by Lynne Graham
Coming down on the bed, Tariq leant over her with pure sensual threat. ‘Say that again…’
‘Probably when my mare, Delilah, arrived and she was the most ugly-looking horse you thought you’d ever seen but you lied to save my feelings.’
‘You realised that?’ Tariq was dismayed.
‘Or when you fixed up that job for Adrian and he got it without realising it had been fixed…or when you pretended I was the sexiest woman alive when I was pregnant with Asif…or when you put in the swimming pool so that we could have fun without divers around.’
‘Anything else?’ Tariq surveyed her with helplessly amused dark eyes.
Faye reckoned that she had possibly about a hundred other good reasons why she loved him more with every passing day, but she did not want to give him them all at once.
‘Is it my turn? OK. You learning Arabic,’ he told her.
‘You not laughing at my mistakes—’
‘You just being you. A wonderful wife…a terrific princess…a fabulous mother…and the mistress of my heart, aziz.’ As every phrase was punctuated by kisses, the dialogue faltered to a halt and it was a long time until it started up again.
ISBN: 978-1-4592-0292-4
First North American Publication 2001.
Copyright © 2001 by Lynne Graham.
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