Intergalactic Fight Club: Don the Champion

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Intergalactic Fight Club: Don the Champion Page 1

by Colleen Hickey


  In the middle of the 21st Century, aliens from the North, South, East and West Quadrants of the galaxy have come to Earth to offer peace and prosperity. There are all kinds of aliens, like the warrior Reptoids, the dog-like Kanites, the aquatic Piscines, and other aliens. The leaders of each alien race and the human leaders of Earth’s United Nations have signed a treaty to where humans and aliens can come together and offer the technologies and knowledge each world has to offer. Ever since, Earth has become the Capital Planet of unity and strength as one. Many have emigrated from their home worlds to Earth to offer ways to help our world and worlds all over the galaxy. Different races have work together in schools, industry, and business. New York City is the capital of all acceptance and unity.

  However, each race wishes to prove who the best in the universe is among their warriors. The Leaders propose the Intergalactic Fighting Tournament, a yearly match similar to the Mixed Martial Art tournaments on Earth, where different aliens compete against each other using different fighting techniques, representing their race. The last warrior standing would be declared the strongest in the universe. Many have trained hard on their home planets for a chance at the title. Some warriors became famous throughout the universe, but none are as brave or honorable as a specific group of brave heroes you will read about. This is about how a group of fighters came together during the tournament and begin their adventures in fighting those who would ruin the very peace our galaxy stood for through crime and pure hate. It also tell how each warrior, no matter what planet they came from gained something worth fighting for that doesn’t involve trophies and medals. This is how the story of the Intergalactic Fight Club began.

  Chapter 1

  New York City 2112

  In Brooklyn Heights, there’s a small gym called John’s Galactic Gym. Inside, a variety of aliens and earthlings are working out on the treadmills, virtual exercise bikes, and weight machines. There is also a boxing ring with green lights instead of ropes. At the front desk, taking registration is Jody Terrance, a human girl and daughter of John Terrance, owner of the gym and former fighter of the Intergalactic Fights. Jody is a young, mousey, brunette girl who just came home from college graduation, and she’s ready to help her dad run the family business. She signs in a pair of reptilian men who are there for a workout.

  “Enjoy your workout, Guys,” Jody says as they walk in.

  After they went in, Jody gets out a flier for the Intergalactic Fight Match coming next month. She smiled at it for she is the Intergalactic Fight Club’s biggest fan. She has watched every alien fight in the tournament ever since she was little.

  “I can’t wait to get tickets next week,” Jody talks to herself, “I’ll get to see the fights up close and not have to watch them on TV. I’ll even get to watch Mannie fight.”

  Just then, her father shows up with a package. He may seem gruff, but he is very nice and cares for his daughter.

  “Excited for the next Intergalactic Fight Tournament, Jody?” John asks.

  “I am, Daddy,” Jody replies happily, “I can’t wait to see this year’s new fighters.”

  “Well you’d be happy to know I have package that needs to be delivered to an anonymous fighter in Madison Square Garden. He ordered our best protein powder. I’ve also got a special surprise for you tomorrow.”

  “Really, Daddy? What kind of surprise?”

  John chuckles, “You’ll have to wait until tomorrow, Honey. Right now, you have a package to deliver.”

  “Right away, Dad.”

  Jody takes her coat and walks out the door with the package in hand as her dad smiles.


  Jody arrives at Madison Square Garden by bus. She walks to the entrance with the package in her arms and sees a security guard at the entrance.

  “I’m Jody Terrance from John’s Galactic Gym,” she tells the guard, “I’m here to deliver something to one of the fighters.”

  “Of course, Ma’am,” the guard replies, “Go right ahead.”

  The guard uses a keycard on the scanner and opens the entrance door for her. Jody walks in and sees an amazing sight: thousands of seats aligned and surrounding the ring, statues of a Piscine, a Reptoid, a Kanite, and a human, and the fighting ring bigger and more advanced than the one in her father’s gym.

  “I’m gonna get a front row seat and see the fight,” she whispers to herself.

  While Jody enjoys the view of the arena, a shadowy figure appears from out of the seats behind her and walks up to her.

  “You always brought me whatever I want, babe,” says the shadowy figure.

  The shadow figure walks into the light and reveals himself to be a grey wolf-like Kanite with a muscular build and wearing a pair of black gym pants. Jody recognizes him: Kaynon, her possessive ex-boyfriend from high school and Reigning Champion of the last three Intergalactic Fights.

  “Kaynon?! What are you doing here?!” she says in shock.

  “Waiting for my delivery,” Kaynon said.

  “Your delivery?! You ordered this package?!”

  “I thought you wanted to see the reigning champion of the last three Intergalactic Fights.”

  “I try to forget you.”

  “Don’t be like that, Jody. Can’t we get reacquainted and catch up on old times?”

  “There weren’t that many good times, Kaynon. What we had was only a delusion for both of us.”

  Jody angrily gives him his package. Before she can leave, Kaynon harshly grabs her right wrist.

  “If you think I’m gonna give you up after all these years…!” he ferociously said.

  “Stop! Kaynon, you’re hurting me!” Jody yells as she struggles to get away.

  Kaynon holds onto her real tight when a very young, snake-like Reptoid came out from the locker room door. He is a light green man with the head of a cobra without its hood and wearing dark blue, sleeveless vest and leotards and black gloves and boots. He sees Kaynon holding Jody and runs to stop him. He pushes and shoves Kaynon away from Jody.

  “Knock it off, Kaynon!” the Reptoid commanded, “Where do you get off assaulting human girls?!”

  “This human girl is my old girlfriend, Rookie!” Kaynon snarled at him, “I advise you to keep your forked tongue out of my business. I’m gonna do some training, but I’ll catch you later, Jody.”

  Kaynon pecks at her right cheek and leaves for training as Jody rubs the kiss off her cheek in a disgusted manner.

  The Reptoid turns to Jody to make sure she’s not hurt.

  “Are you okay, Ma’am?” he asks.

  “I’m fine, and thanks for saving me from Kaynon,” Jody says, “I’m Jody Terrance.”

  “I’m Don Kobra.”

  “I heard of you. You’re the first Reptoid of your tribe to take part in the Intergalactic Fights.”

  “Yeah. So Kaynon, the Reigning Champ, is your boyfriend?”

  “Ex-boyfriend. He keeps holding onto this blind notion that he and I will get back together. I gotta go. My dad will be worried. You should stop by at Joe’s Galactic Gym. You can get a real work-out there. Bye.”

  Jody walks through the door and out she goes, back to her home. A huge mantis-like alien approaches next to Don.

  “So she’s the best friend you told me about, Mannie?” Don asks him.

  “Yes,” Mannie said, “In fact, her father runs the gym we are gonna be staying in until the fight.”

  “I guess I’m going to see Jody sooner than she thinks.”

  Chapter 2

  Jody went home one hour after the incident. She is telling her father about Kaynon and Don.

  “Kaynon being here is a problem,” John sa
id, “I’m sorry I sent you on that delivery, honey.”

  “That’s okay, Dad,” Jody said, “I’m just glad one of the other fighters had enough courage to stop him.”

  “Well get some sleep, Jody. I need you to be up for your big surprise tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Good night, Daddy. Luv’ you.”

  “Me too, Sweetie.”

  A few minutes later, Jody is in her nightgown, getting ready for bed. Her room is full of posters of famous fighters from the Intergalactic Fight over the past ten years, except Kaynon. Next to her white-covered bed is a nightstand with a picture of her late mom, her dad, and herself as a six-year-old girl. She turns her lamp off and puts the covers over her as she climbs into bed and falls asleep.


  The next day, Jody got up while her dad is making breakfast for her.

  “’Morning, Daddy,” Jody greeted.

  “Hi, Hon’,” John replied, “I’m making pancakes.”

  “Thanks. What’s this special surprise you have?”

  “I’ve been chosen to house and train two of the participating fighters, and they will represent our gym as their sponsor.”

  “That’s great, Daddy! Which fighters?”

  “You’ll see. They will be here in an hour, so I want you dressed by then.”

  “I will after breakfast, Daddy.”

  Her dad served her a pancake breakfast with orange juice.

  One hour later, Jody came downstairs to the front door in her best denim dress. She is taking deep breathes out of nervousness to meet the fighters.

  “Don’t be nervous, Jody,” her father assures her, “I know they will like you.”

  The door opens, revealing Don Kobra and her best friend from high school Mannie.

  “Mannie, it’s good to see you again after four years!” Jody says.

  “Good to see you, too, Kiddo,” Mannie said as he hugs her.

  Jody is surprised to see Don again.

  “Fancy seeing you again, Don,” she says to him.

  “I’m just glad Kaynon never got assigned here,” Don chuckles.

  “Welcome, Don Kobra, to my gym,” John greeted him as he shook his hand, “I’m John Terrance. You’ve already met my daughter last night. Here in the Galactic Gym, I will have you properly trained before the day of the Intergalactic Fights. I can’t guarantee you will win under my training, but I will make sure you last as long as you can during the fight.”

  “That is what I am counting on, Mr. Terrence,” Don says.

  “Call me John.”


  Jody shows Mannie and Don to their apartment upstairs. She takes the key out and opens the door, showing them their apartment. It has two bedrooms, a nice kitchenette, and a vidscreen, a hologram tv that can play 4D images.

  “You let me know if you boys need anything,” she informs them, “My room is above your apartment.”

  “Thank you, Jody,” Mannie thanks, “You and your dad always know how to accommodate.”

  “No problem, Mannie. You guys just get some rest. I’ll see you tonight at dinner.”

  “We’ll be there,” Don said with a thumb up.

  Jody leaves the room, leaving Don to feel enamored by her, giving Mannie a suspicious look about how he’s looking at her.

  “Checking her out?” Mannie said while raising one eye.

  “I’m just being friendly with her,” Don insisted.

  “Yeah right,” Mannie laughed.


  An hour later, the four gather at the kitchen table as Jody serves the guys their dinner: rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, apples, and green tea.

  “Chow time, Guys!” Jody called, “I made a dinner worthy of fighters.”

  “It looks great, Jody,” her dad complimented, “You always know what we need.”

  “Thanks, Daddy.”

  “Jody has learened a lot while she was away at college,” Mannie tells Don, “She always knows what fighters need. It comes with being the best Home Economics, Chemistry, and Health student in school.”

  “Something tells me I’m going to like living here a lot,” Don said to himself as he starts eating dinner.

  Jody sits there and smiles as she observes Don enjoying her cooking. At a nearby window, an angry and jealous Kaynon watches from outside, seeing what seems like Jody feigning over Don.

  “How could she fall for that rookie?!” he growls, “I’ll make sure she stays mine even if I have to kill anyone who gets in my way.”

  Chapter 3

  That night, after dinner, Jody is fast asleep in her room, unaware that Kaynon is stalking her. When they were together, Kaynon would drop by the fire escape to watch Jody sleep, making him want her more.

  “Still a lovely angel when you sleep, my little trophy girl,” he whispers.

  He gently pry the window open a few inches and reaches his hand to her hair to pet her. Suddenly, his phone rings, making Jody toss and turn while Kaynon closes the window and runs for it. Jody partially wakes up and looks out.

  “I thought I heard a cell phone outside,” she yawns, “I must be dreaming.”

  Kaynon runs across the street and answers his phone.

  “What do you want?!” he yells as a voice speaks to him.

  “Kaynon, this is Buzz!” says a bug-like voice, “The boss wants you here for an important meeting.”

  Kaynon has to get out because the boss is not the type who enjoys late factors. He runs to the Star System Casino.


  Kaynon arrives at the Star System Casino, one of New York’s top gangster hangouts. Kaynon approaches the door and knocks. Three eyes peer through a rectangular peephole.

  “What’s the password?” the eyes ask.

  “New York, City of Life,” Kaynon whispers.

  The door opens and Kaynon walks in.

  Inside the casino, people are playing blackjack, roulette, and slot machines. Kaynon had no time for fun and games though. He is needed on the second floor where the main office is. He climbs up the stairs and approaches the first door on the right. He goes in and sees the people he works for: a T-Rex humanoid in black armor, a dark-haired, elf girl in a purple cocktail dress, and a five-foot tall mosquito at the big table.

  The T-Rex humanoid is Rex Psikes, the biggest crime lord in the galaxy. He runs gambling and drug trafficking operations all over the state, and the Intergalactic Fights are part of his latest plot. Kaynon has been working for him as his top fighter ever since he was thrown out of high school, for Psikes has been giving Kaynon the “secret to winning”. Psikes has been making millions off him while fixing his fights to increase his wins. The two with him are Buzz Beese, his top lieutenant, and Raven Wells, his moll.

  “Kaynon, we’ve been expecting you,” Psikes said, “What kept you?”

  “I was trying to reconnect with an old friend,” Kaynon said seriously, “What is this meeting about?”

  “About you, of course, Kaynon,” Raven said.

  “Buzz tells me you had a little girl trouble at the arena,” Psikes stated, “I take it your old friend is that Jody human, the reason you were kicked out.”

  “She was my girl until those blasted teachers decided to separate us by throwing me out!” he angrily growled.

  “Get that girl out of your mind and focus on preparing for the Preliminaries coming up,” Psikes demands, “I have a lot of money riding on you.”

  “Don’t worry. I plan to make it to the finals. Now that I’m back in New York, I can win Jody over.”

  “What is it about this human girl that’s so special to you anyway?” Raven asks.

  “Well, Raven, back in high school, I was top jock constantly surrounded by girls who acted like crazed fans,” he explains, “Jody was the only one among them who understood a fighter’s spirit. Having her proves that I’m the best.”

  “And of course, you deserve the best,” Buzz said sarcastically.

  Kaynon growls at him, making him twinge in fear.

  “What do
you mean by “understand a fighter’s spirit”?” Psikes asks with one brow raised.

  “Her father is John Terrance, a former fighter of the Intergalactic Fights,” Kaynon answers.

  “The first human to ever become champion of the fights?” Psikes raises a scaly brow, “He’s Don Kobra and Mannie’s new trainer?!”

  “Yeah, and his training gets results.”

  “This could be a problem, Boys and Raven. Perhaps we should send a few moles into spy on their training.”

  “Who do you have in mind, Psikes?” Buzz asks.

  “You and Raven, Buzz,” Psikes replies.

  “Us?! Me especially?! With those big fighters?!” he says.

  “You have a choice, Buzz: the fighters or…Me!”

  Buzz shook in his exoskeleton from Psikes’s angry tone.

  “And make sure none of those fighters go near Jody,” Kaynon said.

  Buzz groans at him.

  “What’s your plan, Psikes?” Raven asks in a seductive tone.

  “You and Buzz will go in disguise pretending to look for jobs in the gym,” Psikes explains, “Once in, you will report what you see whenever you’re alone. I will start making plans for Kaynon’s training from there. Also, make sure find anything I can use against the fighters. I want to use their weaknesses to my advantage.”

  “At once, Psikes,” Raven said as she got up and walks to the door, “I will start making résumés for Buzz and myself.”

  Raven leaves to begin the paperwork and forged documents. Kaynon looks at Psikes hoping he will say what he wants to hear.

  “Do not worry, Kaynon,” Psikes assures him, “Once we find out more about the fighters, I will make sure you come on top. Then, I will make sure this Jody human will be yours.”

  Kaynon smiles with evil, knowing of the plan to come.

  Chapter 4

  The next day, John takes Don and Mannie to his training room along with Jody. He is showing them a special fighting ring which will help them prepare for the first match and beyond.

  “This Fighter’s Ring has a virtual reality program with different fighters and different locations,” John explains, “You need to know how to use the environment to your advantage and to learn of every fighter’s strengths and weaknesses. Care to go first, Don?”


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