Romancing the R.A. (Campus Crush series)

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Romancing the R.A. (Campus Crush series) Page 3

by Drake, Ashelyn

  Chapter Four

  After the athletic lecture, we’re all led outside where Andy is waiting to take us on a tour of the dorms. My heart skips at the thought of seeing his room. Is that where he’s bringing us? Or will he show us an empty dorm room so we can envision our own stuff in it?

  Julia grabs my hand and pulls me to the front of the group, right behind Andy. He sees me almost immediately and smiles as he continues to point to buildings and rattle off their names. I’m not processing a word. I just stare at his full lips, imagining them on mine. I’m so lost in my daydream I don’t even notice the group has stopped, and Julia has to tug me so I don’t walk straight into Andy’s back. I mouth a silent thank you, and Julia rolls her eyes at me.

  He swipes his key card in the slot next to the door. “This is Mercer Hall, one of the newer dorms on campus. As you can see, no one without a key card can get into the dorms, so you’ll all be perfectly safe in your home away from home.”

  “Think they make him say that?” Julia asks. “It sounds so scripted.”

  I shrug, and my mind goes back to that place, the one that wonders if my entire interaction with Andy has been scripted. How many girls has he flirted with at orientation? There were four orientation dates scheduled in the course of the month, and this is the last of them. It could all be a game to him. Maybe guys don’t grow up at all when they go away to college.

  He holds the door for us, his eyes lingering on mine as I step into the dorm. Damn, his look makes my stomach do flips. I hope his feelings for me are sincere because I’m not sure I can make mine go away.

  “I wish he’d look at me like that,” Julia whispers in my ear as we all crowd around the mailboxes in the lobby.

  “The elevators are right there to your left,” Andy says, pointing the way. We follow like a herd of sheep. Dean Decker made a comment about how freshmen tend to travel in packs. I guess this is good practice. “Now, we won’t all fit inside, so we’ll make a few trips. First group, take the elevator up to the third floor. If anyone wants to take the stairs with me, they’re this way. You’ll find walking the stairs is a good way to get in some exercise between classes.”

  “Stairs it is!” Julia yanks my arm, not that it’s necessary. I’ll follow Andy just about anywhere.

  Andy smiles at me. “Glad to see you aren’t afraid of a little exercise.” He wags an eyebrow, and I wonder if he’s talking about the stairs or…

  “Yum, and have I mentioned yum?” Julia is about to turn into a puddle of drool, so I drag her toward the stairs, my eyes glued to Andy’s ass, which looks amazing in those jeans. Yum is right.

  Every time we turn the corner and head up another flight, Andy looks back at me. And every time, he catches me staring at his ass. By the way he’s smiling, he doesn’t seem to mind. I’m sure he’s used to it. No guy that hot is oblivious to his appearance or the effect it has on girls.

  “So, is this a co-ed dorm?” Julia asks.

  Andy pauses at the door on the third-floor stairwell. “Yes. All the dorms are co-ed, either by floor or by wing.”

  “What does that mean?” I’m already picturing myself living in the same dorm as Andy. Running into him in the hallway, in the bathroom, in his room…

  “Some dorms have girls on even floors and guys on odd. Others, like this one, have girls on the left wing of each floor and guys on the right.”

  “Is this your dorm?” I can’t help asking. I need to know if I’m about to walk into his room.

  He nods. “I guess you could say I’m bearing all on this tour.” He winks at me before he holds the door open and motions for us to go through.

  Julia swoons. “I wish he’d bear all.”

  I do too, but I shoot her a look and hope Andy didn’t hear her. “Would you control yourself?”

  “Why? He’s not into me. What do I have to lose?”

  How about your best friend? I don’t want her comments screwing this up for me. “Do I need to remind you that he’s the dean’s son?”

  “What, you think he’s going to tell his daddy that a freshman girl was making comments about him?”

  She’s right. It was a lame argument. Really I want her to shut up and stop drooling over Andy.

  Andy leads us down the hall to a room across from the elevator, where the rest of our group is waiting. “Good, we’re all here.” He turns to unlock the door—I make a mental note that he’s in room 303—and pushes it open.

  His room. The place where he sleeps, where he changes…I swallow hard at the mental image.

  “If you want to step inside a few at a time, you can check out my room. All the R.As’ rooms, one per floor, are located directly across from the elevators so they’re easy for you to find if you need anything.”

  Oh, I need something all right. Julia elbows me as if she knows what I’m thinking.

  “If you have any questions about dorm policy or if you experience any dorm-related problems, you should see your R.A. He or she will come around to make introductions on the first day of the semester.”

  Again, Andy sounds scripted. I shouldn’t worry about it. This is his job. It’s different than when he and I talk.

  “After you check out the room, you are free to walk around the campus on your own. I believe your schedule is open until dinner. Oh, and don’t forget the social this evening.”

  “Social?” I ask.

  “Yeah, it’s a dance. Well, there’ll be music. Whether you dance or just mingle is completely up to you.” Andy smiles again. What is it about his smile that can make me feel like I’m standing in front of a crowded room with absolutely no clothes on? It unnerves me, while making me feel free at the same time.

  “Where is it?” Julia asks.

  “There’s an event room on the first floor of this dorm. Just go straight past the elevators. You can’t miss it.” His gaze lands on me.

  I’m so mesmerized by him that I don’t even realize Julia and I are the last ones left. Everyone else has toured the room and moved on without us.

  “You’re up,” Andy says. “Don’t mind the mess. I’m not the neatest person on the planet.” I can’t help noticing that he didn’t warn anyone else.

  Julia gives me a gentle shove, and I step around Andy, brushing his chest with my arm. Tingles spread down to my toes, and I turn to face to him. God, I’ve never wanted to kiss anyone this badly. I know Julia would approve of me grabbing Andy and going at it, but that’s not me. These feelings I’m having aren’t me, either. I’m usually so careful with my heart. I’ve seen too many girls get crushed by guys who supposedly loved them. I don’t know much about Andy.

  I force myself to look away, and my eyes land on the swimming trophy on his dresser. “Wow, you must be a really great swimmer.”

  “It’s a team trophy, so I can’t take all the credit.”

  He’s modest. That’s a nice change from the guys I know.

  He’s right about not being all that neat. His closet is overflowing with shoes, and there’s a pile of clothes on his chair. He must catch me staring because he rushes over and scoops up the clothes. “Sorry about that. I was up late, putting in some extra pool time, and I didn’t get a chance to clean up. I overslept this morning so I couldn’t do it then, either.”

  “No problem.” I smile.

  “What’s your event?” Julia asks, and I can’t help wondering if she even knows what that means. I didn’t think she followed swimming. Sure, she watches the Olympics, but I’d be surprised if she pays attention to anything other than the tiny Speedos those guys wear.


  Julia licks her lips. “I would’ve pegged you for the breaststroke.”

  Oh dear God! She did not just say that. I want to die on the spot.

  Andy laughs, and his shoulders shake. He thinks Julia’s hysterical. I’m glad he isn’t offended. Julia has a way with words sometimes. Something small and blue falls from the pile of clothes in Andy’s hands, landing on the floor.

  “I’ll get th
at.” I bend down, wanting to cover up my red face, and pick up Andy’s Speedo. My heart stops, and not because the suit is still damp from his late night swim. My hand shakes, thinking about how this is all that Andy wears in the pool. Good God am I going to become a fan of swimming!

  “Noelle.” Julia motions to the Speedo. “You can give the guy his bathing suit back now.”

  My face gets even warmer, and I awkwardly stand, holding the Speedo out to Andy. “Here.” My voice cracks, giving away how embarrassed I am.

  “Thanks.” Andy’s eyes stare into mine. Yeah, he knows exactly what I was thinking.

  Chapter Five

  “Um, we should probably go find the group or something. I’m sure you have other things to do besides babysitting a couple of incoming freshman.” What the hell am I doing? The last thing I want to do is leave, yet my mouth is just spouting these words out.

  Andy takes a step closer to me. “I don’t mind at all.”

  “Maybe I should be the one to go,” Julia says, starting toward the door. “I can get us checked into our room for the night.”

  Check in time is three o’clock, as if we were staying in a hotel or something instead of college dorm rooms.

  “Hey, why are we touring the dorms if we’re spending the night in one of them?” I don’t know why it never dawned on me before.

  “My dad thinks it’s better for you to see the dorms as they’ll really look once you’re settled in. I guess it cuts down on the surprise when you see where you’re staying for the night, too.” Andy’s gaze is locked on mine like Julia isn’t even in the room.

  “Yeah,” Julia keeps edging toward the door, “so I’ll go check in. Great meeting you, Andy. And, Noelle, I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” She closes the door behind her, leaving me alone with Andy. In his room. Still holding his Speedo. Why hasn’t he taken this thing yet?

  “I’m sorry about her. She—”

  “Obviously knows I’m into you.” His smile widens, and he finally takes the Speedo.

  Holy crap is he honest. “Um—” That’s all I’ve got.

  “I didn’t mean to startle you. If you want to catch up with your friend, I’ll understand. But you’re welcome to stay and hang out with me.”

  My head says go, but my heart won’t listen. “Are you sure you don’t have something else to do? Swim practice maybe?” I motion to the Speedo in his hands.

  “No. No practice today. We had a double session yesterday instead. I’m all yours.”

  I know he doesn’t mean it like that, but my heart races anyway. “So, tell me more about Timberland.” Tell me more about Timberland? What the hell is wrong with me?

  He laughs and tosses his dirty clothes into the bottom of his closet, right on top of the shoes. “You can sit down, you know. Make yourself comfortable.”

  Sit. I only had two options: his desk chair or the bed. I chicken out and slump into the chair.

  He wrinkles his brow. “Isn’t that seat wet from my swimsuit?”

  As soon as he says it, it registers why there’s a sudden coolness seeping into my jean shorts. “Totally wet.” I stand up and look at the dark mark on my butt. “Well, that’s not embarrassing at all.” I roll my eyes, unable to believe what a complete idiot I’m being. I’m alone with Andy in his room. This is what I wanted, so why am I acting so freakin’ lame?

  He laughs. “I’d loan you a blow dryer, but I don’t have one.”

  My underwear is sticking to me in the worst way. “Maybe I should go. I brought a blow dryer with me.”

  His face falls. “Oh. I understand. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  Are we still talking about my wet shorts? “On second thought, maybe I shouldn’t go just yet. I mean, your shirt was wet earlier, thanks to me, and you didn’t change.” I shrug, trying to look casual and act the way I think a college co-ed would. “Besides, it would be a little embarrassing walking out of here like this. Right now you’re the only one who knows about my stupidity.” Of course, he’s the last one I want to see it.

  He laughs again. “Afraid you’ll get a fun nickname like Wet Pants before you even officially start the semester?”

  “You could say that.” That and I have no desire to leave his room.

  “I might have a pair of sweats for you to change into until your shorts dry.”

  Wear his clothes? That would require me getting undressed. Here. In his room.

  “You could change in the bathroom. It’s just down the hall to the right.” He heads for his closet and rummages through it. When he turns around, he’s holding a pair of navy blue sweats. “They’ll be huge on you, but they should work.” He holds them out to me. No way will they fit. I place them up against my body, and the legs continue past my feet. We both laugh. “Okay, maybe not.” He steps closer, closing the distance between us. “Does this mean you won’t stay?”

  Decision time. Am I willing to risk getting hurt by the first guy I met on campus?

  He reaches for my face and gently brushes a few strands of hair behind my shoulder. I shiver at his touch. His eyes fall to my lips, which part slightly as if inviting him in. God, just kiss me already!

  He steps back, and my heart sinks into my stomach. What happened? Why did he stop? Did I do something? All I know is I’m devastated he didn’t kiss me. I search his eyes for some clue, but he turns away before I find one.

  “So, you said you’re undecided on a major?”

  What the hell is that? We’re making small talk again? “Um, I might be leaning towards art.” The words come out as awkwardly as I feel.

  He sits on the bed. “Do you paint, sculpt…? Sorry, I don’t know what else there is. I have no artistic ability whatsoever.”

  “I prefer to work with charcoals. You know, doing sketches, but I paint as well.” Thank God the words are just tumbling out of my mouth because I can’t make any sense of where this conversation came from or where it’s going.

  “Why are you undecided then?” He pats the bed next to him.

  I still can’t believe we’re talking. I should be in his arms, kissing him. “I don’t want to get your bed wet from my shorts.” I’m not sure why I’m arguing with his invitation, but my mind is a jumbled mess right now.

  “It’s my fault your shorts are wet so it’s only fitting.”

  No, my shorts are wet because I’m a fucking coward. Maybe that’s why he didn’t kiss me—because I chose his wet chair over his bed. He probably thinks I’m an inexperienced little high school senior. He pats the bed again, and this time I don’t hesitate. I sit down, angling my body so I’m facing him. I just want to touch him, but I’m not sure if I should make the first move so I bring my knee up so it’s leaning against his. “My parents don’t want me to major in art. They want me to pick something ‘I can actually use one day’.” I make air quotes to show those are their words, not mine.

  Andy shakes his head. “Screw what’s useful. I’d rather have a job I love, even if it doesn’t pay as well.”

  “Then why are you majoring in business?” I’m calling him out, trying to figure out if he’s for real or not.

  “I want to own a restaurant one day. One that serves nothing but omelets, every kind imaginable.”

  “Omelets? I would’ve expected you to say a frozen yogurt shop.” I lift my eyes, meeting his gaze, challenging him. I’m right here. Just kiss me!

  “I’m not really in it for the yogurt. It’s all about the sprinkles.” He smiles, and his hand finds my knee, tracing circles on it. “Now, if I could find a way to use sprinkles in an omelet, I’d be all set.” His touch sends goose bumps down my legs, which he acknowledges with a smile. I slide closer to him on the bed. “Why aren’t you majoring in cooking if that’s what you really want to do?” What I really want to know is why he’s touching my knee when it’s clear he wants to be touching more than just my leg.

  He shrugs. “Probably for the same reason you aren’t majoring in art. My parents wanted me to have a degree that was more v
ersatile. I’m minoring in cooking, though. Timberland doesn’t offer cooking as anything more than that anyway.”

  “What made you come here then?” Our shoulders are pressed together now, and his hand finds the hem of my shorts.

  “Full ride.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t get any special treatment because your dad is the dean?” It’s like we’re having two conversations, one with words and one with our bodies, which are dying to get to know each other better.

  “I came here on a swimming scholarship. My dad became dean after I enrolled. He took the position after my first semester.”

  “Makes sense.” What doesn’t make sense is why he hasn’t kissed me yet.


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