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Wired For Sound

Page 18

by Cherime MacFarlane

  He gunned the engine a couple of times as he sat on the motorcycle grinning at the salesman. Indecision conquered, the man swung one leg over the seat and settled in behind H.M.

  "I hope you have a license. My butt could be hung for this." Carroll leaned forward to speak in Hamish's ear.

  "The boss willna care when ye write tha sale up. If she rides as well as she sounds, I intend tae purchase it outright an, I do have ah license."

  With the salesman on back, H.M. shifted into first gear and twisted the throttle. The motorcycle roared forward. At the end of the alley, H.M. slowed to a crawl. After glancing at the traffic, Hamish slid the bike out into a hole in front of a pickup truck.

  Leaning back in the seat, H.M. spoke to his passenger. "Which way tae tha express way?"

  "Want to ride along the beach for a while?"


  "O.K. Stay in the lane nearest the centerline. Take the first left turn. We'll come out on the highway that runs along the beach. Don't go too far, O.K.?"

  H.M. nodded as he watched the traffic for an opening. Shifting his weight, he gave it a shot of gas and the bike moved into the center lane. It responded well. The ride was enjoyable so far.

  Once down on the beach road, he encountered a long straight stretch with only a few cars in the outside lane. A twist of the throttle caused the bike to respond with a burst of speed which shoved Hamish back against the seat.

  Reveling in the exhilaration, Hamish raced down the road for a few miles before slowing down to look for a place to cross the highway to the other side.

  Spotting a parking lot for a seafood restaurant, he steered into the center turning lane. There was a small break in oncoming traffic. Gunning the motorcycle, he dove across both lanes into the parking lot. After circling the lot, H.M. sat at the edge of the highway waiting to enter the steady stream of traffic again.

  Once back on the road, he retraced his route back to the bike shop. After pulling into the alley, he switched off the engine and put the bike on its stand.

  There was a sigh of relief from Carroll. "Where the hell did you learn to ride? You could be a dangerous man."

  H.M. stepped off the Harley. Taking the key from the ignition, he handed it to the salesman. "I learned tae drive in Glasgow. I learned tae get about in London. You should try drivin there some day. It can be very educational."

  The salesman led the way into the shop. "No thanks. L.A. traffic is bad enough."

  The sale was duly added to the blue charge card. They were in the process of finalizing delivery arrangements. H.M. had given the matter some consideration while waiting for the purchase to be cleared.

  "Delivery may be ah bit involved. Have ye access to ah covered truck?"

  Carroll looked at him in astonishment. "I thought you'd be driving it away."

  H.M. grinned at Carroll. "I would enjoy it. However, extenuating circumstances force me tae forgo tha pleasure. I must avoid tha journalists for tha present, which makes subterfuge necessary. I want tha bike delivered tae my hotel in ah covered truck without signs. Toward evening would be good. I will want it delivered tae the service entrance of tha hotel. If you inquire at tha parking garage attendant's booth, there will be further instructions."

  Carroll shook his head. "You sure want a lot mister."

  "No more than I am willing tae pay for." H.M. took out four of the $50.00 bills and held them out. "Will this defray expenses?"

  "Throw in an extra $50.00 for the helper I'll need and you've got it."

  H.M. did as requested. Carroll took down Hamish's instructions and the name of the hotel.

  "How are you planning to get back yourself? Do you want me to call a taxi?"

  "Aye. But, first tell me if tha alley way extends over two more blocks tae the right of the restaurant?"

  "Yep, it does."

  "Have tha taxi pick me up at tha end of tha alley, two blocks over in that direction. I will wear tha jacket. I would like tha ladies jacket and both a large and small full-face helmet delivered with the bike. I also want this Harley bandanna." H.M. took one from the rack.

  "It'll cost you extra for the helmets and bandanna."

  H.M. nodded. "Have them added tae my credit card. Since ye've already approved purchase it shouldna take tae long. I would like ah drink while waiting. What do you have?"

  Business over, Carroll grinned. "I'll get you a beer from the staff cooler if you want one."

  Hamish smiled in return. "If you would. It will be pleasant tae just sit here an drink ah pint." Laying the bandanna on the desk, he folded it and tied it on his head to cover his hair.

  Carroll had H.M. sign a second charge slip, which he then took to the office with him. He returned with two beers.

  "Here ya go. We're within a couple of hours of closing time, so I may as well join you. I've been thinking. Since the credit card is listed to Lori Ann Galloway, I'm assuming she must be your old lady. There are a couple of bands in town from Europe. Me and the head mechanic have a bet on. I say you must be the keyboard player from Bushmaster. You guys are stuck in town because your front man ate it. You're MacGrough, aren't you? That was sure a lousy accident, I was sorry to hear it. I really like your music, but I guess you guys are split up for sure now."

  The beer was very cold. H.M. took a drink. "You win tha bet Carroll. Bushmaster is finished. Buy what you want tae hear now. It may be all compilations in tha future. Do not let this get out. I dinna want tae be hounded by journalists. Another reason why tha card is in my wife's name."

  Carroll took a business card out of his shirt pocket. It had his name along with the name and address of the shop imprinted on it. "Drop me a line when you get back home. That way, I'll still win my bet and you can get out of here with no one the wiser. Is it a deal?"

  H.M. took the card. He put it into one of the zipper pockets of the jacket. "Deal."

  They finished their beers while sitting on the desk. Carroll took the empty bottle from H.M. "You know the way out. I'll have a taxi waiting for you at the end of the second block down, that way." With one finger the salesman pointed in the direction of the restaurant. "Just start walking and it will be there."

  The big Scotsman reached out to shake Carroll's hand. "Thank ye for yer help an for tha beer. I appreciate both."

  "No problem. Let me get the taxi for you." Carroll turned to the phone on the desk.

  After a moment H.M. walked to the front door. Slipping out into the crowded street, he walked past the restaurant door and turned toward the buildings, away from the edge of the sidewalk. The unmarked car was somewhere close, he could feel it. Much like the times he had dodged trouble as a child, he was going to get away from this menace for a while.

  Resisting the urge to look for it, he slowly strolled down the sidewalk. He kept his hands in his pockets and his head down slightly. He wanted to look like someone who had just spent his last coin on a jacket instead of the bike he really wanted.

  The crowd had swelled within the last hour. Hamish found it easy to get pushed to the edge of the stream of people hurrying along in the center of the sidewalk. Keeping up with the foot traffic, H.M. made his way down the street. At the end of the second block after turning the corner, he saw a taxi waiting in a loading zone by the alley entrance. He jerked open the door and slid in.

  "About time." The driver glared at him for an instant before pulling away from the curb. H.M. leaned forward to give him the hotel name.

  "I know where you want to go. We'll be there in a jiffy. You're all set dude."

  H.M. turned to look out the rear window. There was no sign of anything or anyone following them. While the driver negotiated the turn around the corner, H.M. tore off the bandanna and leaned back into the shadow of the cab's interior. He spotted the unmarked polis car sitting in a loading zone near the entrance to the restaurant.

  Feeling a grin forming at the corners of his mouth, Hamish ducked his head to hide his amusement from the driver. Nae bad for ah lad with nae real criminal training. I
t had been as easy as he anticipated. He relaxed against the seat. When he reached the hotel, it would be time to put the other half of his hastily hatched plan into action.

  The cabbie pulled into the parking garage in response to Hamish's instructions and dropped him near the attendant's booth. Arrangements were concluded with a minimum of fuss between H.M. and the attendant on duty. When he left, a tip and instructions for the next attendant were waiting in an envelope.

  MacGrough entered the hotel through the service area at the rear of the garage's ground floor. He cornered the first employee he saw. Insisting on speaking with the manager immediately, he refused to move until that person had been brought to him. Well versed in the methods of handling the rich and demanding, the employee hurried off.

  Within half an hour's time, H.M. made arrangements for his purchase to be tucked into a utility room on arrival. Unless the polis had spies within the service area, they would have no knowledge of the bike, once it was safely hidden away.

  H.M. was pleased with the way things had gone. Now they could escape at will. It would be nice to have a few rides before they had to leave. He opened the door to their suite with a broad smile on his face.

  Lori sat on the couch with a book in hand. She looked up at him and returned the smile. "You look like a contented man."

  Dragging the coffee table out of his way, he pulled her up from the couch. Wrapping Lori in his arms, one of his hands went behind her head. Pulling her close, H.M. began to explore her mouth with his tongue.

  Lori pushed him away slightly as she leaned back in his embrace. "Had a bit of a spin on the bike did you?"

  "Certainly." He pulled her tightly against him with one arm. With his other hand H.M. began to tug at the hem of her tee shirt. Pulling it upward, he bent his head to suck on the now exposed nipple.

  "Humm." She ran her fingers through his hair before grabbing his ears with both hands. "Nice. I can always tell when you've been riding, everything is just a bit more urgent." Lori pulled him away by his ears.

  "Ouch!" He yelped. "I need those!"

  "Then into the bedroom with you. The curtains are open. I don't want our friends getting titillated at our expense. They will have to get their rocks off on their own."

  Lori pulled her shirt down. H.M. bent her back and kissed her passionately. Lori locked her arms around his neck. Breaking the kiss, Hamish put both hands beneath her buttocks and heaved her upward. Wrapping her legs around his waist, Lori kept her arms around his neck. With his wife firmly attached to his body, the big man started walking toward the bedroom door.

  "Are tha curtains closed?" He inquired. "I dinna want tae lose any portion of my anatomy, should I forget tae check."

  She wiggled against him. "The curtains are closed. What do I detect here?" Lori clenched her legs tightly about his waist. The bulge beneath her stirred.

  He took one hand from Lori's butt. With a grin, H.M. squeezed one breast through the cloth of her shirt. "Do you have any objections tae ah quickie?"

  Placing one knee on the edge of the mattress, H.M. deposited Lori on the bed. Face suddenly serious, he loosened the waistband of her jeans and tugged them down past her knees. The tee shirt was swiftly pulled up over her head.

  Lori smiled at him from the bed as she kicked the jeans away. She watched Hamish toe off his boots before he unhooked his belt, unfastened his pants and pushed them downward. Hamish still had the leather jacket on.

  "I can't wait to get on the bike. I hope we get a nice long ride." Lori smiled up at her husband who stood there with a huge bike induced hard on.

  Standing on the jeans he had shed, H.M. put both hands beneath her. "Why is that?" He asked as he lifted her into position. "Do you miss riding?"

  "I like riding because we both get so horny. I love it when we get to where we're going." She gripped two handfuls of the bedspread. "Shut up and perform MacGrough. You make me hot just looking at you."

  Hamish did as she asked. He watched as her eyes took on a slightly glazed expression then fluttered closed. Lori arched upward, pushing herself tightly against him.

  "The's red."

  Her reply was physical as she locked her legs tightly around him and shivered slightly.

  Reclining on the couch after having eaten, Lori had her head in 1H.M.'s lap. He was twisting one strand of her hair around his finger as he gave Lori a brief description of the afternoon's occurrences. She started to giggle, then broke into great belly laughs which threatened to bounce her off his lap.

  "Awfully amusing, is it? Would it have been as amusing if I had taken her up on tha offer?"

  Tears streamed down her cheeks as Lori finally managed to get herself under control. "That would not have been funny. I would simply have ripped her arms off for daring to touch you."

  "It doesnae make sense." Hamish frowned. "If I had chosen tae accept tha goods offered, I would have been at fault."

  "Ah. Yes, and you would have been the instrument of her destruction as well."

  "I fail to see tha logic here. If I were tha wrongdoer why punish tha woman?" H.M. wiped her cheek with one hand.

  "If the bitch had the guts to touch what she knew wasn't hers, she can handle what comes of her actions. You saved her ass by not taking her up on it. That was sweet of you, dearest." The sweet smile she gave him was in direct contrast to the harsh tone of voice Lori used when speaking of Ms. Morgan.

  Hamish MacGrough shook his head in amazement. "I dinna believe I will ever understand tha twists an turns of ah woman's mind. A man would punish tha party who decided tae do tha deed. It seems rather straight forward tae me."

  "Male logic varies from female logic. It's just one of the rules of nature. Get used to it MacGrough."

  The phone rang and H.M. leaned forward to pick up the receiver. Just as his hand closed around it, Lori scraped her fingernails across his stomach muscles.

  H.M. yelped then spoke into the receiver. "What?"

  Warren was on the other end of the line. "Not interrupting anything, am I?"

  Hamish looked down to inspect the damage. Lori was still smiling sweetly up at him. "Just remember to stay a good boy." She whispered before sitting up.

  "I think ye've saved me from further damage if tha truth be known. What did ye want Warren?"

  "There is to be a meeting of the band in my suite in half an hour. You will be here?"

  "Certainly. In fact, if ye have nae objection, I will come over in about fifteen minutes. I want to fill ye in on my conversation with Miss Morgan."

  "Fine. See you in fifteen then." Warren hung up the phone.

  H.M. placed the receiver back on its cradle. Lori was watching him inquisitively from the end of the couch.

  "Warren I take it?"

  "Aye. Ye've not told me what tha Tatterson lad had tae say. If you will fill me in before we go over tae Warren's, I would appreciate it."

  "Don't get formal with me Hamish. I'm not angry with you. What's a love scratch between friends?"

  "Quite a lot, if you draw blood." He rubbed the spot she had scratched. There were four red lines across his stomach.

  "Don't be a baby, I didn't draw blood this time." Lori smiled at him.

  "Point taken, madam. I will continue tae behave myself. Now tell me about Tatterson."

  "He was with a young girl that night. They were on the stage, but he didn't see anyone or anything. He said the girl had eyes in the back of her head. She apparently saw something, wouldn't say what, but she made him leave the stage. They continued their party in the back of one of the vans. She was selling pot to the crew when Tatterson spotted her. He knew she was less than legal age, but it didn't bother her so he didn't let it bother him."

  "Since he spends a portion of the year in Portland, he fully intends to carry on the relationship. In light of his plans and her age, he asked us to be careful what we do. Tatterson also gave me her name, Alice Marie O'Connor. I got her address from him. It's near a small town in Washington State, close
to the border with Canada. Tatterson advised me, she has a pot farm run by her father, brothers and herself."

  Lori rose from the couch. "Ms. O'Connor was very proud of the fact that the land is hers. It has been passed down through the female line since pioneer days. She made a point of telling him to be careful in dealing with her father and brothers as they can be rough. Alice told him she would give them his name. If he showed up, Jim was to be sure and tell them who he was."

  "Quite tha young lady. I will have tae think about this." H.M. walked into the bedroom. "We should be leaving now. I want to share this with Warren."

  He picked up the leather jacket and walked over to hang it in the closet.

  "I don't really want to go with you." Lori followed him into the bedroom. "This is strictly a band business meeting. I've heard it all and I want to work on some sketches tonight. If I go with you, I won't have any time."

  Sitting down on the bed, he scrutinized her carefully. "Are ye angry with me?"

  "No. I'm not, but if you keep hinting that I am, I may get that way. Ms. Morgan took a shot at putting the make on you and you turned her down. I've no reason to be angry at you for it." Lori sat down next to H.M. and put an arm around him.

  "All this insanity over Vincent's death has put real demands on our relationship and changed our routine. I haven't had any real time for myself. I can handle most things as long as there is still time for my art. I have so many new ideas I need to rough out, I just have to have a little time off."

  Hamish found his feelings were a trifle hurt. "I think I will miss having ye with me. I want ye tae myself all the time."

  "Sweetheart, you can't have me at your beck and call whenever you like. I do have my own career. You always knew it."

  "Aye. 'Tis true, I will miss ye." H.M. gave her a hug. "But since Ye need time tae work on your material, I will manage."

  Lori smiled at him as she ran one hand through his hair. "Just keep that attitude up and we'll get along fine, MacGrough. I do love you. Remember it when the going gets rough."

  H.M. rose and left Lori setting on the bed. A few minutes later he knocked on Warren's door.


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