New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 18

by Elle M Thomas

  “This is nice, you can put your make-up on in natural light, there's enough room to dress and check out your whole appearance in the very sexy mirror, Mr Sharp.” The connotations and possibilities of that excited her. She flushed as she recalled his suggestion of what he was going to do to her in front of her own bedroom mirrors.

  “That's me, you and another mirror, Evie, but for now, let's go.” He grinned, grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the bedroom. “Grab your stuff and I will see you downstairs in five.”

  Alone in his bedroom, his bedroom that no woman had ever shared with him, Eve smiled to herself. Knowing being here was unusual made her feel special and that pleased her beyond ecstatic.

  Chapter 15

  “So, this is your gym?” Eve felt sure she was likely to be underdressed and nowhere near posh enough as they entered the luxurious building that looked like it should belong to a foreign embassy or a member of the aristocracy.

  Gray smiled down at her and headed to the desk where he presented his membership card and signed her in as his guest.

  “Would madam like to book in for a treatment or two?” asked the receptionist who wore the tightest leotard and leggings Eve had ever seen and felt slightly jealous of the other woman's figure that was flawless in a tight, toned, small breasted, petite version of perfect.

  “I'm not sure, erm...” stammered Eve feeling foolish as well as inadequate now.

  “Do you have an itinerary of what's available today? Maybe my girlfriend could peruse it poolside and get back to you if she decides on anything.” Gray thought that Eve wasn't as together as bright, clever, articulate Eve often appeared to be, especially when she was out of her comfort zone or when unexpected things sprang up. He liked that vulnerability in her because if nothing else, it allowed him to take care of things, to take care of her.

  “Of course, Mr Sharp,” smiled the pretty blonde, turning to Eve who suddenly realised that this woman was his type. She was the sort he had previously been attracted to, probably still was.

  Suddenly, irrationally, Eve began to wonder if he knew this woman, Maddie, according to her name badge. Did Gray know her beyond his role as member and hers as staff here?

  “Miss Mariner, I have noted the times you need to book your sessions by and have crossed out any treatments or therapies that are booked for the day.” She smiled warmly before turning to gather towels and keys for them both and a complimentary goodie bag for Eve.

  Staring at the other woman's behind, Eve thought that she had never seen such firm buttocks, ever, on anyone, male or female, and those thighs! Suddenly, the prospect of exercise appealed to Eve if it delivered those results, if it gave her the body that Gray found most attractive. She had always fancied the idea of being a blonde, or at least that’s what she momentarily told herself. Since when had she wanted to be blonde? Never! she told herself disparagingly, not until she'd seen Gray's ideal woman in front of them anyway.

  “Baby, this way.” Gray led Eve towards the stairs.

  He gave her a quick tour of the treatment rooms upstairs, then back down to the ground floor where he took her to the weights room and the machines that she had always assumed were what made gyms into actual gyms. Finally, they went down to the basement where the pool, sauna and Jacuzzi were housed. There were changing rooms with showers on every floor and as Eve looked across the pool to the concertinaing glass windows that were partially open leading onto the large grounds, she realised that this was a house, a huge house. That's what it would have been originally, but now it was a business but still a beautiful house. Whilst Eve was not over familiar with London and certainly not this high-end part of town, she knew it was expensive and exclusive but had no idea that these places existed behind closed doors.

  “Are you staying down here for a while?” asked Gray, suddenly eager to get off and do his own thing.

  She nodded. “I may have a sauna, then a swim and I think there's a lounger with my name on it.” She grinned.

  “Okay, I'll be back in about an hour. The bar is over there, just ask for anything you need and give them the card.” Gray leaned down, kissed Eve on the cheek and left her in the pretty deserted pool area.

  After changing and locking her stuff away Eve spent about twenty minutes in the sauna before she could stand no more heat and headed towards the pool where she swam for another twenty minutes. Vacating the pool, she noticed that the area had filled up and as a few families began to enter the pool she was relieved to be heading for the lounger. Lying back, she casually glanced around and was disappointed that Gray hadn't yet returned. He was in the proper part of the gym where she’d earlier considered visiting, but her interest in obtaining the body of a goddess had passed, along with her very brief desire to engage in exercise. The splashing of children in the pool was beginning to get as far as her feet and legs and although she would have liked them to stop, she didn't feel able to ask them to do so, after all, she wasn't even a member and they were having fun so decided to spend a little time in the empty Jacuzzi.

  Getting to her feet, Eve popped her flip flops on and casually strolled down towards the hot tub and smiled at a woman of a similar age in the pool, struggling to contain the enthusiasm of her three children. A man of about twenty was smiling at her too as he swam another length of the pool and after flushing slightly, she returned his smile and hurried to her destination. She kicked her flip flops off and climbed into the tub where she hit the button that made all the bubbles.

  Leaning back, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of the little bubbles breaking against her skin causing it to tingle all over, just like the sensations she felt when Gray kissed or touched her. She really did wish he would come back now, maybe he could share the tub with her before anyone else did and enjoy the bubbles too. She heard the moan that left her lips as she clenched her thighs together making her disapprovingly shake her head at herself which in turn made her laugh. Opening her eyes she wasn't surprised to find Gray was in the room, she'd felt it, sensed it maybe, but he hadn't yet seen her, he was talking, to the young lad who'd smiled at her from the pool, the young lad who was talking animatedly with waves of the hands and lots of facial expressions while Gray listened and laughed until the lad said something that caused Gray to look directly at the Jacuzzi and her. He smiled as their eyes locked then frowned at the lad who was now doing the listening rather than the talking.

  Gray suddenly began to stride towards her with the younger man in tow until he reached the steps leading to the foaming water Eve still occupied.

  “Hey, baby.” He grinned, dipping his head to kiss her lips with a gentle, lingering touch. “Lucas, this is Eve, my girlfriend,” said Gray to the other man with a huge emphasis on ‘my’ as if staking his claim. “Eve, meet Lucas Tanner.”

  “I am very pleased to meet you,” smiled the blond man who was several inches shorter than Gray and a little skinny for Eve's taste. Eve reasoned that Lucas was still likely to be filling out. He continued, “Very, very pleased to meet you.” He accepted the hand she had somehow offered him, but he shocked her when he dipped his head and kissed her knuckles.

  “Lucas!” Gray warned with the single word use of the other man's name.

  “Okay.” He smirked, holding his hands up as if to surrender. “Will we be seeing you two at Mother's charity thing?” His question confused Eve.

  “Dunno.” Gray’s tone was suddenly filled with angst.

  “Sam and Tim are coming. Come on, Gray, don't be the miserable sibling, again.” He grinned looking up at Gray and then across at a surprised Eve. “Tell him, Eve. Tell him he has to bring you or you'll ditch him and come out to dinner with his younger, more attractive brother,” teased the younger man.

  “Or you could sod off before I am forced to drown you in the pool.” Gray sounded quite serious.

  “You know you love me really.” He smiled, unfazed by Gray's threat. “Eve, lovely to meet you and I hope not for the last time, but in order to ensure I am not foun
d floating on the surface of the water, I should go.” He grinned again and walked away.

  Eve studied a very uncomfortable looking Gray for a few seconds then smiled as she noticed he was no longer in his gym stuff and was wearing a pair of very flattering, low slung, black swimming shorts with his own flip flops and his sexy bare feet.

  “You changed.” She grinned appreciatively, making him smile back.

  “Well, it only seemed right for the pool. Now are you planning on hogging all the bubbles yourself or shall we share?” asked Gray wryly.

  “Always happy to share with you, Skipper.” She gave him a wink and a cheeky smirk.

  Shaking his head at her he climbed the steps and lowered himself onto the seat next to her. They each sat there and said nothing for several minutes until Gray said, “Anything you want to say or ask, about Lucas maybe?”

  “Not unless you want to tell me. I don't want to pry and I know we said we'd talk this weekend, but maybe here isn't the best place or time,” she replied, leaning into Gray, desperate to ask for details if she was honest, but resisted.

  “He's not my brother, Lucas. He is my mother's stepson, so we're not related at all,” he said bluntly.

  “You don't like him?” asked Eve, thinking that Gray's description was curious.

  “I don't dislike him. He's a typical twenty-year-old I suppose, but he's not my brother despite what he says. Sam is a little more accepting than me and would say he is and describe his sixteen-year-old sister as our sister too, but she's not.”

  “What does your mum think of your take on things?” asked Eve cautiously.

  Shrugging, he answered, “Don't know, and for me her opinion is unimportant. She gave up all rights when she...well, a long time ago. Like you said, now is neither the place nor the time. Lucas told me about this ridiculously hot woman in a very sexy bikini that was hanging around down here,” Gray said, changing the subject.

  “I haven't really noticed anyone down here other than the woman with the kids, the splashers up there and Lucas.” Her honest reply made Gray laugh as he dipped to kiss her shoulder then her neck, making her soften into him further and allowed her hand to find his thigh in the water.

  “Evie, Evie, he pointed her out to me, and she is currently giving me the biggest hard on I've ever had in a Jacuzzi,” he told her as his own hand cupped her mound over her bikini bottoms.

  “Oh.” She gasped at his comment and his touch.

  “He was right, though. You are the sexiest woman he has ever seen, the sexiest woman ever, full stop,” he whispered making her shudder at his words and the gentle stroking of his fingers over her fabric covered sex. “Baby,” he whispered huskily as he took her hand on his thigh in his free hand and placed it inside his shorts where she found an erection. The size of it made her look up at him and smile.

  “For me?” It sounded as if he’d just handed her a gift-wrapped box.

  “It's not for anyone else,” he told her seriously.

  “Do they have shared changing rooms here?” She was desperate to be alone with him now.

  “Unfortunately not, but nobody seems to be watching us in here,” he replied and kissed her shoulder again as she gripped him firmly and began to pump her fist around him. “I'm going to make you come,” he told her darkly as his fingers slipped beneath her bikini and found her clitoris standing out, in need of his touch.

  His mouth moved to her ear and allowed him to drive her towards a climax quickly by using his words as well as his fingers along with the bubbles and ripples of the water.

  “I can't wait to fuck you again, Evie. I've missed your pussy, so warm and wet and desperate for my dick. I can feel how close you are to coming, baby, and all of these people are going to be able to see you just sitting here, but they won’t know what's happening to you, only I will. You want to come, don't you? You want me to keep flicking and playing with your clit until you come again, don't you?” he asked as dark as he had ever been and expected an answer.

  “Yes, please, Grayson, please,” she begged quietly.

  “Next time we come here I am going to make you remove the bikini and I am going to fuck you in here, Eve, would you like that?” he asked with a slight grimace as the speed of her pumping fist increased.

  “Yes,” she panted. “I'm going to come,” she said suddenly.

  “Look at me, Eve. Let me see you do it for me, baby,” he told her and as she looked up at him he pinched her clitoris tightly making her feel as though her body was being torn apart in what really could be classed as an Earth shattering climax.

  Eve couldn't believe the intensity of her release and was unsure whether it was the water and the bubbles, or Gray's dialogue or even the public environment, but she had never felt anything quite like this and try as she might she knew she was about to cry out or scream and had no way of stopping it. Gray obviously knew or sensed that this was the case and closed his mouth over hers allowing her moans to be stifled sufficiently that nobody was aware of what they were doing beyond kissing each other.

  As her own pleasure was beginning to subside and with her still gripping his erection firmly, her lips on his and her tongue in his mouth, his body froze. With just a few sharp thrusts he had emptied his seed over her hand and into the water. Eve was unsure who released who, but as they each sat back, slightly breathless and smiling, they exchanged a knowing glance as a dark-skinned man ascended the steps and joined them, but on the opposite side of the tub.

  They exchanged smiles and with an embarrassed flush crawling up her skin, Eve couldn’t help but wonder if the man had seen or suspected what they had done and suddenly she felt horrified that she had done that and as the possible hygiene consequences registered she flushed an even darker shade of crimson.

  The man smiled again and focusing on him, Eve decided he was probably about thirty-five with the start of a spread across his belly, probably from too much rich food and no exercise she decided, despite them being in a gym.

  “Aldo, listen to Mama,” he called to one of the three children in the pool with their mother.

  His Italian accent explained his colouring decided Eve as she turned to Gray and smiled.

  “Did you want to get a massage or anything?” asked Gray, chatting quite normally and although he appeared to be oblivious to her underlying embarrassment he clearly wasn’t.

  “Here?” asked Eve in response then flushed as she realised that their bathing partner was watching and listening.

  “I'll happily give you a rub down, baby, but I did mean here, professionally.” Gray laughed, making her laugh too as she blushed a little more.

  “If you want to, but I'm not really bothered. In fact, I was thinking about dinner,” Eve replied and as if on cue a loud grumble came from her tummy.

  “Okay, you go and get changed and I'll meet you upstairs.” Gray knew he’d need just a few more minutes before his shorts would hide his excitement.

  She agreed with a nod, knowing exactly why he needed a little time, whereas she was perfectly covered and back to her respectable self after rearranging her bikini bottoms once Gray had removed his hand from them.

  “Dino!” cried the man opposite them at another child in the pool but got no further than that as he looked across at Eve open mouthed as she appeared above the water.

  Gray looked as stunned by her appearance as the other man as she climbed out of the Jacuzzi and descended the steps before putting on her flip flops to walk the length of the pool, turning every male head she passed.

  She really was gorgeous, he'd thought that from the first second he'd seen her, but the more he got to know her, the more he saw her, the sexier she became to him and that bikini was something else. It was a metallic colour, a copper, that seemed to make her eyes look like amber, but the fabric looked like reptile skin and the top that was struggling to contain her perfect, full breasts was essentially just two triangles of fabric with a thick tie back and a shoestring halter-neck. The brief was probably considered to be a full
brief but as Eve walked away from Gray swinging her beautiful hips as she went it wasn't full enough to hold her behind entirely. The full globes that filled, overfilled his hands, teased and taunted every man in the place with the underside of each cheek peeping out and the tie sides were just begging to be undone and pulled from her, not pulled, but dragged, dragged along her sex so that it aroused her as it was removed.

  God! He had to stop thinking about stripping her and fucking her or he would never be able to leave the tub. What was it she'd said? That she did four day periods, which meant he could be fucking her by Tuesday, and it couldn't arrive soon enough, he was desperate for her.

  The man opposite distracted Gray, but he missed what he'd said.

  “Sorry?” Gray invited the man to repeat himself.

  “I was just asking if that's your wife?” asked the man.

  “Oh, no,” replied Gray with an unbelievably arid mouth as he watched Eve's copper arse disappearing from sight to what he was convinced was a collective sigh from every man in the place.

  “Sorry, I thought that you and the beautiful lady...” said the Italian man confused.

  “She's my girlfriend,” Gray clarified, “Not my wife.”

  “Ah I see. Ladies like that do not stay single for long so...” the smiling man now said and allowed his voice to trail off again to allow Gray time to absorb what he was inferring and Gray did precisely that.

  He knew that she was special, and Max had seen that too. He’d ended up getting Eve to agree to be his wife even though by her own admission she'd had no desire to be married. The Italian guy opposite did not need to point out that every man there was drooling, that she had the best tits and arse ever. He didn't need to point it out because Gray knew that from that first night in the bar, he'd also known that a girl like Eve should be attached permanently, he'd told her that, hadn't he? When he'd told her to cancel her membership to that damned singles dating site it was because she was too good. She should never have been there with those men, pawing her, thinking they had a chance with her. He suddenly realised that he hadn't checked whether she had cancelled her membership. His was still active as he had to give notice, which really meant they wanted a full month’s money from him with his thirty days’ notice, but he had cancelled his that day after she'd found him in the bar.


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