New Beginnings

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by Elle M Thomas

  New Beginnings


  Elle M Thomas

  New Beginnings Copyright ©2020 by the author writing as Elle M Thomas

  The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior permission of the author, except for brief quotations embodied in critical reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, events, incidents, places, businesses and characters are of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover design and editing by Bookfully Yours

  This is an Elle M Thomas mature, contemporary romance. Anyone who has read my work before will know what that means, but if you’re new to me then let me explain.

  This book includes adult situations including, but not limited to adult characters that swear, a lot. A leading man who talks dirty, really, really dirty. Sex, lots and lots of hot, steamy, sheet gripping and toe-curling sex. Due to the dark and explicit nature of this book, it is recommended for mature audiences only.

  If this is not what you want to read about then this might not be the book for you, but if it is then sit back, buckle up and enjoy the ride.

  Other titles by Elle M Thomas:


  Revealing His Prize

  One Night Or Forever

  Love in Vegas Series (to be read in order)

  Lucky Seven (Book 1)

  Pushing His Luck (Book 2)

  Lucking Out (Book 3)


  When love comes and knocks on your door, be sure to answer or it might just be the biggest regret of your life. Remember, everyone deserves to love and be loved, even you x

  Chapter 1

  Looking around the crowded bar and having fended off yet another advance from an overzealous man who obviously thought all women in the bar were sure things, Eve decided that tonight was a bad idea. The worst idea she’d come up with since Max more than a year ago.

  Sliding from the bar stool she stood between several men and in an attempt to pass them politely said, “Excuse me, excuse me.” But to no avail.

  One man turned to face her. A short, stocky, mousy haired man who whilst not unattractive wasn't really Eve's type. “Hi gorgeous, why don't I get you another drink and we can get to know each other.”

  She wouldn’t describe him as drunk, but Eve detected a hint of a slur to his speech. “No thank you. I was just leaving,” she explained and attempted to move past him again.

  “No way. You and I could make a night of it. We could take it back to mine and make a real night of it.” He grinned lecherously and now there was a definite slur and waft of beer indicating that he was a little more intoxicated than she'd previously thought.

  “No, thank you.” Eve repeated, more insistently, but her suitor was disinclined to take her rebuttal without a fight.

  “Oh, come on. We all know why you're here. The same reason we all are. The dating site set up these nights in regular bars and we all turn up to find fellow singles, so come on, don't play coy.” There was a little bitterness entering his tone, making him sound angrier.

  “Not me.” She protested, outraged at the idea that she’d turned up looking for nothing more than casual sex. The truth was she had no clue what she had been looking for when she’d decided this was a good plan.

  “Who are you trying to kid here, love? Unless—is that it? You like things a bit rough? A fight? Is that what you want? You want me to force myself on you, is that what you get off on?” He was already roughly grabbing at her arm, refusing to let her pass. “I’m happy to oblige.”

  “Ow!” came her cry as his grip tightened and he began to pull at her. “Leave me alone,” Eve cried.

  She felt someone else's presence behind her and hoped this man didn’t come with a friend.

  “Here you are.” The rich, deep, velvety voice that came from behind her seemed to wrap around Eve's very being, immediately giving her a sense of safety and wellbeing. He continued to speak, “You appear to be manhandling my wife and if you don’t take your hands off her, I’ll be forced to lay you out here and now.”

  Eve's would be companion immediately released her, ignoring her as he looked past her. “Sorry, crossed wires. I thought she was here with our group, but, erm, well, sorry again,” he nervously stammered before retreating into the crowd.

  Relieved, Eve took a deep breath before preparing to thank her new husband who had just rescued her. As she turned, she came face to face, well face to chest with a very well-cut charcoal grey suit jacket over a white shirt with the top button undone and the knot of his grey tie pulled loose. He was broad and oozed strength and sex appeal making Eve overtly aware of his physical presence as well as his scent that was assaulting her senses in the most divine way. She was suddenly hyperaware of him but was almost scared to lift her gaze to his face. Scared, in case the face didn't do the body justice or maybe scared that it would.

  Raising her chin, she looked up at a strong jaw, high cheek bones, glittering blue eyes full of good humour and mischief and inky dark hair pushed back from his face, curling slightly into his neck, calling for Eve to touch it, to run her fingers through it. Her glance dropped to his lips. Full, soft looking lips. Lips she suddenly wanted to feel on her own, all over her body. They covered perfectly straight, white teeth that he flashed in a glorious grin that made Eve hold her breath briefly.

  “Thank you,” she said in a near whisper, making his grin broaden.

  “You are most welcome. If I can't save my wife from unwanted attention, then who can?” he asked, stretching a hand towards her.

  Smiling nervously with a shaky hand, Eve accepted his. “I suppose we should at least know each other's names if we're married.”

  “I insist.” A serious expression briefly passed across his face before he guided her away from the crowded bar with one hand on her elbow and the other in the small of her back. Once ushered away into a quieter corner of the hotel bar he turned to face her again. “So, does my wife have a name?”

  “Sorry, yes. Eve, Eve Pardoe.” Looking into the eyes of her new friend she found herself getting lost in them, wanting to gaze into them forever, to drown in them until there was nothing else to see, but wondered why she'd told him her real name, Pardoe. Max's name.

  “Sharp. You'd be Eve Sharp as my wife. I'm Grayson Sharp.” He accepted the hand she offered him but used it as a lever to pull her closer and kiss her cheek gently. “Pleased to meet you, Eve.”

  Liquid heat rushed through the whole of her body as his gentle lips brought her skin to life, startling her before withdrawing, leaving her skin somehow bereft. “You too, Grayson. Thank you again.”

  “Call me Gray. All of my friends do, and I think my wife should be my friend, don't you?”

  The mischief she’d sensed in him made her laugh a little. “Thank you, Gray.” Eve returned his smile with a slightly coyer one of her own.

  “Would you like a drink, or dinner, or whatever?”

  “I should go,” she replied, hoping he’d insist on her staying a while, unsure why or how this man could and did affect her so.

  “Should, but you don't want to. A drink?” His suggestion saw a slight smile beginning to pull at the corner of his lips.

  “Just one then.” Eve tried to sound as though her acceptance was a reluctant one.

  “We'll see,” he replied, already leading her towards the resident’s lounge.

  “Where are we going?”

  “The lounge. It's less crowded and a
little more exclusive and as I have a room booked for the evening I qualify as a resident,” he told her as they entered the sparsely occupied room.

  “You have a room here?” Eve reasoned that this was probably one of the most expensive independent hotels in town and all the singles here were likely to be restricted to the bar because they'd be unlikely to be able to afford the nightly rate. She had assumed the dating site had taken that into consideration when choosing The Stanford as this month’s location for their singles meet and greet. After all, any legitimate dating agency wouldn't want to be accused of arranging dodgy meet ups that led to orgies in budget hotels.

  “Yes, I have a room,” Gray confirmed. “I had an appointment tonight, but my client cancelled.”

  “Oh.” Eve was taking a seat in a booth where Gray slid in next to her and sat close, making her nervous and excited all at the same time.

  A waiter appeared, ready to take their order while she tried to figure out exactly what line of business Grayson Sharp might be in.

  Draining her third glass of wine, Eve suddenly realised she was definitely a little the worse for wear courtesy of an empty stomach and was no closer to knowing what her companion's line of work was.

  “I should go,” she suddenly announced, staggering to her feet, only managing to fall back against the sofa seat of the booth giggling. “I should probably have gone a glass and a half ago.”

  “I'm glad you didn't. I've had fun and it's not a work date.” He wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her close against him, forcing her pulse to speed up.

  Eve could feel and hear the change in her breathing as his body warmed her and she readily softened into his touch. She knew he'd felt it too as his other hand came to rest on her bare knee.

  “Have you eaten?” His fingers moved slowly up Eve's thigh, meeting no resistance and rested where stockings would have ended had she worn them.

  “No,” she replied in a husky voice even Eve barely recognised.

  “Let's eat, we can go to my room and order room service if you'd rather.”

  “I, erm, I don't do this and I—erm—I—gosh, this is embarrassing. I'm not looking for, I—” Eve stammered and stuttered before gazing up and focusing on Gray’s lips long enough that he clearly saw this as his cue to kiss her, which is exactly what she was hoping for.

  In the blink of an eye his mouth closed over hers where his lips firmly manipulated hers.

  His lips were soft but powerful as they parted hers and whilst they were foreign, they felt reassuringly familiar. His tongue was in her mouth now, caressing every inch of it, awakening desires she hadn't felt since Max and she now realised just how much she'd missed them.

  Her arms were wrapping around his neck and her fingers impatiently tugged at the inky strands of hair over his collar that felt better than she’d imagined. As the feel of his fingers breached the lace thong she was wearing, she gasped into his mouth, making him break away suddenly, but still left his fingers gently stroking along her wet and needy sex.

  “Let's take this upstairs, Evie,” he said as she allowed her thighs to spread further and ignored his use of Evie.

  “I can't,” Eve protested weakly as he turned his body slightly and masked their activity from anyone that might be watching.

  “You want me to stop?” His words sounded genuine. “If I have misunderstood,” he began and was already preparing to remove his digits from her.

  “No, sorry.” Eve sounded and felt as confused as Gray seemed to be, but he held still as he spoke again.

  “You want this Eve, we both do, so why are you fighting it? What are you thinking?”

  He penetrated her with two fingers, Eve shook at the first waves of pleasure hit her body, she was so out of practice at doing this with another person, she had to grip Gray's shoulders to stay upright.

  “I don't know what I'm thinking. I don't even know that I'm capable of thinking right now,” she admitted in broken moans.

  “Then let me tell you what I'm thinking.” He stroked inside her. “I am thinking how tight this sweet little pussy of yours will squeeze me when I make you come as I fuck you,” he said darkly but all she could reply with was a low rumble of a moan. “I know what you want Eve, and you want this, you want me to give you this,” he told her as his thumb found her clitoris that he began to circle at a torturous, slow pace.

  “How do you know what I want?” Eve asked curiously as she began shuffling towards his touch hoping for more pressure, a quickening pace or anything he could offer now.

  “Call it a necessity in my line of work.” His reply confused and worried her. “I won’t even charge you my usual rate.” He grinned.

  Eve realised what he was telling her, what he was, and was stunned, but she couldn’t deny that she was incredibly attracted to him. It did explain why he was there and why he had a room booked for one night and he'd said a client had cancelled. There was only one explanation; he was a gigolo and was offering her a freebie. This whole thing was wrong, distasteful and yet, as she felt a climax thundering towards her at his hands, she knew she wanted whatever he was offering.

  “Usual rate?” Eve managed to ask before he began to roll her clitoris between his finger and thumb.

  “Mmm,” he whispered in her ear with a nip at the lobe. “Yes. Usual rate and I am very, very good, but very, very expensive. Satisfaction is guaranteed.”

  With a gasp of pleasure and shock, she firmly dug her nails deep into his shoulders and realised she was on the verge of coming in the middle of this very public location in front of all the people assembled. Maybe nobody would notice. Who was she kidding? Eve hadn't come at someone else's hands for over a year, nearer two and knew she'd struggle to do this discreetly, so that left two choices, get up and leave, alone, or take Gray up on his offer and go up to his room.

  “Gray,” Eve moaned hoarsely.

  “What? What is it, baby? What do you want, Evie?” He tormented her with his words as well as his fingers now.

  “You, I want you,” she admitted desperately.

  “Then what are we waiting for?” He released himself from Eve's hands before removing his fingers from her body and deliberately, slowly dried them on a handkerchief he pulled from his pocket. “I can't wait to taste you as you come on my tongue,” he told her from beneath hooded eyes making Eve swallow hard expectantly. “Come on.” He pulled her to her feet and exited the lounge.

  Heading towards the lifts, past the reception desk with Eve's hand tightly held in his they came to a standstill as the receptionist called to him.

  “Mr Sharp, a message has been left for you.” The pretty blonde held a folded piece of paper towards Gray and smiled.

  “Thank you.” He seemed oblivious to the look of attraction and longing spreading across the young woman's face.

  He barely glanced at the note before returning his attention to Eve, making her feel like nobody else existed for him at that moment.

  “Come on, before I forget where we are and strip you off before we get upstairs,” he said loud enough that the receptionist heard, making Eve flush and grin simultaneously.

  Unsure whether she flushed externally or not, a rush of heat flooded her whole body making Eve literally go weak at the knees causing her to stumble slightly. Catching her arm, Gray escorted her to the lift where the car arrived almost immediately revealing an empty space. He stepped in first and pulled Eve in behind him. Placing her in the corner of the mirrored box he immediately pressed himself against her. He tugged the skirt of her dress up and ran his hands across the expanse of her bare behind then the apex of her thighs where the black lacy fabric was stuck to her due to their wetness.

  “God, Evie,” he moaned as she widened her stance, allowing him to step between her thighs.

  “Gray.” She was beyond nervous. “I haven't done this…” Eve started, making him stare down at her curiously.

  “What? You're not a virgin?” he asked making her laugh loudly and relax as she wrapped her legs around
his thighs.

  “No, but it's been a while, and I'm not a one-night stand kind of girl usually,” she explained.

  “I see, but you want this?” He gently cupped Eve's behind, certain she wanted this as much as he did.

  “Yes, I do,” she confirmed with a shy smile.

  “I like your dress.” Gray’s words seemed random as he fingered the zip running along the back.

  “Thank you.” Eve grinned, looking down at her dress that was currently flapping at the open back gathered around the waist.

  The raspberry, stretch lace skater dress she'd chosen to wear flattered her shape with it's scalloped, plunging neckline, cupping her firm, ample breasts that she was desperate for him to touch, to tease with his fingers, tongue, lips and teeth. The mid-thigh hemline made her legs appear longer and leaner, although at a little over five and a half feet she already had fairly long legs. The fitted high waist nipped Eve's middle in, and the flair of the skirt covered her behind that she'd always felt was a little too big, but apparently Gray disagreed as he rubbed and caressed it.

  “Your arse is so sexy, Evie. You are so sexy.” He kissed her again as the lift came to a stop on his floor.

  She was oblivious to any other guests as he carried her from the lift, down the hall and stopped at his room. With one arm wrapped tightly around her waist he dipped his free hand into his pocket, retrieved his key card and opened the door.

  “Do you have a condom?” Eve asked, suddenly thinking through what they were about to do, what she was about to do.

  “Yes, I have some.” He grinned before carrying her over the threshold.


  He laughed again as he placed her on the ground. “Yes, some. I have a feeling one won’t be enough. Nice shoes.”

  He looked down at the black suede, open toed sandal. The intricate folds of fabric that made up a flower or bow across the front accentuated the manicured nails that were currently painted a similar shade to her dress while the closed in back and the slim ankle straps showed off Eve's rather delicate ankles perfectly while the high heel extended her legs even further.


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