Stardust And Shadows

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Stardust And Shadows Page 34

by Janelle Taylor

  “Back-to-back position,” he ordered, and she obeyed without question or hesitation. “They’ll rush us as soon as they realize their clansmen are dead. Make every shot count, Moonbeam, because we don’t have many.” As his keen gaze kept a lookout for trouble, he asked over his shoulder, “Where did you learn to shoot like that? Three direct hits, and under pressure! Martella said you were trained before she gave you lessons.”

  Jana pressed close to his muscular back as she responded. “My father taught me. We used to target shoot, hunt quail, and such. Thank goodness Martella showed me how to use these weapons. There was no denying what was on my cave man’s mind: heavy mating.”

  “You’re right. That big leader had me worried. I was afraid he’d grab you and snap your neck before I could defeat the two separating us. I’m glad you kept a clear head and snatched us the advantage.”

  “Advantage? You call what we have an advantage? Fat chance, Saar.”

  Jana watched the confused mutants gather around the bodies to sniff and nudge their companions as if they wondered how the three had been defeated without a physical battle. After the truth settled in, they began to jump up and down and wail like injured animals. They growled, snorted, stomped, and made clawing motions at the couple.

  “I think I made them a little bit angry. Where’s the other gun?”

  “The keelars rooted it into the sand and I couldn’t find it in the dark. I planned to look for it this morning but never got the chance. I was relieving myself over the edge when those two sneaked up on me.”

  “They sneaked up on you? I can’t believe that’s possible.”

  He chuckled. “Caught me with my pants down as you Earthlings say. I heard a shuffling noise behind me but thought it was you sneaking over to tempt me again. If the wind had been in my favor, I would have smelled them. We’d been having a silent showdown for thirty minutes while the others gathered around. Since they don’t talk, they take speech as a show of threat. I was glad you caught my hint to stay silent.”

  Jana watched naked men gather into small units and make signs with their hands, no doubt plotting their offense against the stranded couple. She chatted to lessen her tension. “I dared not take my eyes off him, so I hoped you were watching me and catching my line of thought.”

  “Actually, I was about to try to toss my two over the edge and dive for the weapons when I realized what you were doing. You didn’t panic and you reasoned out the course of attack with perfection. You’re as brave, smart, and daring as you are beautiful and delicious.”

  “Thanks for the compliments. Just save the last shot in case we don’t scare them off, which appears unlikely. I don’t intend to become a slave to a band of horny and savage primitives.”

  “Don’t worry, Moonbeam; I won’t let them get their dirty paws on you. I’ll make cert—On guard, here they come. No wounding, Jana, or he could require another shot to disable him and we have none to spare.”

  From a defensive back-pressing position, they stopped nine mutants from scaling the formation to reach them. While she watched the enraged men cluster for another rush, Varian rolled the apparent leader to the ground in case he was their objective. They had five blasts left, two in her weapon and three in his. A few of the creatures began another assault, taking the couple down to three charges of energy before they retreated.

  “You would think this loud noise and bright light would panic them. They must be too dense to realize we’re using powerful weapons. We’ll be in big trouble as soon as they comprehend we have no more shots of magic.”

  “At least some are being scared off, Jana love. They might be stupid, but they’ve caught on to our superior strength and position and their danger. The dead are being carried away now.”

  Jana glanced over her shoulder, eyed the situation, and refuted, “Not far, Varian. Look; they’re piling the bodies and returning for one last big attempt. They’ll probably come at us at once. We’ll—”

  He felt her go rigid and silent. “What’s wrong?”

  “A shuttle just materialized from nowhere. We’re doomed now. It’s too late to run or not be seen. Damn!”

  Varian whirled and eyed the approaching craft as it dipped its right wing twice, then its left one three times. He recognized the signal, relaxed, and lowered the weapon in his hand.

  She stared as the vehicle opened fire on the mutants and scattered them. Soon the barbarians were running for survival and leaving the dead behind in their frantic haste. “It appears Taemin wants us for himself,” she murmured in dread as the craft came to hover about ten feet above them. She knew an escape was impossible and any attempt was hazardous. With sunlight cut off, it was almost dark beneath the large vessel. She heard the steady hum of a healthy engine as the shuttle seemed to park in midair. She was surprised there wasn’t any strong rush of wind; it was almost deathly calm. Varian put his arm around her waist and drew her close.

  She sent him a resigned smile. “Well, Rogue Saar, we gave it our best shot, but it’s over for us. I’ll never forgive you if you let me fall into the evil hands of Taemin and Canissia. Do what you must and kill me fast.”

  He cuffed her chin and smiled. “We’ll be fine, Moonbeam. That’s—”

  She cut him off with, “No, we won’t. They’ll torture us and kill us. Our good luck has been used up. We’ll never get another chance to escape their clutches or to survive their trap. Please, use your last shot on me.”

  “Tell me you love me. There isn’t much time to be honest before they open the hatch and reach us.”

  She fused her gaze with his, and noticed he didn’t appear worried. “All right, I do love you and want you. Now, shoot me. Quick.” She watched an expression of mingled joy and victory spread over his face.

  “And let you miss a reunion with Nigel? That’s his shuttle. See.”

  Jana whirled and stared at two men in Star Fleet uniforms who lowered a rope ladder for them to climb. She was about to scold Varian for tricking her when a rescuer shouted for Prince Ryker and Princess Jana to hurry aboard before their presence was detected with the cloaking shield down. Jana grasped the sturdy but swaying rope and mounted it, with the disguised Varian close behind and coaxing her to rush. The distance was short, so she didn’t have time to experience much, if any, fear.

  After they were inside and the hatch was locked, the detection deflector went back into effect to conceal the craft from enemy radar. The cloaked shuttle was piloted toward a rendezvous with the Kiunterri that, with cunning wisdom, remained in sight of Pyropean sensors.

  In front of the regular crew on the Kiunterri’s bridge, Jana and “Ryker” Triloni were told that Nigel Sanger had received “Ryker’s” emergency transmission and coordinates, after being ordered into this border area by Varian Saar to check on them because Taemin’s invitation and timing were suspicious. The temporary commander of this starship had set his course to allow a slow pass over Luz on its way to pretend to “make an official call on the Tabrizes” to inquire about the couple’s whereabouts and motive.

  Jana looked at the hazel-eyed man with thick and curly brown hair who had been a close friend of hers. Once more, she reminded herself he hadn’t betrayed her long ago, that someone had faked Nigel’s voice while drugging her. He was one inch shorter than Varian’s six-four frame, and was the same age of her lover: thirty-one. “Thank you, old friend, for rescuing us in the nick of time. Can we get out of this enemy sector fast?”

  “As soon as I meet with the Tabrizes to ward off suspicion. I’m sure the shuttle wasn’t detected because we shielded her while she was visible for rescue.” Nigel explained “Varian’s” clever ploy to them, one that would be used to explain their rescue in public soon. “You’ll hide while I dupe the Tabrizes. We can’t afford to make them suspicious or to enlighten them before we can get you two out of any danger lurking here. I’m sure you’re both eager for a good meal and hot bath. We’ll handle that now.” The creases deepened around his hazel eyes and full mouth as he grinn
ed; so did the dimples in his cheeks.

  “That sounds wonderful, Nigel, as if you read my mind. Needless to say, I feel a wreck in this torn and dirty dress.” She assumed it was hard for Nigel and Varian to conceal their twelve-year friendship and genial rapport during this pretense. She was glad she didn’t have to try.

  The shielding device was remounted in the starship to avoid suspicion and all clues to the rescue were destroyed. Nigel explained to the couple in the presence of others how, after being ordered by Commander Varian Saar to keep a close eye on them, he had used debris and sensitive instruments to track them to this sector. With the aid of the signal “Ryker” had sent, he had located them. Following “Varian’s” suggestions, he rescued them in secret. “Not a moment too soon from the way it looked on monitor.”

  “It was getting a little hairy down there,” Jana quipped.

  “As soon as we finish here, you two can thank the man responsible. Varian’s waiting to greet you two on-Rigel at Star Base. Do you have any objections, Prince Ryker, Princess Jana?”

  “None. In fact, a genial meeting with my brother is long overdue.”

  “I concur with my husband’s decision.”

  Varian and Nigel talked while Jana lazed in a tub of bubbly water for an hour. The best friends decided to let Jana believe for a while that the ruse demands were being met because of her promise to aid Varian.

  “I can hardly wait to see and hear Taemin’s and Cass’s reactions when they learn it was Ryker they tried to kill,” Varian gloated. “Those two played right into our hands with their treachery.”

  When she had dried off and dressed, Jana joined the two men in Nigel’s quarters to chat and sip wine. “Thanks again, Nigel. And thank whoever loaned me this outfit and shoes. Mine was ruined.”

  The hazel-eyed man embraced her with affection. “You’re more than welcome, Jana, and it’s wonderful being with you once more.”

  “For a while, I thought we were dust in the wind. Varian has a knack for getting us into deep trouble. I’m thankful he has the skills to get us out again. By the way, Rogue Saar, how did you know it was Nigel’s shuttle?”

  Varian chuckled before he informed her of the signals used to alert a stranded party to the arrival of friendly help. “Nigel stalled opening the hatch to give me time to caution you against exposing my identity to others.”

  “You and Nigel are very clever and make a good team,” she said.

  “So do we, woman, I told him how skilled you were back there. If not for your quick thinking and courage, he would have arrived too late.”

  “I’m glad to see you two on the same channel again,” Nigel said. “I’ve missed you, Dr. Jana Greyson, almost as much as I’m missing Andrea.”

  Jana made herself comfortable as she coaxed, “Why don’t you tell me everything about this romance with my best friend?”

  Her question began a long and stirring tale from Nigel Sanger as they headed toward Cenza to carry out their ruse with the Tabrizes.

  Later in the quarters assigned to her and “Ryker,” Varian offered to tend her leg where it had been scratched on the rough bark on the limb she had straddled. “I’ve already doctored them, thank you. If you don’t mind, I’m exhausted.”

  “You’re just going to bed after what you confessed before our rescue?”

  “That was a bloody trick you pulled on me back there and it didn’t work,” she scolded in a soft tone. “I only said it to let you die happy.”

  “What was that Earth slang you used: Fat chance? I’ll leave you be for a few days’ rest and recovery. Then …” He chuckled and licked his lips.

  Canissia Garthon hid from the group of Maffei officers who shuttled down to speak with the ruler and his son, and she was relieved that Jurad did not know of her presence. She felt thwarted and enraged by the explosion that had snatched Varian, Jana, and Ryker’s holdings from her grasp. She was furious that Taemin’s search had revealed no survivors. She had surmised the “accident” would evoke questions and an investigation and perhaps another search, but she hadn’t expected them to come from the Alliance or this quickly. It was almost as if they had expected a trap.

  Taemin informed them that the Trilonis never arrived. “An explosion registered on our screens,” he explained. “We searched the entire area, but found nothing. We never received a warning and do not know what happened. We suspect treachery from an enemy, but have found no proof of it. Within two days, I would have been on that ship escorting them to Darkar after their visit, so perhaps the explosion, if it was sabotage, was aimed at me, not the Trilonis.”

  Nigel used a deceptively pleasant smile and tone. “It is to everyone’s interest if you don’t report they’re missing to the public until we’re sure you can’t locate them alive or recover their bodies. I’m sure this will not sit well with our mutual ally, Kadim Maal. We will appreciate it if you continue the search until there is no hope. We feel that Prince Ryker and Princess Jana were our responsibilities, and we’re certain Kadim Maal will view it that way, too. If you have further news, you can report it to us at Star Base. As soon as we’re certain they’re lost, we’ll inform Maal and issue a news release from Rigel.”

  While enroute to Rigel, the curly-haired man told Jana, “As we speak, the Earthlings are being prepared by Tris and his staff for their return home, minus any memory of their sojourn here. The medical cures and scientific facts are embedded in the correct heads. In accordance with your last demand, the charl laws have been abolished, and a team headed by Martella has been chosen to help the women get settled according to their wishes. Martella said to tell you that Kathy and Ferris, and Heather and Spala, and many of the others on your voyage are already wed to their past owners. She said to tell you that few men and women have chosen to go their separate ways.”

  “As soon as Tris and Martella finish with the Earthlings and charls,” Varian added, “they’ll meet us on Darkar to go to work there. In case anything goes wrong in Androas, we’ll have all we need from Trilabs.”

  “Confiscating my inheritance without my permission?” Jana quipped.

  “You wouldn’t withhold such secrets from us, would you?”

  “Perhaps. You and Maffei captured and enslaved me, stripped me of my freedom and pride. On the other hand, Ryker wed me and gave them back. I was accepted in Androas and have family there—my father-in-law. My golden-gowned wedding portrait even hangs in the hallowed halls of their palace; so does yours as Prince Ryker. How can anyone compare a bleak and lowly charl’s life with the glorious one of a princess?”

  Nigel saw Varian grimace and remain silent, so he changed the subject, “I’ll go after Andrea myself while you two visit Maal a last time. We’ll be waiting on Darkar for your victorious return.”

  Jana glanced at Varian to ask, “Isn’t it dangerous to go to Androas? What if Taemin and Canissia warned Maal about the truth?”

  “It wouldn’t matter, not with the little charade we have in mind.” He grinned and chuckled as he gave her the cunning details.

  “Are you sure all of these tricks will work?”

  “They must, Moonbeam, and they will if we don’t make any mistakes.”

  “I don’t have to worry about you fooling Maal; you already have. I just hope he doesn’t hear from those two villains and start asking you questions to which only Ryker knows the answers. Even if you have those journals and tapes, they don’t cover everything that happened in the past or with Maal. If he decides to test your identity, we’ll be in deep trouble.”

  “Be optimistic, love; I am.”

  “I’m afraid that’s a quality you stole from me, you space pirate.”

  “Then recover it; you won’t be sorry; I promise.”

  How many times have you heard him make those last two statements? Too many times you believed them and trusted him but got hurt. This time, be alert for lies and tricks. “We’ll see, Varian. We’ll see.”

  Taemin, Canissia, Maal, and others viewed the live news broadcast of Ryker
Triloni and—thanks to the lookalike cyborg, Varian Saar shaking hands after a daring rescue of the Androasian prince and his wife. It was alleged that after Star Fleet officers went to consult the Tabrizes about the Trilonis’s disappearance and a joint search, it was learned their shuttle exploded and no survivors could be located. As the Kiunterri departed and was passing over Luz, they received an urgent signal from Ryker who had managed to repair a communicator in time to summon them while in range of its beacon. The false tale related that the couple—after being attacked by space pirates—had escaped in an emergency pod from the escort ship and had crashed on Luz in the edge of Pyropea. Lieutenant Commander Nigel Sanger and his team rescued the couple and took them to Star Base to thank the man responsible for ordering a protective shadow and immediate search, none other than Ryker Triloni’s half brother, Varian Saar.

  The reporter’s lead and final lines were: “Brothers reunited after daring rescue on barren planetoid.” Many watching it were stunned.

  Varian sat down at the communication panel and—as Ryker—called Maal to let his “grandfather” know he and Jana were all right and were headed to visit him to explain everything. From Maal’s words and actions, Varian and Jana assumed he wasn’t aware of Canissia’s suspicions.

  Next, Varian—still as Ryker—contacted Supreme Ruler Jurad and his son. “I don’t know if you were involved with Taemin and Cass’s plot against me, but I warn you now, Jurad,” he threatened, “it will not be forgotten or forgiven by me or Grandfather. My wife and I almost died on Luz at the hands of mutants and the other perils there. From the message Taemin gave to Garus to pass to me, I assume you are not involved and I hope that is true.” He repeated for the astounded Jurad what the ship captain had said to him. “I can also assume the ‘secret’ he mentioned has to do with Cass getting it into her stupid head that I tried to kill her, which is absurd. When she visited me recently, I told her she was wrong. Obviously she did not believe me and she raced there to involve Taemin and perhaps yourself in her revenge. I find it incredible and offensive that my friends and allies would believe such foolish lies and would conspire against me. Taemin cannot possibly love or desire that bitch more than what he can obtain from me. Consider yourselves and Pyropea cut off from Trilabs until I receive a convincing explanation for your traitorous acts and a full apology.”


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