Ascension (Blight Book 1)

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Ascension (Blight Book 1) Page 7

by Terry Schott

  "You're Alexander, the baker's boy, right?"

  "Yes. Good morning, Keeper." Alexander turned the fruit over and brought it to his nose, sniffing it before replacing it on the pile. "I'm not very good at following people, I guess."

  "You didn't do too badly. I have a lot of experience in much rougher territories. Not paying attention in the slums can get a Keeper killed pretty quickly."

  "That makes sense. I was wondering if we could speak privately somewhere."

  "This way." Riley led the young man to a nearby street that contained three vacant buildings. He stopped in front of the middle one and sat on the steps. "This will do."

  "It will." Alexander sat beside the Keeper and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a cloth and unwrapped it, removing two dried sausages and offering one to Riley. "A shame about Hector."

  Riley took a bite from his sausage and chewed. "You knew him?"

  "What makes you say that?"

  "The sound of his name sounds comfortable on your lips."


  Riley nodded.

  "They say Keepers are taught magic when they are trained. Is that true?"



  Riley took another bite of sausage. "Why did you know Hector?"

  "He was kind to me."

  "I knew the man. It's surprising to hear that Hector was kind to anyone."

  "I'm not that good with people but Hector was always nice to me. Saved me from getting beat up a few times."

  "It's good to know that the man wasn't as bad as most made him out to be." He was worse.

  The two sat and finished their sausages. Riley waited, content to let Alexander say what he wanted when he was ready.

  "I know who killed Hector."

  Riley was unable to contain his surprise. "How do you know? Did you see it happen?"


  That's a lie. "You have heard someone claiming responsibility, then?"

  Alexander shook his head.

  A flood of questions sprang to mind, but Riley took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Tell me what you wanted to say."

  "I'm afraid. Some of my information could get me into serious trouble." The boy frowned. "If the wrong person heard what I have to say. . ."

  "You broke the law and want to make certain you aren't brought to task for it."

  "How could you know that?"

  "Keeper magic."

  Alexander stood. "Never mind. I was wrong to say something." He began to walk away.

  "Stop. Sit down and tell me what you know. I promise to do my best to protect you."

  "You need to assure me that I won't be arrested."

  Riley considered the situation and nodded. "Give me the killer and your crimes will be forgotten."

  "Thank you."

  "But you must tell me what you did."

  The young man paused, then nodded. "I have to anyway. It's part of the story."

  Riley pointed to the step beside him and Alexander returned to sit.

  "My father brings in strays."


  "Worse. Street kids."

  "For what purpose? To help around the shop?"

  "No." Alexander made a hawking noise and spat on the sidewalk. "He picks one homeless person and offers them a bath and food once a week."

  "Ah." Riley nodded. "Your father is a religious man who follows the Shepherd's teachings."



  "It's not right. He brings these rats in and gives them food and money, too."

  "More money than he gives you."

  "Yes!" Alexander's face grew red and his eyes widened. "He hands the vermin a silver coin each week while I have to make do with less. It's unfair to be treated worse than an alley dweller by my own father."

  Riley laid a hand on the young man's shoulder. "I agree."

  Alexander bolted up and bit his lower lip. "Thank you."

  "So the alley rat killed Hector?"


  "I don't see how you could think that."


  "A boy is fed and clothed and the sudden kindness makes him decide to kill a Keeper?"

  "There's more to it than that."

  Riley nodded. Of course there is.

  "Hector beat the boy."

  "Boy? How old is he?"

  "Around the same age as me. Sixteen or so."

  "Why would Hector beat him?"

  "To make him leave the district."

  "That makes no sense." Riley could tell from Alexander's body language that there was still more than he was admitting. "Ah. You put Hector up to it."

  Alexander shook his head but then looked down at the ground and nodded.

  The boy is a good actor. He almost seems to regret his involvement. The venom in his eyes a few moments ago was the real truth, though. Even now, this confession serves to get revenge better than Hector's beatings could.

  "I just wanted Hector to slap him around a little bit. To make him scared to come back."

  "So your father would give you the money."

  "And the attention." He looked up and there were tears in his eyes. "He seems so happy when Leo comes to visit and so disappointed when he looks at me."

  Riley gave the boy a moment before asking his next question. "How could a young man, this Leo, kill Hector? That Keeper was strong as a stone building. I can see how Leo might want to kill him, but I don't believe that a half-starved, weak alley rat could have beaten a full-grown strong Keeper like Hector to death in the streets and then escaped without being noticed."

  "He had friends help him. Another alley rat, maybe a few years older than me. That one carried a quarterstaff and definitely knew how to use it."

  "You saw it happen?"

  Alexander's expression turned to worry. "I didn't mean to tell you that."

  Of course you did, clever little actor that you are.

  "Perhaps you put this Leo and his friend up to it."


  Riley bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the boy's reaction. "Okay, I believe you didn't do that. But if you saw it happen, I might need you to step forward and testify."

  Alexander smiled. "I would, if you assure me that I won't have to share the part about my involvement."

  Riley sucked his breath in and pretended to be unsure.

  "Come on. You don't need to get me into trouble and you bring the killer to justice. Please, Keeper."

  Riley stood and looked down at Alexander, keeping his expression serious. "I need to discuss this with my superiors. I will not tell them about you. Say nothing to anyone until we speak again."


  "Swear that you will remain quiet."

  "I swear."


  Oak leaned against the wall across from the black building, absently picking grains from a stalk of wheat. "Why does he want to see us?"

  "Who cares?" Stick sat on the ground, his quarterstaff resting on his knees as he carved a new pattern into the wood with fine movements of his knife.

  "I do." Oak peeled the remaining grains from the stalk and stuck it into his mouth. "And why doesn't Mouse have to be here too?"

  "He does." Leo leaned against the wall with his friends, eyes closed and face lifted to warm in the sun.

  "Then where is he?"

  "I'm here."

  Oak looked to his left and swore while Leo and Stick chuckled. "Leo"—Oak glared at Mouse, who was kneeling a few feet away—"can we please tie a bell around his neck when we don't need him to be so gods-damned stealthy?"

  "We can try, but something tells me the bell wouldn't ring, would it, Mouse?"

  Mouse shrugged. "I would be willing to find out."

  The door across from them screeched and the guard signalled them.

  Leo pushed away from the wall. "Time for our meeting, gentlemen."

  They entered the main hall and stopped in front of the large table. Lord Argon sat on his throne, and a man sat a
t the table watching them with a neutral expression on his face. Leo did not recognize him.

  "Uh-oh," Stick mumbled from behind him.

  Leo scowled at his friend and then turned toward the throne. "Good morning, Lord Argon." He bowed. "I have brought my friends, as you ordered."

  "Good morning, Leo. I'm curious to see what your tribute has climbed to this week." Lord Argon motioned for the boy to put his coins on the table. When he did, Argon chuckled. "Business continues to grow."

  "I am lucky."

  "From what I hear, luck has nothing to do with it."

  Leo could not stop himself from smiling. "Luck has everything to do with it."

  "A joke you would like to share with me?"

  The smile disappeared. "No, Lord."

  Argon looked at the other boys, taking a moment to stare at each one before moving on to the next. "I know your captains by their growing reputations." His gaze lingered on Oak and the boy glared. "Good to see that you are doing well, Oak."

  Oak nodded stiffly. "Father."

  "What?" Leo frowned and turned to face his friend.

  Lord Argon laughed. "I see that my son kept information from you."

  "I didn't keep it secret." Oak shrugged. "It never came up. No one bothers to ask about parents in the alley."

  Leo looked from his friend to the lord. They look so much alike. How could I have missed the similarities?

  "Oak is not the only bastard of mine living in the streets, Leo. At the moment, he is one of the most promising, thanks to you. I assure you that having one of my children in your inner circle will not offer you any advantages with me."

  "Will it be a disadvantage?" Leo asked.

  "No." Lord Argon's gaze shifted to the other boys. "Stick and Mouse are also known to me. Some of the most skilled individuals in your age group have gathered under your banner, Leo."

  "Did you summon us for a purpose, Lord or just to formally meet?" Mouse's gaze was trained on the man sitting at the table.

  Lord Argon followed his line of sight and smiled. "I asked Leo to bring you because it is time to make an offer, and you should all hear it from me directly." He gestured and the man at the table stood. "Allow me to introduce Keeper Riley, Hector's replacement in the trade quarter."

  Riley stepped forward and shook hands with Leo. "Hello, Leo. I have been hearing some interesting things about you. It's good to meet you."

  "I'm sure you are mistaken, Keeper Riley. I have broken no laws."

  "Who said anything about breaking laws? The few who recognize your name speak well of you."

  "That is good to know."

  "Oh, wait." Riley looked up as if remembering something new. "There is one person who doesn't like you very much." He paused and stared at Leo. Leo kept his expression blank.

  "Someone claims that you killed Hector," Lord Argon said.

  Leo laughed. "That's ridiculous."

  "Don't be nervous, Leo," Riley said. "I'm not here on official business."

  "Shouldn't you be?"

  The Keeper shrugged and Lord Argon chuckled. "Over the years, I have worked to insert people loyal to me throughout the Council of Law, as well as other private and select organizations. Riley is one of us. He grew up in the alley and his efforts work to further our cause. We are fortunate that the accuser approached him and not someone else."

  Leo nodded. "Who is claiming that I killed Hector?"

  "The baker's boy."

  Oak swore and Leo turned to face Mouse, who shook his head. "No one saw us, Leo. If the baker's boy is making an accusation it is a guess, at best."

  Leo tilted his head and frowned. "It will be his word against mine. I would assume that they will side with him."

  "It doesn't matter." Riley shrugged. "You will not be accused. The boy hates you, by the way."

  "It's impossible to tell anything about him. He hasn't said a word to me." Leo’s eyes narrowed. "He told you about the baker's arrangement?"

  Riley nodded.

  "Why won't he accuse me? I think he wants to see me suffer."

  "He does," Lord Argon said, "but we are about to extend an offer to him which will make it impossible for him to speak."

  "What kind of offer?"

  "We will discuss that later. The important thing is this: the Council of Law is now prepared to accuse alley Lord Triax of killing Hector." He smiled. "Which means that I will be increasing my power base by acquiring his territory when he is removed from it."

  "Why are you telling me this?" Leo asked. "I am a small player, Lord. This has nothing to do with me."

  "You have proven yourself in the few months since you first stepped into this room. The easiest way to execute the plan requires actions that I believe you are best-suited to perform. If you do well, Leo, you stand to profit and gain further standing in my court."

  The better bet is that I will take a fall, Leo realized. He doesn't want to expose valuable assets when he can use someone new like me. I'm backed into a corner and there's nothing I can do. Except prosper from the opportunity. "I'm honoured for the chance, Lord Argon."

  Argon watched Leo for a moment and then nodded. "Riley will contact you soon to arrange the specifics. Do not fail me in this, boys. You may go."


  Oak kicked at a stone on the ground, sending it skittering ahead. "I don't like this, Leo."

  Neither do I. "It will be fine."

  "You know what he's doing, right?"


  "If trouble happens, we will be on our own."

  Leo stopped and the others did the same. "That is untrue. Since we first met and began to help each other, one thing is assured: we will never be alone."

  "We will succeed," Stick said.

  "Yes. We will."


  Riley looked at Leo's tribute coins on the table. "He pays you the standard thirty percent?"


  Riley raised one eyebrow and glanced at Lord Argon. "Getting soft in your old age?"

  Argon laughed. "The boy is different."

  "You are fond of him."

  Lord Argon shrugged.

  "Why did you choose him for this, then? The odds are excellent that he will die."

  "I chose him because I think he can succeed."

  "It will be interesting to see if you are correct."

  "In matters such as this, I usually am."

  "That is true."

  "There are many who said infiltrating the Keepers was impossible, and yet here you are."

  Riley smiled and stood. "I must go." He bowed and walked toward the exit.

  "It is good to have you close to me again. This is an important time. We will meet again soon."

  Riley stopped at the door, looked over his shoulder, and grinned at Lord Argon. "I'm happy to be home again. I look forward to seeing you again soon, Father."


  Alexander sat at his usual table in the local coffeehouse, sipping warmed chocolate and reading the news. He was supposed to be in the store helping his father wash the dirty baking sheets, but this had become his regular activity instead.

  "I need to talk to you."

  He recognized the voice and replied without looking up from his paper. "No."

  Leo pulled out the chair across from Alexander and sat down. "Yes."

  "You’ve been coming to my father’s house for a long time now."

  "Almost a year."

  Alexander shrugged, still looking at his paper. "An eternity in hell, if you ask me. I believe that more words have passed from my lips in this exchange than the entire time at the house."

  "By a long measure."

  "And in a moment, I will resume my silence." His eyes flicked up to meet Leo’s. "Now, leave me alone or I will have you thrown out."

  Leo chuckled and pointed at Alexander’s cup. "You’re almost empty. Can I buy you another?"

  "Hells no."

  "Suit yourself." Leo signalled the waitress and ordered a coffee and an almond tart.

"Anything for you, Alex?" she asked.

  "My appetite is ruined." He looked back at his paper.

  Leo leaned back in his chair and watched Alexander while he waited for the coffee and pastry to arrive. When it did, he thanked the waitress by name and spooned sugar into his cup before taking a sip and nodding. "It appears that you and I are to be partners."

  "You rave like a madman." Alexander flipped the page. "More evidence for the Keeper when I charge you with harassment."

  "We will be speaking with the Keeper together, and very soon. I imagine they will separate us for some of the conversation, which is why I am here now. We need to discuss our story."

  Alexander sighed and put the paper on the table. "What are you carrying on about?"

  "Finally I have your attention. Excellent." Leo leaned forward and lowered his voice. "We are going to identify the man responsible for killing Hector."

  "What?" Alexander didn’t know what to say. Yesterday afternoon, he had met with Riley. The Keeper had told him in no uncertain terms to keep his accusation about Leo to himself. When he had protested, the Keeper had become stern and warned him that bad things would happen if he were to come forward with the claim. "You want me to come forward and name the killer? With you?"

  "That’s the plan. I will go first, and name you as a witness. Then you will meet with the Keeper and tell him the same story as mine."

  "Story?" Alexander’s eyes widened. "You want to blame someone unjustly?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I thought you were going to confess."

  Leo barked a short laugh and shook his head. "Why would I admit to something that I did not do?"

  Alexander stared at him.

  "Well, isn’t that prime. You think I did it? I certainly hope you haven’t been spreading that kind of slander around."

  Alexander pursed his lips and shook his head.

  "Oh gods." Leo lowered his face into his palm. "You’re a horrible liar."

  "I am excellent at it."

  Leo looked up, the tone of his voice cold. "Then make certain you use the skill properly when we go to the Keeper or you’ll get yourself killed."


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