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by DL Gallie

  Table of Contents





























  Can true love survive through the ages?

  Nate Winters loved Bailey Beckett from the moment he laid eyes on her, and she loved him fiercely, with all her heart. Together, their journey for eternity was mapped out, but one person held the power to alter their future…William Clayton.

  William held a profound hatred for Nate and would do anything to see him suffer; even use Bailey in his crusade to torment Nate.

  Will the love between Nate and Bailey stand the test of time? Or is William going to finally get his revenge, and the girl?

  For a love that’s as deep as the ocean, anything is possible.

  ** First published as a part of the Titanic Tales charity anthology. This story has been extended and modified from the original.**

  Copyright © DL Gallie 2018


  First published March 2018 as part of the Titanic Tales charity anthology


  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a database and retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the owner of copyright and the above publishers.

  This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be stored or reproduced by any process without prior written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places are the produce of the author’s imagination or used factitiously. Any resemblance to the locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  ISBN: 10: 0-6482653-2-3

  ISBN: 13: 978-0-6482653-2-0

  Edited by Karen Hrdlicka, Barren Acres Editing

  Cover designed by Müjde Özcaner‎,Way to Love Designs

  Formatting by Stacey Blake, Champagne Book Design

  Proofread by Virginia Tesi Carey


  To love that stands the test of time, no matter the barriers.


  This book releases 18/8/18, not only is it a cool date but it’s also my mum and dad’s wedding anniversary. My dad loved my mum with all his heart, and she loved him just as fiercely in return. I may have only been ten when he passed away, but even at ten years of age, I saw true love at its finest. My mum and dad have an Antecedent love and one day again, they will be reunited.

  Love you Mum and Dad XoXoX

  My love for you spans over the lines of my past, present and future. You are what I love remembering, what I love experiencing, and what I love looking forward to.

  ~ Steve Maraboli


  This book was originally released as part of the Titanic Tales charity anthology. It was only 12, 000 words and ended when—spoiler alert—the Titanic sank. This is the extended version and I have added an additional 12 000+ words and given Bailey and Nate the ending they deserve.

  Please note that the beginning chapters are set in the United Kingdom and use UK English. The second half of the book is set in the United States and uses US English.



  noun: antecedent; plural noun: antecedents

  1. a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.

  “some antecedents to the African novel might exist in Africa’s oral traditions”

  2. a person’s ancestors or family and social background.

  “her early life and antecedents have been traced”


  the statement contained in the ‘if’ clause of a conditional proposition.


  adjective: antecedent

  1. preceding in time or order; previous or pre-existing.

  “antecedent events”

  SOURCE: Oxford Dictionary



  “Dude, are you watching that chick flick again?” Jason says, as he shakes his head walking into the living room.

  “No, I’m watching Titanic. The classic from 1953 with Barbara Stanwyck and Clifton Webb.”

  “The least you could do is watch the one with Kate what’s-her-face and that dude who never wins an Oscar…at least you see tits in that one.” He wriggles his bushy eyebrows at me before he jumps on the couch, placing his feet on the coffee table and settling in to watch the rest of the movie with me. Jason is as obsessed with the Titanic as I am. Well, I might be a little more than obsessed, but let’s not worry about that.

  The movie has finished, and after cleaning up the popcorn mess on the couch that Jason made, we both head to the kitchen to tidy up before bed.

  “Night, Nate. I’m on the early shift tomorrow, so I’ll see you in the evening.”

  “Cool, cool. Night, Jase,” I reply with a wave. He nods and turns toward his bedroom, while I finish packing the remaining dishes into the dishwasher and switch it on.

  After a quick shower, I slip on my Batman boxers and climb into bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m out cold and as usual, I dream about some dude, a smoking hot chick, and the Titanic.

  …It’s early in the morning on April tenth 1912, and the sun is just peeking over the horizon. Unlike Christmas, everyone is stirring, including the mice; not that there are any…I hope. Today, history will be made, the Titanic will set sail on her maiden voyage, sailing across the Atlantic Ocean, from Southampton to New York. She is the largest and finest ship to ever be built, and I’m lucky enough to have a ticket on her first voyage. This journey would be complete if only I had my one true love and soul mate with me, but as usual, William-fucking-Clayton has managed to thwart my happiness…again.



  …Six months earlier

  My name is Nathaniel “Nate” Winters. Life in London is tough for a guy like me, but when you have the woman of your dreams in your life, and a love like we do, nothing and no one can bring you down. I’m proud to say that I, Nate Winters, love Bailey Beckett with all my heart and for all eternity. I’ve been in love with her since the moment my eyes landed on her.

  It was a Saturday morning in mid-November of 1911; she was strolling along the river with her father. That moment will forever be cemented in my memory: her green eyes sparkled in the morning sun, her long chestnut brown hair shining and blowing in the light autumn breeze. When our eyes finally met, time stood still. Everything around us faded away. She was it for me. I knew in that moment, with that one look, I had to have her.

  It was another three weeks before I saw her again, and just like the first time my eyes landed on her, those same feelings washed over me again. This time, I manned up and made my move. Chugging back what was left of my beer, I slammed my mug on the table and walked over to her. As soon as I was standing in front of her, I became a bumbling fo
ol. “Hhh…hi!” I stammered like an idiot.

  She looked me up and down. The air around us became thick and clammy. Her gaze heated my skin, setting me ablaze with each pass. Her eyes eventually landed on mine and with a sultry smile, she sexily replied, “Hello.” Never had one word held so much passion or sounded so erotic. We never got to start a proper conversation because her father came marching over. “Bailey, it’s time to go,” he growled, eyeing me with disdain.

  Bailey, I thought to myself, what a beautiful name. Mustering up the courage, I reached out and grabbed her wrist. Ever so gently, I squeezed and with a smile, I said, “See you soon, Bailey.”

  Her eyes were locked with mine, her stare penetrating deep into my soul. Peeking out slowly, her tongue darted out and licked her lip, before she gently bit down. A guttural groan slipped from me; what I wouldn’t do to have her tongue do that to me. With a smirk she replied, “I look forward to it.” Leaning towards me, her lips grazed my cheek for a fleeting kiss. A spark zapped between us, jolting us apart. Lifting my hand, I held the spot where her lips had just been, and I couldn’t help but smile. She placed her finger to her lips, and ever so seductively, she ran the tip over her plump bottom lip, biting down on her finger. My eyes watched the movement of her finger and again I groaned. My cock twitched in agreement. This girl was fucking gorgeous and I would do anything to get to know her. Lifting my eyes to hers, I raised my eyebrows suggestively. She giggled and it was the most magical sound I had ever heard.

  We stood there, in the middle of the bar, staring at one another. Our eyes were locked solely on one another; it was as if we were in a trance. The moment was broken when her father bellowed, “Now, Bailey!”

  She whispered with a shy smile and wave of her fingers, “Bye.” Turning her back on me, she followed her father out of McLaren’s Bar. My eyes followed her as she floated across the floor in an angelic manner. When she reached the door, she glanced back over her shoulder at me and winked, just before the door slammed closed behind her. McLaren’s is now my new favourite place to drink, I thought to myself, as I stood staring at the door with a goofy grin on my face.

  A hand slaps me on the back, hard, and with a laugh Archie declares, “Dream on, dude.” Pausing to take a sip of his beer, he continues, “There is no way in hell that you will land a lass like Bailey Beckett.” My best mate Archibald “Archie” Calhoun sneers, as he hands me another pint.

  “I beg to differ, Arch. Bailey will be mine. I feel it in my bones,” I confidently say, as a vision of her hazel eyes appears before me, and once again I’m grinning like the Cheshire cat.

  “Let’s agree to disagree, Nate,” he replies as he chugs back the rest of his pint, slamming the empty mug down on the table. As he opens his mouth and loudly belches, with a smug smile on his face, he declares, “Your shout, Nathaniel.” Rolling my eyes at the use of my full name, I turn towards the bar and order another round of drinks, my eyes drifting back to the door, in hope that my angel will reappear.

  Over the next few weeks, Bailey and I continue to bump into one another, and what started out as playful, fun flirting turns into something passionate, emotional, raw, and extremely sensual. Bailey is a little minx and I am addicted. Her father has made it known, many times, that I am not good enough for his daughter. He clearly does not know his daughter like I do; the more he forbids us to see one another, the more she will go out of her way to see me. My Bailey is strong-willed, and knowing his disdain for me, she goes out of her way to throw our growing relationship in his face. The more time I spend with her, the more I fall for her, and her father will just have to deal with it. After all, the heart wants what the heart wants and mine wholeheartedly wants Bailey.



  I’m still amazed that Bailey and I got our shot; fate somehow intervened and Bailey agreed to give me, Nate Winters, a chance. I will do everything in my power not to screw this up. We fall hard and we fall fast for one another. Never have I clicked with anyone like I do with Bailey; she’s the salt to my pepper, and I have never been happier than when I am with Bailey.

  We are walking hand in hand along the river, each of us subtly, or not so subtly sneaking glances at one another. What started as something fun has turned into something deep, something raw…something worth fighting for! I’m lost in thoughts of Bailey when suddenly she pulls me and drags us off the path. With her hands pressed firmly on my chest, she shoves me up against a tree, and within seconds, her lips are attached to mine. Without hesitation, I plunge my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues fight each other for dominance, but at the same time, dance in sync together. This spurs her on and she bites my lip gently before snaking her tongue back inside. Our tongues continue to caress one another as our hands wander and explore each other’s bodies.

  Kissing Bailey’s lips is one of my favourite pastimes, amongst kissing other parts of her. Her hands slide down my chest, heading towards my hardening cock, but I take her by surprise and spin us around. My body is now cocooning her against the tree, our lips never breaking the connection. Skimming my hands up her sides, I brush past her luscious tits, over her shoulders. Cupping the back of her neck, I hold her tightly to me. Sliding my fingers into her hair, I grip tight and push her away from me. I gaze lovingly into her eyes. “You, my dear, are an evil little minx.”

  With a smirk she replies, “And?”

  “And I love this side of you.” Leaning to her ear, I nibble her lobe before whispering, “If we weren’t in public, I’d lift up your skirt, free my cock, and fuck you hard and fast against this tree.”

  Bailey breathes deeply, her eyes darken with lust. She licks her plump ruby red lips, and whispers back, “And I’d let you fuck me hard and fast against this tree. Nate, you can fuck me hard and fast anytime you want.”

  Still staring intently at one another, she reaches forward and begins to stroke my cock through my trousers. Both our breathing is laboured; a groan forms in the back of my throat and escapes when I feel her hand dip below the waist of my pants. Her delicate fingers grip my dick, and she continues to flick her wrist up and down. The confined space of my pants heightens the intensity, and before I know it, I’m blowing my load in my pants with a grunt. She removes her hand from my pants and seductively she licks my cum off her fingers, that motion in itself has me hardening again.

  “Mmmmmm,” she moans before stepping around me, back onto the path. Resting my forehead on the trunk, I shake my head and smile. This woman will be the death of me, I think to myself when I hear her innocently say, “Are you coming?” Looking over my shoulder, I see her smiling with a playful expression on her face. Just as I’m about to step towards her, her face drops and then I hear her father.

  “Bailey, what are you doing here?”

  From my spot by the tree, I duck down and watch her. Without missing a beat, she skips over to her father. “Hi, Daddy, I’m just taking an afternoon stroll along the river. It’s such a nice day.” Looping her arm in his, she spins him around. “Walk with me, Daddy,” she says, as she leads him away from where I’m still hidden in the bushes.

  With their backs turned, I sneak out and walk away in the opposite direction. Looking back over my shoulder, I see my beloved seductively lick her finger before blowing me a kiss. Turning back around, I slam straight into William-fucking-Clayton, his glaring eyes burning into me. “Clayton,” I growl.

  “You’re a disgrace. Making Bailey do that to you in public, you should be ashamed.”

  “At least I’m not a pervert watching people,” I spit back at him.

  He fumes at my reply, “Stay away from Bailey, Nate. You are beneath her.”

  “You don’t know her, or me, for that matter,” I retort.

  “Yes, well, I don’t associate with scum like you, never have and never will.” Taking a step towards me, he gets up into my space. I can feel his breath on my face. “Stay away from her, Nate,” he snarls, as he pokes me in the chest like the pussy that he is. If he truly loved Ba
iley like I do, he would have decked me. Before I do anything that I will regret, thankfully, Bailey and her father interrupt us.

  “William, good to see you, son,” Lord Beckett says, before he glares and ignores me. Her father seems to think that the sun shines out of William Clayton’s ass and that he is the man for Bailey. I, however, beg to differ. Lord Beckett and I have never seen eye to eye. That may have something to do with the first time I met him; he found us in the garden…my head was under Bailey’s dress as she was screaming out my name in ecstasy. He came running when he heard her screaming, thinking she was being attacked; in a way she was, it was just with my tongue. Not one of my finest moments, but there is no better place than between Bailey’s thighs, either with my tongue or my cock. After that fateful afternoon, life here in London became unbearable. Her father went out of his way to torment me…just like William. It seems I now have two adversaries.

  Life wasn’t all peachy for me before that incident. Growing up not poor, but not rich, made life difficult at times. Add in the animosity between William and myself and it sure made life interesting. He and I have hated each other for as long as I can remember. It all started when he realised that my mum was a servant in his father’s kitchen. After that discovery, he went out of his way to torment me, and over the years, that hatred had grown. His hatred gained momentum when he found out that I tried to seduce his sister…not that I stood a chance, because Wendy was irrevocably in love with Nancy Kane. After that day, Wendy and I struck up a beautiful friendship. She was all too happy to help me torment her brother, and I was happy to help her spend time with Nancy, away from prying eyes. When Wendy died, things with William escalated drastically.


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