Fortune's Heirs: Reunion

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Fortune's Heirs: Reunion Page 44

by Marie Ferrarella

“I hope you have some sort of birth control here,” he said gently as he joined her on the queen-size mattress. “I don’t go around prepared for such things.”

  Sierra reached for him and he growled with pleasure as she tugged him toward her. “I’m so very glad to hear that, Counselor. I thought you stayed prepared for this sort of thing.”

  “Hmm, you thought wrong,” he said against her cheek.

  “Well, don’t worry. I’m covered.”

  His head reared back to look at her with stunned fascination. “I thought you said that you and Chad weren’t lovers.”

  “We weren’t. I have to—take oral contraceptives for other—monthly reasons,” she explained.

  A silly sort of relief rushed through him and he wondered why he was even thinking such thoughts. It didn’t matter who Sierra had made love with in the past or how often. What mattered was this moment and each moment forward.

  “Oh. I see. That’s good. Real good.”

  “Is it?” she asked.

  He slid his hands beneath her back and rolled her atop of him. With his palms cupping the flare of her hips, he said, “We already have one baby. We don’t need another one right now.”

  We. We have a baby. His words sounded so sweet, so much like man-and-wife talk. Was he thinking of her in those terms? she wondered. No. She couldn’t let herself imagine such a thing. She couldn’t start letting herself believe that tonight was anything more than sex.

  “Alex—” She paused as his hands slid upward and over the curved indention of her tiny waist, her ribs, and finally rested upon her shoulders. “I know that you’ve had lots of girlfriends and I—”

  “Stop it. They have nothing to do with you and me. They’re all in the past anyway. I don’t have anyone in my life but you. Just you.”

  Her face dropped shyly away from his. “That’s—that’s not what’s bothering me,” she murmured.

  He rested his head in the curve of her shoulder and speared his fingers into her hair. One by one, he pulled the pins until the long, curly mass spilled onto her shoulders and into his face.

  “Oh, honey,” he said gently. “There shouldn’t be anything bothering you.”

  “I—I’m not very experienced, Alex. I’ve only done this once and that was a long time ago. And it—was just a rushed fumble in a college dorm room.”

  Rolling them both over, he placed her on her back and, propping his chin on the heel of his palm, studied her face in the semidarkness. All these years he’d known Sierra, he’d believed she’d been sharing “close” relationships with the boyfriends she’d paraded in front of him. To think that she’d gone so long without being intimate with anyone was shocking to him.

  “Sierra, that’s awful. Why? Why haven’t you made love since? You’ve had boyfriends. Didn’t they ever want—to be this close to you?”

  Her face burned with embarrassment, but she didn’t turn away or try to hide from him. She wanted him to know exactly how she was feeling. “Oh, yes, they wanted. I just wasn’t ready to give. After that one time, I decided it would never happen again until I was with someone special, someone I trusted.”

  And that someone was him? Alex asked himself. The idea shook him down deep, in a spot that must have been dead before.

  His heart swelled with tenderness as he reached to draw her closer. “Little darlin’, I don’t know what to say,” he murmured as he brushed his fingertips against her temple. “Except that I’m glad you’re not experienced. I’m glad that I’ll be your first real lover.”

  Something between a sob and a laugh escaped her throat before she lifted her head from the mattress and latched her lips on to his.

  After that, words weren’t important. Hands searched and caressed while their kisses deepened and heated to a frantic mating of lips and tongues.

  Sierra was caught up in a whirlwind that seemed to be going faster and faster as her body filled with heat, her mind shut down to everything except the wondrous magic of Alex’s hands touching her breasts, her belly and thighs and the sweet mindless sensation of having their mouths connected.

  Eventually his lips left hers and she sighed as his tongue began a measured, wet descent to the hollow of her throat, then farther on to the slope of one breast. As soon as his teeth closed gently around her excited nipple, she moaned and arched upward toward the mind-tingling pleasure.

  “Alex—I—I didn’t know it was supposed to feel this way!” she whimpered in astonishment.

  Lifting his face, he saw her head writhing against the bed, her hair spread like tangled black vines around her face. Her eyes were closed, her sweet, wet lips twisted with something that was partly pleasure and partly pain.

  Oh, but she was beautiful, he thought with renewed wonder, a dark, erotic goddess who’d never been initiated into the art of making love. Just looking at her aroused him like nothing ever had. Every nerve, every muscle in his body was pulsing to the rhythm of his heartbeat. Sweat had misted his face and lathered his body. When he spoke his voice came out in a choked, guttural sound, “Neither did I, Sierra. Neither did I.”

  Dropping his head back to the opposite breast, he moistened the nipple with the tip of his tongue as his fingers worked a slow, wayward path to the soft curls nestled between her thighs.

  Tensing with anticipation, Sierra clutched his muscled shoulders.


  “Shh. Don’t be afraid, honey. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to love you. Love you.”

  The last two words came out on a desperate groan. The erotic sound merged with Sierra’s gasp as his fingers found the intimate folds of her womanhood and slipped inside.

  Whimpering with need, she held on to him tightly until the ache in the lower part of her body became such a palpable throb she was certain every inch of her was going to burst into flames.

  “I want you, Alex. Please, don’t make me keep waiting,” she pleaded.

  With his face hovering over hers, he whispered against her lips. “Hold on to me, baby. Hold on and don’t let go.”

  He entered her slowly and gently until their bodies were completely united, but all too quickly the incredible sensation of being surrounded by her warmth and wetness overcame him and he began to move with deep, hungry thrusts.

  For a moment, Sierra was stunned motionless by the unaccustomed invasion, but a few seconds was all it took before her body began to sing like a taut wire in a high wind.

  Clasping her arms around his rib cage, she lifted her hips and met his mind-shattering thrust until both of their bodies were slick with sweat, their breathing fast and ragged. Yet she couldn’t stop to get her breath or to even think. She had to find whatever it was that his body was offering. She had to put an end to the aching need that gripped her body.

  When the climb finally ended, Sierra cried out softly as the room around them spun into a million tiny stars, shining and twirling all around them like jewels of passion.

  The wonder of it stayed with her for long minutes, until finally the weight of Alex’s body began to press her into the mattress and she squirmed for enough space to draw in a deep breath.

  Sensing that he was squashing her, Alex rolled on the bed and pulled her along with him so that he could keep a hand on the curve of her waist.

  With her eyes still closed, she rubbed her palms against his hair-roughened chest. “Mmm. You feel so good.”

  “You feel pretty incredible yourself,” he replied with a tired smile.

  Scooting closer, she pressed her cheek against the region of his heart. His hand ran down the back of her head and into her hair to make her lips tilt into a contented smile.

  Bending his neck, Alex placed a kiss on her crown of black curls. “I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean for that to happen so quickly. I wanted to give you more time.”

  Sierra had never felt so close, so drawn to any man as she did to Alex at this moment. “I didn’t need more time.”

  He moved his head so that his cheek was resting against hers and she
made a soft, mewing noise as his hands slid down her back and cupped her bottom. “Yes, you did. We both did. But you’re just a bit too potent for me.”

  She giggled with disbelief, but Alex couldn’t bring himself to laugh along with her. He was still too stunned, too dazed by what had just taken place between them. He’d expected making love with Sierra to be more than enjoyable. As far as physical pleasure went, he’d planned on it being very, very nice. He’d not expected it to be an earthquake. He’d not anticipated wanting her so quickly or so badly that he couldn’t hold himself back.

  She’d not just rattled Alex’s body, she’d shaken his heart and that was the scariest part of it all.


  He felt her curvy little leg slide over his, her breasts press into his abdomen, and like a rewound clock he started to tick again.


  “Uh—can we do it again?”

  Chuckling under his breath, he took her face between his hands and brought his lips down to hers.

  “Little wanton hussy.”

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning Sierra awoke to sunlight streaming through the windows and the smell of fresh, strong coffee drifting into the bedroom.

  Cracking one eye, she stretched, then suddenly remembering Bowie hadn’t wakened her, she jerked her head toward the bassinet. It was gone!

  Practically leaping out of bed, she wrapped a thin cotton robe around her naked body and raced out to the living room. One quick glance told her that part of the house was empty, so she trotted to the kitchen.

  Halfway through the open door, she stopped dead in her tracks and stared at the sight before her. Alex had Bowie lying on a blanket spread upon the breakfast table and was in the process of changing the baby’s diaper. Not just a wet diaper—a dirty diaper.

  “Nice way to start a morning, huh?”

  Obviously not hearing the approach of her bare feet, Alex looked up at the sound of her voice. A smile curved his lips as he took in her disheveled appearance.

  “We’re doing all right.” He made a silly goo-goo face at Bowie. “Aren’t we, baby boy?”

  Tears were suddenly burning the back of Sierra’s eyes and she didn’t have a clue to why they were there. She only knew that something about the sight of Alex caring for Bowie was so sweet, so right that it touched the deepest part of her.

  “Need any help?” She moved into the room and came to stand next to him.

  He’d already rolled up the dirty disposable diaper and was fastening the new one around Bowie’s tummy. Once it was secure, he picked up the offensive-smelling diaper as though it were a basketball and made a three-pointer in a trash can sitting several feet away.

  “Nope. I think he’s all set.”

  For good measure he reached for a container of baby powder and sprinkled it on the baby’s legs. As Sierra watched his long, tanned fingers rub the talc into Bowie’s skin, she couldn’t help but recall how those same fingers had touched her last night, had turned her inside out with longing. Just thinking about their lovemaking heated her face. Especially now that they were facing each other in the light of day.

  Stepping away from him, she hurried over to the cabinet. “I think I’ll get some coffee. Have you had any yet?”

  “Not yet. I’ve been too busy feeding Bowie.”

  Turning away from the cabinet, her brows lifted in surprise as she looked at him. “You’ve already fed Bowie?”

  Alex gave her a smug smile. “Why, yes. You don’t think I’d let the little fellow go hungry while his Sleeping Beauty mother lies in the bed, do you?”

  Sierra glanced at the apple-shaped kitchen clock hanging over the double sink. It was only a quarter to seven. But his comment suddenly reminded her of how she must look to him this morning with her face bare, her hair tangled, her eyes puffy with sleep. Her appearance couldn’t be a good sight. Whereas he looked as fresh as if he’d slept ten hours instead of a measly four.

  Sierra pulled a sardonic face at him. “I’m hardly a Sleeping Beauty.”

  Chuckling at her early-morning testiness, Alex placed the baby in his infant carrier and propped him up to a sitting position. Once he was certain that Bowie was safe and satisfied, he walked over to where Sierra was stirring half-and-half into her coffee.

  Pressing the front of his body to the back of hers, he slid his arms around her waist and linked his hands against her stomach. “You look like one to me,” he murmured.

  Sierra closed her eyes as she felt her bones melting, her heart filling with so much joy it terrified her.

  “Hmm. I wonder who leads you around in the courtroom? I’m surprised you can find the judge’s bench with that kind of eyesight.”

  “Ha, ha. You’re so funny this morning. I didn’t realize sleep turned you into a beautiful little monster.”

  Sierra found it impossible to keep a wide smile from her face as she turned in his arms and tilted her head back to look at him.

  “What sleep?”

  A chuckle rumbled deep in his chest. “I didn’t hear you complaining.”

  Blushing, she pressed her cheek against his bare chest. The scent of his skin was an erotic reminder of the pleasure his body had given hers and the first stirrings of desire fluttered softly in the pit of her stomach. How could she be wanting him again, so soon? she wondered. Had he awakened some sort of dormant sex maniac?

  “You’ve always accused me of being too easy. I guess last night proved just how easy.”

  He made a grunting sound of disapproval. “I hope you were teasing when you said that.”

  “I was,” she replied, but silently she couldn’t help wondering if she’d jumped into a deep pit without any hopes of ever climbing out. Alex was a bachelor. He’d never shown any sign that he was interested in marrying. He didn’t want that close a relationship with any woman. So where did that leave her?

  Stifling a sigh, she eased out of his embrace and turned to pick up her coffee. “Do you have court today?” she asked as she carefully sipped the hot drink.

  Alex watched her swipe a fumbling hand at the black hair falling into her face. She looked so sweet and vulnerable and he realized that her softness, her easygoing heart, the very things he’d chided her about were exactly the things that were drawing him to her now. From his perspective, none of that made sense. But he felt it all the same.

  “Ten, this morning. One, this afternoon. I’ll be at the courthouse most of the day.” He glanced at the clock. “And by the way, I’d better be going. I’ve got some depositions to go over before trial this morning. And Pauline will give me hell if I’m late.”

  “Wouldn’t you like some breakfast? I’ll cook you some hotcakes with pecan syrup and peppered bacon.”

  Because cooking was second nature to Sierra, Alex knew that she considered the offer a simple thing. Yet it touched him in an odd, silly way that made his chest swell and his heart smile.

  Closing the small distance between them, he planted a kiss on her forehead. “Thank you, darlin’, but I don’t have time.”

  She sighed. “Okay.”

  He lifted a black curl from her shoulder and brought it to his lips. “Don’t look so disappointed. I’ll be back this evening.”

  Her brows shot up. “This evening?”

  Amusement dimpled his cheeks. “Yes, tonight. After work. Why? You’d rather not have me around?”

  Her brown eyes darkened with concern as her hand fluttered in a helpless gesture against his chest. “Of course I—you know that I want you around. But, Alex, what is—what does this mean?”

  The pads of his fingers slid gently underneath her jaw as he studied her troubled face. “It means that I want to be with you.” Bending his head, he pressed several kisses to her cheek, her nose and her forehead. “In fact, I think I might bring a razor and a pair of khakis with me. I might need them if I stay overnight.”

  A stunned look came over her face, but Alex figured she couldn’t be nearly as surprised at the suggestion as he was o
f it himself. He’d never set out to charm Sierra, to seduce her and turn their relationship into something far more than friends. The whole thing had happened as though fate had taken hold of his hand and he couldn’t break away.

  “Sierra, you’re not saying anything. What do you think? Can I hang my trousers in your closet?”

  She was probably heading straight to Heartbreak Pass. It wasn’t written anywhere on this earth that Alex would stay around a day longer than any of her past boyfriends. But then Alex was more than a boyfriend. As of last night, he’d become her lover. She adored him and probably had for years now. There was no way that she could ever deny herself the pleasure of having him close.

  “I’ll make room.”

  An hour later, Sierra, showered and dressed in a fluttery gauze dress and high-heel sandals, called the Stocking Stitch to ask her mother if she could watch Bowie for a few hours while Sierra filled in at the social services office for another co-worker.

  “Oh, Sierra, I would in a minute,” Maria said with disappointment. “But I’ve got two knitting classes today and both of them are filled to the brim. Why don’t you drive out to Rosita’s? She’d love to watch Bowie for you.”

  Normally, since Sierra was on leave, the office wouldn’t have called her. But several employees were out for different reasons and the staff was operating very shorthanded. Sierra didn’t mind working for a few hours. As long as she knew Bowie was being well cared for.

  “She’s not going to be attending classes with you today?”

  “No. And she’s not down at the big Fortune house today, either. I talked to her earlier this morning. She’s home, getting some sort of special dinner ready for Cruz. I’ll call her and warn her that you’re coming,” Maria insisted.

  Sierra sighed. She didn’t really have the time to drive all the way out to the Double Crown Ranch, but there wasn’t really anyone else around who she would trust to care for Bowie.

  “All right, Mom. I’m heading out there now. And thanks.”

  “Before you go, Sierra, how did your dinner date go last night? You and Alex left the restaurant so early!”


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