Kiss of the Dragon

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Kiss of the Dragon Page 33

by Nicola Claire

  The numbers dwindled, as my Prohibitum Bibere call kept luring them in. Michel's army of vampires and Nosferatins culled them with swift strikes and well placed stakes in their chests. Their final deaths were dealt quickly. There were no tortured moments as they followed that alluring call toward me. Michel showed mercy, where they would have shown none.

  And while Michel and his Councillors, along with Yves' Nosferatins, battled below us, Sebastian's dragons decimated the ghouls. There was nothing we could do to stop them advancing. It was Avery or perhaps Viktor, who controlled them. Even if we killed every opposition vampire in the city tonight, the ghouls would continue to attack us until their Master broke the influence over their minds.

  It was heart wrenching to witness. I felt Michel's disgust at Avery and disappointment at his own kind for ever considering this type of influence justifiable. I was certain the new Iunctio would not condone it. And maybe, just maybe, the ghouls would be able to take a more honoured place at the Nosferatu's side. Just like us. The Nosferatins, finally being recognised by those who once were kin.

  As the sounds of battle dwindled and the roar of the dragon's fire went out, what was left on the street below us was almost pitiful. Somehow Michel had spared the Councillors on Avery's side. The Diviner looked shell shocked, his frock coat in tatters, the ornate brooch he usually wore on the lapel, long lost. His hair flew around his his head as though lifted up on a breeze, but the early morning air was dead still. His eyes were wide and frightened, he was a shadow of the man he once was.

  The Imposter was gravely injured, his Sanguis Vitam depleted to such a degree he was unable to heal his wounds. Dark, thick blood oozed out of a gash high on his thigh, and even though I knew he could not meet the final death by such an injury, it was the first time I had looked upon a vampire and seen the undead. His fangs were down, with his desperate need to feed, and his eyes were entirely blood red.

  The Nemesis, in contrast, looked completely at ease. His skin was the shade of pink rose petals, smooth and unblemished and chocked full of Nosferatin blood. He smirked at those hunters who stood on the side lines, panting, exhausted as much as me, but for very different reasons. They'd fought hard physically. I'd fought hard mentally and was under the weather due to some spell or charm.

  Michel stepped forward, looking every inch the master vampire I love. I felt a pull on our Bond, it wasn't unfamiliar, even though he rarely did it, but suddenly he was awash in Light. The Diviner and Imposter paled, hunching in on themselves and looking anywhere but at that blinding white Light. It was what Michel had been intending, sending a message home, even as he spared them their lives. Dark would no longer be tolerated, from this day forward the Iunctio would be all Light.

  But as much as those of us standing with Michel believed that, our battle wasn't completely won. We'd decimated Avery's Renegade Army, but their leader was nowhere to be seen. Still at the Château? Or running away to hide and regroup? Neither option was acceptable. We would have to meet him soon.

  But for now, Michel had to deal with this.

  Gregor walked to stand at Michel's back, accompanied by the Ambrosia, the Foreteller and the Creator. With Amisi and Samson's surreptitious aid, I too joined their ranks. We were going for strength in numbers, making a show of how well we'd fared over them. I didn't think I was a prime example of this, so I stayed at the back of the group, out of sight.

  The Diviner and Imposter looked beaten, but the Nemesis continued to sneer.

  "Where is the Keeper?" Michel demanded.

  "Who cares?" the Nemesis shot back. "He was too weak to fight you and lacked the balls to do what needed to be done." Is it any wonder I despise this vampire?

  Michel called on the Iunctio's joined Nosferatu and Nosferatin power, but because he was still using the Bond to appear wreathed in my Light, he also pulled on that. The Bond would never intentionally harm us; it's designed to be able to call on our joined kindred's power when we need it and still not compromise the one giving up the power through the Bond. But I was already compromised, so I felt the drain acutely as Michel blasted his power boosted Sanguis Vitam at the Nemesis' chest.

  If I wasn't so dizzy from the drain it caused I would have laughed at the image of the Nemesis writhing in pain from Michel's Iunctio boosted metaphysical slap. Mixed with the moan of delight at my Light enhanced bliss. The poor man didn't know whether he was coming or going, but he did look ridiculous enjoying the singe to his chest.

  But it wasn't the Nemesis who answered. The Diviner piped up, his voice reedy thin and high pitched with fear. "He has been captured by the London ghouls. They await the Interrogator's instruction."

  Michel turned slowly towards the Diviner, who scuttled back like a crab until his butt hit the kerb on the opposite side of the street. Michel simply prowled after him.

  "What instructions are those? And choose your answer wisely, Councillor, for it could mean your life or death."

  "The Interrogator intends to bring him over to our side," the Diviner said quickly, wetting his lips before he went on. "Using the ghouls' peculiar methods of persuasion to achieve it," he admitted further, receiving a hiss of derision from the Nemesis off to the side. The Diviner jumped, the Imposter whimpered as Michel growled. And Gregor, the Enforcer, simply wrapped a hand around the Nemesis' throat.

  "Careful, Nemesis. One word from the Champion and my guillotine's blade will fall." I don't think anyone doubted him. The Enforcer was lethal, despite being near full of Light. He would not blink an eye at ending the Nemesis' life and I think he had true reason to want it. I certainly did.

  Michel watched on with an impassive face, then turned his attention back to the Diviner without issuing the command half of us secretly wanted, but would never admit aloud. Especially that half of us who were meant to be all Light and not think of things like that.

  "The Keeper has not joined Rousseau's forces?" he asked.

  The Diviner shook his head. "He was always your man, Champion," he said quietly, ducking his head either out of fear or shame.

  It was certainly a relief to hear the Keeper was on our side, but the relief was short lived knowing he was at the London ghouls' mercy. I'd met the leader of the London ghouls, he could not be called merciful. And at any moment Avery could give the command, and the Keeper would be lost to us. It was a precarious position and everyone held their breath.

  "Sebastian," Michel said softly, not taking his eyes off the Diviner's bent head. "How many of your teaghlach are available for a rescue mission in London right now?"

  "Our deal has been met, Champion," Sebastian said in a firm, deep voice, surprising more than just me with those words. "I have carried out my side of the bargain, are you prepared to walk away from your end by altering the game now?"

  Michel turned around fully to face the dragon-shifter, his face betrayed none of the outrage I could feel through our connection. Michel was an extremely honourable man, his word, like most vampires, was his bond.

  "Your brother has already been released into the care of your Second," Michel said, making me suck in air at the implication that Sebastian's family had been held over his head. "The former Champion had hidden him from all of us, but my spy-master located the prison in Siberia last night."

  "I have not heard from Leonard," Sebastian said uneasily. "He would have advised if Bryce was in his care."

  Michel smiled then, an amused smile. "Do you think I would have allowed him to contact you before your side of the bargain was met?"

  Sebastian flamed red in the cheeks, but just then his cellphone began to shrilly ring. He fumbled with it in his pocket then brought the device to his ear. We didn't need to hear what was being said, to know it was Sebastian's Second advising his Ceannard that the brother had been found and released into his care. We watched as the imposing figure of the leader of the dragon-shifters fell to his knees on the footpath, tears beginning to stream down his face.

  "It's over," he whispered. "It's really over. The vampires h
ave nothing to hold us with now."

  Michel walked the few feet towards where Sebastian knelt in the dirt and dust.

  "No, Sebastian Cole, Ceannard of the Nathair-Sgiathach, descendant of Saint George. You are beholden to us no longer," he said, crouching down in front of him. "And I offer you my hand now in friendship," - Michel's hand came out palm up - "to take at your free will."

  I could tell Sebastian was battling with the offer. It may have been the former Champion who had imprisoned his brother and held his life over his head. But she was a vampire, and I could see his thought processes, as though visible cogs were turning in his head. A vampire is a vampire is a vampire.

  There was nothing none of us could say, that would make a blind bit of difference. No argument we could offer up to change his mind. And although I could contact Arthur and have him and his team try to liberate the Keeper, even Nosferatins are no match against the full might of London’s ghouls.

  We waited with bated breath. Then Sebastian turned to look at me. For a moment I had no idea why. He and I had sparred in the past, he'd been forced to come to my aid, but we'd never really hit it off. I'd tolerated his presence reluctantly, he'd done about as much to mine.

  Then he surprised me by saying, "What would Marie want me to do?"

  Huh. The big, powerful, cocky leader of the dragons wanted my opinion on his Nosferatin love-interest's reaction to this monumental, yet casual, alliance.

  "Well," I said shrugging my shoulders a little, "knowing Marie, she'd want all the powerful players on her side." Scaredy cat that she is.

  Sebastian smiled slowly, not hearing my last thought, but probably seeing it in my eyes. "You're right, lass. She'd want every friend she could have." And with that, he turned back to Michel and shook his hand.

  Not a blood bound alliance, but one made between decent men.

  "I have half a dozen within London city's limits. I'll have them dispatched to the ghouls forthwith."

  Michel nodded and smiled back at him. "I thank you for your assistance and hope someday I can return the favour."

  Sebastian stood then and flicked a glance back at me. "Your kindred has done enough to pay us tenfold." Me? How? When? "Honour her Light and we'll always be friends, Champion."

  Oh. Now I get it. It is because of me that the Iunctio is changing, becoming Lighter, more accepting of other supernaturals than they have ever been. If I was a prideful person, I would have smiled broadly. As it was I felt better than I had in days and 'leaked' a little Light. Michel's eyes met mine and I read in them the pride I pretended not to feel.

  The dragons left after that, but we weren't done yet. The Nemesis was still fuming, under Gregor's tender care. And the Diviner and Imposter looked like they were ready to pass out. The Imposter kept eyeing up the Nosferatins' necks on the side of the road, then when he realised what he was doing he'd jump a little and hunch back down in on himself.

  I knew what needed to be done, but there was no way in hell I was strong enough to do it. They needed to be washed in my Lux Lucis Tribuo powers. I needed to take their Dark and hold it dear, while I washed them in my Light. Until then, we'd never be able to trust them. The desire to do right was there, but the Dark would make it damn near impossible for them to achieve it.

  They were Councillors too, and I wasn't sure if me washing them in Light would be acceptable. I was a Councillor now, and therefore expected to act a certain way. One rule that stood out above all others, was we were not allowed to strike out at another Councillor or risk the Champion's wrath. Which brings us back to the present; Michel standing over the three Councillors who had joined Avery's side, and had come against the Champion of the Iunctio.

  I knew what he had to do. I knew as the Champion, as a vampire - a predator at the top of the food chain - he had to act decisively and... brutally. But oh, how I did not want that for him. Michel was Lighter than he had ever been and he wanted the Iunctio to be all Light too. This was his chance to start something new, how could he start it with such a Dark act, even if the act was expected of him and within the current rules?

  These three Councillors had broken the Iunctio Council's charter, had gone against the leader of the Iunctio and killed many innocents in the process. Justice would say they deserved it. But justice didn't have to pick up the pieces afterwards.

  Somehow I found myself at Michel's side, unsure how I got there. He glanced down at me, raised his eyebrows in question, clearly unable to read in my thoughts why I was there, when he was about to pass judgement so harshly. Hell, even I didn't know why I was there. I was exhausted, and nauseous, and dizzy as a spinning top. But here I was reaching out a hand towards the Diviner - a vampire I did not particularly like. And the Imposter - a vampire who worked in underhand ways. And the Nemesis - a vampire I truly despised, for good reason.

  My Light left me, before I could think better of it, and I think before I realised I wasn't entirely in the driver's seat here. And slammed into all three. I wasn't touching them, but I had absolutely accepted them under my line, despite the fact they would not join it, but instead have their Dark balanced with my Light. I couldn't feel their Dark going into me, but I have been told it does and to those who know what to look for, they can see it streaming towards me. I can't feel it once it gets there, but somehow, as the Lux Lucis Tribuo I hold it dear. All the while giving them a chance to choose good over evil, right over wrong.

  As soon as it was done I collapsed into Michel's arms. His alarm and distress at my weakened state causing his vampire-within to forge to the front. Magenta washed the street, as the sun threatened to breach the horizon and I slowly lost my grip on the here and now.

  As the black spots became one continuous black wall before me, I heard Michel's roar of anger, mixed with a roar of despair. And I watched, in the failing light around me, as two of the three vampires I had just caressed with Light chose good. And one chose evil.

  The choice is theirs, I just give it to them. And the Nemesis chose wrong.

  I willed myself to react, but my limbs were leaden. I shouted at Michel in my head to defend us, but my mind was shutting down and no thoughts could breach the small gap that now yawned between us. I prepared for the Nemesis' strike, but it never came.

  Maybe unconsciousness did first, but I could have sworn I saw Amisi and Yves jump before us. Flashes of their silver stakes catching the pre-dawn light.

  Chapter 34

  Confessions and Consolations

  I woke to filtering light through UV shutters, casting the room I was in, with a soft and hazy glow. I flicked my eyes around and recognised the location immediately. Michel's and my bedroom at the Château. My eyelids closed in an attempt to block out the pain. Kathleen, Matthew and Christopher had been killed here.

  It didn't work. Even with my eyes shut my chest ached.

  Somehow Michel had got us back here from Paris. And as it was almost dawn when I passed out, we wouldn't have been able to travel this far. And it was daylight again now, which meant I had been out for over a full day and night. It also meant that the Château had either been secured, or Avery Rousseau was in charge and I was now in his care.

  I heard voices from the attached sitting room putting my mind at ease. Michel never entertained people in our bedroom, that was our space. But on occasion he would need to be near me, when I was asleep, so he'd conduct business in the adjoining sitting room, if one was available. The door between these rooms was open slightly now. Even though he could read my thoughts and no doubt hear my increased heart rate upon waking, he still needed that open doorway between us.

  It symbolised something, and made a small smile spread across my face, despite my heart feeing so very heavy. I sighed, trying to decide if I should just get up and go in there, but the thought of moving from our warm and snug bed didn't appeal. Besides, I knew the moment I moved I'd feel sick. I could sense the nausea in the background already, and I'd only turned my head so far.

  So, I lay there and listened to the conversati
on on the other side of the half open door. Michel would have known I was awake, and most vampires, if paying attention to their surrounding and not the imposing figure of the Champion before them, would have sensed it too. But the conversation hadn't faltered in the slightest.

  "The risk is great, Nero," Michel said. "The choice must be yours and yours alone."

  The fact that it was Nero Michel was talking to, let me know that the Iunctio had probably been shifted to the Château. Nero could have simply returned to London after the battle, but to be here, meant scheming and battle preparations were in full swing. Avery had obviously gotten away. A small part of me, upon waking here, had hoped he'd been dealt with already. But nothing in my life was ever that straight forward.

  "I understand the jeopardy, Michel. But I have reasons of my own to take the risk," Nero replied steadily.

  "So be it," Michel said, the clink of ice in a glass letting me know one of them was drinking. At this early hour of the day you'd think it strange. But vampires live nocturnal lives, and the day may have only just begun outside, whereas it could be nearing its completion indoors.

  "Will you take your kindred?" Michel asked.

  "No, I ask for hospitality for Sophie, Champion. She is highly skilled, but still at great risk. Her twenty-fifth birthday is not for two months." Meaning Sophie had not yet come into her full Nosferatin joining powers, and wouldn't until the hour of her birth, on her twenty-fifth birthday. She'd already gained one talent, in the form of her Shadow/Light Walking, but without improved strength and speed, among other things, she could be easily harmed. I sympathised with Nero's reasoning, having had the exact same conversation with Michel in the past regarding me.

  "Of course. She is welcome to stay here," Michel said. "But I am unsure if Le Château will be safe for long. If this works, Rousseau will bring down upon us all his wrath. And Sophie may well be stuck in the middle of it."


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