Dominant Professor

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Dominant Professor Page 29

by Mia Luxe

  We drive Northwest, which is surprising to me. I thought we would be going into the city, or driving south.

  And I secretly hoped we’d be driving towards the airport so he could fly me out to Paris.

  Instead, he drives us towards the coast. It’s a beautiful 45-minute drive before we pull up to a shed next to a dock. The ocean stretches out in front of me.

  “We’re going for a boat ride?” There’s confusion in my voice. He lets me out of the car and walks to the shed, unlocking it and opening the doors wide. He gives me a wink and ducks back into his car, pulling it into the shed and shutting the doors behind him.

  The little shed where he parked his Jaguar looks like it would be filled with tools and a broken-down boat, not a hundred thousand dollar car. It is hiding in plain sight, tucked away.

  “All will be revealed,” he says, and takes my backpack from me.

  In the open, I get a better look at his outfit. A comfortable green sweater and a pair of jeans is the most casual I have ever seen him. I like the look on him. I can imagine him cooking burgers on the barbecue.

  The dock is small but well made. There are no nails sticking out or rotten boards to trip on. At the end of the dock is a small but sturdy looking rowboat.

  “Sometimes it’s more about the destination than the trip,” he says with a sneaky smile.

  He helps me into the rowboat and I get to sit back and relax while he does all the hard work. I love watching him row. The sweater soon comes off leaving only a tight white-t shirt that barely contains his perfect body. I can see every muscle outlined from his traps down to his thick biceps. His arms move in synchronicity, rowing smoothly, the paddles cutting into the water with grace. I could watch him forever.

  The Pacific Ocean is calm and cool, a slight spray hitting me from his rowing. The shore grows farther away from us as we glide into nowhere, passing by tiny islands.

  I keep quiet. All I can hear is the sounds of the oars cutting through the water and the steady in and out of his breath. A gull screeches far away, echoing over the calmness of the ocean. We row for 10 minutes to a small island with a little dock. He ties the rowboat next to a sporty looking motorboat.

  “Someone else is on the island?” I ask, questioningly as I look at the motorboat.

  I wish we could be all alone here with no one else.

  “No, this is all mine. The motorboat is for lugging supplies.”

  “You mean the boats all yours or…”

  He laughs. “The island. Don’t worry, we won’t be roughing it.”

  He helps me out of the boat and carries my backpack. We walk up a small hill and a beautiful wooden cabin comes into view.

  It is a perfect cozy cabin complete with a chimney that makes me imagine sitting in front of the warm fire snuggled tight next to my man. It looks almost like a cabin from the 1800s. The only detail that stops the image from being timeless is the side of the roof which is covered with a black solar panel.

  He leads me to it and unlocks the door, opening it up. I was expecting a humble little home. What greets me is beautiful modern wood and a hideaway from the world.

  There is a living room area with a big fireplace. The fireplace is built from hewn stone and a light gray couch sits in front of it. I can already picture snuggling up next to Bruce on the couch while the heat of the fire warms the room.

  The interior of the cabin is dominated by a solid wood dining room table. The dining room area leads into a full kitchen with gas stove. There is a small fridge in the corner, which surprises me. You wouldn’t expect electricity out in the middle of nowhere.

  Of course, the solar panels.

  There is a huge stack of firewood next to the fireplace.

  He looks at me, waiting for my reaction.

  “Don’t worry. There is fresh running water, and I have a generator for electricity if we have your average West Coast rainy weather and the solar panels don’t cut it.”

  “Don’t worry Bruce, I love it. It’s so private. You know, Zoe thought you were going to take me to Vegas!”

  He laughs, a deep, throaty sound that I love.

  “Vegas isn’t my style. I bought this island because sometimes I need to get away from it all. There’s nothing more private than a private island, away from cell towers and dinging alerts from my email. You know, you’re the first person other than me to set foot in this place since I bought it and built this cabin.”

  I’m special. I’m the only woman he’s ever brought here.

  “Thank you for inviting me to your secret hideaway.”

  “I’ll give you the grand tour,” he jokes, flourishing his hands to encompass the entirety of the cabin. He shows me to the bedroom which features a sprawling king size bed that takes up almost the entirety of the room and a wooden dresser. He opens up the closet and I understand why he told me to bring only what I was wearing.

  I silently walk past him and run my hands over the clothes. Women’s clothes, all exactly my size. All hung up neatly. It is nothing like the professional clothes I usually wear to class. Instead, it is comfy looking flannel shirts, a warm looking winter coat, leggings, jeans, and all manner of casual clothes.

  “I wanted to see you in something more casual. You look stunning in a little black dress, but I want you to relax and enjoy your time here and not to worry about anything.”

  “How did you know my size?”

  “I’ve got a very precise eye.”

  I turn, and he kisses me out of nowhere. I kiss him back until a huge smile breaks out on his face.

  He looks deep into my eyes and I laugh. Everything feels so simple here.

  I don’t have to worry about anyone seeing us. I don’t have to worry about dressing up and looking good in fancy restaurants. I don’t have to worry about anything.

  “Let’s explore the island. I’ll show you it all, it won’t take long.”

  He grabs a small wicker basket before we leave.

  “What’s that for?”

  “You’ll see,” he says.

  “You love to keep me in suspense.”

  “Everything is better when you wait for it.”

  We head outside, and a tiny mist of rain has started.

  “I love the rain,” I say as my hand disappears into his huge palm and he leads me around the island.

  The island has a small forest with a path through it that I imagine Bruce has created. He takes me into the trees and pauses.

  “Perfect. Golden Chanterelle.”

  He takes his hand away from mine and reaches down to grab a strange looking yellow mushroom. He picks a few more and places them in the wicker basket.

  “Are you sure those are safe?”

  “I had an expert come in after I bought the place. There are two edible varieties, Golden Chanterelle and fried chicken mushrooms. That’s those little brown guys there. Mind picking them for me?”

  I reach down to pull five little brown mushrooms from the moist ground, relishing the feeling of being in nature. I place them in the basket gingerly.

  “Let me guess, you’re going to hunt down a wild boar for our dinner?”

  “Nothing so drastic. I’ve got the best steak you have ever tasted in your life waiting for us.”

  My stomach rumbles.

  “I’m starving. You’re right though, it’s nice to wait and want something before you have it.”

  We stroll out of the grove of trees and up a small path where the packed earth ground turns to stone. Little more than a hill, we reach the peak of the island and survey our domain together. Far away is the shoreline of my old life.

  The salty smell of the ocean makes me feel alive. It helps that I have Bruce holding me tight. He stands behind me and I am the perfect height for him to rest his chin on my head.

  I see the tiny forest we walked through, more like a crop of trees, the little cabin snuggled at the lowest point of the island, the dock where the rowboat and motorboat reside. It seems so unreal. So close is the bustle of acade
mic life. So close is the living, breathing city of Seattle, with millions of people rushing to and fro.

  They could be a million miles away. They could be a lifetime away.

  “It’s all for you, Olivia.”

  I know he didn’t build this cabin for me, but when he says it like that it feels like this place was created for us. Like it has been waiting for me to arrive.

  I break free from his embrace and turn with a smile on my face.

  “Bet you can’t catch me,” I say, and I know it sounds childish and I don’t care in the slightest, I’m already off, running as fast as I can. I rush down the path and swing around the forest, feeling more alive and in the moment than I ever have before. I can hear him behind me and I push myself to the limit, darting and dodging over rocks and logs until I get to the little beach with the rowboat.

  I take a quick look back and see Bruce on my heels, a determined look on his face. The basket of mushrooms is forgotten somewhere behind us. I know I cannot beat him on pure speed so I duck into the forest, weaving and dodging around the trees. When I reach the small clearing in front of the cabin he catches me, lifts me up in the air and spins me around, kissing me eagerly.

  We break off the kiss as he holds me in the air, my legs wrapped around him. We are both a little breathless, panting hard.

  “What was the bet for?”

  We both already know.

  “Anything you want,” I say, and the raw passion in my voice shocks and excites me.

  He pushes the cabin door open while still holding me up as if I am weightless.

  He lays me down on the bed and there is a flurry of clothes being strewn around the room as his kisses rain down on my mouth and neck. His lips graze my nipples teasingly then rush back to my mouth, meeting my moan.

  My body can barely handle Bruce. The evening light pours through the window and cascades over his taut, rippling muscles. I look at his delicious face and his eyes drive me mad, so full of desire and need that they could be mirrors of my own.

  I am so wet that his cock slides into me in one long, full thrust that makes my eyes roll back in my head. I will never get used to the feeling of incredible fullness that Bruce gives me. I never want to.

  “Oh God, you’re so fucking big Bruce,” I moan. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me tight against his body, and I can feel the strength of his muscular arms on my back. His squeeze is powerful and tight, his mouth by my ear so I can hear every breath he takes as he thrusts into me. He starts out slow and steady, increasing the pace with my crescendo of moans and his mouth near my ear drives me crazy as I listen to his animal grunts and groans.

  I cannot handle the steady, powerful thrusts of his huge cock inside of me, the sheer bliss overwhelming me in waves as I cum harder than I ever have before. His whole body is grinding against mine, and I reach my hands to his strong back, raking my nails down the length as I scream out in pleasure.

  He does not stop. His grunts turn to a low growl as he fucks me harder and harder, pounding me into a pool of pleasure as I lose all capacity to think. I can only roll my eyes back and let him ravage my body completely with his huge cock, my orgasm subsiding then building again and I cum for the second time, barely able to handle the pleasure when I feel his hot cum filling me up.

  I would love to lay their forever, our sweaty bodies intertwined but he shocks me by lifting me up, his cock still semi-hard and very much inside me.

  I wrap my arms around him as he brings me to the bathroom, turning the water on with one hand in the shower. With my back toward the stream, I get a burst of ice cold water against me before he can pull us out of the way. I give a mock scream of indignation as the water hits me.

  “I’m going to keep you screaming all night long.”

  I laugh, loving the fact that Bruce was able to pick me up like I weighed nothing and bring me from the bedroom to the shower in an instant.

  He sets me down and I quickly clasp my hand against myself, holding in the massive load of cum as Bruce exits the bathroom, giving me a bit of privacy. I pee and hop in the shower. Bruce enters the bathroom again and I know he would join me if the shower was big enough.

  There’s one disadvantage to dating a guy so massive! Good thing he’s rich enough to have a shower big enough for two in his penthouse.

  “Do you want a turn,” I say, secretly enjoying the hot, steamy shower so much that I want to spend an hour in here after the brisk walk and our sweaty coupling.

  “No, you take your time. I’ll shower before bed.”

  He washes his hands then simply looks at me. He stands there with the tiniest hint of a smile as he studies my body.


  “I’m enjoying the view.” He has a devilish look in his eyes.

  I can’t help myself. I turn around and look back at him over my shoulder. I let suds drip down my ass and I press it against the glass, wiggling it back and forth.

  I know it makes him want to spank me again. God, I love being naughty with him.

  His cock hardens and I watch it grow, huge and throbbing.

  “Careful, I might just make this shower fit two.”

  “You are an expert at making it fit,” I giggle, half wanting him to come inside and press me against the wall and take me hard again, half still feeling his massive cock inside of me and knowing if I don’t have a break I’ll be sore for days.

  “I worked up an appetite,” he says, his cock obscenely hard.

  “Me too,” I say over the water cascading down.

  “I’ll have to go find the basket of mushrooms I left somewhere outside then get dinner started. Hopefully the brisk air calms this guy down.”

  He leaves the bathroom and I want to collapse on the floor in a heap of happiness. Instead, I stretch languorously under the water, feeling pure joy.

  Life can’t get any better.


  Olivia Abernathy - Friday Evening

  I could have stayed in the shower for hours. The only thing that draws me out of the luxurious water is the sumptuous smells that waft in. My stomach grumbles.

  I hope my stomach doesn’t growl so loud around Bruce!

  There are two bathrobes. One is well-made and well-used, the other brand spanking new.

  Aww, he got me my own bathrobe. He really did take care of everything!

  I slip it on, luxuriating in the Egyptian cotton.

  I step out into the main room and am hit by a burst of smells. Bruce has dressed again, back in his soft green sweater and jeans and flipping two steaks on the gas stove. The warmth of the gas stove fills the room. He glances back at me.

  “Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes, go slip on that comfortable green dress.”

  “I can guess your favorite color.”

  In the bedroom closet is all the clothes he got for me.

  I find the green dress and feel the smooth material. Interested, I check the tag. It’s 96% bamboo! I have never worn bamboo before. I slide on my underwear then slip the dress on, my hair wet. I quickly grab my brush and with long, firm strokes start the process of making sure it won’t become a knotted mess. A few minutes later, Bruce calls to me.

  “Dinner is served!”

  “Just a second!”

  “No rush, the steaks can rest.”

  I finish up with my hair and dance into the main room. The large wood table is laden with two big plates full of the source of the enticing smells. Two thick steaks with our hand-picked mushrooms on the side. Bruce has an uncorked bottle of red which he pours two full glasses, and I sit in front of him, eager to dig in.

  “A toast. To the most beautiful girl in the world.”

  It’s sappy. It’s silly. And I love it.

  I clink glasses with him and take a deep sip, forgetting for a moment that I do not like red wine. This one, I do. It is deep and rich in flavor and as I take my first bite of steak I can see why sommeliers make big bucks pairing wine and food.

  “Oh my God, I love this,” I say
after I swallow the first bite.

  “I know,” he says.

  “Ha. Doing your Han Solo impression?”

  “Now that’s a reference I haven’t heard in a long time,” he responds, not skipping a beat.

  “So, we’re both nerds,” I say.

  “Star Wars was a little more my time than yours. Now I’m really into Game of Thrones.”

  I put down my fork to cover my ears.

  “No, no spoilers! I don’t have HBO and the college is cracking down on torrenting. Not that I’d ever do anything like that!”

  “I’ve got all the seasons saved. I’ll binge with you.”

  I take another bite of the delicious steak, imagining sitting in his penthouse on his huge couch, watching on the big screen with a bowl of popcorn.

  Do rich people eat microwave popcorn like us plebs? Or do they have some special fancy “penthouse” brand that only the 1% gets access to? I guess I’ll find out!

  “That would be a step up from watching on my laptop. Now, let me make a toast! Yours was sappy, so mine will be too.”

  He lifts his wine glass expectantly.

  “To the most handsome, best chef in the world.”

  He does a little bow with his head in gratitude as if he is accepting an award and we clink our glasses together.

  We finish the meal and he goes to do the dishes.

  “It’s not fair, you cooked. I should clean.”

  “You’re my guest. You look a little cold!”

  I shiver. The night has cooled. The cabin was warm when Bruce was cooking but the heat has dissipated.

  “I just need you to come warm me up.”

  “It’s always better when you have to wait for it,” he laughs, putting the dishes in the dish-rack. “Now go scurry under the blankets.”

  I do not need to be told twice. I move to the couch and nuzzle under the blankets. I hide, warm and cozy as he finishes up the dishes and comes to join me.

  He walks to the fireplace and I watch him set up a tent of kindling and flick a lighter. The kindling bursts into flame. He blows on it lightly and adds a few small pieces of wood. Within minutes, he has a roaring fire going. The heat coaxes me from under the blankets and I join him on the huge rug in front of the fire.


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