New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 6

by Elle M Thomas

  Chapter 6

  The woman holding Gray looked at Eve and with a simple cut of her eyes immediately released Gray who was grinning from ear to ear with a combination of pleasure at seeing Eve and amusement at her use of his own words from a fortnight before.

  “Eve,” he said, almost in a whisper as he stared at her disbelievingly.

  “Gray,” she replied, before allowing herself a broad smile as she reached across and smoothed his tie down.

  “What are you doing here? Is it for the dating thing?” He gestured distastefully towards the people gathered.

  She shook her head. “You? A client, a freebie?” she asked, scared suddenly of the answer.

  “No, no. God, we need to have a conversation, baby,” he told her before asking again, “What are you doing here?”

  “You,” she replied honestly.

  “Me?” he asked, grinning.

  “Yes, you. One night and you've been driving me mad ever since,” she admitted making him laugh.

  “I can certainly relate to that. I've been seeing you everywhere I go. I've even joined Single No More at over forty pounds for a month, but I couldn't find you, it's like you don't exist. In fact, I was beginning to think I was going insane and had imagined you.”

  “I am definitely real, and I do exist, but maybe not in the way you mean.”

  Her mysterious response caused a frown to crease Gray’s forehead. “What the hell does that mean?”

  Someone pushing past Eve knocked her forward causing her to fall as far as his arms that were only too happy to break her fall and hold her safely.

  “Come on,” said Gray, “This is not the place for either of us.”

  Nodding her agreement, she smiled and relaxed as his arm snaked around her waist and he led her towards the exit.

  “We could use the resident's lounge.” Gray paused in the hotel lobby.

  “Or we could use room service,” suggested Eve.

  “I am unsure we'll need room service if we go up to my room,” replied Gray honestly.

  “Then forget room service.” Eve turned to face Gray.

  “What, so you can run out on me again?” asked Gray angrily.

  “No, I won’t. Sorry. I was confused,” she admitted.

  “Yeah, so was I after I got your note,” he told her as he led her towards the lifts.

  “Goodnight Mr Sharp, Mrs Sharp,” called Emma as they passed by.

  They exchanged a smile. When the lift arrived Gray dragged Eve inside and positioned her in the same corner he had previously, immediately lifting her against the wall then walked between her open thighs.

  “I really would like to talk to you, Eve. That is your name, isn't it?” Gray asked as he began to tease Eve's lips with his own, withholding them from her, keeping them just out of reach.

  “Of course it is,” replied Eve slightly offended at his inference.

  “So how come I couldn't find any Eve Pardoe locally?” His hand made its way under the skirt of her dress.

  “It's a long story, but I am, I was Eve Pardoe,” she explained as his finger moved beneath her Brazilian brief and were moving inside her with a scissor like manoeuvre opening her up. “God, Grayson, I really am going to come,” she moaned as his lips and teeth snared her earlobe.

  “Not yet, Evie, you're going to have to work for this one, baby,” he told her darkly. “I usually hate being called Grayson, but when you say it, I like it.” He freed himself from her and set her down on her feet as the lift stopped for them to depart.

  Taking her hand, Gray led her to his room, the same room as before. Maybe he always kept the same room and that’s what he'd meant when he suggested working for her climax. That she would have to pay.

  She literally froze to the spot staring at the now open door, totally at a loss what to say or do.

  “Eve, what's wrong?” There was genuine concern in his voice.

  “Is this your room? Your usual room? Your office so to speak?” She swallowed hard and for the first time since arriving at The Stanford was regretting being there.

  “What? I don't underst—” he started and with a single laugh he shook his head. “I am not and have never been an escort, gigolo or male prostitute. You seem to have misunderstood some of the comments, the boasts I made on out first meeting,” Gray explained.

  “Then what do you do?” She was beyond relieved.

  “I co-own a company,” he started and then appeared to bring himself up sharply. “I am happy to talk about it, Eve, about myself, but I need to know who I am talking to first.” He stroked a loose strand of hair from her face, gently thumbing across her cheek, lips, jaw and neck.

  A low moan broke the silence as Eve tried to soften into his touch. “We could talk later, or tomorrow, but not now,” suggested Eve from beneath her thick, dark lashes.

  “Have you got your phone with you?” asked Gray, stepping into the room.

  “Yes, why?” Eve looked puzzled.

  “What's your number?” Gray pulled his own phone from his pocket.

  Eve gave Gray her number, reciting it from memory, allowing him to input it into his own phone. Watching her carefully he continued to key into his phone before a broad smile spread across his face as Eve's message alert sounded at the same time that her phone vibrated in her hand. She looked down at it, then back up at Gray and back down to her phone.

  Ok Mrs Sharp have it your way, for now. We will talk later & fuck now. Mr Sharp x

  Eve smiled at the message and then up at Gray before replying by text.

  Agreed Mr Sharp. U should know that I like things my way. Do u plan on inviting me in or r u going to fuck me out here? Mrs Sharp x

  Without another word being exchanged verbally or via text, Gray reached across the threshold and pulled her against him firmly before crushing her against the wall with his body.

  “You thought I'd given you a false number?” There was a slight question in her tone.

  “I wondered, but you didn't.” He grinned down at her.

  “I should probably be cross with you for being so suspicious,” Eve replied, allowing Gray to unzip her dress.

  “Hardly, you ran out on me. I think I was well within my rights to check that information,” he insisted as he pulled the dress down her arms.

  “How did I end up in the wrong here?” she asked laughing as her dress pooled around her feet.

  “It's a knack I have. Oh baby, here we are again, you standing in just your knickers and come fuck me shoes.” He inhaled sharply.

  “I really do feel the need to tell you again that I am not this sort of girl,” insisted Eve as Gray pulled off his own clothes and threw them behind him.

  “So you said last time.” He smirked, irritating Eve slightly as she thought he was disputing her claim.

  “I'm not, never have been, until you,” she told him as she reached out and pressed her flat palms against his hard chest.


  “No, only with you, for you. You have done something to me, Grayson. From the moment you rescued me in the bar to now, and every minute in between, I’ve dreamed, of you, wondered how to find you again, relived that night over and over, in my head, in my bed, my shower...” she said, suddenly embarrassed at her admission.


  “Really,” she confirmed with a deep flush. “You said you had imagined seeing me in places, well same for me.”

  “What did you mean that you'd relived that night in your bed and your shower?” asked Gray with an arched brow embarrassing her further.

  “You know,” she protested.

  “Tell me,” he insisted as he pulled her whole body against his near naked one. Just his boxers remained, having just pulled his socks off with the heel of his foot.

  “You're going to make me say it, aren't you?” she asked to a definite nod of his head. “In my bed, I made myself come and I thought of you and our night together, how you'd made me feel, and in the shower. I was going mad thinking of you and I neede
d to feel it again and that was the closest I could get, but it really wasn't the same, without you, although…”


  “I found that I called to you, for you, every time,” she admitted to a shocked looking Gray.

  “Anyone that knows me considers me arrogant, conceited and rather bullish and would say that my ego is already far too inflated, but if you continue to make confessions like that I will need all doors widening and an extra panel in my trousers.” He pushed one of her hands over the bulge in his boxers. “I also relived our night over and over, especially when I made myself come. I even went as far as imagining coming across your beautiful tits in the shower,” he told her, shocking her slightly, but exciting her more.

  “Gray, please. I need you to touch me, to kiss me, to make me come and to fuck me,” she cried hoarsely as his arms snaked around her waist whilst hers wrapped around his neck before he picked her up and carried her to the bed where he lay her down gently.

  It was at least an hour later and Gray still held Eve teetering on the brink of her release, but every time she came close he would stop what he was doing and use his words to torment her as he pulled her into a different position. He had taken her lying on her back, side and front using his penis, fingers and tongue to torture her until she was crying and begging for more.

  Lying next to her now he traced a finger across her breasts and then moved in circles until he had captured her nipples in turn and pinched them tightly, tugged at them until she was arching off the bed in desperation.

  “I was so beside myself with the need to see you again,” he told her as he rubbed the pad of his thumb across each nipple, “I just didn't know how. Then when I came here and they told me about these regular singles nights I had to come tonight, to see you, to have you and to prevent you seeing anyone else. You haven't seen anyone off that Godforsaken site, have you?” he asked seriously as she began to moan and melt into his touch.

  “No, I don't think it's for me. They're all a bit desperate,” she conceded as his other hand pulled her leg over his, exposing her to him.

  “It is definitely not for you, baby. I told you that before.” His thumb opened her folds, producing a gasp from her. “But you'd fit in with the desperation,” he told her as he penetrated her forcefully, making her cry out to him. “You are desperate, aren't you?” he teased as his thumb circled inside her before he pumped it in and out of her.

  “Yes, desperate for you,” she whined tearfully.

  Gray unhanded her and was obviously reaching behind him towards the bedside table. His hand reappeared in front of her face holding a foil wrapper.

  “I think you may have waited long enough, baby, and I certainly have. I need to be deep inside you Evie, fucking you and hearing you come, feeling you squeezing me and pulling me into you.”

  She accepted the condom from him and rolled over to find him lying on his back looking up at her expectantly. She unwrapped the condom and sheathed him quickly before he pulled her across his abdomen. Resting against him she breathed deeply, making him smile.

  “Take whatever you want.” He placed his hands behind his head in a relaxed pose.

  Raising herself up, Eve flushed as she realised there was a stretchy, sticky trail connecting her sleek, slippery sex to Gray's belly.

  “Sorry,” she said shyly.

  “Hey, don't ever apologise for me making you so wet, Eve. You know that ego thing we were talking about earlier? I can feel it swelling some more.” He smiled up at her. “And talking of swelling.” He grinned as he tilted his hips up and poked her in the behind.

  “Oh, yes, I'd almost forgot about that,” she lied as she moved her whole body down until she was hovering over his groin.

  She lowered her hand and once she had guided his erection to the entrance of her sex, she lowered herself down and gasped as he stretched her wide then filled her. She began to rise and fall at a slow pace and increased a little, never taking her eyes of Gray's sparkling blue gems twinkling in the room that was illuminated by the full moon shining through the curtain free window.

  “Oh yes, that's it, baby. You're squeezing me, making me want to come. God, I wish I was going to come inside you,” he told her, resulting in her increasing the speed she moved with.

  “Oh, Gray, oh yes,” she moaned as the first real stirrings of her orgasm began to form in her stomach and ripple downwards to her clitoris.

  “I am going to be the only one to fuck you, Eve, to see you like this. The only one you masturbate to, the only one who comes across your tits in the shower, the only one to spank your sexy arse while I fuck you in your come fuck me shoes,” he told her as she approached the point of no return in her pleasure.

  One hand moved from behind his head and dropped between them where he found her clitoris that he simply applied pressure to, taking her beyond the point of no return in sweaty cries, sobs and real tears that he gently wiped away. Before her own climax was completely spent, Gray had put an arm around her behind and the other was cradling her shoulders and neck to enable him to roll her over whilst remaining coupled.

  Eve looked up at him as she found herself sprawled beneath him with his merciless pace pounding away between her thighs. She felt liberated to know that she could prompt this kind of reaction in a man, any man, but especially a man like Gray.

  “You need to cancel your membership to the cattle market downstairs,” he cried angrily as his face began to contort, signalling the imminent onset of his own climax.

  “Yes,” she replied, although she’d noted that he had not made it a request regarding her subscription to Single No More.

  In an attempt to confirm her reply she squeezed herself around him, inside and out and was shocked to find that she was falling over the precipice of her own pleasure once more and with the clenching that prompted in her she carried him there with her.

  They lay huddled together, still joined briefly until Gray realised he was still atop Eve and probably making her uncomfortable or worse hurting her. He partially withdrew before driving back into her making her realise how sore and tender she felt, as she had done a fortnight ago, but more so this time. Maybe Gray noticed her discomfort because he withdrew completely now, seemingly reluctantly, but once he returned from the bathroom, he seemed more content.

  “Do you want anything to eat or drink?”

  “Not unless there's anything up here.” She explained, “The idea of room service makes me uncomfortable, call it a working-class thing, plus, whoever brings it up would know what we've been up to.”

  Laughing, Gray knelt next to her on the bed and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “So? We're married, remember?”

  He'd meant it light heartedly, she knew that, but it made her think of her conversation with Annette. “I'm fine, really,” she snapped startling Gray.

  “Sorry, have I said something wrong?”

  “No, no. I'm just tired,” she lied.

  “If you say so, but we do need to talk. Tomorrow, we'll have dinner, okay?”

  “Yes.” She agreed a little reluctantly but sensed it would be non-negotiable.

  “I have to be up and out of here no later than eight, what about you?” He was setting an alarm on his phone.

  “Shit! I need to go home and get changed before work, so no later than seven,” she realised.

  “Alarm set for six then,” he said making her grimace. “I really am going to have to make you come in the shower before we leave here and I really, really would like to come across your tits,” he said repeating his earlier confession.

  “That is a date then.” She smiled as he pulled her towards him and kissed her nose gently before wrapping her in his arms and legs.

  Eve woke up before the alarm sounded and felt stifled and then conflicted by Gray’s physical presence on and around her; his legs weighed heavily across hers while the arm draped across her felt reassuring, safe, his breath on the back of her neck was warm and soothing.

  She won
dered why the positive feelings of this outweighed the negative ones, whereas previously, with other boyfriends she'd hated this, she'd found it claustrophobic and unnecessary. Even with Max it had been uncomfortable, although Max wasn’t really into co-sleeping like this, he was happy to stick to his own side of the bed in sleep, but yet again Gray was different, with him she was different after just two nights spread across two weeks.

  Relaxing against his body that pressed against her back, she closed her eyes and succumbed to sleep for a while longer.

  Gray woke to find himself lost in Eve; arms across her, gently touching her, whilst his legs were all over hers, holding her, possibly stopping her leaving him again. His lips were pressed against her neck and his nose was full of the scent of her hair that was fanning across the pillow and gently touching his face.

  What the hell was going on with him? He hated that whole touchy feely post sex thing that women normally wanted; it seemed unnatural to him that having already been as close as two people could be that you then needed to cling to them. Yet that is exactly how he felt with Eve, what he wanted, no, what he needed to do was to cling onto her for as long as he could, to keep her as close as was humanly possible.

  During the night he had felt her wriggling free of him and although he knew she was just adjusting her position to be comfortable he had pulled her back to him, the thought of not being close to her felt unbearable, the idea of her not being next to him felt wrong.

  After telling himself off for being so sentimental and for overthinking himself and his actions, Gray began to gently kiss across Eve's neck then her shoulders until she began to stir and roll towards him.

  “Good morning,” Gray whispered hoarsely as Eve's eyes fluttered open.

  “And good morning to you,” she replied, stretching up to run a hand through his hair.


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