Stardust And Shadows

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Stardust And Shadows Page 46

by Janelle Taylor

  “Unless his all-fired important duty calls.”

  “Unless it’s life-or-death, he won’t answer.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “He contacted you after his visit with Ruler Jurad. He had a few things left to do at Star Base before galloping home. He called from there, too.”

  “Yes, and everything was handled except for the Canissia matter. If he’s taken off after her and is delayed, I’ll strangle both of them. Time is of the essence for us to get married.”

  Andrea tried to distract Jana. “Varian had great political and personal successes with Ruler Jurad. Their meeting ended with Prince Taemin’s disgrace and exile from Pyropea.”

  “When Jurad can locate the sneak devil and carry out his royal command. I can’t imagine it being against their law for a prince to be executed or at least imprisoned for his crimes. Heavens above, Andrea, he committed treason and would have committed assassination if Varian hadn’t exposed him. How could he steal a starship and vanish? Wasn’t he being guarded?”

  “It seems mighty careless to lose a dangerous prisoner. Varian said he would give us the details after he returned. We’re not to worry, Jana; Ruler Jurad has his forces in hot pursuit and we’re safe here.”

  “I’ll feel better when he is exiled.” She shifted topics to her obesssion. “What could be keeping Varian? The Segall matter has been handled. He’s filed his reports. He has his two treaties. We’ve almost finished our job here. We’ve had no problems over Ryker’s death. Maal is retired and is our ally; he’s even given his blessing for our marriage, though he doesn’t know it’s to be this soon. I doubt that news is going to sit well, but so be it.”

  “You’re working yourself into a tizzy for nothing. You’ll see.”

  “I don’t know, Andrea; I’m having bad vibes, very bad vibes. He was using his last two days to track down a clue about that alien witch.”

  “I bet he’s planning a surprise grand entrance at eleven fiftynine,” Andrea surmised. “He might be orbiting Darkar right now, pacing his decks in anticipation of proving himself to you.”

  “I hope so. Otherwise, I’ll have to honor my deadline, won’t I? If not, he’ll never take me seriously again. Let’s get back to work and finish up before he arrives. He’ll be here by midnight. He wouldn’t dare disappoint me.”

  Kagan entered the research lab where Jana and the others were working to finalize two valuable experiments Ryker had begun months ago. She glanced up from the high-powered microscope.

  “You have a visitor,” Kagan informed her. “Maal Triloni is passing on his way to visit with Kadim Tirol on Rigel. He says he doesn’t have much time and doesn’t want to come down to the place where the cherished flame of his soul lived and worked. He’s requested for you to come up in his shuttle for a short visit. It’s on its way down. I thought you’d want to comply this last time. Am I wrong? Do you want us to come up with an excuse?”

  Jana sighed in dismay. “I really don’t have a choice. We don’t want to spark any suspicion in him at this late date. Have you heard from Varian?”

  Ignorant of Jana’s deadline threat, Kagan replied, “Not yet, but he might be on his way. From his last message, everything is finished except for that Garthon business. For some reason, he’s out of communication. It could be an intentional blackout.”

  Or something to use as an excuse for missing the deadline. “Maal is no longer a ruler, but he still has access to plenty of power; he shouldn’t be offended or angered into calling upon it. He’s been kind and good to me, so I must accept. I just wish Varian would contact us if he’s going to be late. He promised to return by today.”

  Kagan saw how upset she was. “It could be a result of those solar flare-ups I see on the sensors,” he suggested.

  “That has a familiar and intrusive ring to it,” she murmured in recall of another time long ago .. .

  “If we were any closer or on the other side of Caguas, we might be experiencing difficulties, too. Don’t worry, Jana, he’ll return soon.”

  As Tris and Martella questioned Kagan about the unexpected visit, Jana’s distressed mind replied: If only you knew how important it is for that to be today. I told him it wasn’t too late for one last chance with me. I thought that was all he needed, but maybe I was wrong again. Can I only have you and depend on you, Commander Saar, until duty calls?

  When the others finished talking, she told the secret agent to contact Maal and tell him she would meet his shuttle and visit. “Just give me a few minutes to freshen up.” She said to Andrea, “I’ll take you with me to meet him. You can help keep the conversation light. Tris, can you take over here? The specimen and chemical are near merging point and need watching.”

  Tristan took over for Jana while she hurried to the house to change clothes, brush her hair, and check her cosmetics. Andrea did the same, eager to meet the galactic ruler of the Androasan Empire.

  The two women joined two androids in black uniforms with the insignia of Androas on their chest areas. They told Kagan goodbye and entered the craft, then seated themselves inside and strapped the safety buckles. The shuttle took off and made a smooth and safe rendezvous with the large starship. Jana and Andrea were led down a long hallway by one of the mechanical beings. The unsuspecting females didn’t know a drone was being released to continue registering a presence on Darkar’s sensors while a cloaking device shielded the enemy ship as it departed.

  “I’m taking a Spacer to Eire to see if I can get through this communications disruption,” Varian told Nigel. “Maybe theirs isn’t out. Jana must be worried by now. The deadline she set for me is up in three hours and there’s no way we can leave the Galactic Gem in peril. Why did this emergency have to come along today of all days and with this particular ship! I have a bad feeling, my friend. You know what happened the last time this occurred; Jana almost died while we were trying to rescue her from Darkar, and we did lose Tesla.”

  As they walked down the hall, Nigel gripped Varian’s shoulder in affection and encouragement. “Jana will understand why you were delayed, why we couldn’t leave a ship in distress. The crew is being evacuated to the Wanderlust as fast as possible. The Gem could blow at any time with that unstable cargo of Barine. It’ll take you at least two hours even in a Spacer to make Eire, and communications might be out there, too.”

  “It’s a chance I have to take, Nigel. That woman is important to me; I can’t risk losing her, baby or no baby. I hope she’ll give me a reprieve when she hears why I couldn’t get back on time.”

  “Especially since you dropped the search for Canissia and gave the assignment to other officers so you could reach her on schedule.”

  They entered the elevator and Varian gave orders to take them to the swift and agile fighter craft, just like the one that had exploded and killed Tesla Rilke minutes after delivering a dying Jana into Tris’s care. That tragic accident still lacked an explanation, and probably always would.

  “It seems my grand entrance was timed too close to my deadline. I was a fool to call it this close, Nigel. Some surprise!”

  “If we hadn’t been passing this area when the distress call was picked up, that ship and crew would be gone before another vessel arrived. Just a little later or earlier departure from Rigel and the Gem would be lost. We barely got their weak signal before communications went out, and I doubt anyone else received it. That explosion in her shuttle bay left them with no means of escape without our help. Rescue teams picking them up from the jerri hatch is slow work. I hope we can get them all out before we have to take off. We need a minimum of ten minutes to get out of her aftershock and shooting-debris range; that’s cutting it close, very close.”

  “I know, Nigel,” he muttered, relieved he had his old crew back with him to work on this dangerous mission. At least almost all: there was a different ships system’s officer to take the traitorous Baruch’s place, a new navigational/guidance officer to take the slain Tesla’s station, and a temporary medical officer in Tri
stan’s lab and sick-bay.

  The transportation apparatus ceased its sideways movement and headed downward to the take-off area for one of four Spacers.

  “Their engineering officer is dead so I sent Braq over to see how much time we have left before we have to clear out,” Varian told Nigel. “But this incident worries me. I can’t explain, but I feel as if something is very wrong with Jana. It’s as if I hear Shara and Ryker laughing and taunting me with the loss of Jana or my own death. You know the Galactic Gem was Father’s old ship, the place where all the trouble began thirty-two years ago. It’s as if Shara’s wicked spirit is haunting her treacherous territory and she is lying in wait for me today. You know, of course, the Gem was decommissioned as a starship and converted into a transport seven years ago after Father’s murder by that insane bitch. Now, she’s floating out there loaded with Ryker’s Barine. It’s as if she’s itching to carry me into explosive oblivion with her or prevent me from making Jana’s deadline. I feel trapped by all those evil ties to that ship. Something is telling me, warning me, to get clear of her and to check on Jana, immediately, old friend. I’ll return in four hours at most and catch up with you. There’s nothing I can do here but sweat and pace, so you’re in charge. You’re as qualified as I am to handle a rescue.”

  Communications Chief Vaiden Chaz signaled his superior, who responded from his moving location. “Commander Saar, Braq reports the Galactic Gem’s engineering section was severely damaged and is overheating at a swift rate. He says we have to be ready to get out of here fast. We have one hour maximum until she explodes. Ferris said he’ll have the last surviving crewman aboard in fifty minutes or less if progress continues at the current rate, but he may not get the bodies out in time.”

  Varian acknowledged the messages and rapidly digested them. He ordered the elevator to take them to the bridge. “Things are going to start happening too fast for me to leave. To Gehenna with evil ghosts and bad luck! I must have faith in Jana and our love, and pray she’s all right.”

  The door opened and Varian stepped onto the bridge of his ship. As was the procedure during emergencies, no one came to attention; they remained busy at their assigned stations.

  “Vaiden, put us on alert status and keep working to restore our communications. As soon as Braq’s aboard, tell him I want us ready to hit starlight speed on my command. Jarre, have the course laid in and be prepared to move at a moment’s notice. We’ll have no time to waste in getting out of here. Nigel, get me a report on injuries from Mirren. Ferris can inform me of casualties when he completes his task.”

  As Varian thought of Ferris Laus, he remembered the officer and his wife—Kathy, a charl from his initial Earth voyage and Jana’s friend—were also expecting a baby. He had to make certain Ferris made it back alive from this mission. The same was true of himself. He could succeed if Shara and Ryker would stop grabbing at him. Help me, Father, Mother; don’t let that evil bitch and her spawn destroy me and Jana as she destroyed you two.

  Varian continued with his orders. “We’ll take the Gem’s crew back to Star Base, then head for Darkar. Maybe communications will be functioning again soon. If not, we can file a report on this rescue when we reach base. We all had better pray nothing else goes wrong. Coran, run a check on ships systems to make sure we don’t have problems anywhere. Keep alert and at the ready, men. We’ll be cutting it close.”

  The daring and valiant rescue continued, as did Varian’s eerie sensation that his love and their child were in great peril, while he was stranded a long way from them and in grave peril himself.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Varian stalked into Supreme Commander Breccia Sard’s office with impatience glittering in his sapphire eyes. “You sent word by shuttle you wanted to see me immediately. What’s up, Brec? I’m in a rush. As soon as all the Gem’s crew are down, I need to head for Darkar. In fact, I need to contact Jana right now. Our communications have been out since late yesterday and she must be worried sick. As we speak, Vaiden and his team are installing that new interference override system so this won’t happen again. Surely a report can wait until I’m under way or until after I’ve spoken with her.”

  “You did an excellent job with the rescue, Varian, but that isn’t why I sent for you,” Sard began. “I’m afraid it’s bad news about Jana. Kagan reported it to me late last night, but we couldn’t reach you to pass it along.”

  Varian stared at his friend and superior. Surely Jana hadn’t given up on him so soon after the deadline expired and left for Androas as she threatened. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. “What are you talking about, Brec? The baby? Has something happened to her or the baby?”

  “Tirol told me that good news,” the dark-haired man said, a serious expression in his face. “Congratulations, but it has nothing to do with your baby.”

  “Then what?” he asked quickly before Brec could continue.

  “Jana and her friend were lured off Darkar and abducted by forces unknown. I have a search on for them and I’ve—”

  “That’s impossible!” Varian shouted as icy fingers of alarm gripped his heart. “Kagan’s on security and Ryker’s defense system is impenetrable. Who would dare attack there? How could any force get through the energy shield and lasers or disable them?”

  “There wasn’t an attack. They were tricked into lowering their defenses and leaving via shuttle to rendezvous with a waiting ship.”

  “Tricked into leaving? How? With whom?”

  “We don’t know. The ship they entered simply vanished.”

  Varian’s gaze narrowed. “I don’t follow you. How could they be tricked and not know who did it?”

  “Let’s get Kagan on the telecom and have a conference. He can report the situation better and you can ask questions.”

  Fear invaded Varian, soul deep, and began a terrifying siege. Twice before he had almost lost Jana. He shouldn’t have left her alone again, but he had believed her safe on Darkar with Kagan protecting her. If anything happened to her or their child …

  Varian called Nigel into the room and shared the grim news about the women to his best friend. They took seats at the conference table before the large communication monitor.

  When the connection was made, Varian leaned forward and demanded to know what had happened. “Where are Jana and Andrea?” he questioned Kagan impatiently. “Who took them? Why did you let them leave with strangers, enemies?” He noticed that Kagan’s seawater eyes were filled with distress and frustration. His auburn hair was mussed from running fingers through it, and he looked exhausted, as if he had gotten little or no sleep during the episode.

  “I’m sorry, Varian, but we never suspected anything was wrong. I notified Brec and he’s begun a search and tightened the boundary patrols. We don’t know who took them, where they’re heading, or why they were snatched. I shouldn’t have told her to go.”

  Varian shuddered and grimaced as a sensation of déjà vu stormed his body. Gone without a trace or clue, just like before … “You aren’t making sense, Kagan. Who tricked you into lowering the defenses and who carried them off? And how could they do it without a battle from you?”

  Kagan related how the startling event began. “They gave the correct identification code, so I let the shuttle land,” he said at the end of his explanation. “The markings on the craft, uniforms, and insignias were Androasian. They even used Maal’s pet name for Ryker. They stayed on my sensors, so I didn’t realize there was trouble until it was too late to stop them.”

  “Why would Maal abduct Jana?”

  “I don’t think he did, Varian. He—”

  “But you spoke with Maal; you said he made the request.”

  “No, his security chief did; that’s common practice. I had no reason to doubt it was Maal, and neither did Jana. A short visit, the android said.”

  Varian was angered by the agent’s lack of caution. “So you allowed Jana and Andrea to walk into a trap?” He saw Kagan react as if he had delivered a physical blow to a man a
lready down.

  “Yes. They left about five-thirty. When hours passed, I became concerned but couldn’t raise them on communications. I thought it was because of those solar flare-ups until a call came through at nine. That made me suspicious. I took a shuttle and went to check on the matter. All I found was a decoy drone sending out the signal that continued to register on my sensors; the ship was gone. I returned and put the scanners on full power. Not a clue or trace of the ship with Jana and Miss McKay. I contacted Maal on a hunch he wasn’t responsible. He was at home and in bed. The security man offered to awaken him if it was an emergency; I thought it best if I didn’t disturb him or tell them anything about Jana’s disappearance. It still might be Maal’s doing; he could be using hirelings to conceal his involvement. But he has an alibi; I don’t think he was a part of it.”

  “Nor do I. He can’t be on to us, so he wouldn’t abduct Jana.”

  “I hope it wasn’t Taemin,” Nigel murmured. “We all know what mood he’s in and he’s also vanished from sight. We have to find them, Varian.”

  “We will, my friend, and to Gehenna with their captors. No one’s contacted you with demands?” he asked the shame-faced Kagan.

  “Not a word, sir. I’m sorry. Jana was my responsibility and my friend. I’ll do anything you say to help get her back.”

  “Under the circumstances, I shouldn’t blame you, Kagan. Brec, any news on Cass? She could be responsible for this new attack on Jana.”

  “The plan seems too elaborate and cunning for a woman alone to effectuate.”

  “So was the last one, remember? But she set it up and carried it out without leaving a clue. We’ve all underestimated her skills and daring, and her desperation. Have you forgotten she ensnared Baruch and murdered him? She used Moloch and murdered him and his sister. She’s plotted with Ryker, Taemin, and others; we have some of that proof on those tapes and in the journals. She tried to entrap and kill me and Jana in Pyropea. And she did abduct Jana once before. That bitch fooled us all for a long time. We know now she’s a traitor.”


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