BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)

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BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha) Page 19

by Addae, Sydney

  Inwardly she smiled and waited for him to come closer. A few minutes later the shower turned off and he walked out the door with a towel around his waist wiping his reddish blond curly hair and full beard. “Glad you decided to wake up and join the party, Asia. Welcome home, we have missed you. How are you feeling?”

  “Like there is a knife stuck in my chest. Who the hell are you?”

  “I am your new lover, call me whatever you like.”

  “Asshole? Bastard? Dick?”

  “Master or Lord, either of those will be correct,” he said darkly.

  “Really? You’re joking.” She baited him, hoping he would lose it again so she could take him off guard.

  “No, you have been given to me as a reward for faithful service. And you will obey me.”

  “Okay.” She continued to meet his glare while planning his demise.

  He laughed.

  She smiled.

  “You are a feisty bitch. I have heard many stories about you. I begin to believe they are true.” He crossed his massive arms over his chest. “How does one win your loyalty? Or does La Patron control that as well?”

  “He is Alpha of the continent.”

  “But you are not linked to him, why is that? Too hardhead? Too stubborn? Or are you such a mutt he wants nothing to do with you?” He sneered.

  She did not bother responding; instead she used that time to plan the steps for his execution. It would be quicker than she would like, but time was of the essence. She was sure this place was like another place she had worked briefly and would collapse without him to key in the correct codes. She could pull out the blade and throw it at him, pinning him to the wall and then break his neck. That would take about ten seconds, she thought.

  “Not that it matters, we will be leaving here soon and you will be off the radar to him and the rest of the world.” He moved to a wall and slid open a door which led to a closet. He stepped in and a few moments later he stepped out fully dressed. He glanced at her with a frown. “You’re no fun today at all. I keep giving you opportunities to escape…well to try and escape anyway. But you don’t use them. How am I supposed to have any fun with my new toys when you won’t play?”

  “Sorry, I did not know the rules to the game. Perhaps you can explain them to me,” she said dryly.

  He laughed. “I suppose I should. Otherwise, this could go on for hours and we don’t have that kind of time.” He paused and picked up a briefcase.

  She continued planning. Looking at the titanium cuff on the table, she could pull it off and throw it with such force that it would split his scalp in two. That was another possibility she thought while watching him pick up a goldish looking band.

  “This is one of our newest devices, doesn’t work on everybody though. But it is powerful.” He replaced it in the briefcase. “We won’t use it on you, you have enough going on. What I do have for you is this.” He held up what looked like a plastic water pistol. “It is an interrupter. Supposed to shut down your system, not quite sure how it works, I just know that it does.”

  She looked at the device and then at him. “Mistress I am going to need your help.”

  “You have it.”

  “He has a device that may short-circuit my brain.”


  “I am not explaining it correctly. It is an electrical device that interrupts the commands from reaching their proper location. For instance, I want to remove the knife, my arm lifts and carries out the command. The device stops my arm from obeying me because it does not get the message what I want to do. Does that make sense?”

  “Kind of. What do I need to do?”

  “When he shoots me can you absorb it? If that is the only weapon he has, I will kill him once he discharges and thinks I am harmless.”

  “Okay, Silas is going to help with this... we have you covered.”

  Asia did not have time to respond before he fired. Heat raced through her body, causing her limbs to violently shake. Her head rose and hit the back of the table a few times as a cool stream shot through her, sucking in the heat. Gasping for air, she continued to shake as she watched him smiling at a distance.

  He glanced at his watch and snapped the briefcase close. Every few seconds she exaggerated a twitch while waiting for him to come closer. He pulled something from the table and snapped it around his neck.

  Recognizing the collar he wore, she realized the game had changed. With a hard pull she snapped the metal holding her arm, grabbed the knife from her chest and sent it whizzing through the air into his shoulder. He hit the wall behind him with a loud thunk. She pulled her other arm free and then grabbed the cuffs from her legs. The hole in her chest had healed by the time she was free and he was struggling against the wall. When he saw her coming toward him, he hulked up, except he wasn’t human or wolf. He resembled a jackal, which was fitting.

  “Bitch,” he hissed as he pulled the knife from his shoulder and threw it at her. She didn’t bother replying; instead she threw one jagged metal cuff into his eye and the other into his crotch. His scream of pain and outrage rattled the windows. Moving at a steady pace, she grabbed the long knife from the floor where it had clattered and threw it toward his other eye. He blocked it with his forearm. It clattered to the floor across the room. Blood dripped from his eye down his chin. Baring long incisors, he moved in her direction.

  “Kill you,” he hissed, his one good eye locked on her.

  The only way to destroy him while collared was to separate his head, which was now doubled in size, from his body. Sprinting forward, she dropped and slammed her fist into his crotch. He doubled over and reached for her. She slid between his legs and jumped up behind him.

  He swung wildly, his meaty fist flying over her head spinning him around. She punched him in the jaw and then the eye that had been destroyed by the cuff.

  His head snapped backward and he stumbled. He roared as he swung blindly at her again.

  She ducked and jumped back, kicking him hard between his legs again. This time he fell to his knees.

  Asia kicked him in the face, spinning him around. He hit the ground with a loud thud. She looked around for the knife. It was on the opposite side of the room. Pissed, she kicked him again. He rolled himself onto his stomach to protect himself.

  She jumped onto his back, grabbed his head and twisted until she heard it snap. Exhaling, she continued twisting and then pulled until the head separated from the spinal cord. When she was done, she tossed his head across the room; it rolled beneath the conference table and stopped at the wall. Wiping the sweat from her brow with the back of his shirt, she looked around to see if he dropped anything and then searched him. There was nothing in his pockets, not even a set of keys.

  She went to a bank of security monitors and turned them all on. He had said something about the female sitting at a desk. Asia searched the monitors until she saw the female was on the move and it looked as if she was attempting to enter a room. Grabbing his briefcase she ran into his closet searching for a weapon. She had been stripped at the lab before boarding the boat and had nothing.

  There were rows of male clothing. She put on a pair of pants and shirt, stuffing the shirttails as she looked around for a pair of shoes. In the back of the closet there was a long coat hanging at an odd angle. She pushed the coat aside, intent on taking it and heard a whirring sound. A small panel opened on the wall behind her. Inside were some disks, passports, cash and a pistol. Asia put everything in the briefcase, except the weapon, she put that in her pant pocket. She heard a sound and fell to her knees. Crawling toward the door, she heard someone opening drawers and closing them.

  “Where is it?”

  Asia recognized the female’s voice and stood slowly at the closet entrance. She placed the briefcase on the top of the shelf and then eased out the door coming face to face with her captor.

  “Hello Asia. I’m Mélange. My business is not with you, but it can be if you make it that way. I just want his briefcase that’s all and
then I’ll be on my way.”

  “You tried to kill me. Even collected a reward.” Asia’s gaze swept over the petite Asian assassin.

  Mélange snorted as she narrowed her short pointy nose and squinted dark eyes. Her long inky black hair hung in a long braid down her back. Asia was taller than her by at least a foot but she had been in the field long enough to know size was not the most important factor. If it was Griffin would still be breathing.

  The woman waved down her concern. “It was business nothing more. I would have gotten here sooner to terminate his ass if he didn’t have so many different combinations on each door. He had serious trust issues.”

  Asia’s brow rose. “Do you blame him?”

  Mélange shrugged. “I don’t care. Where is his brief case? Do you have it?”


  No one spoke. Whatever Mélange wanted from that case, Asia was just as determined she not have it. The woman had no allegiance to anyone.

  “Can I see it? I need one item and then I am gone.”

  “What item is that?” Asia asked, although she was fairly certain it was the bracelet Griffin had shown her earlier.

  “Circular, like a bracelet. Kind of small. It belonged to my client and he would like it returned.”

  “The bracelet is a test object from the lab; it did not belong to anyone else. Your client has acquired your services to steal the technology that is all. You don’t lie very well.”

  Mélange shrugged and pulled out the small primp. “I shoot better. I rarely miss. The bracelet. Now.”

  Poised to flip out of the way of the discharge, Asia shook her head. “I cannot do that. La Patron wants the bracelet and since he is Alpha…that trumps you and your client.”

  The weapon discharged before the last word was out of her mouth. Asia jumped and spun in the opposite direction landing to the side of Mélange, who spun as well. Asia kicked the weapon from Mélange’s hand and then stepped forward to add another kick.

  Mélange flipped up and backward out of the way. Asia stepped forward, jumped up and did a roundhouse kick which spun Mélange around but she did not fall. Instead, she did a full spin and kicked out hitting Asia in the chest, sending her flying back against the wall. Dust flew around her head and shoulders from the impact. She shook herself to get her bearings and shifted right just in time, avoiding another kick. Her opponent lost her momentum and fell to the ground, leaving her side unprotected. Asia took advantage of the opening with a well placed kick, followed by another. Mélange arched and then curled into a fetal position.

  Asia fell on Mélange’s back, driving her elbow between the shoulder and neck area. The other woman’s body jerked and then she morphed into her hybrid form shaking Asia from her back like a rag doll.

  Asia’s wolf went into a frenzy at the dominance challenge. She slid into her hybrid and jumped back, missing the fast double punches that had been aimed at her head and chest.

  The other woman screamed he frustration as she ran toward Asia. At the last moment Asia stepped to the side, ducked and plowed her fist into Mélange’s stomach sending her flying backward. Jumping up, Asia was on her attacker in a flash landing blow after powerful blow in her face, chest and belly.

  Sounds of rapid paced punches, flesh hitting flesh, filled the air. Mélange threw up her hand to protect her face as she lost control of her hybrid and returned to her normal state. Asia picked her up and threw her across the room into the wood cabinets. The cabinet door opened as the wood cracked. A tray of empty glass vials fell from the cabinet and broke on the floor. Mélange slid to the ground, gritting her teeth and holding her back. She glared at Asia and stood slowly, looking around.

  “You bitch, I just wanted the one thing so I can quit this life,” Mélange hissed taking a step to the side.

  Focused on her mission, Asia did not respond, instead she continued forward, determined to exterminate the threat.

  “They just use us. This is what they want… for us to kill each other, you can bet they are watching right now, laughing.” Mélange kept moving, her eyes darting around the room. Asia knew the moment Mélange saw something she could use as a weapon. The woman dived forward. Asia leapt forward and kicked, her foot connected with Mélange’s jaw, sending her backward. She slumped to the ground. Asia looked over her shoulder and saw the butcher knife. Unsurprised that had been the weapon her challenger would go after.

  Asia picked up the knife and forcibly threw it into Mélange’s shoulder. The blade sliced through her flesh as if it were butter and lodge into the wall behind her, leaving just the wooden handle visible.

  “Ow, argh,” Mélange hissed at impact.

  “Alpha Samuel has arrived, he and his pack are waiting for you, are you done playing with the enemy?” Jasmine asked with a smile in her voice. Asia fought through the haze of battle so she could process her Mistress’ words.

  “I am almost done, Mistress.”


  Asia watched as Mélange struggled to remove the knife. Now that her wolf settled, she looked at her opponent with a critical eye. “Your freedom was supposed to be a part of your reward for bringing me in.”

  The woman’s pinched face reddened. “They are a bunch of old, misogynistic, arrogant assholes. If I were a man, I would have been released from my duties or given a promotion. But as a woman I am incapable of surviving on my own,” she spat her disgust.

  “And that has been proven time and time again. Women cannot be trusted,” a masculine voice piped into the room. Asia spun around seeking his location.

  A moment later the large screen on the wall blinked and a shadowy outline of a male filled it. “A murderer and a thief. Griffith was wrong to turn his back on you Asia and wrong to think he could trust you to carry out a simple assignment, Mélange. All you had to do was drive the damn car.”

  “Fuck you, and your damn games. You sons of bitches set me up to take the fall for some bullshit. Not happening. I am done,” Mélange sneered.

  “Indeed you are. I will make sure of that.” His voice held a note of promise.

  Asia recognized the voice of Boris, one of Griffith’s partners. She ignored him and headed to the closet to retrieve the briefcase and stopped. Those assholes had been watching the entire time. Why didn’t they assist Griffith? Did they see that fight? Was there a trigger somewhere?

  “Mistress, Liege is aware of Griffith’s death. Have Alpha Samuel and his pack move back a good distance, I believe they are going to destroy this place.”

  “Get out of there now,” Jasmine yelled.

  “Yes, Ma’am, my thoughts exactly.”

  “Where do you think you are going, Asia? I have deactivated the door in that closet, you cannot use it.”

  She frowned. What door? Opening the briefcase she took the disks, the bracelet and passports and stuffed them in her pockets, leaving the cash inside and relocked it. Giving the closet one last look, she exited holding the briefcase.

  “You are not leaving,” Boris said as if he were actually in control.

  Without looking at him, Asia pulled out the gun and shot Mélange repeatedly until she emptied the gun. The woman fell forward in a slump. Next she pulled the knife from the woman’s shoulder and headed toward Griffith.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing? I will track you down and tear you apart,” he said in a low tone, which she ignored.

  “Stooping, she raised the knife and whacked off his hand in one blow.

  “Stop that you cunt! Do not touch him, he is a Lord. A man far above your station.”

  Asia picked the briefcase and the hand up.

  “You are dead. I will destroy you personally. How dare you… how dare you desecrate him in this manner? I will track you to the ends of the earth you hideous bitch.”

  Heading for the door, she ignored the threats Boris hurled at her. She placed Griffith’s palm on the identification pad and punched in the numbers based on the sounds she heard earlier. The door opened, she stepped out into t
he corridor and closed her eyes to remember the directions she had come earlier. Turning, she strode down the hall and repeated the security process. Once she reached the office area, she flicked the button beneath the desk. The door opened and she raced down the stairs.

  Yellow warning lights flashed above her head. She jumped over the railing to the stairs below and kept running until she reached the bottom level. There were five cars in the parking level. She ran to the first one and looked in. No keys. By the time she reached the third car she saw keys in the ignition. Opening the door, she popped the trunk, inside were the three dead bodies. She pulled them out, left them on the pavement and closed the trunk.

  Asia re-entered the car, turned on the ignition and drove forward. She came to a security gate and placed Griffith’s palm on the scanner, the gate opened. She drove through and continued to the next check point. Using his palm again, she was able to leave the grounds. Once off the grounds she pressed the accelerator and shot forward trying to put as much distance between her and the building. When she saw wolves running alongside the car, she exhaled and slowed a bit.

  “Mistress I am out and see the pack. Is there a place I can meet the Alpha and get rid of this car?”

  “Thank God. Hold on, I’ll find out.”

  Asia nodded.

  “He is in a red truck and is on his way to you now. Silas said you should see the truck at the next intersection.”


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