Perfekt Balance (The Ære Saga Book 3)

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Perfekt Balance (The Ære Saga Book 3) Page 21

by S. T. Bende

  “You all right, hjärtat?” He didn’t remove his lips from mine.

  “Better than all right,” I whispered.

  “Good.” Forse resumed his heated kiss. As I struggled to regain my balance, he moved his hips lightly against mine.

  Oh. My. Gods. This was so worth waiting an eternity for.

  “Elsa,” Forse murmured as my knees buckled again.


  “I missed you.” Forse ran his tongue along my bottom lip. He tasted like fresh air. And mint. And home.

  “I missed you, too.” I gazed up at him adoringly. “My heart feels like it’s missing a piece when you’re away.”

  “That could be because I still have our soulmate stone around my neck.” Forse fingered the larimar necklace resting beneath his collar, and winked.

  “You know what it is?” My eyes widened. “How?”

  Forse kept one hand around my waist, holding me close, while he removed the necklace with the other. I tugged my hair to the side, taking the larimar from him and fastening the clasp behind my neck.

  “It turns out”—Forse fingered the crystal as he spoke—“that Freya happens to have a stash of these back in Asgard. I bumped into her when I was home, and we got to talking.”

  “How is she feeling?” I asked.

  “Okay.” Forse looked thoughtful. “She still hasn’t fully recovered from her stay in Helheim, and she’s concerned because she feels like her love reserves are low. She’s afraid it’s going to start impacting her work.”

  “That’s not good,” I tutted. “What does she think is happening?”

  “She’s not sure. We spent some time discussing it, and to be honest, I’m concerned, too. She’s not fully herself. Maybe she needs to take a break from Asgard and work, and come spend the summer or fall with us.”

  “That would be really nice.” I smiled. I always enjoyed my time with Freya. “Maybe I can help heal whatever’s happening with her.”

  “I’m sure you could.” Forse winked at me. “But Freya and I talked about more than her health.”

  “Oh, did you now?”

  “Mmm. When I mentioned your necklace to her, she became quite chatty. She explained what the stone was, and told me she was the one who put it in that jewelry store window, hoping I’d get it for you. That explains the clerk’s confusion when I went in to buy it. He hadn’t known he had one in stock.”

  “Figures.” I smiled.

  “Ja. Well, Freya and I had a very interesting talk. It turns out, what I was looking for was right in front of me all along.”

  “Is that so?” My lashes fluttered against my cheeks.

  “I’m so sorry it’s taken me this long to get here. I was afraid, Elsa. Afraid that after what I’d allowed to happen to you, you wouldn’t be able to trust me. I’ve worked since the day Runa disappeared to bring her in, thinking that if I could capture her, I could make at least partial amends for my role in what she did. Some of my culpability has been alleviated now that Odin’s sentenced her—he gave her a life term, with the possibility of parole in a few centuries, on account of what she did to save Tyr all those years ago. I doubt she’ll qualify though; there’s no way she’ll be open to the healing stipulations Odin placed on the sentence.”

  I reached up to stroke Forse’s jaw. It was clean-shaven now, the picture of respectability, just like the rest of him. “I’m glad she at least has a chance to redeem herself. I hope she sees the value in turning her path around. But Forse,” I whispered, “you didn’t have to make anything right. What Runa did wasn’t your fault. I’ve never blamed you for her choices, and I’ve never needed you to do anything to earn my trust.”

  “Freya helped me see that,” Forse admitted. “And she helped me see something else, too.” He set me on my feet, so my shearling-lined boots rested on the blanket. Forse stepped back and reached in his back pocket. He pulled something out, and held it in a fist in front of his chest.

  I tilted my head to the side, my blond waves falling over my shoulder. “What is that?”

  “It’s my version of a soulmate stone.”

  Time slowed to a standstill as Forse dropped to one knee on the edge of the blanket, kneeling lightly amidst a sea of snow-covered ground. A cathedral of redwoods circled the spot where Forse Styrke appeared to be preparing to do something I thought it would take him centuries to be ready for. Oh my gods. Is this really happening?

  “I should preface this by saying that my brain knows it’s too soon to ask this of you. You’re probably way too young to want to get married, especially to someone you’ve only just ‘officially’ started seeing.” No, I’m not! My spirit sang with joy. “But my heart’s telling me to throw reason out the window for once in my life and just go for it. Elsa Fredriksen, I’m in love with you. I’ve loved you all my existence, even when I was too stupid to do anything about it.” Forse’s gaze was steady as he spoke. “I’m far from perfekt—Odin knows I’ve been an idiot more times than not. But you are my perfekt balance. Where I act from my head, you act from your heart. And when we work together, we’re a force to be reckoned with.”

  Forse’s hand shook as he opened his palm to reveal a beautifully familiar piece of jewelry.

  Moisture dampened my cheeks as I took in the sight of the god I loved, on bended knee, holding my mother’s wedding ring. “I haven’t seen that since…”

  “I know. My mom removed it when she and my dad…well, she kept it safe. I think on some level, she knew I’d be the one to return it to you. But if you aren’t ready to take this step, you can just hold on to it for a few years, or centuries, or however long it takes you to catch up to where I am. I’m not going anywhere. I’ve waited too long to let myself love you, and I intend to be at your side the minute you decide that you want—”

  “I want you.” I wiped a tear from my eye. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Forse held the ring between his fingers and stared at me with an intensity that left me breathless. “Elsa, I promise to spend the rest of our existence filling your heart with all of the love you deserve. I’ll cherish you with every fiber of my being, from now until forever. You are my hjärtat—my heart’s unique match. If you’ll have me, I promise to give you every conceivable happiness.”

  The tears coursed down my cheeks, and my necklace warmed, absorbing the energy flowing between our hearts. Gods, I loved this god.

  “Elsa Fredriksen”—Forse held up the ring—“will you marry me?”

  I nodded, wiping my eyes so I could commit every detail of Forse’s proposal to memory. “Yes,” I declared, memorizing the way his lips pressed together nervously while he awaited my answer; the way a lock of hair fell adorably against his forehead; the way his eyes crinkled in a smile as I gave my consent; and, most importantly, the way his heart settled into a steady rhythm that pulsed in time with mine as he slid the ring over my fourth finger. In that moment, the crystal at my neck emitted a glow so bright, it rivaled the Midgardian sun. “Yes,” I repeated with a laugh, as Forse jumped to his feet. He wrapped his arms around me and dipped me low, his kiss sealing the choice we’d waited lifetimes to make. When he righted me, his eyes twinkled with a palpable joy.

  “Jeg elsker deg, hjärtat.” He pressed his forehead to mine.

  “I love you, too.” I closed my eyes and breathed in his nearness, relishing the sensation of Forse’s heart beating against mine. After an endless moment, I pulled my head back and rested my palm against his chest. My mother’s diamond sparkled brightly against the crisp white of his shirt, reflecting the rays of the late afternoon sun. As I admired it, a thought flitted across my brain. “You know Tyr’s going to be angry you gave this to me.”

  Forse looked surprised. “Why do you think that? I asked his permission for your hand—that’s why it took me so long to get to you after the Bifrost dropped. He wanted to make sure I really understood that if I ever hurt you, he’d kill me. He had to take me on a long walk to impart that wisdom, thought, since I showed up
while he was playing charades with Mia’s family. He’s trying to downplay his intimidation factor for her father.”

  “That sounds like him.” I laughed. “But if I’m wearing Mom’s ring, what is he going to give to Mia?”

  Forse’s eyebrows shot up. “He didn’t say anything about proposing.”

  “He wouldn’t have. He knows she’s not ready yet.” I tapped my temple. “But I spent a lot of time in his head while we were in Svartalfheim, and I saw things.”

  “Oh, did you?” Forse tilted his head back. “That should be interesting. Has he talked to Odin?”

  I shook my head. “Odin’s not receptive to lifting the ban on mortal admission to Asgard…or the one prohibiting inter-realm unions. But he’s going to have to be open, on both counts. Henrik, Brynn, and I talked it over this week. And I visited Lornara in Alfheim. We all agree the recent attacks aren’t coincidence. They’re markers—signs leading to Ragnarok.”

  A low sound rumbled in Forse’s chest. “Gods.”

  “I know.” I nodded. “Tyr’s heading to Asgard when the Ahlströms go home, to talk to Odin about increasing protection on your dad. He knows the prophesy surrounding Balder, and he’s going to do everything he can to stop it.”

  Forse sucked in a breath. “What about you? Have there been any new prophesies about your safety?”

  I reached up to cup his cheek, his skin smooth against my thumb. “I’m meant to train Asgard’s true Unifier. And help Tyr find a way around the Odin situation so he can propose. But he’s got time—the Norns haven’t seen an imminent threat. They only know it’s coming. And Lornara and I are going to do everything we can to hold it off until Mia becomes a Key.”

  Forse pressed his lips against my forehead. “Well, when it comes, we’ll be ready. Between you and Mia, I have every confidence you’ll convince prospective perps to turn away from the darkness. And once they defect to Asgard, we’ll instill in them a sense of honor and decency that will prevent them from ever striking against us.”

  “Spoken like the true justice god. But for now, I’ve got an awful lot of food that needs attention.” I tilted my head at the picnic blanket.

  “Food’s not the only thing.” Forse stared meaningfully into my eyes. “There’s a certain goddess that has consumed my every thought from the minute I left Svartalfheim. And if she’s okay with leftovers, I’d much rather devote my full attention to her.”

  “Well you don’t seem terribly hungry,” I mused. “And I suppose we could always pack this up and—”

  But I never got to finish my thought. Forse swept me up in his arms and raced us across the snowy meadow, barreling toward my cabin without a backward glance. As he opened the front door and carried me across the threshold, my heart soared. Whatever the future held, my present was beautifully perfekt. I was irrevocably tied to the love of my existence, standing at the starting line of an incredible journey. And I knew that between Forse’s head and my heart, we could handle any challenge the Fates threw at us.


  **Reviews are huge for indie authors, and your feedback means a ton. If you enjoyed Elsa and Forse’s story, pretty please consider leaving a review. Even a few words help, and the Norse crew and I truly appreciate it! Mange takk! –S.T.**

  **The Ære crew will return in Perfekt Match (The Ære Saga: Book Four) . Sign up for my READER’S GROUP to get a free copy of the Elsker Saga novella, Tur, and stay up to date on sales, release info, giveaways, and the latest happenings from our crazy Norse crews. And be sure to swing by my website at , and say hei hei. Skål! –S.T.**

  The Ære crew will return in



  Valkyrie Brynn Aksel is ready for some downtime. With her friends safely returned from the dark realms and the school year off to a quiet start, she’s ready to settle back into her roles as Henrik Andersson’s girlfriend, the God of War’s bodyguard, and her mortal roommate’s Asgardian mentor. But when an urgent message arrives from Asgard, it becomes clear there’s no rest for the gods…not when the security of the realms is on the line.

  The Goddess of Love has fallen ill, her emotional reserves tanking almost a year after her Helheim imprisonment. An unsanctioned connection with a mortal is the only thing keeping her in the light, but Freya’s vow to the Norns prevents her from fully uniting with her perfekt match. War’s human girlfriend could delay the effects of Freya’s illness, but the ban on inter-realm unions prevents her from accessing her power. Saving Love is going to require a very persuasive argument to three very stubborn sisters…and a journey straight through the darkness. With the collective happy-ever-after of the cosmos on the line, Brynn and Henrik must travel to the heart of the realms to save their friend, their love, and the future of their worlds. And with an inexplicable cold spell gripping Midgard in its treacherous tentacles, more than just Love hangs in the balance. Ragnarok is coming. And it’s shaping up to be the perfekt storm.


  Mange takk for reading the third book of The Ære Saga. I hope you enjoyed reading Elsa and Forse’s adventures every bit as much as I enjoyed writing them. (Seriously, I had a blast!) It’s been an epic adventure getting to share these crazy Norse gods’ stories, and it wouldn’t be possible without the support of truly amazing readers. I am incredibly grateful for you. Tusen takk for dreaming across the realms with me! Skål y’all!


  Before finding domestic bliss in suburbia, S.T. Bende lived in Manhattan Beach (became overly fond of Peet’s Coffee) and Europe…where she became overly fond of McVitie’s cookies. Her love of Scandinavian culture and a very patient Norwegian teacher inspired the books of The Elsker Saga and The Ære Saga. She hopes her characters make you smile, and she dreams of skiing on Jotunheim and Hoth.

  Find S.T. on her website ( ), or over on the RagnaRockstars Street Team - her readers’ private Facebook group!


  Find out what happens to our favorite Norse gods in THE ÆRE SAGA.





  THE ÆRE SAGA: BOOK 5 (Coming 2017)

  And meet the other Norse crew (including Henrik’s brother Gunnar!) in the completed series


  THE ELSKER SAGA: TUR (a novella)





  And the bonus Elsker/Ære crossover novella …



  The Norse crews and I love to connect with readers! Find us online at




  S.T. Bende on Twitter: @stbende

  Tyr Fredriksen on Twitter: @tyrfredriksen

  Ull Myhr on Twitter: @ullmyhr

  Inga Andersson on Pinterest:

  Want more information on upcoming books?

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  Join the RagnaRockstar Street Team – my readers’ private Facebook group!

  If you like the gods of The Ære Saga, you’ll love meeting S.T.’s other Norse crew. Get to know Henrik’s brother Gunnar, along with Inga, Kristia and Ull, in the completed series, The Elsker Saga.

  Kristia Tostenson just discovered her new boyfriend is the Norse God of Winter—an immortal assassin fated to die at the world-ending battle of Ragnarok. Her orderly life is about to get very messy.


  If you enjoyed the crazy Norse crew, you’ll adore my fabulous friend Jaymin Eve’s Walker Saga. This completed young adult paranormal romance series spans se
ven worlds over seven books. I’m head over heels for Jaymin’s stories, and I think you’ll love them too! Find out more at, and be sure to let me know which world is your favorite.

  First World (A Walker Saga: Book 1)

  If the Seventine are released, will anyone survive?

  Abigail Swish might not love her life, living in gang-ridden New York in 2035 and training to fight and survive with Compound 23. But she is grateful for a few things, especially her no-filter-between-brain-and-mouth best friend Lucy and her escape each night into a dream world far different from her own.

  In fact, sometimes she lives for the fleeting moments she spends at night with the man who fuels every romantic fantasy she’s ever had. But each morning reality returns. She could just cry. But she won’t. Tears don’t change a thing.

  Then without any warning, a month before her eighteenth birthday, everything does change. A guardian finds her. He explains, in a strangely familiar accent, that she was stashed on Earth for safekeeping and has been lost to her family ever since. And it is time to return home. To First World; a land of unimagined beauty.

  Abigail and Lucy find themselves thrust from New York and into another world. Day one: traversing through an unforgiving wilderness. Yeah, because that sort of thing just happens every day. Luckily an unexpected savior arrives; the man from her dream-world. Brace is six-and-a-half feet of perfectness, wrapped in an arrogance like no other. Unable to trust his assistance, and unsure which of her instincts to follow - kiss him or punch him in the mouth - Abigail eventually accepts his help to find her family.


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