The Captain's Lady

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The Captain's Lady Page 24

by Louise M. Gouge

  Jamie thought his heart would burst for joy as he stood hand in hand with his bride before gray-haired Reverend Johnson, vicar of St. Johns Towne. In her new rosy-pink gown, hastily sewn by Rachel’s capable hands, Marianne was more than beautiful…she was exquisite. As the minister led them in their marriage vows, Jamie looked down into Marianne’s fathomless blue eyes and drew in a long breath to steady himself. He was humbled to think that he, an orphan, a former whaler, a merchant of no great wealth, could secure the love of this extraordinary woman. For his sake, she had given up a life of ease and plenty, and he would do all in his power to make it up to her.

  And yet along with this priceless treasure God had bestowed upon him came another responsibility. If they were to live their lives in freedom, he must do his part to help the Revolution succeed. Perhaps his connection to Lord Bennington’s family would somehow provide the way. Perhaps that connection would be a hindrance. Only time would reveal how things would turn out. But this time, instead of making any assumptions about wealth or class or rank, Jamie would more diligently seek God’s will in the matter. And this time he and Marianne would pray together and wait for His answer, just as they must do in regard to his sister. Jamie’s appreciation for his bride’s tenacity grew when she declared they must not rest until they learned of Dinah’s whereabouts.

  Mrs. Jamie Templeton. How good that sounded. As Marianne and her newly wedded husband left the quaint little church, she felt as if she were walking on a cloud on the way to their wedding supper.

  The vicar’s young wife, who Marianne learned had once snubbed Rachel, had almost fallen into a swoon when introduced to Lady Marianne. Mrs. Johnson insisted upon preparing the wedding supper on the lawn behind the vicarage. For the sake of peace, Marianne had accepted with the condition that the entire community and Jamie’s crew would be invited.

  While village children scampered about, musicians played and revelers ate from the lavish buffet, Jamie took Marianne’s hand and sought the quiet of the sanctuary to be alone with her.

  “My dear, beautiful bride.” His eyes had not ceased to shine this entire day. “Now that we’re wed, we must plan for our future.” His intense gaze softened. “You know of course that I must find a way to serve the Cause.”

  She gazed at him through sudden tears. “Yes, I know.”

  “And you’re not afraid?”

  She laughed softly. “I did not say that.” She drew his strong, callused hands up to her lips. “We do not know how the war will end. I pray His Majesty will see reason and let the colonies be free to establish their…our own country.” She brushed a hand across his tanned, well-formed cheek. “This I do know. God has brought us together, and while we both shall live, I ask only this—that anywhere you go, wherever it is in this world, you’ll let me go with you.”

  A frown flitted across his noble brow, but he nodded. “To be apart from you is not to live at all.”

  She returned a rueful smile. He had not promised what she asked. But somehow she understood. And even if he denied her request, she would never stop loving him. So much lay ahead of them, but owning Jamie Templeton’s heart was worth any sacrifice she must make.

  What was she thinking? This was her wedding day! Casting off her gloom, she gave him a quick peck on one cheek, then tugged him toward the door. “Come, my darling husband. Our guests are waiting.”

  He pulled her back into a firm embrace and kissed her until her knees grew weak. “Come, my darling wife. Our life is waiting.”

  Dear Reader,

  Ever since I was an adolescent girl watching Richard Greene in the television series Robin Hood, I’ve had a great love for all things English. Not until I was much older did I learn that one of my direct ancestors was an Englishman who sailed to Lord Baltimore’s colony of Maryland in 1665. Despite these treasured connections to England, I am so thankful for the courage and wisdom of those Patriots who rebelled against the Crown and established the United States of America—much as grown children sometimes must break ties with parents who hold on too long.

  Still, we Americans have much for which to thank our mother country: English Common Law, on which our legal system is based; the writings of John Locke that influenced our founders to establish a democratic government; and best of all, a godly faith that established a Christian tradition in America and made true justice and democracy possible.

  Thank you for choosing The Captain’s Lady, the second book in my Revolutionary War series. In these stories, I hope to inspire my readers always to seek God’s guidance, especially when making the decision about whom they will marry.

  I love to hear from readers, so if you have a comment about The Captain’s Lady, please contact me through my Web site,


  Louise M. Gouge


  As the story begins, we learn that Marianne and Jamie have a history: they fell in love when Jamie was in England the previous year. Marianne strongly believes that her love for Jamie is God-given, so she can hardly wait to see him alone to reaffirm her devotion. But even though Jamie still loves Marianne, he has decided their love can never be because he plans to spy on her father. How does that affect his behavior toward her? How do you think you would behave in similar circumstances if you were a man of honor like Jamie?

  As a self-made man, Jamie possesses a strong yet modest sense of his own worth. But as a guest of the earl of Bennington, he must pretend to accept the rules of a society where people are valued more for birth rank than good character. Have you ever been in a situation where wealth was the criteria for the amount of respect you received? Where did you fit in the hierarchy? How did you feel about your place? How did you view others?

  When she falls in love with Jamie, Marianne clearly sees beyond social rank to the real man. What makes her look beyond surface and material qualities to the man inside? How does her mother affect her views? Why do you think the countess ultimately gave her blessing on Marianne’s love for Jamie?

  Marianne has always had her parents’ approval and love, yet her father is clearly disappointed in his four sons. Why is the earl so demanding of his sons but not his daughter? How would you feel in Marianne’s place?

  At the time of our story, England was a “Christian” nation, yet the king and ruling class felt they had a right to force the American colonists to remain a part of their growing world empire. How do you suppose they reconciled a biblical Christian faith with their drive for world dominance?

  Jamie is a sincere and spiritual Christian, yet he has come to London to spy on Lord Bennington. How can he reconcile his faith with the lies he must tell to succeed in helping the Revolution? Is there ever a time when it is acceptable for a Christian to lie? To spy? What examples can we find in Scripture to help us decide what to do?

  In the midst of his spying, Jamie realizes he has a spiritual responsibility to help Robert Moberly comprehend the love and salvation of God. Even then, Jamie worries that Robert’s new faith might be weakened if he discovers Jamie’s covert activities. What unusual circumstances prompt you to share God’s love with others? Do you feel responsible to live your faith so others won’t stumble?

  Although Marianne is twenty years old and knows her own mind, her society expects her to be obedient to her father. Jamie somehow manages to stick to his duty and leave her, even as his heart is breaking. Is Marianne right or wrong to take matters into her own hands? Why? Why not?

  Marianne’s biggest internal conflict is not about running away from home but about knowing what to do once she discovers Jamie is her country’s enemy. Why does she finally choose to intervene to prevent the impressments of Jamie’s crew? What does this say about her character? What would you do in similar circumstances?

  Marianne has been “delicately” raised by loving parents, who gave her both material possessions and a spiritual heritage. How do you think she will manage in her new home in the East Florida wilderness without a lady’s maid and ot
her trappings of wealth? How will she manage spiritually?

  Even though Marianne and Jamie marry, they never reconcile their differences about the war. Marianne assumes the colonists will fail, and Jamie knows he must continue to do his part for the “Glorious Cause.” What kind of future do you foresee for them?

  Which character changes the most in the story? Marianne? Jamie? In what ways did each one mature and become stronger? In what ways did they stay the same?

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5063-9


  Copyright © 2010 by Louise M. Gouge

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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