Stardust And Shadows

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Stardust And Shadows Page 17

by Janelle Taylor

  “Ferris likes it this way. I do everything I can to please him. I’m so lucky, Jana. I’m carrying his child, a boy, the doctor said. His family treats me so well. I’m amazed by how much I love it here. I would never go home. I can’t imagine my life without Ferris. He’s too marvelous for words.”

  “Don’t either of you breathe a word to anyone about what I’m going to tell you. I think the charl laws will be abolished soon and you two can marry your men.” Jana saw both women glow with excitement and joy.

  They chatted again, then Jana asked Heather, “How is that brother-in-law of yours? I miss his grinning face and sparkling personality.”

  In her childlike manner, Heather answered, “He’s doing great. We heard from him two days ago. He’s off to some big assignment soon. Of course he never tells us much. Spala says he can’t or he’ll be punished.”

  That wasn’t the answer Jana had expected. If Tesla was alive … He couldn’t be; the Rilkes just hadn’t been informed of his death! The recent message had been faked or was an old one! He couldn’t be alive!

  “Have you seen Tesla in the last three weeks?”

  Without realizing she was in error, the scatterbrained girl responded, “Yes, he came home for three days two weeks ago.”

  Jana was so stunned and confused that she had a hard time paying attention to her friends during the remainder of their visit.

  Jana paced the hotel suite, that distressing news plaguing her. Even if Varian had known Heather would be visiting this planet and would join them for lunch, he couldn’t have put those words in her mouth. And dear, sweet, simple Heather would not lie to her, not to the person she had looked upon as a big sister during their long voyage here. If Tesla had contacted his family since the accident she believed lethal, it couldn’t have happened. If that didn’t happen, then …

  It didn’t help Jana’s tormented mind that this was the planet where she had surrendered to Varian Saar for the first time. Or rather, she had coerced and blackmailed him into seducing her, all because of a stupid chess wager. So many things during this trip reminded her of her bittersweet days with him. If she hadn’t been so drawn to Varian, and if she hadn’t been afraid of never knowing real love and passion if she were sold to a terrible owner, and if she hadn’t been terrified of going to some alien monster as a virgin …

  Jana halted and leaned against the wall-sized transascreen and stared into the lovely garden below. Her gaze widened and her mouth dropped open. She drew in a sharp breath of air and as the spent air rushed out of her lungs and past dry lips, her respiration altered to a rapid, shallow pace. She stared at the scene taking place two stories below her suite. She saw … Ryker Triloni and … Varian Sáar talking, or more like arguing from their expressions and movements. She pressed her palms and forehead against the window. She stared in disbelief, alarm, and confusion.

  When Ryker motioned toward the hotel, Jana jumped backward to get out of sight. She remembered that the reflective windows were visually impenetrable from the outside. She took her place again and watched her world come apart as her illusions dissolved and her heart was broken. In a near daze, she observed the agonizing episode.

  The two aliens talked, with only a few feet separating them. Their rigid stances and glaring expressions exposed anger and disagreement. At one point, the blond alien shook his finger— on his right hand—at Varian. The prince’s feet were planted apart and the left arm at his side held a balled fist. Varian stood in a similar position, but with arms akimbo. Neither man showed fear of the other or made any attempt to turn their verbal conflict into a physical one. They appeared to settle down for a while and to speak calmly.

  No, this can’t be happening! It’s a lie, a trick! He knows I don’t believe him and his charade and he’s doing this to convince me.

  Jana wondered if it was a video being played against the wall for her benefit, or a perfected holographic imagery show. She had seen three-dimensional holography on Earth that must be hundreds of levels inferior to what this advanced society possessed. Combined with their laser beam capabilities, it would be a snap for them. She watched the shadowing on the wall and on their bodies, and could find no fault with it. She saw Varian withdraw a small box from his pocket and hold it out to Ryker. She watched Ryker stiffen, glare, and knock it from the ebony-haired man’s grasp.

  Jana thought she would faint when the box struck a garden bush, shook it, and disturbed a group of butterflies feasting on its blossoms. Her panicked gaze watched the colorful insects take flight, traveling beyond what could be the range of a trick picture. She saw a slender cloud move overhead and witnessed how it shaded the two conversing men for a moment.

  My God, what’s happening to me? Have I gone insane? How could she deny the vivid truth before her eyes? Her attempted murder and rescue had been an hallucination. Everything she thought Varian had told her afterward wasn’t real. Tesla hadn’t been killed in a Spacer accident. She hadn’t been kidnapped by Canissia and had not left Darkar since her arrival, until now. She had been so terribly ill and must have partial amnesia as the man claimed. The Androasian prince had told her the truth all along. She was married to … and living with Ryker Triloni. She had slept with …

  Oh, Lord, what have I done? She answered herself: You’ve enticed and made love to your husband and tried to make him into Varian.

  The two men were speaking calmly after the incident with the box, which she hadn’t seen Varian recover from the bushes. No doubt they were discussing her, and perhaps the box contained a gift for her as one had at Draco’s: her refusal of the object then had provoked Varian into snatching her away from her new home and life on Karnak.

  She was shocked again when the half brothers clasped wrists, spoke, and nodded. A truce, she wondered, with me as the provider? Damn you! Damn you both to hell and back! How dare you turn me into an object to be passed or traded about! How dare you lie to me and betray me? Commander Varian Saar— that irresistible space pirate—had done so, but Prince Ryker Triloni—her husband—had not seemed to. Not yet, anyway.

  Jana saw the two aliens head in separate directions. She saw Varian halt, turn, stare at his half brother’s back, then gaze up at the hotel tower. He shook his head and left without, she realized, retrieving the box. She watched Ryker round the wall of the garden. He was probably headed for their suite. She raced into the bathroom, stripped, and submerged herself in a bubble bath. However would she extricate herself from this self-made trap? How could she be a wife to Ryker in more than name only as agreed?

  You’ve already been a wife to him! Twice, you fool! And you’ve flaunted yourself before him like a cheap slut and enticed him in every way possible! But I was mistaken. And I didn’t choose Ryker as my sweetheart or husband or lover, not of my own free will. How can I betray Varian and our love with another man? … Betray him? He betrayed me! But that has nothing to do with this mess. How can I make love to him again? He’s almost a stranger to me.

  The door swished open and the handsome blond alien entered the room. He came forward smiling, and squatted beside the tub. His gaze fastened to her face. Jana eased lower into the concealing bubbles. Her face pinkened so much that the rosy color splashed down her neck and onto her wet chest. Varian knew he had won, because she wouldn’t be modest with him in this stirring situation. What he had just done to her was difficult. Was the cyborg ruse worth its motive, even if it hastened and ensured his mission? “Did you have a good time with your friend?” he asked.

  The quivering Earthling tried to act calm. “Yes, it was wonderful. Heather, the other captive I told you about from my country, joined us. She’s here visiting while her husband handles business matters. She’s the one who looks and sounds like a teenager.”

  Varian knew he didn’t need to be alarmed, as Tesla’s death had not been revealed to his family. In fact, the Rilkes were led to believe he was still alive because the location and cause of his death could not be released yet. And, before going on leave, Ferris Laus had been
given a mind-block to prevent him from sharing the carefully guarded events on Darkar with his wife Kathy or others. “I remember your mention of her. She was the one you were so worried about because she’s so childlike. Do you still have reason to worry? Did you get your quota of gossip and good stories?”

  Jana nodded. “Excellent food, too. Your choice of restaurants was perfect. It was lovely and quiet and private, just what we needed for a visit. It was so good seeing them again. They’re both very happy. It seems they made perfect matches. Oh, yes, Kathy and Ferris are expecting a baby.”

  “We make a perfect match, too, Jana of Earth. I hope you agree.”

  Afraid her expression might expose her feelings, she looked at and toyed with bubbles as she responded, “Of course I do … I thought I’d take a long and lazy bath, then rest this afternoon. You said we’re going dancing and sightseeing tonight, so I want to gather lots of energy. I wasn’t expecting you back until early evening.”

  “I finished one meeting and I have another this afternoon. I’ll return in time to have our own fun. I’ll see you later.” He kissed her forehead before leaving, and left the concealed listening device where it was—the miniature dot that had told him when to begin his last ruse. That, along with the signal that had buzzed when she approached the window and broke the beam between two sensors.

  I wish you hadn’t forced me to use that lookalike cyborg, Moonbeam. I was desperate for you to believe I’m Ryker before we reach Androas and Maal. One slip and our lives could be lost. Our worlds could be lost. If there was any other way to accomplish something this crucial, I would do it and not involve you. I’ll keep you safe from harm. Hold on for just a while longer, my love, just a while longer.

  Jana looked in all directions as she sneaked from the room to slip into the garden below their window. Fortunately no one was around to see or to halt her. And fortunately Ryker had not asked her to return the electrocard for operating their suite door. She walked to the bush, glanced around, and tried to nonchalantly retrieve the box while pretending to smell the blossoms. She strolled to the wall, leaned against it, and stared at the item in her shaky hand. Should she open it? Should she put it back?

  She lifted the lid and looked inside. Anguish knifed her heart, sliced to her very soul. The box contained the gold bracelet Varian had snapped onto her wrist for her birthday, following a terrible quarrel when he mistakenly believed she had been defiant. In a way, it had been a truce token, as she herself now was. The attraction between them had become powerful and both had been doing their best to resist it. Their nerves had been raw, and the tension almost unbearable. She recalled his words:

  “For both of our sakes, Jana, never yield to me, never. If you do, I swear I’ll place you at the top of my list of adversaries. I’m truly sorry that friendship has been so difficult between us. From now on, I’ll try my damnedest to control my temper. Beware of me, Jana; I can hurt you deeply without meaning to do so.” He had kissed her with hunger and left.

  How would she ever get Varian out of her life? By cutting him out as he had cut her out of his. She walked to the trash receptacle, disposed of the misleading gift, and returned to her room.

  Not once during Jana’s misadventure did she sight the blond alien who was watching her with troubled green eyes. Perhaps he should be comforted by the fact she truly thought she had been making love to him instead of Ryker, but somehow even that realization did not assuage his anguish. More than ever before, he perceived his great fear of losing her forever. Even if that horror came true, at least she would be alive and safe. Without a truce with Androas and Maal, she wouldn’t be either one, nor would Maffei. He took a deep breath, grimaced, and went to fulfill his self-destructive duty.

  Jana made it through the dinner and dancing with Ryker. To make certain she was exhausted enough to sleep undisturbed by memories, she suggested they walk back to the tower where they were staying. She almost suggested they take the shuttle and return to his ship because she wanted to leave this planet where Varian had won her heart months ago, then broken it today. She was glad they hadn’t run into him and hoped they wouldn’t before departure.

  Ryker held her hand as they strolled along. He pointed out sites and smiled and spoke to people, who couldn’t conceal their astonishment at his genial manner. Most of them looked at the exquisite Earthling at his side with an obvious respect and admiration for her good effect on this powerful and dangerous male who must remain their ally.

  “I seem to be the object of great curiosity and disbelief this evening,” he quipped. “You would think these people have never seen me smile before.” He chuckled and squeezed her hand. “I suppose they’re right. You’re good medicine for me, Jana of Earth.”

  “Why would you need healing? You seem perfect to me.”

  “Then you, my generous wife, are as blinded by our match as I am.”

  “Perhaps there are times and occasions when a lack of clear vision is wise and rewarding,” she said as if jesting, then smiled at him.

  “True. Did I tell you how beautiful you look? I’m very proud of you.”

  “Yes, you did, several times, and thank you again.”

  His emerald-eyed gaze moved over her glowing features. Her tawny hair was captured within an unnoticeable blond net that had precious gems attached. The clear jewels sparkled and shimmered when light touched them as if she had numerous tiny and twinkling stars settled there. Her outer garment in a striking fusion of blues, greens, and purples was sheer and flowing from neck to ankle, with a silk slip dress in blue underneath. The colors almost matched her eyes and certainly enhanced them. She was radiant and bewitching. She was trying very hard to behave as his happy and lucky wife. No doubt she had everyone fooled by her attempt except him.

  “Let’s stroll through the park and stop entertaining everyone we pass.” He guided her into a quiet, softly lit, and romantic area.

  Jana’s heel suddenly caught in a crack in the walkway. She almost pitched forward to the ground as it held her captive. With quick reflexes, Ryker caught her and prevented a fall.

  As he knelt to free her, Jana rested her hand on his shoulder and slipped out of the shoe. She wobbled slightly on the other heel as she held the bare foot off the ground. She watched Ryker use his strength to unwedge it, then hold her ankle to replace the shoe. His head lifted and he fused his gaze to hers, then rose slowly without breaking the visual bond.

  “I can be a lot of trouble,” she teased to ease the tension.

  “But you’re worth every particle of it.”

  “Only because you have all it takes to handle me. I doubt there is anything you can’t do.”

  “Your confidence pleases me.” He plucked a lacy flower, smelled it, and handed it to her. “No where in the galaxy does beauty exist more than in your face and being, Jana Greyson,” he said.

  She wondered if it was love and not just desire that she saw in his eyes and heard in his voice. Was it possible? So fast? Yes, she knew from experience that love at first sight was a fact. But a man like Ryker wouldn’t be as impulsive and foolish as she had been. On the other hand, one did not always pick the person who captured one’s heart. Her eyes roved his striking visage. His hair was the color of wheat at various stages of ripening: three-fourths dark and one-fourth light. It had waves that reminded her of the gentle lapping of water on the beach at low tide and was swept back from his face but allowed to remain full and soft before it drifted into near curls at his nape. His skin was like cream sherry, the most expensive brand. His features were bold and arresting: high cheekbones, the perfect-size nose, thick, dark brows, and a jawline that squared at his chin. His eyes were as green and dark as leaves on her magnolia trees. His mouth was full and inviting. It was as if she were looking at him, really looking at him and seeing him for the first time.

  Her bold study continued down his throat to a virile physique. The off-white outfit made his tan seem darker and sexier. Muscles bulged in his arms and the snug top of the garment evinc
ed his broad shoulders, trim waist, and flat abdomen. Its fitted pants did the same for narrow hips and sleek thighs. He was indeed magnetic and breathtaking.

  Her gaze returned to his mouth with its wide and full lower lip. Her fingertips traced over it with provocative leisure, then did the same with his jawline without even pausing at the scar Varian had put there long ago. “I can say the same of you, Ryker Triloni, and I do. You look especially handsome tonight.” As her hands moved over his chest, she murmured, “This color is your best one.”

  He couldn’t help but cup her face and hold it while he lowered his head and lips to kiss her. He felt her arms band his body and they kissed several times as their passions heightened.

  Soon, in self-defense, he released her. “We’d better get back to our suite. This is dangerous sport in public.”

  Jana laughed and nodded. “You’re right, as usual, my husband.”

  As they strolled away with arms at each other’s waist and snuggled close, a reporter snapped his last picture of what he assumed was a loving couple who could not resist each other. This would make interesting and surprising news across the Tri-Galaxy, and a nice profit for him.

  At the hotel, “Ryker” was handed a message sent by a prearranged signal to his man. “It’s from Captain Kagan,” he told Jana. “He’s been trying to reach me for hours. There’s a problem I’ll have to check on right now. Go on to bed. I’ll probably be very late. We leave in the morning.” He had to avoid a terrible decision on her part. He couldn’t allow his love to test her ability to surrender to Ryker. He also had to prevent tempting himself beyond control to take advantage of what appeared responsiveness in her following his cruel ruse this afternoon. If they went to the suite together and he didn’t make love to her after whetting their sensual appetites earlier, she would get suspicious again.

  Jana sent him a feigned smile of disappointment. “I understand. I’ll see you in the morning for departure. Good night, Ryker. It was a wonderful evening. I come to enjoy your company more each day.”


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