The Mane Attraction

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The Mane Attraction Page 27

by Shelly Laurenston

  “You did?” Mitch was usually pretty good about knowing when someone was putting something in or taking it out of his pocket. One of his favorite aunts was a notorious pickpocket, and she’d taught him a few things. But Sissy would have done her proud. Because when he grabbed the sports jacket he’d tossed onto the seat beside him and dug into the pocket, he found a black lace thong buried inside.

  “When did you take these off?”

  “When the aunts were arguing over the shoes.”

  Mitch shoved the thong back into his pocket and started to slide out of the booth. “Time to go.”

  “No. No, Mitchell Shaw.” Sissy’s smile was cruel and wicked at the same time. “You promised me a date, and a date I shall have.”

  “Oh, come on!”

  She pointed at the part of the booth where he’d been sitting. “You just put your butt back there, mister. So we can finish our date all properlike.”

  With a heartfelt sigh, Mitch slid back across from her. “Can I at least sniff your thong?”

  “Only when you’re in the bathroom. Don’t want anyone to think we’re tacky now, do we?”

  Sissy rested back in that lovely booth, her feet in Mitch’s lap under the table. Their meal long since finished, they talked, and Mitch rubbed her feet, paying special attention to her instep.

  “Okay, so what were you like when you were fourteen?”

  Sissy laughed. “Fourteen? Why did you pull that number out of your ass?”

  “I didn’t. It’s the one age you never discuss. You’ve discussed up to you turning thirteen when you said you woke up one day and boom, there were breasts. And when you were fifteen and started building cars. So what are you leaving out? What was Sissy Mae Smith like at fourteen?”

  “I was mean, Mitch. I was really mean.”

  “You sound like you regret it.”

  “No.” And she realized she wasn’t lying. “I don’t regret it. I regret some of the things I did, but that’s not to say I wouldn’t have done them again if the situation called for it.”

  “Words of a true Alpha.”

  “Yeah. I guess. But it’s hard to grow up a Smith and not be a little bit ...”


  Sissy scowled. “I was going to say a little bit mean.”

  “Yeah, but Smitty isn’t mean.”

  “Bobby Ray has selective memory. He may be nice when it suits him, but Lord help you if you cross that boy.”

  “I try not to. I need the job until I testify.”

  “I remember once back when we were at the mall and this bear, a big ol’ buck, grabbed Jessie Ann’s ass. Now we weren’t hanging together, but we were at the bookstore checking out the car magazines at the same time, and Jessie Ann was in the geek section—”

  “And that’s the rest of the bookstore, I’m guessing.”

  “Cute. Anyway, she did one of her ineffectual wild slaps, but I was surprised because Bobby Ray didn’t say anything. Up to this point, he was constantly protecting her. Found out he and the Reed boys waited for that bear outside the bowling alley a week later. Beat the shit out of him. He was big, too, so I think two-by-fours were used, but don’t quote me on that.”

  “You knew then, didn’t you?”

  “Knew what?”

  “That Smitty and Jessie Ann were—”

  “Made for each other? Yeah, I knew. I was surprised he left for the Navy without her. Hell, I was surprised he hadn’t gotten her pregnant by then. If nothing else, they’ll have cute kids. They’ll be insane hybrids with large heads, but cute.” That made Mitch laugh.

  “What about you?” she asked. “What were you like at fourteen?”

  Mitch thought about it a minute and answered honestly. “Horny.”

  “You’re horny now.”

  “I was hornier then.”

  “That is truly scary.”

  “Thank Christ I was the only male cub in the house at the time. I had my own room. I jerked off constantly.”

  Sissy laughed. “Thank you for that little detail.”

  “You asked me a question. I was trying to be as forthcoming as possible.”

  “Did you get in a lot of fights?”

  He snorted. “I was six-two by the time I was thirteen. Only the seniors tried to fuck with me, but they stopped after they met Brendon.” He grinned. “The first time he met me, I had a black eye, and he lost his mind. I told him who did it because I didn’t think he really cared. He beat the fuck out of that guy. In Philly, that’s a definite sign of caring.”

  “So how come you didn’t trust him? How come you gave him such a hard time?”

  “Because I was fourteen. And Marissa. Now she was mean.”

  “You know now, though, right? How much they love you?”

  “You’re not letting that go, are you?”

  “Because you need to know. Look, I know Travis couldn’t care less if I lived or died. Same thing with Jackie. Donnie could go either way. But it’s knowing that Bobby Ray and Sammy love me and would protect me that makes up for the others. You need to know how much they love you. ’Cause let me tell you, coming down here is not one of Brendon’s favorite things.”

  “Really?” And Mitch looked really perplexed. “ ’Cause I like it here a lot.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. It’s nice. Quiet.”

  Sissy started to say something, but she was distracted when the waitress came by yet again. When she stood there and didn’t move, Sissy glared up at her, making the girl step back.

  “Is there something you want, darlin’?”

  “Um ...” The little full-human swallowed. “We’re actually closing ... or are closed ... or whatever. But feel free to stay!” she spit out in a rush before running off.

  Mitch looked around. “Shit. We’re the only customers left.”

  Sissy laughed again. “Maybe it is time to go home then.”

  Slowly, Mitch looked at her, that gold gaze stripping her naked right there. “I think that’s a very good idea,” he growled.

  Leaning across the table, Sissy snarled, “Then you better move that fine ass, hoss. I’m gettin’ needy.”

  Chapter 24

  They didn’t even make it out of the car. One second, Mitch was shutting off the ignition, the next he had a persistent and determined Sissy Mae in his lap. With remarkable speed, she had the seat and him flat—Mitch didn’t even know if seats on the Barracuda could recline back. Yet he had the distinct feeling if they couldn’t, that would be the first thing Sissy and Ronnie Lee would rectify.

  Even with the side windows open, they still managed to steam up the back window, and Mitch already had the top part of Sissy’s dress down around her waist.

  To be honest, he’d never enjoyed making out in a car so much before.

  Mitch pulled Sissy’s head to the side and began to kiss her neck and shoulder—that’s when he saw them watching.


  Sissy jumped. “What? What’s—” Her eyes narrowed, and he saw her fangs slide out as she stared out the driver’s side window. “What the hell are you old bitches doin’?”

  “Sissy Mae,” Francine explained primly, although she looked more than a little amused, “only whores sleep with a man on the first date.”

  “I’m really beginning to hate you.”

  Janette leaned in a little and looked around the car. “Nice. But Ronnie Lee will have your ass if you screw around in her car.”

  “Go. Away.”

  Darla seemed thoughtful as she stared at Sissy. “You’ve got titties just like your momma.”

  “That is it!” Sissy sat straight up and immediately slammed her head on the roof. “Goddamnit!”

  “Mouth like her momma, too,” Francine laughed. She motioned to her sisters. “Let’s leave these lovepups to their business. We left you children dessert. Enjoy.”

  Sissy rubbed the back of her head and stared down at Mitch. “Would it have been that horrible to be an orphan? I mean, really?”

>   Mitch shrugged. “I like ’em.”

  “Fine. They can be your aunts then.” She rested against his chest, and he pushed her hand out of the way so he could rub the back of her head.

  “They only bust your balls because they like you as much as they love you. It’s a compliment.”

  “Whatever.” She settled a little more against his chest.



  “They left us dessert.”

  Her head came up off his chest as if in slow motion, and those light brown eyes stared at him behind lowered brows. “And?” she asked, pretty much daring him to say the words.

  “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Dessert will be great later. Much later.”

  She sniffed, as arrogant as any lioness, and rested back against his chest.

  The mood broken by her damn aunts, Sissy went in the house fully expecting to start cutting the pies or cakes they’d probably left behind. But when she turned around to ask Mitch if he wanted coffee, she found him staring at her like she was a wounded impala.

  “What?” She glanced down at herself and ... nope. Everything was in order. She’d pulled her top back up before leaving the car since she wouldn’t put it past more of her relatives to be hanging around.

  “Come here.” She took a step, and Mitch held his hand up, halting her. “Take off the dress.”

  No problem there. She hated the damn thing. In Sissy’s estimation, dresses had been devised to slow women down when they needed to run away. The straps on her shoulders were already untied, and she tugged down the tight bodice until her breasts were bare. She pushed the dress past her hips and to the floor.

  He chuckled. “Where are the shoes, baby?”

  “Uh ... under the table at the restaurant.” Sissy put her hands on her hips. “Think you can manage without the shoes?”

  “I guess. But don’t you think they do wonders highlighting my calves?”

  It started off as a small snort, and then Sissy was doubled over on the couch laughing. Mitch had a way of doing that to her. Making her hot one second and laughing hysterically the next. When he could do both at the same time, she’d be so screwed.

  When Mitch rolled her onto her back, he was already naked. He lifted her up, carrying her in his arms as he went up the stairs. He took her into her bedroom and dumped her on the bed. After she stopped laughing, she looked up at him.

  “Are you ready for me, Sissy Mae?”

  She snorted again. “You have to stop.”

  Mitch put his hands on his hips, raised an eyebrow, and said, “Ready to partake of this level of perfection?”

  “I am begging you to stop.”

  He turned his head away, lifted his chin. “Of this true symbol of all that is good and right in men?”

  And that’s when Sissy lost it again, rolling back and forth on the bed, tears streaming down her face.

  The bed dipped, and Mitch grabbed hold of Sissy’s ankles, pulling her legs apart before he dragged her down to him. He wrapped her legs around his waist and dropped forward, catching himself with his hands. He hovered above her, his eyes watching her.

  “Christ, I love making you laugh.”

  And he said it with such feeling that Sissy went warm and dripping, pushing herself up on her elbows and capturing Mitch’s mouth with her own. He groaned and relaxed into her, pressing her into the bed with his weight.

  With Mitch’s forearms braced on either side of Sissy’s head, their kiss became deeper, more intense. He slid inside her, and Sissy pulled her knees up, trying to pull him in further. Her hands reached down and gripped his ass, squeezing and digging her fingers into the taut flesh.

  Something was different, and Sissy wasn’t sure what. And she couldn’t even focus long enough to figure it out. Mitch’s thrusts were slow, deep, and powerful. Afraid she’d lose control and unleash her claws or—more importantly—her fangs, Sissy wrapped one arm around his neck, holding Mitch to her. Her free hand reached back and grabbed hold of the headboard. She felt like it was the only thing anchoring her to this world, to this moment. Damned if at times like these she wouldn’t follow the man like a puppy after a tennis ball.

  With him completely surrounding her, Sissy should have felt trapped. She should have been fighting to get out from under, to be right on top, taking control. She always took control. But she loved what he was doing to her, and she didn’t want to fight it.

  So she didn’t. She didn’t fight Mitch or herself. She simply held on to him and her headboard and let him take her wherever he wanted to go.

  Something was different. Different ... and ... and so damn amazing. Mitch didn’t know what to do with himself. Sissy was warm and solid underneath him, her breath a soft pant in his ear.

  He held her face between his hands and kissed her jaw, her cheeks, her neck. When he kissed her mouth, her grip on him tightened, and her body began to shake beneath his.

  Mitch placed his palms flat against the mattress on either side of Sissy and raised himself over her. He took her slower but harder, watching her face to see what each thrust did to her. Watching to see if she was feeling anything close to what he was feeling.

  Her eyes fluttered open, and her gaze caught his. Her arms reached up, and those long fingers speared into his hair, massaging his scalp until he was purring her name. Then Sissy’s eyes clouded, her breath catching in her throat. Mitch held off his release, instead choosing to watch Sissy’s. She came so beautifully, torso arching, head thrown back. She bit her lip and looked away from him. But he kept fucking her until a sob burst from her and she climaxed again. She didn’t hold anything back this time. Simply pulled him down until she could bury her face against his neck, short, hard breaths racing against his skin.

  Mitch came then. Buried deep inside her, holding her to him.

  They didn’t have much time together, but the time they were together Mitch knew he’d never forget.

  Chapter 25

  Paula Jo Barron, head lioness of the Barron Pride, read her newspaper and drank her beer. Some days she was so bored. Like today. It was too hot and muggy outside to do anything but sit around and sweat. And although her bar was nice and cold from the air conditioning, there wasn’t much to do here. She’d already done payroll, and she wasn’t in the mood to beat one of her sisters yet again at pool. And the football game in Smithtown didn’t start until three o’clock tomorrow. Hell, to watch those bears kick the Smith Pack’s collective ass for another year in a row, Paula Jo would risk life and limb crossing territorial lines.

  But really, it was days like these where Paula Jo thought about leaving. What would it be like to leave her little town behind and find a new place? To move to a big city like Nashville or a whole other state like Texas? What would it be like to not always be here?

  But as soon as the thoughts came in her head, they went right back out again. How could she leave? She didn’t trust either of her sisters to run the Pride. She definitely didn’t trust her crazy aunts. The current pair of males they had probably wouldn’t last much longer, and Paula Jo knew Karen Jane would only choose the replacements by following whatever her crotch told her to do and Lucy would be suckered by the first pretty face and sweet talker who came along.

  Besides, if she left, what would she do for money? The Barrons were not wealthy and probably never would be. True, they weren’t dirt poor either, but last month when the roof nearly caved in, they’d had to put in for a loan to fix it. It’s not like they had the money simply sitting around waiting to be used.

  Must be nice, she thought with only a little less bitterness than usual.

  And that’s when she walked in.

  Definitely a lioness. It wasn’t only her scent that gave her away, but also the way she moved. The way her gold eyes sized up the entire room. And even though she’d cut her hair so it was short and up around her ears, it couldn’t be mistaken for anything but the gold mane of hair that it was. True, it would never be like the males’ manes, but in Paula’
s estimation, every predator female had a little butch in her.

  The problem at the moment, however, was that this was not a lioness of Paula Jo’s Pride. She was an outsider, and Paula Jo ran outsiders off.

  The woman’s eyes caught sight of her, and instead of making a run for it, she walked over, a backpack slung over her shoulder. She wore loose khaki pants with lots of pockets and a tight white T-shirt. Paula Jo also smelled gun oil coming from her.

  This female was armed.

  Paula Jo glanced back at Lucy, and her little sister slipped out the back door to get the men. Other than breeding, the only use the big bastards had was for protection. Right now, their lazy asses were asleep under one of the trees out back after Karen Jane had gotten them fed.

  If they would only get a day job, Paula Jo wouldn’t mind them staying, but lazy was lazy. And Paula Jo had no time or patience for it.

  The woman stopped in front of her. “You run this place?” she asked. And she wasn’t talking about the bar. Nor was she talking like a true Southerner. A Yankee. Eww.

  “I do. What can I do for ya ... before you leave?”

  “How’d you like to make some money?”

  Paula Jo slowly sat up straight, dropping her legs to the floor as Lucy came back into the bar, the males right behind her, yawning and rubbing their eyes. Yup, they’d been asleep again.


  A thud on the table had Paula Jo glancing back at the female and then down at the table. She’d dropped a wad of cash on that old wood, big enough to choke a buffalo.

  “This is the first half. Help me out, and there’s another half.”

  Karen Jane, always good with numbers after her stint as a stripper, grabbed the stack and quickly flipped through it.

  “At least ten thousand,” she said to Paula Jo.

  Lord, who do we have to kill for twenty thousand?

  “What do you want?”

  “All I need is for you to be a”—and the lioness grinned, showing fangs—“distraction.”

  “You need to go!”


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