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Psycho (and Psychic) Games (The SDF Paranormal Mysteries Book 2)

Page 28

by Amie Gibbons

  Grant nodded, not taking his eyes off Carvi. He used the arm not around my back to pull another gun from his hip and pointed it at Carvi.

  I was willin’ to bet a whole farm it was filled with silver bullets too.

  “You’re surrounded,” Grant said. “You don’t get her. She’s ours.”

  “Oh?” Carvi’s eyebrows went up and my stomach followed. He was inching his power in, ready to smother both of us. “The FBI’s?”

  “No,” another voice said from the door.

  My head snapped towards the door.

  “She’s the FBI’s, and mine,” Quil growled from the doorway, walkin’ right in.

  How did he get in without an invite?

  Maybe cuz this place was Carvi’s home too, it made it enough vamp and not enough human? Or something like that.

  “And when Grant said you were surrounded,” Quil said, “he didn’t mean by just FBI agents. I don’t want to start a war, but you came into our territory uninvited. And now you are threatening my girl.”

  The implication that he’d start a war if he had to came out loud and clear.

  War, no matter how small and secret, means death, and lots of it, on both sides. No one was going to war over me.

  “No, he’s not.” I slid off Grant’s lap and walked to Quil. “We’ve been negotiating.”

  I stopped in front of him, smiling so hard it hurt. “Hi,” I said.

  His eyes glowed with far too much emotion. I wanted, no, needed to touch him.

  Quil’s eyes left Carvi and found mine. “Hey, sweets.” His voice broke and suddenly I was in his arms, being held so tight I thought I’d melt into him, clothing and all, and breathed him in. He smelled like he always did, almost spicy, and yet so male.

  “We’re going to negotiate,” I said, raisin’ my voice. “Right, Carvi?”

  I didn’t turn from Quil. His soft, sweet features thawed as he let me go back just enough for his lips to find mine. He kissed me with strength, and passion, and all the terror he felt when I was missin’.

  I couldn’t do much against those lips, against those arms, just go into them, give back what I could, and take the rest.

  “Hi,” I said breathlessly when he let me go.

  “You said that.”

  “I know, I thought it bore repeating.”

  “You’re okay?” His hands ran up and down my arms, almost exactly like Carvi’s had earlier.

  “I am now. I missed you.”

  His arms went around my waist again. “I missed you too.”

  “This is lovely, really it is,” Carvi drawled. “But it’s a little on the boring side. To spice things up, I vote for a group bath.”

  I sighed and turned in Quil’s arms, leaning back against him as we faced Carvi.

  Carvi landed the full force of that seductive smile on me. I pressed into Quil’s body.

  “We have a bit of a pickle to work out,” Carvi said.

  I took a deep breath. “Negotiation time. There’s no reason we can’t all come out of this happy.”

  “A good negotiation means no one is happy,” Carvi said.

  “No,” I said, “a good negotiation means everyone is happy. That whole no one is happy thing is a compromise. A negotiation is a business deal. If you’re not happy, don’t make the deal.”

  “Speaking my language now. Respect.”

  “Mama was a lawyer before she became an author. Stuff like business deals are negotiations, stuff like criminal pleas and civil settlements are compromises. Gotta know the difference. So, can we start treatin’ this like a business deal instead of a hostage situation, and negotiate?”

  He smirked. “Fine.”

  “And can we make it fast? We got a serial killer to catch. Oh!” I looked at Grant. “Sir, I know how he got the money. He’s basically been selling his victim’s souls across the lines into the Other Side for money. The demons have bank accounts and workers on this side.”

  Grant didn’t twitch but something in his eyes lit up with the ah-ha moment.

  He nodded and pulled out his phone. “Agents from the Knoxville office are already on his trail and the ones lent to us are on their way back.”

  He walked away to call and tell them and I turned my attention back to Carvi.

  “Okay,” I said, “you want me to go with you permanently. I don’t want to. But I do want to help.”

  “What terms are you suggesting?” Carvi’s smirk was back.

  “My terms are, you and Quil both give your word to not kill each other, cuz I think you’re gonna send someone after him.”

  “Give me a little credit, lea,” Carvi said. “Only a coward finishes another so indirectly.”

  “I call it efficient, but whatever. If you do go after Quil, then a lot of vamps are gonna be learning some verrrrry strange things about you.”

  “So, it’s to be blackmail between us?”

  “Yup. And that’s the first of my conditions. You leave the Nashville nest alone, except Jade, and we keep your big secret. Or a few of them, actually.”

  “It’s no secret I can turn into a snake.” Carvi waved it off.

  It was my turn to smirk. “I’ve still got age and abilities you’ve said are secrets,” I said.

  He nodded, a quick jerk of his head.

  “Condition number two: Quil’s in the movement. Accept that and work with him. You’re gonna need the nest, and him, and since you’re not gonna kill him, letting him into your clubhouse is pretty much your only option.” I got a smile out of Carvi for that one. “Third condition: no killing any of us. None of Quil’s vamps, no one in the FBI, just restrain yourself.”

  “And in return, I get what?”

  I was pretty sure I didn’t like how his eyebrows went up, but at least he kept his tone to himself. I’d had quite enough of his emotions spilling over me.

  “My help.”


  “With the movement, with the next big step you have in it.”

  “One time? That’s all I get for holding up my side of not starting a war? Oh no, lea. You will have to do better than that.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Help with whatever I ask. You will come down to Miami when I have need.”

  I shook my head, but it was Grant who stepped in as he tucked his phone away.

  “No.” His cold voice froze the air with that one little word. “She will not be at your beck and call. There will be a limited number of favors. Three sounds fair to me.”

  Carvi laughed, makin’ me shiver.

  I wanted to step back from the touchable air, but Quil held firm behind me.

  Carvi’s eyes were suddenly on mine.

  Heat blazed in my groin. His gold eyes dissolved into fire and they whooshed down my body, kissing my neck, caressing my nipples, tightening my stomach, licking my most delicate parts, tickling my legs and feet.

  My hands clamped down on Quil’s, my nails digging into his flesh.

  He said something I couldn’t hear through the roar in my head.

  “Whatever number we agree on,” Carvi whispered through me, “know this, lea, part of the deal will include fucking you.”

  I closed my eyes and collapsed in Quil’s arms, breaking Carvi’s hold.

  “No!” I shouted in my mind at him.

  I panted as I stood and forced my eyes open, keeping them off Carvi’s.

  “We already said that wasn’t happening,” I said, leaning heavily against Quil. “Name a number we can negotiate from, but you don’t get me.”

  Grant pulled his gun and stepped in front of me, almost fast as a vamp.

  He trained his gun on the vamp.

  “A number.” His tone broke no arguments.

  “I negotiate with her,” Carvi said. “If you want in, you’ll give me something.”

  I could image what that something would be.

  “Don’t do it, Grant,” I said.

  But he spoke over me. “What?”

  “You strike me as a very
heterosexual man’s man. One night with you, and I’ll agree to five favors. And I don’t mean tiny tidbit favors. I mean, I need her for a summit, or an important week, and she’s there.”

  “Nice try. Agree to three, or be shot.”

  “I’ll be on you before you finish pulling the trigger. I don’t give anything for nothing. We’re negotiating. Make me a counter offer.”

  “I stand at three.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Five and you don’t touch Grant,” I said loudly.

  “You in his place then, mei lea.”

  “You really need to put the kibosh on that nickname. I’m not letting you rape me either.”

  “You would enjoy it,” Carvi protested as Grant stepped to my side, keeping his gun on the vamp, ready to jump back in if Carvi got frisky.

  “Still rape,” I said. “It’s just the coercion kind instead of the force kind. So it’s still no.”

  “I don’t get to kill Quil. I don’t get to have sex with anyone. What do you leave me with to negotiate down your number, lea?”

  “What number are you on without sex?”

  He eyed me carefully. “Ten.”

  I opened my mouth to agree, and Grant must’ve sensed it cuz he stepped back in front of me again. “No.”

  “No?” I asked. “Why?”

  “It’s too much. This movement of yours will be dangerous,” Grant said. “That’s why you need a psychic to keep an eye on things. Ariana may not survive ten of your favors.”

  I didn’t even think of that.

  Which is probably why Grant stepped in.

  “What about blood?” I asked as Grant inched to the side again.

  Quil’s arms froze solid around me and I rubbed his hands.

  I know. I know what I’m doing.

  “If I give you blood, what number would you agree to?” I held up a finger as he opened his mouth. “Remembering that you are surrounded and will not survive, even if you do take some of us down with you.”

  “You play a hard game.” Carvi’s lips curled. “How many feedings?”

  Oh. “I was thinking one.”

  “Just once?” Those lips went up a titch more. “No, no. To even take you down one favor, you would have to agree to at least...” He hemmed and hawed for a moment. “Five feedings.”

  “Now you’re just pushing it cuz I started to negotiate.” I huffed. “Five feedings to get me down to five favors.”

  “Not going to happen, lea.”

  “You only said five for sex cuz you knew I’d say no.”

  Carvi shrugged. “I need a psychic for the foreseeable future. Ten is the lowest I am willing to offer.” His gaze went up to behind my head. “Unless Aquila is willing to give me a night?”

  “I said no before, Carvi,” Quil said. “And now, I most certainly do. I would not survive a night with you considering your anger at me.”

  “No.” Carvi’s arrogant little smirk was getting old. “But I’d save the actual killing until the end of the night.”

  “And we’re back to that.” I tried to toss my hands up but Quil had a pretty good lock around my arms. “What did I just say? No killing Quil. Come on, Carvi. Give me something to work with. I just said I wanted to help.”

  “Then go with ten.” Carvi stared at me and I didn’t meet his eyes. “Giving blood is practically fucking for us. Why would you be so eager for that, but so unwilling to fuck me?”

  “Cuz I don’t see giving blood as being quite as bad as sex. I don’t see it as cheating.”

  He winked at me. “And earlier wasn’t?”

  Quil stiffened behind me. “What happened earlier?”

  I glared at Carvi. “What happened was he whammied me. That’s not cheating, Carvi. It’s assault.”

  “You wanted it.”

  “And we’re back to the whole no thing.”

  “You didn’t say no.”

  “I was under the influence of your powers. Magical roofie.”

  “A roofie knocks you out. This was more like magical martini, just made you more willing.” He winked at me.

  I glared harder. The nerve!

  And the worst part? I didn’t know how much was his influence and how much of it was met wantin’ to give in to it.

  “Anyway,” I said, “five favors, feeding each time. Deal?”

  He snorted. “You are too innocent to live.”

  Huh? Where did that come from?

  “Which is one reason I want to keep her favors to you to a small number,” Grant said. “She’s not a politician, and that is a part of your game. I don’t want her thrown into it and treated like a pawn.”

  “After the favors are over, I’ll still probably help if I can,” I said. “I just don’t want to be obligated for the rest of my life, however long that may be.”

  “I would like to keep you alive for quite some time,” Carvi said. “For now, we shall negotiate. Seven favors, with blood from you each time you come down to do one, and once before I leave for Miami.”

  Sounded good to me.

  “Five, with blood each time and the once thrown in tomorrow,” Grant said, his voice as cold as it ever got.

  The penguins were shivering clear down at their pole from Grant’s voice alone.

  “He really can’t keep his nose out, can he?” Carvi asked me before turning his attention to Grant. “If you care so much, Agent Grant, then you’re in the bargain. The five favors. Blood from you and Ariana those five times. And I want a taste of you to seal our pact tonight.”

  “Done.” Grant gave a hard nod and held out his hand.

  “We don’t shake hands.” Carvi’s smile was more than just arrogant, it was downright predatory. “A kiss, from you and her, to seal this pact. Then we can all go home. After your blood, of course.”

  “You can have a kiss from me, since I’m the one this bargain’s really for,” I said.

  “Trying to protect your Grant’s delicate sensibilities?” Carvi mocked. “Feeding on him will be far more intimate and arousing than any kiss.”

  “Still, the deal’s with me. This is my show. You’re getting your blood, that’s bad enough.”

  “Bad? You don’t want to know the true meaning of that word.” Carvi walked towards us and Quil held me tight.

  “Quil.” I rubbed his hands and he let go of my arms.

  “I don’t like this,” he whispered.

  “Neither do I,” I said, watching Carvi approach, heart rate pickin’ up.

  I wonder if this is how mice feel when they know the cat has them.

  Or the snake has them.

  Carvi took my hands and pulled me away from the guys. “We’ll have to work on your powers. On you keeping your mind open for danger. Otherwise my favors really will get you killed. Meaning training sessions with me.”

  “Agreed.” I nodded with it.

  “Starting now. When I kiss you, open your mind. Imagine it is a box, you only have to open the top, and want, more then you’ve ever wanted anything, to know if there’s danger out there for you. Passion kicks it up a notch.”

  “Do you think there’s someone out there right now?” I asked.

  “I know there is. Grant brought a shooter, he smells good, some spicy mixed blood in there. And there’s another FBI, and he smells like attitude, New York if I had to guess.”

  Jet and Dan. So Jet was the shooter I’d saved Carvi from?

  Something about that bugged me.

  “And then there’s at least one other vampire out there,” Carvi said. “Smells an awful lot like the Nazis I used to know.”

  “You hung out with Nazis!” I said, pullin’ back.

  His lip curled up. Another real reaction. “Only if that’s what got me in to kill them. How many Jews you know who took the side of the Nazis?”

  “Soros,” I said without having to think.

  Carvi burst out laughing. “Touché.”

  “You’re Jewish?” I asked. “Huh, didn’t know that.”

he meant someone smelled German, it was probably Stephanie, the nest’s demolitions expert. She was young, maybe undead ten years, if that, and she’d been a bomb maker in a company who worked with the Navy.

  And despite being a bitch, she was damn good at her job.

  “You can smell race?” I asked.

  “Ethnicity,” he said. “To a certain extent, and only if the person is close. I can’t tell you what color someone appears since that is just skin deep, but I can tell you if they’re half Filipino. Filipino European mixes are my favorite flavor.”

  He met my eyes and licked his lips. “Whatever you are is coming in close second though.”

  “What am I?” I whispered.

  “I can’t tell.” He lowered his face to mine, talkin’ into my open mouth so quietly I’d think it was in my head if I didn’t feel the movement of the air. “Not all human, I can tell you that, but not much more. It’s hot.”

  Carvi pulled me into him as tightly as Quil had, melding our bodies together so much better since he was about three inches shorter than Quil.

  One arm wrapped around my waist while another went for my head. His lips brushed mine as light as a dream before he went in fully.

  If we were in cartoon world, my hair would’ve been sticking straight up and my shoes, had I been wearing any, would’ve flown off.

  He could kiss.

  He kissed me with soft lips, an expertly stroking tongue, tickling fingers, and a body that almost seemed to press against mine in rhythm with his mouth.

  I realized the small noises were me as my arms encircled his waist, sliding under his shirt so I could caress the cool skin underneath.

  I opened my eyes and we were in a ballroom. The floor and walls shifted so I couldn’t grasp a color.

  Carvi and I parted but some part of me could still feel his mouth on mine, his tongue in my mouth.

  “This is the mind meld thing Milo did,” I said.

  “Yes,” Carvi said. “Inside the mind, time seems to travel slower.”

  He grabbed me, takin’ me to the ground so skillfully I was on my back on the hard floor without jarring me.

  Soft classical music played in the background.

  Carvi kneed my legs apart and lay on top of me, a long line of skin.

  We were both naked.

  He kissed me, the echo of it in the real world makin’ it toe curling.

  I wrapped my legs around him as our mouths broke apart and he moved against me, long length of him rubbin’ against my front.


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