Wired For Sound
Page 19
"Come in, Hamish. There's a scotch and ginger on the coffee table. Let me refresh mine and I'll join you."
Warren poured a shot of bourbon into his glass before walking over to sit across from H.M. "Tell me, what was Ms. Morgan like?"
"I've never met quite so forward ah woman ever." H.M. gave Warren a short rundown on his encounter with Evie. "I escaped with my hide intact, barely."
"I suppose your comment about my telephone call having saved you from further injury stems from that?" Warren smiled as he took another sip of his drink.
"Oh, definitely. But, nae in tha way ye might think. Lori actually blamed her for laying ah finger on ah private holding. What I did about her was secondary. I cannae understand it, but then, who understands female logic as a whole? Certainly not this mere man."
"You are doing better than I. I've never been able to stay married for more than a year at a stretch." Warren put the glass down on the table which stood between them. "Anything else of interest to report?"
"Actually, there is. There may have been a groupie who saw something. Unfortunately, she's in Washington State somewhere. Lori would know tha location better than I. I will have tae see her. Tha coppers also followed me today. After tha altercation with Fredrick, they're watching us much more closely than previously. I may have ah way tae get out of here without them catching on. If they do discover I have left tha area...I dinnae like to think of tha consequences."
"What are you planning?" Warren sat forward, a frown on his face.
"I'm nae certain yet. An ye really shouldnae ask. If ye only know what I tell you, it will be more believable when you relay information tae tha polis. I think Lori an I need some time tae ourselves. This has been hard on us, on our marriage. I think we will get ah bike an get away for ah while. We willna be leaving tha state. We may just cruise around off tha beaten track for ah wee mite."
Hamish finished his drink. "How about another?" He waited until Warren was at the bar before speaking. "You may hear something from Thud which will be ah wee bit of a surprise tonight. Let them all think ye already knew or suspected something. This will work out in our favor, so go easy on him."
Warren stiffened at the bar. He finished fixing H.M. another drink before walking back toward him.
Warren's face was a study in concern when he reached out to hand H.M. the glass. "I take it this will be a potential bombshell?"
"It could've been quite bad, but it worked itself out."
At that moment there was a knock on the door. Warren glanced in the direction of the door then back at H.M. "Your timing is impeccable as always, MacGrough. I'll stay cool."
Glen entered the room and walked over to the bar with Warren. Glen requested a beer which Warren took from the small refrigerator. Taking a quick glance at H.M., Glen quickly looked away again.
Being ignored by the young bass player irritated him. He refused to allow it. "Glen. Have ye heard anything further from Francie?" He called out.
The other man hesitated for a moment before slowly walking over to H.M. Glen stood in front of the Scotsman with the beer bottle in one hand and the other in his pocket.
Glen shook his head. "Strange, that you would ask. I had a phone call awhile ago from her parents. They don't know where she is. I'm scared to death."
Glen sat down next to H.M. "I guess I'll cooperate with you after all. I have to get out of here. I haven't any idea where she could have gone. When she called me, she told me she was in London. Francie didn't say she was actually at her parents, but led me to believe she was with them. H.M., what am I going to do?"
"She did call ye. It would seem she is aware of yur concern. Have you been putting pressure on her tae marry you?"
"Uh huh." Glen sighed. "I have to admit, I got a bit pushy about it. Damn it H.M., I love the woman. Is that such a bad thing?"
"Not as far as we're concerned. Francie reminds me of Lori in a fashion. Lori was very skittish during tha days before our marriage. I had tae go slowly or she might have bolted altogether. She had ah bad experience with someone prior to meeting me. It soured her on men." H.M. shrugged.
"I had tae be careful not tae make her feel swallowed up by me an my career. Has Francie thought about what she wants tae do with her life? Is there anythin that interests her?"
Glen took a sip of his beer. "She has a real love for kids. I think originally, she was studying to be a teacher. Francie dropped out of school to be with him. I have been trying to talk her into going back to school and getting her certificate. I'm not sure how things work in Britain. Couldn't she finish her schooling?"
H.M. scrubbed one hand through his hair. "I think she should be able tae do so. Since I've nae idea what level she was at, it is difficult for me tae say. If ye were married, she could stay here and continue her studies I believe. I know Lori mentioned once if I had tha money an inclination, I could get my medical degree here."
Hamish took a sip of his drink. "I understand ye want what is best for her. I imagine she realizes it. Just go slowly, Glen. The very fact that she has chosen to stay with ye is a step in tha right direction. She may just need time tae think. When she calls again, let her know her parents are worried about her, as ye are. Dinnae push her tae hard, just find out where ye can contact her an bide yur time for ah bit."
Glen rolled the beer bottle back and forth between his palms. "I guess you're right. It's just hard to ease up when I'm so worried."
There was another knock at the door. H.M. looked up to see who had arrived. He made a mental bet with himself it wouldn't be Thud and won the bet. Lurch entered, waved a greeting at them and went over to the bar with Warren.
"Glen, I understand how ye feel. Just remember she has had a very difficult time of it these last few months, an be patient."
"O.K. I'll try. But, man oh man, is it hard. Listen, I need another beer. Do you want another scotch?"
"Nae, thanks. I have sufficient."
Glen walked over to Warren and Lurch. H.M. looked at his watch. Thud was late. That was no surprise. Everyone was seated when the drummer's knock finally announced his presence.
"Come in Thud. We've all been waiting for you." Warren called out.
Thud opened the door. H.M. noticed the Irishman was trying to put a brave front on.
"Ye're all ahead o me. It there anymore scotch or has Heavy Metal drained it all?"
Warren eyed Thud before replying. "The bottle is on the bar. Help yourself. Then come on over here so we can get down to business."
H.M. watched as Thud poured a straight double scotch. He stared pointedly at Thud as the drummer made his way over to the windows. The other man acknowledged his scrutiny with a nod of his head.
Stationing himself with his back to the window, the Irishman cleared his throat. "Gentlemen. A toast if ye will." He called out.
"Sure." Lurch lifted his beer. "What are we toastin?"
"My forethought. We will have one more chance tae pull all our chestnuts out o tha fire, thanks tae my good planning."
"Oh really?" Warren drawled. "Precisely what are we talking about?"
"I recorded us live. I made sure Bushmaster's last performance wa recorded. I had ah DAT machine strategically placed during one o tha Seattle sound checks an tha live performance. We, gentlemen, hav finally put one over on Vincent 'Tha Viper' Slaughter."
"Here! Here!" Called out Lurch. "Well done Thud. That's the best news that I've heard for days."
"I'll drink to that!" Glen lifted his beer.
"To Thud." Warren lifted his glass while staring at H.M. The ramifications of Thud's actions and the alternatives had not gone past him. Had Vincent lived, there would have been an extremely good bootleg tape on the market, Warren knew it. The drummer was in for a very bad time when Warren got him alone.
H.M. lifted his glass and took a sip. Quite likely, Warren would have a thing or two to say to him as well. Their manager and his new partner, would probably demand the whole story.
At that moment, Hamish decided to l
eave for Washington the following morning. He had to talk to the girl. Giving Warren a cooling-off period was a bonus. He would have to discuss the idea with Lori, but he was leaving in the morning, with or without her.
"I have another item of business for the agenda." Warren broke in
"Let's be blunt. At this point, none of us had any love for Vince. He screwed with us all in some way or another. However, this will be the last time Bushmaster, minus one will be able to play together for a while. How about a jam session gentlemen? A wake so to speak."
"Alright. As long as we're holding a wake for Bushmaster and not the slimy bastard, I'm game." Glen agreed immediately.
Lurch spoke up. "Sure, let's do it."
"Oh, why the feckin not." Thud added.
H.M. simply nodded his assent.
"Good. So, we are agreed." Warren looked around at them all. "Now, all that remains is the day, place and time."
"Per'aps we should wait until this muddle with tha polis is cleared." H.M. looked around at his band mates.
"That might be an idea." Warren nodded in acknowledgment. "Or, you can jam tonight. I have a place we can use. In fact, the instruments, everything, is all set up. You can use the arena. The cops have left everything as it was on stage. The only guards are the security guards. I don't think they'll call the cops. I had a short conversation with the owner of the security company. The cops have fooled with things about as much as they're going to. Everything is scheduled to be packed up in a day or so anyway."
H.M. stared at him. "Warren, surely you cannae be serious! If the coppers found out they would hang us all."
"I don't think they will find out about it. The only ones who would know are the security guards. I can arrange it so they aren't around for an hour or two. What do you want to do?"
Lurch looked at H.M. "Will it bum you out to play where Vince died?"
Hamish thought about it for a moment. "Per'aps not. In a way it would be ah good send off. Sorry, Glen, I just cannae bring myself tae hate him. Aye, I'll do it."
H.M. looked at his watch. If he could get to bed by 1:00 a.m. or so, he would be able to get on the road before anyone else was awake. "We could let Ed know. Then he could be there, along with anyone else he trusted tae keep quiet about it."
Warren put his empty glass on the coffee table. He looked at Hamish. "Good thought. The man has a right to be there as well. A small audience wouldn't hurt."
Warren looked around the group. "Well boys, shall we?"
Bushmaster agreed.
"I'll have a limo in the parking garage in half an hour. Call whoever you want gentlemen, but keep it small. Everyone will have to enter by the back service entrance at the arena. I think we can get by the cops just this once if it's done right. I don't think we will be expected to go anywhere as a group. What the hell, what can they do to all of us? It's not like we were sneaking in there to tamper with evidence. Let's go. Don't be too surprised if I record this. Do you still have the DAT, Thud?" Warren asked.
"Yeah." Thud replied quickly refusing to be intimidated.
"Bring it along. Let's see what you can do." Warren rose from his chair.
H.M. made sure he was the first one out the door. He did not want to answer any questions Warren might have.
Lori was waiting for him on the couch. She put away her drawing materials when he entered. "How did it go?"
"Fairly well. I think I want tae leave for Washington early in tha mornin. Do you wish tae go with me?"
"I'll go. I suppose we will be taking the bike?"
"Aye. That we will." H.M. smiled at her. "Ye can be my navigator. Do you want tae go out tae ah jam session now? It will be our wake for Bushmaster and Vince."
"Where are you going to play? I thought the cops had everything under wraps?" There was a puzzled look on her face as she considered where they might be jamming.
"Warren has arranged it so we can have an hour or so tae ourselves in tha arena."
Lori grabbed his arm. "You aren't going to play there, are you? I'm sure the cops have it cordoned off! There will be hell to pay if they get wind of this. What is Warren using for brains?"
"He thinks we can get awa with it. Warren said he spoke with tha security people an tha cops have finished with their physical investigation of tha premises an tha equipment. He set everythin up with tha security people. An he's likely correct. Surely, tha polis have all the fingerprints an such they need. Are ye coming?"
"Damn! Of course I'm coming. If you go to jail, I might as well go too." Letting go of his arm, Lori went into the bedroom to slip on her tennis shoes.
"I can't imagine how on earth Warren came up with such a hare-brained scheme. He is supposed to look out for you, not get you into trouble."
"Luv, dinnae carry on so much. It will be fine. I wouldnae go ahead with it if I thought we would get intae trouble."
H.M. made a quick phone call to Ed while waiting for Lori. Ed agreed to meet them at the arena.
Lori was amazed at the ease with which they were able to get into the hall. They parked the limo a few blocks away. By two's and three's they silently made their way to the service entrance, then into the main hall. Everything was as they had left it that afternoon. By mutual agreement, they kept the sound low.
Ed helped them power up everything and set up the DAT recorder. They used the monitors for sound as the main speaker system had already been packed. Ed had come alone as had most of the band. Ed, Warren and Lori were the only audience.
Once they had tuned up to everyone's satisfaction, Lurch looked over at Glen. "Let's play Devil's Lament. You can sing it."
"Sure." Glen counted it off, and they began the tune.
Lori felt a shiver as Glen began to sing the words after the intro. He didn't scream the lyrics as Vincent had. That, in a way, made the song's message more powerful. His voice gave the lyrics a haunting quality the album version lacked.
1Man on a street corner, selling his wares.
Nobody looks, nobody dares.
A mother asks, "Man what you doing here?"
You’re hurtin the babies I bear.
There's not enough hate, not enough dying,
But it's not for my lack of trying.
Have some more greed.
Take this it’s just what you need.
Fire in his eye, greed in his heart
Killin and horror his kind of art.
A mother asks, "Man what you doing here?"
You’re hurtin the babies I bear.
Come on, come on, have a little more,
You’ll like this for sure.
Come on, come on in the door.
There's not enough hate, not enough dying,
But it's not for my lack of trying.
Have some more greed.
Take this it’s just what you need.
He’s sitting there counting his stack,
And puttin little bags in a sack
A mother asks, "Man what you doing here?"
You’re hurtin the babies I bear.
There's not enough hate, not enough dying,
But it's not for my lack of trying.
Have some more greed.
Take this it’s just what you need.
Glen sang the lyrics, on the darkened stage with only a few lights on. The effect of the song was something Lori had never before experienced. Lurch played lead while H.M. played rhythm. When the final notes died away, the group was silent for a moment.
Warren put everyone's feelings into words. "I think I finally understand the song. You guys did a good job. If the DAT picks up what we heard, this is going to be fantastic."
Lurch acknowledged his comment with a nod. "H.M., let's do 'Don't Care'. It's your baby anyway. Go for it."
Lurch started the rhythm out, Glen and Thud joined in. H.M. added the keyboard part and began to sing when the intro was finished.
1Made up my mind,
I am leavin this town.
House has been too quiet,
p; There's never a sound.
1Can’t think anymore,
Don’t know what to do.
And don’t even care,
I just go on missin you.
1It's too dark to see,
You turned out the light.
Can’t find a way out,
Try as I might.
1Can’t think anymore,
Don’t know what to do.
And don’t even care.
I just go on missin you.
He was singing to her. Lori felt goose bumps crawl along her arms. She loved his voice. The clear baritone wove magic in the darkness. Finding herself nearly in tears, she felt the loneliness and hunger for a lost love.
The next hour passed in the same way. They took turns singing the songs. Lurch acted as bandmaster. Warren kept the DAT machine busy recording what they were playing. They finally gave it up and powered down the equipment before slipping quietly away into the darkness.
The limo driver picked them up and sped away down the street. Everyone was silent. No one had anything to say. Bushmaster had played its swan song. The neon lights were a blur in the smoggy night air. When they reached the hotel, everyone shook hands before going their separate ways. It was the end of an era.
Lori watched H.M. as he unlocked the door to their suite. He was frowning, deep in thought. She followed him into the bedroom. Flopping down on the bed, he laced his hands behind his head. Silently, Hamish MacGrough stared up at the ceiling.
Lori went into the bathroom to brush her teeth. He clearly didn't want to talk about it just yet. Perhaps he never would. She tried to imagine what he must be feeling. Lori found herself unable to even 1comprehend his emotions.
Painting was a solitary occupation. She couldn't even begin to appreciate the depths of his loss. When she climbed into bed, H.M. was still silently staring at nothing.