had a dark brown goatee neatly trimmed and oiled into a half-inch point beneath his chin. He was dressed in a deep purple velvet frock coat with a black collared shirt and a sparkling gold waistcoat underneath. His trousers were black and tucked into immaculately polished mid-calf black leather boots with a myriad of straps and gold buckles.

  Wexworth dismissed Rainstel with a gesture and a curt, “Thank you, Head Master.” He then favored the audience with a deep bow.

  “Students and faculty of the Delon Science Institute, I have traveled from the great city of Corava with greetings from the Triumvirate—may they rule for eternity—and to grant you the opportunity to witness my latest scientific masterpiece. With the aid of the Triumvirate and the blessings of the goddess Keyaul, I have labored to benefit mankind with my multitude of magnificent scientific creations and today you will have the opportunity to enjoy the latest fruit of my labor.”

  “Oh my god,” Ron whispered to Jalen, “This guy thinks he's the second coming of Pargon. What a prick!”

  Jalen elbowed him as Wexworth continued, “Just think about how I have made your lives easier with my many inventions. Now, I have developed something that can aid the brave men and women that keep order in our cities and protect us from the attacks of fire basilisks, manticores, brain spiders, and other such creatures. No longer will bows and crossbows be the only ranged weapons at their disposal. Now, they will have this!”

  With a flourish, Wexworth bowed toward his device. Two men in purple lab coats emerged onto the auditorium floor and scurried to either side of the device. Donning goggles they performed a quick inspection of the burettes and chamber connections. When satisfied they each gave a nod to Wexworth.

  Wexworth smiled and gestured toward the device. “I have carefully prepared and arranged the compounds and components involved with this wondrous device to perform a most dramatic demonstration. Without further ado, prepare to be amazed!”

  Wexworth finished with another extravagant bow and signaled to his assistants. Ron chuckled, but Jalen ignored him. One lab assistant sprinkled a powder into the burner pan and it immediately erupted into flame. Jalen knew this to be the common phosphorous powder used to ignite the red incandium in the burner. The other assistant cycled through the burettes turning each stopcock allowing the liquids to drain into the device, the clear liquids first and finally the red. As the liquids were draining, the first assistant did a final check of the front chamber with the circular opening. When finished, they joined Wexworth at the rear of the device near the burner.

  Pulling a pair of lavender tinted goggles over his bald head, Wexworth exclaimed, “And now, observe!”

  A scarlet glow began to arise around the opening at the front of the device growing in intensity. Suddenly, a bright red beam erupted from the opening, enlarging in circumf
erence as it approached the vase on the table across from it. The center of the widening beam struck the vase with a pop, causing it to crack. The edges of the beam proceeded beyond the vase, struck the wall behind it, and dissipated. The crack in the vase spread in a spider web fashion and the vase crumbled into a mass of shards. The entire episode lasted five seconds.

  “Cool,” Jalen uttered as applause erupted in the auditorium.

  “Yes, pretty cool,” Ron admitted. “However,” he continued pointing to a large circular charred area on the wall behind the remains of the vase, “we're lucky the whole building didn't burn down.”

  As the applause died down, Wexworth lifted the lavender goggles off his head, gave a final bow, uttered a thank you, and walked out the side door of the auditorium. Rainstel and Sandstar jumped to their feet and rushed after him.

  “That was a quick exit,” Laurela said.

  “Yes,” Jalen agreed. “He didn’t even stick around for a question and answer session. It was cool, but the whole presentation was what…less than five minutes? Maybe I can catch one of the assistants.” Jalen stood, quickly stepped past Ron and maneuvered his way through the dispersing crowd down to the auditorium floor.

  “Excuse me,” Jalen said to one of the assistants. The man had just extinguished the flame in the burner pan and turned toward Jalen, scratching at his close cropped brown hair. With obvious annoyance, he glared at Jalen with close set eyes that looked out of place with his hooked nose and long, angular face.

  “What is it?” he asked curtly.

  “Uh, I was hoping to ask some questions and perhaps even obtain a sample of the compounds used in the demonstration,” Jalen replied hesitantly.

  The man curled his lips into a sneer and said, “Master Wexworth does not answer questions nor share his formulations. Be gone. Now.” He shooed the air.

  Jalen glanced at the other assistant whose dark brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. He was busy unclamping the burettes. Jalen started to move in his direction. The first assistant grabbed his wrist. “I said get the hell away.”

  With a final malevolent glare, the man released him and returned to dismantling the device. Jalen stepped back a few paces staring after him in suspended disbelief.

  “Rude jackass, eh?” Fodjan's voice jolted Jalen out of his momentary catalepsy. He turned to see him and Ron and Laurela. Ambernifer was walking toward them.

  “Don't be offended my boy. They have been that way with all of us. Wexworth met privately with Rainstel for a few hours yesterday, but he hasn't given the rest of us the time of day,” Fodjan continued.

  “Well, he has created a multitude of magnificent fruits from his labors,” Ron said imitating Wexworth while furtively sliding a hand to Ambernifer's buttocks.

  Ambernifer smiled, stepped away from his hand and pointed toward the charred wall. “What are everyone's thoughts on the demonstration?”

  Without a doubt, Ambernifer was a striking woman. She had shoulder-length dark brunette hair and, while not outright beautiful, her features were inviting. Ron was right about her body, slender with curves in all the right places. He was even more envious of him even though he had never entertained the notion of a relationship beyond student/instructor with her.

  “The demonstration was quite impressive, but by no means flawless,” Fodjan said, pulling Jalen away from his Ambernifer fantasies.

  “I agree,” commented Laurela. “The lack of precision would seem to make it hazardous. But, I suppose if you were using it to fight a swarm of fire basilisks, a wide blast radius could be a good thing.”

  Jalen turned toward Fodjan. “Definitely cool, but did you notice how the power of the beam diminished the wider it grew and the further it traveled from the point of origin? It singed the paint on the wall, but didn’t even crack the plaster.”

  “Yeah, at close enough range to be effective, you’d be roasted by the basilisks,” Ron said with a slight squirm.

  Wexworth’s assistants paid no attention to the four of them as they lifted the device into a crate. The pony-tailed assistant completed the packing while the other assistant walked toward the table with the shattered glass vase. Using a small whisk broom he carefully swept all the glass shards into a burlap sack. Upon completing the task, he placed the sack on top of the crate and together, the two assistants carried the crate through the same door Wexworth had used to exit the auditorium.

  Once they were gone, Jalen inspected the table where the broken glass had been. “It looks like our friend was pretty thorough, but Ron, would you mind scouting around the floor to see if there are any stray shards?”

  “Sure, put me on floor duty. I have nothing...” Ron started to complain as Ambernifer cut him off. “It's a good idea, Ron. I'll help you.” She stooped over and began examining the floor around the table. Jalen smiled at how her fitted red long skirt hugged her curves.

  Ron brightened visibly and joined her, situating himself in a position that afforded him an excellent view of the cleavage offered by her peasant style black blouse. Laurela angrily glowered at Ambernifer.

  Jalen shook his head at the scene and moved to get a closer look at the burned area of the wall. Fodjan plodded up next to him.

  “I like your thought process. Hoping to find some sort of residue I presume?” Fodjan asked.

  “Exactly,” Jalen replied snapping his fingers. “I know I keep saying this, but Wexworth's force beam was so cool! I already have a lot of ideas for improvements. I wish I could discuss them with Wexworth, but that doesn't seem likely. Maybe some scrapings off the wall will at least give me something to start with.”

  “I'll do what I can to arrange a meeting for you with Wexworth, but you are smart not to get your hopes up. Did I not tell you this demonstration would spark your interest?” Fodjan looked toward Laurela. “Would you mind retrieving a specimen dish and spatula from the prep room so Jalen can get some samples?”

  “Of course not, sir,” Laurela responded and, giving Ambernifer a final scowl, headed toward the prep room situated opposite the auditorium exit.

  Rising, Ambernifer said, “No luck on the floor.”

  Ron sighed and stood. “Me neither.”

  “Well, I have a few things to attend to at my office. Good luck, Jalen. I hope you find something useful,” Ambernifer said.

  Turning to leave she gave Ron a quick wink and a smile.

  “Thanks,” Jalen called after her.

  “You know, Jay, if you don't need me any longer, I have a couple of things I need to attend to as well,” Ron said eyeing Ambernifer’s swaying hips until she disappeared through the exit. Not bothering to wait for an answer, he hurried after her.

  “Good lord, could they be any more obvious?” Fodjan asked shaking his head and producing tremors in his jowls. “Ambernifer is fortunate Rainstel is too preoccupied with Wexworth to notice.”

  Jalen laughed as Laurela returned.

  Laurela held the equipment close to her chest. “What's so funny? Where did the others go?” she asked looking around the auditorium.

  Jalen looked at her, raising his eyebrows.

  “Oh,” Laurela muttered, starting to blush, “here's your stuff.” She shoved the specimen dish and spatula toward him then stepped aside and stood with her arms crossed.

  Using the spatula, Jalen scraped fragments of charred paint into the specimen dish from the affected area of the wall.

  “That should be enough,” he said. “I’m going to head over to the lab and have a look.”

  Fodjan stepped toward Laurela. “Perhaps you can offer him some assistance, dear.”

  Laurela nodded, but remained silent, biting at her bottom lip.

  Fodjan adjusted the trousers beneath his robe and exhaled. “I’d better track down Rainstel and Sandstar to find out what’s going on with our esteemed guest. If he is so inclined to favor you with a few moments of his precious time, I’ll let you know,” Fodjan said imitating the best Wexworth-like bow his bulk would allow.

�Thanks,” Jalen said with a laugh. The three departed the auditorium.

  Once outside Fodjan waved and broke off toward the administration building while Jalen and Laurela walked toward the labs.

  Anxious to get to the lab, Jalen picked up his step and said, “I hope there is something in these samples to get me started on breaking down the components of the force beam. Just think…”

  Laurela interrupted, “Can you believe him? Chasing after every floozy who shakes her goods at him! And Ambernifer! She’s an instructor for Keyaul’s sake! She was practically giving him a floor show in there! Does she have no self-respect?”

  “Maybe not, but right about now I doubt she is overly concerned about it,” Jalen offered with a smile.

  Shaking and curling her hands into fists, she shouted, “You’re not helping!”

  “Calm down, Laurela. Jeez!” he said. “Have you ever considered just telling Ron how you feel about him?”

  “You mean that he’s a womanizing pervert?” she retorted.

  “No, I mean how you really feel,” he said with his best do-I-have-to-spell-it-out-for-you look.

  “What? How do you know?” she asked looking down in a futile attempt to conceal the tears forming in her eyes. “I’m just a plain farm girl. I can’t compete with…with all the others.”

  He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “I’ve known for a while. I see the way you look at him when you think no one is paying attention. I know this sounds kind of stupid, but if he’s not in bed with another woman, he’s usually with you. Think about it. He hasn’t had a meaningful relationship with any of the women he’s slept with. In the last four years, you’re the only woman he’s had any type of extended relationship with. Let him know how you feel. You might be surprised.”

  Laurela clutched the folds of her forest green skirt and spoke under her breath. “I…I don’t know if I can. What if he thinks I’m crazy or he doesn’t have any feelings for me and then it gets weird and we aren’t even friends anymore?” she asked.


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